- Количество слайдов: 72
Introduction to Ultrasonic Testing SD 218 © Michael Berke Agfa NDT Gmb. H, Hürth, Germany 1994 - 2002
Straight beam probe housing socket dampingblock matchingelement crystal protecting face (probe delay) workpiece Sound pulse Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Angle beam probe damping blocks housing socket perspex wedge (probe delay) workpiece crystal Sound pulse Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
3 Sound field N = near field length near field far field = angle of divergence acoustical axis (central beam) Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw detection Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw detection 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 20 30 40
Flaw detection 10 20 30 40 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Bad flaw orientation Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Improper flaw location crack Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Angle reflection 10 crack Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 20 30 40
Angle reflection Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Vertical, near surface flaw 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 20 30 40
Tandem technique (top) a 1 T 5 10 15 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 15 R
Tandem technique (middle) a 2 T 5 10 15 5 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 15 R
Tandem technique (bottom) a 3 T 5 10 15 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems R
Improper flaw orientation 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 20 30 40
Perfect flaw orientation 10 20 30 40 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw detectability with improper flaw orientation reflected sound waves 5 10 15 sound beam flat defect Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw distance s Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Principle of transit time measurement finish signal (echo) transmitter start signal (pulse) Stopwatch probe transit time measurement sound transit path work piece Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
CRT / A-scan display 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Priciple, transmission pulse transmitter transmission pulse sound wave starts at crystal work piece probe light point 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Priciple, sound wave in the workpiece transmitter sound wave work piece probe 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Priciple, sound pulse at the back wall transmitter work piece probe 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Priciple, sound pulse at the coupling surface transmitter work piece probe 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Priciple, echo display and 2 nd run transmitter work piece probe back wall echo 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Probe delay 2 electrical zero (initial pulse) 4 6 mechanical zero (surface) crystal probe protecting face Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 8 10
Probe delay electical zero (initial pulse) 0 probe 2 delay (wedge) sound wave work piece Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 4 6 8 10 mechanical zero (surface)
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe back wall echo flaw echo 0 2 4 6 8 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe back wall echo flaw echo 0 2 4 6 8 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe flaw echo 0 2 back wall echo 4 6 8 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe back wall echo flaw echo covered by initial pulse 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe back wall echo: without with flaw 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Flaw location and echo display flaw work piece probe flaw echo sequence 0 2 4 6 8 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Dead zone dead zone 0 2 4 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 6 8 10
Longitudinal wave length direction of osscillation direction of propagation Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Transverse wave length direction of osscillation direction of propagation Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Relection and refraction L L reflected wave incident wave L medium 1 medium 2 refracted wave L Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems L
Angle beam probe with both wave types 10 20 30 40 L T possible flaw locations 0 2 4 6 8 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Longitudinal surface wave L reflected wave incident wave perspex steel = 1 = 27. 5° T = 33. 3° L = 90° L L T refracted waves T Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
45° transverse wave in steel L reflected wave incident wave perspex steel refracted transverse wave T = 36. 4° T = 45° Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems T
Transverse surface wave L reflected wave incident wave surface wave perspex steel T = 2 = 57° T = 90° Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems O
Total reflection L reflected wave incident wave perspex steel total reflection > 57° Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Ranges for incident waves 27, 5° L 57° perspex 90° steel T 33, 3° Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Near surface detectability with angle beam pobes 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 20
TR-probe / dual crystal probe transmitter socket acoustical barrier receiver socket damping blocks crystal delay Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Probe delay with TR-probes BE IP 0 2 4 TR-probe work piece Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 6 8 10
Cross talk at high gain BE IP flaw echo cross talk echo 0 2 4 TR-probe 6 8 flaw Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10
Range calibration 0 0 2 4 6 50 8 10 div. 100 mm steel, L Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Calibration block 1 with angle beam probes 5 15 10 0 m m 70° 10 60° 45° Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
1 st echo from circular section 5 10 15 0 2 4 100 mm Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 6 8 10
Echo sequence from 100 mm radius 5 10 15 0 2 4 6 8 10 100 mm 200 mm 300 mm Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
25 mm radius of calibration block 2 this wave will be absorbed ! s 1 = 25 mm s 2 = 100 mm s 3 = 175 mm etc. Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
50 mm radius of calibration block 2 s 1 = 50 mm s 2 = 125 mm s 3 = 200 mm etc. Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
100 mm range calibration on K 2 5 10 15 0 0 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 2 4 6 8 10 100 mm steel
Flaw loaction s = sound path k = scale factor R = screen reading s = k • R 0 15 10 5 s work piece reflector Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 2 4 6 8 10
Flaw location with angle beam probes projection point Sound entry point "flaw triangle" a ß d s ß = probe angle s = sound path a = surface distance d = depth a = s • sin ß d = s • cos ß ß Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems flaw location
Flaw location with angle beam probes x 15 10 a a = surface distance a' = reduced surface distance x = x-value = distance: index point front edge of probe a' 5 s work piece d reflector Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw location with an angle beam probe on a plate a 15 T 10 5 s d = apparent depth apparent flaw location Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw location with an angle beam probe on a plate d' = apparent depth d = real depth T = work piece thickness a = s • sin d‘ = s • cos d = 2 T - d a 15 T 10 5 s d real flaw location d' apparent flaw location Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Large defects parallel to the scanning surface Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Scanning the edge of the defect Flaw echo drops to 50% of its maximum value Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Determination of the defect area probe position with echo amplitude reduced to 50 % delamination "half value" positions Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Flaw sizes and echo amplitudes R IP 0 2 4 6 BE 8 10 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems R IP 0 2 4 6 BE 8 10
Flaw distances and echo amplitudes IP 0 R 2 BE 4 IP 0 6 R 2 4 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 10 BE 6 IP 0 8 8 10 R BE 2 4 6 8 10
Distance amplitude curves on the CRT screen B 4 S 6 m m BE 3 mm 0 100 F 4 mm 200 300 400 500 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems
Defect evaluation by comparison - 1 instrument gain: G = 34 d. B F IP BE 80 % F 0 2 4 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 6 8 10
Defect evaluation by comparison - 2 R IP 0 instrument gain: 2 34 d. B Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 4 6 BE 8 10
Defect evaluation by comparison - 3 RE BE IP + 8 d. B 0 instrument gain: 2 42 d. B Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 4 6 8 10
Distance amplitude curve (DAC) Echo Position 1 10 20 30 2 40 10 20 3 30 40 10 20 1 2 3 4 4 30 40 10 20 30 40 0 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 2 4 6 8 10
DAC and TCG time corrected gain DAC 0 2 4 6 8 10 0 2 Krautkramer NDT Ultrasonic Systems 4 6 8 10