Скачать презентацию Iowa DOT Multi-discipline Safety Planning Forum Putting the Скачать презентацию Iowa DOT Multi-discipline Safety Planning Forum Putting the


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Iowa DOT Multi-discipline Safety Planning Forum: “Putting the Pieces Together” How Wisconsin Incorporates Safety Iowa DOT Multi-discipline Safety Planning Forum: “Putting the Pieces Together” How Wisconsin Incorporates Safety Into Transportation Planning -County Traffic Safety Commissions An Unrealized Opportunity Martha Florey, MS, JD Wisconsin Highway Safety Office, Retired Ames Iowa March 10, 2008

Some Background – Wisconsin 5, 563, 900 population (2005) 72 counties 17 WI Metropolitan Some Background – Wisconsin 5, 563, 900 population (2005) 72 counties 17 WI Metropolitan Statistical Areas - including 4 cross-border MSAs Milwaukee City -- 602, 782 population Milwaukee/Waukesha MSA -- 1, 510, 000 population 600+ law enforcement agencies 400+ ambulance service providers 10, 000 miles of roads of state jurisdiction 110, 000 mile of roads of local jurisdiction In 2006, 712 traffic deaths in 112, 877 crashes In 2007, 739 deaths 2

Metropolitan Statistical Areas 2007 Metropolitan Statistical Areas 2007

More Wisconsin Background – Large Umbrella State Agencies Department of Transportation • • • More Wisconsin Background – Large Umbrella State Agencies Department of Transportation • • • Planning, Budget, Project management for all modes Distribution of Local Transportation Aids DMV WI State Patrol Motor Carrier Regulation and Enforcement Governor’s Highway Safety Office Department of Health and Family Service • • Community Health & Injury Prevention Programs EMS and WARDS Ambulance Run Data System Trauma System and Trauma Registry Bureau of Health Information & Policy 6

Department of Administration Division of Enterprise Technology • Justice IT - Manages the state's Department of Administration Division of Enterprise Technology • Justice IT - Manages the state's information technology (IT) assets; provides statewide computer systems for district attorneys and coordinating electronic information sharing among the courts, district attorneys and justice agencies at the state and local levels. • GIS - Through the Geographic Information Office, the division coordinates Wisconsin's geospatial information activities and provides geographic information systems (GIS) services to state agencies, service organizations and local governments. Division of Intergovernmental Relations • Demographic Service Center – census and population information: http: //www. doa. state. wi. us/section_detail. asp? linkcatid=11&linkid=64&locid=9 • Comprehensive Planning - http: //www. doa. state. wi. us/category. asp? linkcatid=743&linkid=128&locid=9 Public Safety - No Umbrella Agency WI Dept of Justice – Division of Law Enforcement Services: http: //www. doj. state. wi. us/dles/ Training & Standards, TIME System DOA - Office of Justice Assistance: http: //oja. state. wi. us/ Crime statistics, WIJIS Justice Gateway 8

Educational and Research Institutions UW Madison • • Civil and Environmental: Engineering http: //www. Educational and Research Institutions UW Madison • • Civil and Environmental: Engineering http: //www. engr. wisc. edu/cee/ Traffic Operations & Safety Lab http: //www. topslab. wisc. edu/ Midwest Regional Transportation Research Center http: //www. mrutc. org/ School of Urban & Regional Planning http: //urpl. wisc. edu/ Applied Population Lab http: //www. ssc. wisc. edu/poplab/ Population Health Sciences http: //www. pophealth. wisc. edu/ State Cartographer http: //www. sco. wisc. edu/ UW Extension Cooperative Extension • Community, Natural Resources and Economic Development http: //www. uwex. edu/ces/about/cnred. cfm UW Milwaukee • Graduate School of Architecture and Urban Planning http: //www. graduateschool. uwm. edu/students/prospective/areas-of-study/urban -planning/ Marquette University • College of Engineering – Transportation Engineering and Planning http: //www. marquette. edu/engineering/pages/All. You. Need/Civil_Environmental/ 9 Overview/Transportation. html

Wisconsin is a Local Control State, with Open Access to Information Open Records Law Wisconsin is a Local Control State, with Open Access to Information Open Records Law – • Public has nearly complete access to Wis. DOT and justice system records. Sec. 16. 61, Wis. Stats, and Sec. 19. 21 -19. 39, Wis. Stats http: //wsll. state. wi. us/topic/records/open. html. • Also see our CCAP (Circuit Court Access Project) http: //wcca. wicourts. gov/index. xsl; jsessionid=5 CB 11 EE 7 B 1 F 7 F 7 B 96 ADEBD 0 339 A 5040 A. render 2 Strong Local Government Associations • Wisconsin Counties Association: http: //www. wicounties. org/ • Wisconsin Towns Association: http: //www. wisctowns. com/ • Wisconsin County Highway Commissioners: Sec. 83. 01, Wis. Stats. Wisconsin County Highway Association: http: //www. wcha. net • Wisconsin Land Information Association: http: //www. wlia. org/ • Local Roads and Streets Council http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/localgov/lrsc/index. htm 10

Safety Planning in Wis. DOT DTIM – Bureau of Planning and Economic Development coordinates Safety Planning in Wis. DOT DTIM – Bureau of Planning and Economic Development coordinates multimodal and transportation system plans; establishes policies, system performance measures and investment decision criteria. – Bureau of State Highway Programs coordinates the selection of projects to be included in Wis. DOT's multi-year highway program; establishes and monitors financial plans for those programs; coordinates collection, storage and use of data describing the condition/use of the state trunk highway system; and provides specialized traffic forecasting and modeling services DTSD – Bureau of Highway Operations – Safety Engineering Section – Regional Operations DMV – Bureau of Driver Services – Traffic Accident Section. Crash data entry, Badger Tra. CS Program, Crash location on STN by reference point, official state crash file, annual data, specialized reports DSP – Bureau of Transportation Safety – Safety Programs Section (~GHSO) – Staffs Governor’s Council on Highway Safety (Sec. 15. 467, Wis. Stats, – Staffs Wis. DOT Traffic Safety Council 11 – Coordinates State Traffic Records Coordinating Committee

Wis. DOT Transportation/Safety Plans Wis. DOT Agency Strategic Plan - Mission: “Provide leadership in Wis. DOT Transportation/Safety Plans Wis. DOT Agency Strategic Plan - Mission: “Provide leadership in the development and operation of a safe and efficient transportation system. ” - Wis. DOT Safety Goals/Objectives: “The department will use engineering, education, enforcement and regulatory tools to reduce crash, injury and fatality rates. ” Corridors 2020, Connections 2030 Long-range Transportation Plans - WI Pedestrian Policy Plan 2020 www. dot. wisconsin. gov/projects/state/ped 2020. htm - WI Bicycle Transportation Plan 2020 www. dot. wisconsin. gov/projects/state/bike 2020. htm Wis. DOT Strategic Highway Safety Plan http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/library/publications/topic/safety/ hwy-strategicsafety-plan. pdf SHSO Highway Safety Performance Plan: http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/library/publications/topic/safety/ hwysafetyplanexec-sum. pdf State Traffic Records Strategic Plan: Not available on-line 12

Transportation Planning Responsibilities Wis. DOT: http: //dot. wisconsin. gov/projects/planorg/mpo. htm Long-range Transportation Plans: Corridors Transportation Planning Responsibilities Wis. DOT: http: //dot. wisconsin. gov/projects/planorg/mpo. htm Long-range Transportation Plans: Corridors 2020, Connections 2030 System-wide, multi-modal plans. The Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) a four-year plan of highway and transit projects for Wisconsin. , revised annually, a compilation of all highway (state or local) and transit (capital or operating) projects in urban and rural areas. The STIP plan adopts the Transportation Improvement Programs ITIPs) prepared by the state's 13 metropolitan planning organizations by reference. Resource Guide for Transportation Planning Wis. DOT/DTIM/ Bureau of Planning – (March 2001) Local Comprehensive Plans: required by Sec. 66. 1001, Wis. Stats Transportation is one of 9 required elements 14 Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPOs) in 17 MSAs 8 Regional Planning Commissions (RPCs) covering all except the 6 counties around Madison. 13

County Traffic Safety Commissions Potential Partners in Multi-Disciplinary Safety Planning: Local Control and Local County Traffic Safety Commissions Potential Partners in Multi-Disciplinary Safety Planning: Local Control and Local Empowerment Sec. 83. 013 Wis. Stats (1971) http: //www. legis. state. wi. us/statutes/Stat 0083. pdf Mandated membership is multi-disciplinary - County Highway Commissioner Sec. 83. 01, Wis. Stats. , County Highway Commission - Chief county traffic law enforcement officer - County Highway Safety Coordinator - Sec. 59. 07(34 m) (County) and Sec. 62. 135 (Large Cities) - Representatives from the following disciplines - Education - Medicine - Law - 3 Wis. DOT representatives from: - Law enforcement (Wisconsin State Patrol) - Highways -Wis. DOT Regional Offices – Planners - State Highway Safety Office - Regional Program Managers - Law Enforcement Liaisons 15 - Additional members appointed by County administrator

Mandated Activities for County Traffic Safety Commissions Hold Quarterly Meetings (open meetings, with public Mandated Activities for County Traffic Safety Commissions Hold Quarterly Meetings (open meetings, with public notice) • Prepare meeting notes and file with State Review local crash data and related matters. • Municipalities must provide local crash data quarterly. Sec. 66. 0141, Wis. Stats. • Wis. DOT must provide crash and citation data and maps for all highways quarterly. Sec. 83. 013, Wis. Stats Update a ‘spot map’ of traffic crashes on local roads and city and village streets Make written recommendations for corrective actions to Wis. DOT, the county board, the county highway committee or other branch of local government State-level coordination of Traffic Safety Commissions • Wisconsin Highway Safety Coordinators Association (WHSCA) • Highway Safety Office Staff 16

Local Data Available to Highway Safety Commissions Objective – Local Empowerment by providing access Local Data Available to Highway Safety Commissions Objective – Local Empowerment by providing access to state databases and improving their ability to collect, manage and use their local data. Wis. Trans. Portal: http: //transportal. cee. wisc. edu/about. html • Internet access to detailed crash data for all roads, for employees of state and municipal governments, but only STN crashes are geo-coded. WISLR – WI Information System for Local Roads (WISLR) http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/localgov/wislr/index. htm • WISLR is an Internet-accessible system that helps local governments and Wis. DOT manage local road data. With Geographic Information System technology, WISLR combines local road data with interactive mapping functionality. Users may display their data in a tabular format, on a map, or both. Badger Tra. CS and Citation Tracking System – • Free, state-facilitated, non-mandated automated crash and citation data collection and transmission. Local users may geo-code crash and citation data. http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/drivers/enforce/tracs/index. htm 17

 Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory The Wis. Trans. Portal Project serves the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory The Wis. Trans. Portal Project serves the computing and data management needs of the Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety (TOPS) Laboratory. The project scope includes support for ITS data archiving, real-time traffic information services, transportation operations applications, and transportation research. Learn more. Home > Web Applications Welcome, mflorey | Logout | Contact | Help Home Services Applications Documents Traffic Video Resources Web Applications MV 4000 Crash Database Query Tools Web-based query and data download facility for Wis. DOT MV 4000 crash data. V-SPOC Traffic Detector Database Tools Web-based tools to retrieve and analyze Wis. DOT ATMS and TRADAS traffic detector data. Based on the Milwaukee STOC Data Extractor. RWIS Weather Station Database Tools Web-based query and data download facility for Wis. DOT Road Weather Information System (RWIS) data. Map-Based Data Access Tools Web-based maps and GIS tools to query and display crash data, roadwork, etc. Community Maps Pilot Site. Additional Resources Hosted resources developed by Wis. DOT and other TOPS partnerships. See also: Testing and Development Last Modified on Sun, 23 Sep 2007, 10: 41: 44 PM. Please send comments to transportal@topslab. wisc. edu. Copyright © 2006, Wisconsin Traffic Operations and Safety Laboratory.

Milwaukee Police Motorcycle Traffic Unit: Badger. Tra. CS on a Bike! Milwaukee Police Motorcycle Traffic Unit: Badger. Tra. CS on a Bike!

More Data for Safety Decision-making CODES – Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System – Community More Data for Safety Decision-making CODES – Crash Outcome Data Evaluation System – Community Reports http: //www. chsra. wisc. edu/codes/default. htm The Community Crash Reports have been produced since 1995 using the CODES linked data. The Reports have been used in a variety of Community Education Programs throughout the state, including communities involved in Wisconsin’s ‘Safe Communities Program’. Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health: http: //dhfs. wisconsin. gov/wish/ Wisconsin Land Information Association: http: //www. wlia. org County Land Use Plans and Maps, State strategic planning. 20

County Level Reports: Below you will find copies of the Safe Community Reports (2001 County Level Reports: Below you will find copies of the Safe Community Reports (2001 -2005) for each county. ither select the county you wish from the map or by name. Guidelines for the reports provide further information on the content of the reports. For border counties, remember that the hospitalization information is only available from Wisconsin Hospitals.

Query: WISH, Injury Hospitalization Module (Wisconsin, 1995 -2006) Milwaukee County Unintentional Motor vehicle traffic, Query: WISH, Injury Hospitalization Module (Wisconsin, 1995 -2006) Milwaukee County Unintentional Motor vehicle traffic, non-traffic, pedalcyclist, pedeistrian, unspecified 2002 -2006 Count of Injury Hospitalizations Cause of Injury Hospitalization Year of Injury Hospitalization All 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 All Causes Selected 4, 546 936 918 864 906 922 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Occupant 2, 464 486 510 462 522 484 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Motorcyclist 436 96 92 93 82 73 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Pedal cyclist 120 29 24 20 26 21 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Pedestrian 700 146 121 133 124 176 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Other, unspecified 226 55 41 35 39 56 Nontraffic pedal cyclist 286 49 57 60 66 54 Nontraffic pedestrian 38 6 8 10 7 7 Nontraffic transportation 276 69 65 51 40 51

Query: WISH, Emergency Department Visits for Injuries Module (Wisconsin, 2002 -2006) Milwaukee County Unintentional Query: WISH, Emergency Department Visits for Injuries Module (Wisconsin, 2002 -2006) Milwaukee County Unintentional Motor vehicle traffic, non-traffic, occupant, motorcyclist, pedalcyclist, pedestrian, unspecified 2002 -2006 Number of Emergency Department Visits for Injuries Cause of Injury Year of Injury ED Visit All 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 All Causes Selected 68, 671 13, 280 13, 996 12, 955 13, 984 14, 456 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Occupant 51, 094 9, 956 10, 306 9, 482 10, 319 11, 031 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Motorcyclist 1, 726 306 412 321 384 303 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Pedal cyclist 1, 002 162 203 210 198 229 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Pedestrian 3, 438 678 623 663 738 736 Motor vehicle traffic crash - Other, unspecified 2, 832 698 722 528 445 439 Nontraffic pedal cyclist 6, 181 1, 085 1, 250 1, 264 1, 349 1, 233 Nontraffic pedestrian 396 46 83 66 115 86 Nontraffic transportation 2, 002 349 397 421 436 399 WISH Data Query System (Wisconsin Interactive Statistics on Health) Bureau of Health Information and Policy Division of Public Health- Wisconsin Department of Health and Family Services WISH is available at http: //dhfs. wisconsin. gov/wish

Other Resources Available to Traffic Safety Commissions Objective – Local Empowerment: Provide training and Other Resources Available to Traffic Safety Commissions Objective – Local Empowerment: Provide training and technical support to TSC’s and Safe Community Coalitions so they can be actively involved in all stages of transportation safety planning. Technical Support – Wis. DOT Transportation Regions engineering and planning resources. UW Cooperative Extension, LTAP http: //www. dot. wisconsin. gov/about/locate/dtd. htm www. dot. wisconsin. gov/localgov/docs/compplan-metadata. xls Training – Analysis, Countermeasure Design, Community Program Development No formal, systematic training is available – should have access to: • Analytical Methods, Collaboration Skills, System-wide, Multi-Modal Perspective, Formal Road Safety Audits, Crash Reduction Factors, Understanding Strategic Planning, Writing Goals & Objectives, Identifying Performance Measures, Science-Based Countermeasure Selection 24

Wis. DOT Transportation Regions Wis. DOT Transportation Regions

Strategies to Decrease Crash Risk Policy, planning and projects. – Proactive strategies Targeted --Regional, Strategies to Decrease Crash Risk Policy, planning and projects. – Proactive strategies Targeted --Regional, corridor, roadway/facility-specific, site/hot spot-specific Science-based and situation-appropriate countermeasure(s) selection STRATEGIES Education – Training, Mass Media, Targeted Media, Classroom Enforcement – Enforcement, Prosecution, Adjudication Enactment – Laws, Regulations, Ordinances Engineering/ Planning - Safety-Conscious - Data-driven, Comprehensive and Multi-modal Emergency Response - EMS, Trauma System, Incident Response Empowerment – Skilled Communities of Interest and/or of Location Evaluation – Data Collection, Management and Use 26

Sample TSC Agenda Call to order Approval of minutes of previous meeting Comments & Sample TSC Agenda Call to order Approval of minutes of previous meeting Comments & Reports Members Wis. DOT ( Engineering, Enforcement, Highway Safety Office) - statutory changes - state and federal - funding opportunities - state and federal funds Citizens, Community and Interest Groups Review crash spot map, crash reports and findings of road safety audits Discuss high-crash locations and identify potential countermeasures - vote on recommendations to state and local decision-makers Review status of existing safety improvement projects Review status of existing behavioral traffic safety projects or proposals - vote on recommendations for activities and grant applications Set next meeting date Adjourn 27

Misses One-way Communication • No institutionalized formal communication with planners, safety program experts • Misses One-way Communication • No institutionalized formal communication with planners, safety program experts • No institutionalized role in comprehensive system wide planning – for land use or transportation – can occur in individual cases • No collaborative corridor identification or solution planning. Limited Capacity-Building / Empowerment • Limited access to technical expertise, analysis tools • No training • No standard programs provided to locals to run their local reports. Overly focused on law enforcement strategy • Usually law-enforcement officer is Coordinator. Increasingly, Wis. DOT Safety representative is law enforcement (LELs being both SHSO and WSP rep) Decreased State Safety Leadership • Not involved in development of Wis. DOT’s Strategic Highway Safety Plan. • Not involved in development of the Highway Safety Performance Plan. • In past years, Coordinators were a strong voice for safety legislation. 28

Opportunities • Enact a local ordinance for CTSC with more specific activity requirements – Opportunities • Enact a local ordinance for CTSC with more specific activity requirements – specify relations with County Highway Commission, MPO/RPCs. • Develop mission statement and annual work plan for CTSC – coordinate with planning cycle. • Coordinate activities directly with neighboring CTSCs • Take positions on traffic safety issues and legislation. • Provide mentor training for new members; skills training of CTSC members, other local partners • Conduct local safety assessments, audits, surveys - Alert local and state elected officials to local problems • Increase public recognition of CTSC - distribute news releases and informational materials, periodic reports, recognition of local efforts & individuals • Encourage and foster local safety projects, events and citizen groups. 29

BEST PRACTICES Brown County (Bay Lake RPC, Brown County Planning Commission, Green Bay MPO) BEST PRACTICES Brown County (Bay Lake RPC, Brown County Planning Commission, Green Bay MPO) http: //www. baylakerpc. org http: //www. co. brown. wi. us/planning_and_land_services/planning/county_web//t ransportation. html Initiatives: Traffic Calming; Roundabouts; Multi-Modal; Community Involvement Dane County www. co. dane. wi. us/Committees, www. capitalarearpc. org Initiatives: Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan; Multi-Modal Community Involvement SWWRPC (Grant, Green, Iowa, Lafayette, and Richland Counties) http: //www. swwrpc. org/transportation/ Initiatives: County Traffic Safety Commissions; Safe Routes to School; Community Maps Pilot Project 30