Outline Stylistics as a Branch of Linguistics Objectives of Stylistics Style Language Speech Text Linguistic Units Stylistic Coloring Style and Norm
Stylistics Is a language science which deals both with the results of the act of communication and natural inherent and functional peculiarities of the act of communication which may insure the effect sought. I. Galperin
Objectives The investigation of the inventory of special language media which produce the desirable effect of the utterance (stylistic devices). Certain types of texts or discourse which because of the choice and the arrangement of certain linguistic means are distinguished by the pragmatic aspect of communication (functional styles).
Style The aesthetic function of the language Expressive means in language Synonymous ways of rendering one and the same idea Emotional coloring in language Stylistic devices
Style (2) Splitting of literary language into separate systems called styles Interrelation between language and thought The individual manner of an author in making use of language
Language Is a system of mental associations of elementary and complex signs (speech sounds, morphemes, word-combinations, utterances and combination of utterances) with our mental picture of objective reality. Yu. Skrebnev
Speech is a fleeting psychophysiological action, a process of sending acoustic signals perceptible to anyone within hearing. Text is a coherent sequence of signs (words) no matter if it has been recorded or has just remained in our memory. Yu. Skrebnev
Linguistic Units Non-specific (neutral) Relatively specific Absolutely specific
Stylistic Coloring Is the knowledge in what particular type of communication this or that unit is current. Stylistic coloring is the result of distributional capacity of language units.
Style and Norm I have not done anything. I haven’t done anything. I ain’t never done nothing. There as many norms as there are sublanguages.