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Lecture #1. Introductory lecture.ppt

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Introductory lecture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course description periodisation historical sources Historiography Terminology Introductory lecture 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Course description periodisation historical sources Historiography Terminology issues 1

u Kazakhstan has a long and fascinating history, going back thousands of years. Archaeology u Kazakhstan has a long and fascinating history, going back thousands of years. Archaeology can also be used to study the past alongside history. Prehistoric archaeology is the study of the past before historical records began. 2

u Prehistory is a term used to describe the period before written history. Paul u Prehistory is a term used to describe the period before written history. Paul Tournal originally coined the term Préhistorique in describing the finds he had made in the caves of southern France. u It came into use in French in the 1830 s to describe the time before writing, and the word "prehistoric" was introduced into 3

u Pre-history /The most ancient period u The ancient period u Medieval period u u Pre-history /The most ancient period u The ancient period u Medieval period u Period of new time u Modern history 4

The most ancient period u- covering the time from the appearance of man on The most ancient period u- covering the time from the appearance of man on the territory of Kazakhstan (2. 5 million years BC) to the appearance of states on the territory of Kazakhstan (VIII-VII century B. C. ) 5

The ancient period u appearance of the first state formations (Saks, Usuns, Kungly, Hun), The ancient period u appearance of the first state formations (Saks, Usuns, Kungly, Hun), their prosperity, crisis and decline (from VIII century BC to the V century AD). 6

Medieval period u. V century AD to the 30 s of the eighteenth century Medieval period u. V century AD to the 30 s of the eighteenth century u Conventionally, scholars have identified an early (pre-Mongol period, before thirteenth century), u and the later Middle Ages (before the accession of Kazakhstan to Russia). 7

Period of new time u From the 30 s of the eighteenth century until Period of new time u From the 30 s of the eighteenth century until February 1917 colonial period. 8

Modern history The first stage - since the overthrow of the tsar in October Modern history The first stage - since the overthrow of the tsar in October overturn and the establishment of Soviet power (19171920) and before the collapse of the USSR (August-December 1991). u The second stage begins with the proclamation of independence on 16 December 1991 to contemporary years, and is characterized by the formation and development of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a sovereign, democratic state. u 9

General characteristic of sources. Written sources: u Antique authors u Chinese dynasty chronicles u General characteristic of sources. Written sources: u Antique authors u Chinese dynasty chronicles u Iranian sources u Russian chronicles u Ancient Turkish documents 10

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folklore u epics, tales, legends, genealogies (shezhire), aitys, the ethnonymsof various geographical locations (Kalmak-Kyrylgan, folklore u epics, tales, legends, genealogies (shezhire), aitys, the ethnonymsof various geographical locations (Kalmak-Kyrylgan, Zaisan, etc. ). 12

In the Middle Ages were created outstanding works of u In the Middle Ages were created outstanding works of u "Tarikh-i Rashidi" Muhammad Haidar Dulati, u "Jamie at-tauarih" Kadyrgali Zhalairi u "Shezhіre e-Tүrk" Abulgazi still are valuable historical sources of the initial stage of the Kazakh ethnogenesis, the formation of the Kazakh khanate. u 13

After the accession of Kazakhstan to Russian scientists (Rychkov, Levshin Radloff, Barthold, etc. ). After the accession of Kazakhstan to Russian scientists (Rychkov, Levshin Radloff, Barthold, etc. ). became engaged in Kazakhstan and researched history, geography, ethnography u In the 19 th century the historical writings of Shokan Valikhanov, Ibrai Altynsarin. The new development was the study of history in the writings of members of the "new elite" - Alikhan Bukeikhan, Ahmet Baitursynov Mustafa Chokaya. u 14

u u u u Archaeology (from the Greek. Arhays - an ancient and a u u u u Archaeology (from the Greek. Arhays - an ancient and a lotus - the science) - the science of antiquity. Paleography - the science which studies everything related to writings, script. Sphragistics -The study of seals and signets. Helps establish the names of kings, the date of the appearance of documents. Proves their authenticity, detects counterfeit printing on documents. Metrology - the science of measurement, units of measure. Heraldry - the study of emblems and symbols. Vexicology - the study of flags. Ethnography - the science that studies the life of the people. 15

“Cultural heritage” program 16 “Cultural heritage” program 16

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u scientific and exploratory expedition have been organized to China, Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, u scientific and exploratory expedition have been organized to China, Turkey, Mongolia, Russia, Japan, Egypt, Uzbekistan, Armenia, USA and Western Europe, where they were found and purchased about 5000 manuscripts and printed books on history, ethnography, art, Kazakhstan, previously unknown in the scientific circles of the country. During the cruise, only in China was found about 3, 5 thousand previously unstudied sources on the history and culture of Kazakhstan. 18

“Cultural heritage” program u u u “The history of Kazakhstan in the Arab sources “Cultural heritage” program u u u “The history of Kazakhstan in the Arab sources IX-XVI centuries” in the 3 volumes (in the Russian language). “The history of Kazakhstan in the Persian sources the V -XVI centuries” in 5 volumes (in the Russian language). “The history of Kazakhstan in the Turkish language. of the XV- XX centuries” in 5 volumes (in the Kazakh language). “The history of Kazakhstan in the Chinese sources” in 5 volumes (in the Kazakh language). “The history of Kazakhstan in the Mongolian sources” in the 3 volumes (in the Kazakh language). 19

Scholars of soviet period u u works of archaeologists Margulan A. , K. Baypakov, Scholars of soviet period u u works of archaeologists Margulan A. , K. Baypakov, K. Akishev, who studied the Paleolithic, Neolithic, Bronze Age, Early Iron Age contributed a lot to compose the archaeological map of Kazakhstan The outcome of this period was the emergence in the late 70's academic publication "History of Kazakhstan from the earliest times to the present day" in 5 volumes. 20

u u u u Rene Grousset u u u u Rene Grousset "Empire of the Steppes - History of Central Asia". Demko , George The Russian colonization of Kazakhstan, 1896 -1916. Bloomington, Ind. , 1969. Brower, Daniel R. , and Edward Lazzerini, eds. Russia's Orient: Imperial Borderlands and Peoples, 1700 -1917. Martha Brill Olcott The Kazakhs, Stanford. Martha Brill Olcott The Kazakhstan: Unfulfilled Promise. Shirin Akiner The formation of Kazakh Identity. From Tribe to Nation-State. 1995 Charles van der Leeuw Kazakhstan: a quest for statehood. Bruce Privratsky, Muslim Turkistan: Kazak Religion and Collective Memory 21

Christianity, which is the beginning of the Calendar which is still used, a calendar Christianity, which is the beginning of the Calendar which is still used, a calendar which was for long known as AD - Anno Domini, the Year of the Lord, obviously a Christian designation. u Nowadays that is no longer politically correct and AD has been replaced by CE the Common Era (that makes it possible for Jews and Muslims to use it without embarrassment). u 22

Terminology B. C. – Before (the birth of) Christ u A. D. - Anno Terminology B. C. – Before (the birth of) Christ u A. D. - Anno Domini (in the year of our Lord) or simply “After( the birth of) Christ. u “ 1 st century B. C. – 100 -1 B. C. u 5 th century B. C. – 500 -401 B. C. u 20 th century (A. D. )- A. D. 1901 -2000 u BCE, CE –”Before the Common Era” u ВСЕ=В. С. СЕ=А. D. u 23

Historical periodisation u Stone age u Paleolithic - 2, 5 mln-10 millennium B. C. Historical periodisation u Stone age u Paleolithic - 2, 5 mln-10 millennium B. C. u Mesolithic – 10 mill. - 7 mill. B. C. u c) Neolithic- second half of 7 mill. -3 mill. B. C. u d) Eneolithic-. - 3 mill. B. C. -2 mill. B. C. u Bronze Age- 2 mill. B. C. - 8 c. B. C. u Iron Age-. – starting from 8 c. B. C 24