Скачать презентацию Inventions Innovations American Inventions n n n Light Скачать презентацию Inventions Innovations American Inventions n n n Light


  • Количество слайдов: 29

Inventions/Innovations Inventions/Innovations

American Inventions n n n Light bulb (Thomas Edison) and electricity as a source American Inventions n n n Light bulb (Thomas Edison) and electricity as a source of power and light Telephone (Alexander Graham Bell) Airplane (Wright brothers)

Bessemer Steel Process n n Impact: can now make tall buildings (skyscrapers) Can build Bessemer Steel Process n n Impact: can now make tall buildings (skyscrapers) Can build long bridges make of steel n Example: Brooklyn Bridge

Assembly-line manufacturing n n Henry Ford used to make Model T Impact: Affordable for Assembly-line manufacturing n n Henry Ford used to make Model T Impact: Affordable for many Americans

Corporation n limited liability Corporation n limited liability



John D. Rockefeller Oil n n n Country Home Winter Home On the Cover John D. Rockefeller Oil n n n Country Home Winter Home On the Cover of a Popular Magazine Mansion Stock Certificate

J. P. Morgan Banking/Finance n Photograph J. P. Morgan Banking/Finance n Photograph

Andrew Carnegie Steel n Photograph Andrew Carnegie Steel n Photograph

Philanthropy § § Carnegie's Millions to Library Rockefeller's Contributions Vanderbilt and Education J. P. Philanthropy § § Carnegie's Millions to Library Rockefeller's Contributions Vanderbilt and Education J. P. Morgan's Contributions

Industry Expansion Economic Transformation/Growth Facilitated By: Industry Expansion Economic Transformation/Growth Facilitated By:

Laissez-faire Capitalism Laissez-faire translates to “let it be” Leave businesses alone to do their Laissez-faire Capitalism Laissez-faire translates to “let it be” Leave businesses alone to do their job No government intervention

Land grants Example: to RR builders Why would the government give land away for Land grants Example: to RR builders Why would the government give land away for free to the railroad builders? Considered a special consideration by government

Increasing labor supply n n Immigration Migration from farms to cities Increasing labor supply n n Immigration Migration from farms to cities

Wealth of Natural Resources n n Rivers Oil, Coal, Iron Wealth of Natural Resources n n Rivers Oil, Coal, Iron

Working Conditions Dangerous working conditions l Long hours, low wages, no job security l Working Conditions Dangerous working conditions l Long hours, low wages, no job security l No benefits (accident, health or retirement) l Company town l l Example: Mining towns Employment of women, immigrants, children l Child Labor l l l Coal Mining Hine's Pics

Robber Barons? n A Question of Philanthropy Robber Barons? n A Question of Philanthropy

Immigration Immigration

Immigration Prior to 1877 From 1871 to 1921 • Northern & Western • Southern Immigration Prior to 1877 From 1871 to 1921 • Northern & Western • Southern & Eastern • • Europe Examples: Germany, Great Britain, Ireland, Norway, and Sweden Europe Examples: Italy, Greece, Poland, Russia, Hungary, Yugoslavia, and Asia (China & Japan)

Ellis Island • Immigrants arrived from Europe • First stop, Ellis Island in New Ellis Island • Immigrants arrived from Europe • First stop, Ellis Island in New York • Statue of Liberty • Came by boat across the Atlantic • Ellis Island Records

Why Become an Immigrant? • Freedom (political, economic, religious) • Better economic opportunities • Why Become an Immigrant? • Freedom (political, economic, religious) • Better economic opportunities • Better living standard for families

Contributions of Immigrants Chinese help build transcontinental RR ¢ Worked as laborers in textile Contributions of Immigrants Chinese help build transcontinental RR ¢ Worked as laborers in textile and steel mills of Northeast ¢ Helped build the clothing industry in NYC ¢ Slavs, Italians, & Poles worked in coal mines in the East ¢

Process of Assimilation American “Melting pot” ¢ Schools important to teaching American values ¢ Process of Assimilation American “Melting pot” ¢ Schools important to teaching American values ¢ Immigrants learned English, American customs, became American citizens ¢ However, often lived in ethnic neighborhoods ¢

Hardships & Hostility Fear & resentment by other Americans that immigrants would take their Hardships & Hostility Fear & resentment by other Americans that immigrants would take their jobs ¢ Fear & Resentment that immigrants would accept lower pay ¢ Prejudice based on religious differences ¢ Prejudice based on cultural differences ¢

Immigration Laws Change Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ¢ Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 Immigration Laws Change Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 ¢ Immigration Restriction Act of 1921 ¢ Both laws limited or cut-off immigration to American for several decades ¢

Growth of Cities l l l Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, & New York As Growth of Cities l l l Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, & New York As a result of industrial growth Cities became manufacturing and transportation centers

Growth of Cities Found: pbs. org Growth of Cities Found: pbs. org

Living Conditions in the Cities l l l Tenements Slums Crowded conditions Sanitary Conditions Living Conditions in the Cities l l l Tenements Slums Crowded conditions Sanitary Conditions Poor How the Other Half Lives (Riis)