lecture 1 CSL.ppt
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OUTLINE l l l 2 Scientific vs Science language. The output: skills I acquire, jobs to apply having these skills developed. Scientific Style. Structure of the ‘Culture of Scientific Language’ course. Resources. English as the world language of research and education.
1. Scientific vs Science language l l l 3 ‘scientific writing’ ≠ ‘science writing’ scientific writing by scientists for scientists science writing for nonscientists
Forms of scientific writing a journal article/ a research paper, a newsletter, a blog, an online publication, an oral presentation, a website, 4 an e-mail, a grant proposal/ application.
2. The output: skills I acquire, jobs to apply having these skills developed. l l l 5 report-writing skills public speaking skills Successfully prepare a scientific paper for submission to a journal Get it published Write a degree project or thesis
3. Scientific Style 6
Extralinguistic factors defining the choice of a functional style: l l 7 the character of the situation in which communication takes place; the relations between communicants; the aim of communication; oral or written communication.
The style of scientific prose - 1 l l l 8 number- and letter-indexed paragraphing, a developed system of headlines, titles and subtitles, footnotes, pictures, tables, schemes and formulae;
The style of scientific prose - 2 l l l 9 special terms of international origin; set-phrases and clichés; ‘we’ in the meaning of ‘I’;
The style of scientific prose - 3 l l l 10 long and super-long sentences of all structural types, always two-member (Subject+Predicate) and non-elliptical, complicated by complexes of secondary predication, detachments, parenthetic insertions and passive constructions
4. Structure of the ‘Culture of Scientific Language’ course - 1 l l l 11 l Module 1: Written Scientific Language Theme 1. English as the world language of research and education. Theme 2. Academic style and writing. Theme 3. Principles of scientific style. (Grammatical and lexical peculiarities of scientific style. ) Theme 4. Principles of scientific style. (Important features and elements of academic texts). Theme 5. Major academic genres. Modular Testing 1
4. Structure of the ‘Culture of Scientific Language’ course - 2 l l l 12 Module 2: Verbal Scientific Style Theme 6. The importance of public speaking. Theme 7. Public speaking delivering techniques. Theme 8. Style and verbal support in delivering presentations. Theme 9. English for presentations at international conferences. Modular Testing 2
Students should know: l l l l 13 characteristics of scientific style; peculiar features of grammar and vocabulary in scientific style; specifics of major academic genres; important features and elements of academic texts; importance of public speaking; techniques of delivering speech; style and verbal support in delivering presentations;
Students should be able to: l l l l 14 analyse scientific style; use linguistic devices for preparing scientific papers and presentations; make summaries; prepare conference abstracts; prepare presentations; deliver speeches at conferences; apply the knowledge obtained during the “Culture of Scientific Language” course to real-life situations and other courses of the syllabus.
5. Resources - 1 l l 15 Day, R. A. , and Sakaduski N. 2011. Scientific English: a guide for scientists and other professionals. – 3 rd ed. The USA: Greenwood. Yakhontova, T. V. 2003. English Academic Writing for Students and Researchers/ Основи англомовного наукового письма: навчальний посібник для студентів, аспірантів і науковців. / Яхонтова Т. В. – Вид. 2 -ге. – Львів: ПАІС, 2003. – 220 с.
5. Resources - 2 l l l 16 Kononova, T. M. 2010. The Language of Scientific English (reference for post-graduate students) /Kononova T. M. , Gerasimova T. V. , Nikitina A. S. Wallwork, A. 2010. English for Presentations at International Conferences. New York: Springer. Wallwork, 2011. A. English for Academic Correspondence and Socializing. New York: Springer.
5. Resources - 3 l l 17 Dudenhefer, P. 2007. A Guide to Writing in Economics. Second Edition. Duke University: Center and Department of Economics. Writing Scientific Manuscripts. A guide for undergraduates. 2005. Journal of Young Investigators.
6. English as the world language of research and education “English language expertise is becoming a priority academic/professional requirement whether international higher education graduates choose to return to their home countries or whether they choose to stay in the United States, ” Joan Morley 18
A few pieces of advice l l l l 19 l Adopt learning as a goal. Think of yourself as a writer. Surrender to the process. Start early. Set a schedule. Understand the need for information. Write before you are ready to write. Do not rely on your memory!
Don’t get frustrated! If you don’t try, you don’t fail. You don’t fail, you don’t learn. You don’t learn, you have failed anyway. 20
Thank you for attention! 21