DIALOGUE • What is the time? • It´s four o´clock.
• Are you busy now? • No, I am not.
• I am late. • I am sorry to hear that.
• When will you buy the book? • I will buy it tomorrow.
• I want to invite you to the cinema. • Thanks a lot. That sounds great.
USEFUL PHRASES Ø I want to invite you to the cinema. Ø I am sorry. Ø Excuse me. Ø I am late. Ø I am happy to hear that. Ø We will go to the cinema. Ø That sounds great.
Ø I will not go home. Ø It is four o´clock. Ø I am busy. Ø She will buy the book tomorrow. Ø There is a book on the desk. Ø There are pupils in the classroom. Ø There is not a pen in my school bag. Ø Thanks a lot.
VOCABULARY invitation invite tomorrow after next week year day month hour thank pozvanie pozvať zajtra po nasledujúci týždeň rok deň mesiac hodina ďakovať o´clock Monday visit happy hear busy late excuse sorry want sound hodina pondelok navštíviť šťastný počuť zaneprázdnený neskorý prepáčiť ľúto chcieť znieť
GRAMMAR Budúci čas vyjadrený will • Pomocou will vyjadrujeme budúci dej, stav alebo domnienku. Tvoríme ho pomocou pomocného slovesa will. • I will see you tomorrow. Uvidím ťa zajtra. • It will be a fine day tomorrow. Zajtra bude pekný deň. • Zápor tvoríme pridaním not – will not (won´t) • Tomorrow I will not go to school. • Otázku tvoríme nasledovne: • Will you buy the book tomorrow?
GRAMMAR there is, there are • Veta v angličtine začína obyčajne podmetom alebo príslovkovým určením času. Pri potrebe začať vetu príslovkovým určením miesta sa používa pomocná väzba there is – v jednotnom čísle there are – v množnom čísle • There is a book on the desk.
EXERCISE • • • will Tomorrow I. . . go to the cinema. am I. . . sorry. am I. . . happy to hear that. invite me to the cinema. He wants to. . . o´clock. It is four. . . speak English. My mother won´t. . . me Excuse. . will On Monday I. . . buy the book I am sorry, I am late. .
EXERCISE • • busy My mother is. . Thank you for your invitation. . are We. . . sorry. I will buy a pen tomorrow. . There are books in my school bag. . Next week I will go to theater. . is There. . . a book on the desk. I will learn English. .
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