Скачать презентацию Introduction to Speaking Practice How to speak logically Скачать презентацию Introduction to Speaking Practice How to speak logically

Introduction Lecture.pptx

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Introduction to Speaking Practice How to speak logically, proficiently and coherently? Introduction to Speaking Practice How to speak logically, proficiently and coherently?

What is an argument? • An argument is the process of presenting an opinion What is an argument? • An argument is the process of presenting an opinion for the purpose of persuading an audience. • An argument, however, does not always have to persuade. An argument can also inform by presenting facts. • An argument that successfully persuades or informs demonstrates coherence. Coherence means that the argument is clear and logical. • A coherent argument demonstrates English language proficiency. Proficiency means skill and knowledge.

Rhetorical Strategies You need to learn the following eight rhetorical strategies: 1. Narration 2. Rhetorical Strategies You need to learn the following eight rhetorical strategies: 1. Narration 2. Process 3. Description 4. Illustration 5. Compare-and-Contrast 6. Cause-and-Effect 7. Definition 8. Classification

Personal-Opinion Argument Personal-Opinion Argument

Argument mapping • Argument mapping is a graphics-based strategy designed to help you map Argument mapping • Argument mapping is a graphics-based strategy designed to help you map out the structure of personal-opinion and fact-based arguments quickly and proficiently. • An understanding of argument mapping begins with the paragraph map G+Ti. C. Translated, G+Ti. C means: General statement + Transition + illustration + Conclusion G+Ti. C describes the three-parts of a paragraph.

Argument mapping Argument mapping

Argument mapping G+3 Ti. C=C maps out a three-part personalopinion argument and a three-part Argument mapping G+3 Ti. C=C maps out a three-part personalopinion argument and a three-part fact-based argument that uses deduction as a method of organization.

Argument mapping Argument mapping

Argument Analyzer Argument Analyzer

Independent Spoken Response Independent Spoken Response

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Timing Timing