Introduction to. Why are you pursuing higher education?

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>Introduction to Introduction to

>Why are you pursuing higher education? What is your motivation? Are you a leader? Why are you pursuing higher education? What is your motivation? Are you a leader?

>SIFE Background SIFE is active on more than 1,500 campuses in 40 countries around SIFE Background SIFE is active on more than 1,500 campuses in 40 countries around the world. It is one of the largest and fastest growing student organizations in the world! Student participants take the skills learned in the classroom and apply them to real world problems.

>SIFE [Country] Active Teams [List the Active teams for your country. This can be SIFE [Country] Active Teams [List the Active teams for your country. This can be found on your country page at]

>What if you really could contribute to making a better world? SIFE students make What if you really could contribute to making a better world? SIFE students make a difference and develop leadership, teamwork, and communication skills through learning, practicing, and teaching others the principles of free enterprise. As a SIFE student, you will play an active role in shaping the history of your generation!

>Through this intense, hands-on learning experience, you will develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills Through this intense, hands-on learning experience, you will develop teamwork, leadership, and communication skills far beyond those of most tertiary students.

>What if Finding that “Great Job” Was Not So Hard? The best companies in What if Finding that “Great Job” Was Not So Hard? The best companies in the world recognize the value of this experience and compete very aggressively for the chance to meet and recruit SIFE students, who they believe are among the most talented entry-level prospects.

>SIFE [Country] Sponsors [Add SIFE [Country] Sponsor Logos] SIFE [Country] Sponsors [Add SIFE [Country] Sponsor Logos]

>It is often said that building a successful career has a lot to do It is often said that building a successful career has a lot to do with “who you know.” SIFE is your opportunity to network with and get to know the leaders of some of the best companies in the country!

>What if you could be one of the very best in the world? As What if you could be one of the very best in the world? As a team, you will have the opportunity to represent your institution in competition against teams from other universities. If your team is named the SIFE National Champion, you will have the unique opportunity to compete for the world’s best at the annual SIFE World Cup. This year, the event will be in Los Angeles, California, USA 10-12 October 2010.

>What if . . . My field of study is not Business? I do What if . . . My field of study is not Business? I do not want to be involved in field projects? What can I do? I do not think I will have the time to be involved in this?

>Project Examples French University SIFE team in Egypt developed a project to address the Project Examples French University SIFE team in Egypt developed a project to address the issues of unemployment, lack of skills and lack of opportunities among the population on El-Warraq Island. The average unemployment rate for women on El-Warraq Island is 89%. The SIFE team is integrating unemployed women into the family-income cycle by giving them access to production assets and helping to increase the knowledge necessary to properly utilize these assets. In addition to purchasing sewing machines for them, the team provided a training course in sewing, open to all women of the island. A specialized sewing center was established in partnership with a local NGO. By the end of the training sessions, the participants had produced 132 pieces of apparel, worth a total of USD 870, a value equivalent to 13 months of the average family revenue on El-Warraq Island. The sewing center enables each participant to achieve a monthly income greater than the existing average family income on the island. The Kyrgyz National University Named After J. Balassagyn SIFE team in Kyrgyzstan realized the majority of people serving time in Kyrgyzstan’s prisons are not able to provide for their families, they have poor medical care facilities and 70% of prisoners are infected with tuberculosis. The team started their endeavor ‘Products from Prison’ when they reached an agreement with the administration of confinement colony #8 so they could transfer teaching materials from seminars to convicted people. Several trips to the colony were made to teach on the following subjects: Market Needs Analysis, Demand and Supply, Competition and Cost Reduction. Through negotiations, souvenir shops marketed products that the prisoners made such as games and ceramic items. The prisoners and their families were provided with medicine and/or proceeds of the sale of the products.

>Project Examples Instituto Tecnologico De Sonora SIFE team in Mexico created the project ‘Empacando Project Examples Instituto Tecnologico De Sonora SIFE team in Mexico created the project ‘Empacando Amor’ to help mitigate the effects of people with disabilities struggling to earn an income. It is aimed at providing labor and opportunities, especially for the disabled through packaging and selling of spices. A labeling machine was purchased, training courses provided and the products were launched into the regional market. The development of the official website for the company and regional trade expos contributed to increase revenues. This team seeks to support disabled people in their rehabilitation as well as to integrate them into the productive sector, contributing to a better society. The SIFE Leiden team in the Netherlands began project ‘Sustainable Farming’ to focus on Bolivian day laborers with limited access to capital and education. The day laborers live on fertile land, but have no basic knowledge or materials for farming. To give them an extra source of income, the team is working together with a local business to offer participants practical workshops about sustainable farming and its benefits for the land, farmer and consumer. The participants are also provided with the basic start-up materials needed to cultivate the land. Additionally, the participants receive workshops on basic entrepreneurial skills and financial literacy so they can sell their fruits and vegetables on the market. They are taught how to keep financial records and how to save money for future investments. The team started with 40 families and have seen year-round crop yield projections at a 66% increase.

>Our SIFE Programs <Insert information on initiatives and projects your team is working on Our SIFE Programs

>SIFE Video [Insert any appropriate SIFE video] SIFE Video [Insert any appropriate SIFE video]

>For more information: Please email me at: Or Come to our next team For more information: Please email me at: [email protected] Or Come to our next team meeting at [provide relevant info on meeting]