Скачать презентацию Investment project Creation of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics Скачать презентацию Investment project Creation of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics


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Investment project «Creation of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics Center» Powerpoint Templates Page 1 Investment project «Creation of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics Center» Powerpoint Templates Page 1

 «We will start carrying out promising projects such as the formation of international «We will start carrying out promising projects such as the formation of international transportation corridors, including those from the Baltic via the Volga region to the border with Kazakhstan to create a service system of continental routes. Those routes will attract Russian and foreign carriers. One of the starting projects is the construction of a large logistics center in the area Sviyazhsk in Tatarstan» . The project «Creation of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics Center (the Republic of Tatarstan)» is one of the largest project of full cycle logistics center creation in Russia and the largest in the Volga region of Russia. It has been implemented within the Federal target program «Development of transportation system of Russia for 2010 -2020» since 2010. Project cost is more than 20 billion rubles. Powerpoint Templates Page 2

ü international transportation corridor «Europe - Western China» ; ü access to three seas ü international transportation corridor «Europe - Western China» ; ü access to three seas (the Black, the Caspian, the Baltic); ü reduction of the way and time of goods delivery between Western China and Europe more than in 2 times ü location on the right bank of the Volga; ü proximity of the federal highway M-7; ü connection with the main railway lines, junction station «Svijazhsk» and marshalling station «Yudino» ; ü total center area – 244, 5 hectares Powerpoint Templates Page 3

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SIMLC structure • The railway-automobile terminal with warehouses and container platforms • River port SIMLC structure • The railway-automobile terminal with warehouses and container platforms • River port and water-automobile terminal with warehouses, platforms for containers and general cargoes • Administrative and service buildings • Access railway and roads • Loading and unloading platforms • Engineering and technical communications (electrical network) • Service facilities (parking, service station, gas station, hotel complex, medical aid station, café and shops, communication center) Powerpoint Templates Page 5

Оbjects of private investment Lot number Name Port area (one) 1 railway scales administrative Оbjects of private investment Lot number Name Port area (one) 1 railway scales administrative and domestic housing «port» 2 Freight turnover, Sum of thousand tonnes in a S area, investments, mln. Lot year ha number S total, ha Rub 1000 15. 16 528. 3 5 Port area (two) outdoor warehouse for containers and general freight outdoor warehouse of bulk freight Container area railway loading and unloading complex area of container handling outdoor warehouse of loaded containers outdoor warehouse of empty containers container service center access railway 4, 35 0, 35 Warehouse zone (one) warehouse of tare and piece freight max 3000 max 1000 9, 92 3 4 225 8, 3 30. 53 1953. 0 11244 2223 4, 9 3, 66 8, 7 24, 66 2062, 7 2010 14, 5 1834, 1 6 Name Warehouse zone (two) distribution warehouse Sum of investments, Freight turnover, S area, thousand / year ha S total, ha mln. rubles max 2000 7, 15 1284, 4 Administrative management area, Area of technical service, Service and trade zone office building dining room for 150 seats parking of cars unified dispatching center antiradiation shelter for 1, 200 people Parking of trucks station of technical service and car wash for external vehicle parking of technological vehicle housing of technical service garage for automobile vehicle. Car wash for reach stackers Gas station for trucks and cars Gas station for technological vehicle shopping center service center Powerpoint Templates 21, 78 2246, 9 0, 41 5, 71 0, 57 0, 79 0, 62 0, 6 0, 5 6, 65 0, 3 1, 24 1, 36 1, 83 Page 6

General plan of SIMLC Ra ilw ay r. Sviyaga Railway station General plan of SIMLC Ra ilw ay r. Sviyaga Railway station "Svijazhsk" (GRS) distance to the Kanash station - 60 km. Roa d Construction area 244, 5 ha Distance to the federal highway M-7 - 8. 6 km to Moscow - 700 km to Kazakhstan– 1500 km Federal objects Republican objects Objects of private investments Powerpoint Templates Page 7

Planned freight turnover by transport type (mln. tonnes) Railway Automotive Water Total: 2020 year– Planned freight turnover by transport type (mln. tonnes) Railway Automotive Water Total: 2020 year– 12, 0 mln. tonnes 2030 year– 20, 0 mln. tonnes Powerpoint Templates Page 8

Existing investors of the project - OAO «Tatflot» - Port area-2 (S - 24, Existing investors of the project - OAO «Tatflot» - Port area-2 (S - 24, 66 ha) - outdoor warehouse for containers and general freight, outdoor warehouse of bulk freight The amount of funding– 2462, 3 mln. rubles - ZAO «FC» Dorstroyinvest» - Port area -1 (S-15, 16 ha) - loading and unloading areas, outdoor warehouses for short-term and long-term freight storage The amount of funding– 666, 1 mln. rubles Warehouse zone -1(S-14, 5 ha) – indoor warehouse of tare and piece freight, indoor area of freight handling and storage, indoor distribution warehouse The amount of funding– 2312, 4 mln. rubles Powerpoint Templates Page 9

Potential investors 1. ООО «ECO-PLASM» - liquidation of dangerous waste The amount of investments Potential investors 1. ООО «ECO-PLASM» - liquidation of dangerous waste The amount of investments – 2 bln. rubles Anticipated volume production - 2 bln. rubles 2. OOO «Anfar» - cement terminal The amount of investments - 342 mln. rubles Volume production 500 thousand tonnes in a year 3. GC «Sodruzhestvo» (granary) Storage capacity 12 mln. tonnes Powerpoint Templates Page 10

Free lots : 7 LOT NGV filling station and gas station • Area - Free lots : 7 LOT NGV filling station and gas station • Area - 2, 44 ha 5 LOT Distribution warehouse • Area - 7, 15 ha 3 LOT Container zone • Area - 24, 66 ha Powerpoint Templates Page 11

Strategic development of the project Creation of the special economic zone on the territory Strategic development of the project Creation of the special economic zone on the territory of Sviyazhsky Interregional Multimodal Logistics Center зоны. Benefits for residents Tax on profits - First 5 years- 2% - Second 5 years– 7% - Further– 15, 5% Tax on transport Property tax Land tax 0% Powerpoint Templates Page 12

Territory of perspective development Production development territory Housing building territory An area of 2, Territory of perspective development Production development territory Housing building territory An area of 2, 193 hectares is reserved for investment project development by the Resolution № 192 of the Cabinet of Ministers the Republic of Tatarstan from 27. 03. 2014 The Concept of the industrial zone development on the territory of perspective development is approved by the Resolution № 613 of the Cabinet of Ministers the Republic of Tatarstan from 18. 07. 2012 Powerpoint Templates Page 13