- Количество слайдов: 31
Introduction to Profibus Michael Bryant Executive Director Profibus Trade Organization CPAC Workshop - Seattle May 6, 2004
Industrial Communication OS OS Internet PROFINET Process Manufacturing IPC PLC RS-485/FO PROFIBUS-DP AS-Interface IEC 61158 -2 PROFIBUS-PA
Cost Comparison Reduced installation costs 100% 22% 27% Savings > 40% 57% 12% 51% 0% Source: Namur (Bayer) 4. . . 20 m. A, discrete wired Engineering 22% Assembly 23% 50% Hardware PROFIBUS
Profibus in comparison with 4. . 20 ma System PROFIBUS-PA PLC n 1 I/O modules (1 -n) Terminal block (PLC) I/O module Terminal block Transmitter power supply Terminal block PROFIBUS DP i Segment coupler 1 Distribution Panel PROFIBUS PA 1 PROFIBUS PA n Junction box sensor 1. . . n Segment coupler n n i
Cost Savings with Profibus The following numbers are based on an installation at in Cologne, Germany Temperature transmitter 4. . . 20 m. A PROFIBUS-PA Magnetic Valve with two position control signals (binary) Pressure transmitter 4. . . 20 m. A PROFIBUS-PA Share [%] Price [DM] Share [%] Price [DM] Mounting 21 2380 26 1700 18 2380 20 1700 40 6035 35 2720 Equipment 48 5610 52 3400 56 7650 64 5440 29 4590 30 2380 Planning 26 3060 16 1020 27 3060 12 1020 26 4080 20 2040 Starting up 5 510 5 340 4 510 4 340 5 850 5 510 100 11560 100 6460 100 13600 100 8500 15980 100 7650 Total Savings 45 % DM 5100 37 % DM 5100 52 % DM 8330
Installed Base The installed base was greater than 10 Million devices at the end of 2003, with 2 Million sold in 2003 and already. 5 Million sold this year. Of the 10 Million, 1. 5 Million are in the Process Industries with >300, 000 PA devices installed. Detailed case studies are listed in the PROFIBUS Online Product Guide at www. PROFIBUS. com 1989 2004 *Status: Q 1/2004
Product Range More than 2, 500 PROFIBUS products from nearly 300 vendors are available today* The latest PROFIBUS Products are detailed in the Online Product Guide at www. PROFIBUS. com 1989 2004 *Status: Q 1/2004
Membership With more than 1200 members, PROFIBUS International is the leading vendor/user organization for industrial communications world-wide* The latest membership list may be obtained online from www. PROFIBUS. com 1989 2004 *Status: Q 1/2004
World-wide Support France Australia/ New Zealand RPA Belgium Italy Korea RPA PTL RPA Germany RPA PCC PTL RPA PCC Great Britain Brazil RPA China RPA Czech Republic RPA Denmark RPA Ireland RPA Netherlands RPA PCC Japan Norway RPA Poland RPA PCC Russia RPA South-East-Asia RPA Southern Africa RPA Sweden RPA PCC Switzerland RPA PCC USA Finland RPA = Regional PROFIBUS Association PCC = PROFIBUS Competence Center PTL = PROFIBUS Test Laboratory RPA PTL PCC
Certification Vendor Independent Quality Control ü PROFIBUS International has Each Device established a qualified certification system which includes conformance Test at test laboratory and interoperability testing ü Several hundred products have been certified ü OK ? Test laboratories in Europe, USA and China ü No Certified products are listed with their certificate number in the Electronic PROFIBUS Product Guide Yes Certification by PROFIBUS International
Profibus Test Labs itm – TU Munich Com. Dec PROFIBUS Interface Center Matthias Roemer Werner Goetz Ron Mitchell Boltzmannstrasse 15 D-85748 Garching Germany Phone: 49 -89 -289 -164 00 Würzburger Strasse 121 D-90766 Fürth Germany Phone: 49 -911 -750 -2074 One Internet Plaza Johnson City, TN 37605 -1255 USA Phone: 423 -262 -2687 Fax: 49 -89 -289 -164 10 Email: roemer@itm. mw. tu-muenchen. de Fax: 49 -911 -750 -2100 Email: werner. goetz@siemens. com Fax: 423 -262 -2174 Email: ronald. mitchell@siemens. com ifak e. V. PROFIBUS Center Nederland Chinese PROFIBUS Test Laboratory Arne Neumann Dennis van Booma Jiyang Tang Steinfeldstrasse (IGZ) D-39179 Barleben Germany Phone: 49 -39203 -8100 Joseph Ledelstraat 56 2518 KM Den Haag Netherlands Phone: 31 -70 -3020 -412 No. 1 Jiaochangkou Deshengmenwai 100011 Beijing China Phone: 86 -10 -820 -78264 Fax: 49 -39203 -81100 Email: ane@ifak. fhg. de Fax: 31 -70 -3464 -275 Email: dbooma@profibuscenter. nl Fax: 86 -10 -820 -78264 Email: tangiy@riamb. ac. cn
Media Access PROFIBUS differentiates between master and slave devices Active Devices (Masters) PLC PC PROFIBUS Passive Devices (Slaves) PLC
DP Monomaster System Master (Class 1) PLC Master (Class 2) Central Controller exchanges data with the distributed peripherial devices Engineering tool is used for setup/configuration of the slaves PROFIBUS Slaves Analog or digital peripherial devices such as I/O, drives, transmitters, valves or operator terminals
DP Multi-master System Several DP-Masters may access a DP Slave with read functions but only one Master may write to a slave DP-Master (class 2) DP-Master (class 1) DP Multi-Master systems consist of: - multiple Masters (class 1 or 2) - 1 to max. 124 DP-Slaves - max. 126 devices on the same bus PC PLC CNC DP-Master (class 1) PROFIBUS Distributed inputs and outputs DP - Slaves
System Configuration Standardized electronic data sheets are used to permit open, vendor- independent configuration PROFIBUS Configuration tool n ratio igu § GSD-Files contain the communication parameters nf s Co u B § EDD-files contain the application parameters PLC PROFIBUS A library with GSD files of PROFIBUS devices is available online at www. PROFIBUS. com
Application in Process Automation Control system Engineering Tool RS-485 or Fiber Optic PROFIBUS-DP I Segmentcoupler/Link 24 V power IEC 61158 -2 (MBP_IS) PROFIBUS-PA transmitter +
PROFISafe Profile The PROFISafe Profile permits the use of PROFIBUS in “fail-safe” applications “fail-safe” application Standard application PROFISafe. Layer PROFIBUS Standard PROFIBUS RS 485 / IEC 61158 -2
Motion Control New functions for motion control New functionality has been added to the PROFIBUS protocol (V 2): § Slave-to-Slave communication § Clock synchronous transmission § Time synchronization With these new functions, PROFIBUS opens up new applications in motion control With these new functions, Profibus can synchronize 12 axes with a cycle time of less than 2 ms
PROFINET CONCEPT Engineering, HMI Ethernet Intelligent field device Programmable controller Proxy PROFIBUS Engineering, HMI Field Device Drive PROFIBUS and PROFINET are two complementary parts of PROFIBUS International automation technology
PROFINET Between Management and Production Engineering HMI Internet TCP/IP- Ethernet Tech. Module Integration of PROFIBUS Tech. Module Within Production Tech. Module
Applications Nearly 1, 000 applications are operational • Car manufacturing, at General Motors, BMW, Ford, FIAT. . • Manufacturing Automation Car manufacturing Bottling systems Storage systems Building Automation Heating, air-conditioning • Waste Water Purification Breweries Process Automation Polymer Storage Purification plants Chemical and petrochemical plants Paper and textile industries Pipelines • Power industry and power distribution Glue Production Power plants Switchgear Bottling Plants Food Production Building Automation
North American Users 3 M, CT 3 M, MN A. Schulman, OH ABB Flexible Automation, MI ABB Seatech, TX Abbott Laboratories, TX Accu-Fab Systems, OR Accusort, PA Acklin Stamping, OH Acme Brick, TX Advanced Energy, CO Advanced System Integration, TX Advantage Industrial Auto. , GA Agri. NW, WA Air Liquide, TX AIS, IN Alabama Power, AL Alcan, Canada Alliant Techsystems, VA Allied Signal, OH Alpine Engineered Products, TX American Baler, OH American Kuhne, CT American National Can, OH American National Can, TX American Standard, OH Amoco Fabrics, GA Amplex Electric, OH Amycel, TX Anarundel Cty Water Auth. , VA Anchor Brewing, CA Andritz Runther, TX Anheuser Busch, MO Applied Digital Engineering, TX Applied Extrusion Tech, VA Aqua Glass, Canada ARCO Alaska, AK Artech, NC ASI, TX ATG, WA ATJ Industrial Auto. , Canada Atronix Engineering, OH Autoliv, UT Automation Control, CO Automation Systems, MI Autotec, OH AVCA Corporation, OH Ballard Power, Canada Barnes and Noble, MA Barrilla Pasta, IA Best American Foods, ID
North American Users Basler Electric, IL Baxter Healthcare, AR Bayer, Mexico Bell & Howell, IL Best Press, NC Bethlehem Steel, OH Biersdorf, CT Blue Bell Creameries, TX Blue Circle Cement, GA Blue Diamond Nut Company, CA Blue Ridge Growers, VA BMH Americas Inc. , TX BOC, TX Bodine Test Assembly, CT Boise Cascade, OR Brightstar Synfuels, TX British Aerospace, TN Burlington Industries, VA Burton Snowboards, Canada BWX Technologies, VA C. Kirk Ryan CA Lawton Co. , WI CAE Newnes Ltd. , Canada CAE, Canada Cal Polymer, ID Calgon, SC Cameron Controls, TX Canrig, TX Capsugel, SC Carpenter Company, TX Carpenter Technology, VA Cast Masters, OH Caterpillar, IL CCL Container, VA Chemrex, MN Chicago Dryer, IL Chiles Drilling, TX Cincinnati Machines, OH Cincinnati Test, OH Circon ACMI, OH City of Houston Public Works, TX City of Jacksonville Public Works, FL City of Los Angeles Public Works, CA City of Phoenix Public Works, AZ Coe Manufacturing, OR Cold Springs – Texas Granite, TX Cole Electric, WI Colgate, NJ Columbia Electric, WA Columbia Pacific Aluminum, CA Compressor Controls, IA
North American Users Connexant, CA Conserve II, FL Control Concept Corp. , WI Control General, TX Control Panels & Systems, MD Controlled Power & Automation, TN Cooper Tire & Rubber, OH Copes Vulcan CP Films, VA Crane Kemlite, IL Crown, Cork & Seal, TX CSD, MA CTR, SC Cummins Engine, MI Curt Joa, WI Cytec Industries, OH Dan River Mills, VA Davis Standard, CT DECO Tools, OH Defasco Steel, PA Dell Computers, TX Delta Brands, TX Dexter Nonwovens, CT Dmytryka Jacobs Eng, OH Dorner Manufacturing, WI Dow Chemical, TX Dow Corning, MI DSM Engineered Plastics, PA DSM, VA Duke Power, TX Dunlop Tires, AL Eastman Chemicals, TN Eastman Kodak, NY Ebarra Technologies, CA Ebner Furnace, OH Edler Industries, CA EDS, MI Electronic Power Design, TX Elgin-Butler Brick, TX Eli Lilly, IN EMD, TX Encore Wire, TX Enerpro, CA Engineered Systems, OH Englewood Electric, FL Englewood Electric, IL ENSCO Kodiak II Environmental Waste H 2 O, ID EOS Engineering, TX EPCO, OH EPD, TX
North American Users Evanite Fiber Corp, OR Exion, WI Exonic Systems, MI Exxon Baytown, TX Fairmont Tamper, MN Falmouth Scientific, MA Fiber Visions, GA Findley, OH Fisher Controls, TX Flight Safety Int’l, TX Fogg Filler, MI Forest Products Machinery, GA Formosa Power Fort James Corp, OR Foxjet, TX Framatome Cogema Fuels, VA Frank W. Murphy, TX Friskies, MO Frostbite Brands, OH GAF Materials, MN Galvacor, Canada Gaston County Dyeing, NC GE Fanuc, UT GE Plastics, NY GE Team Controls, TX General Atomic, CA General Mills, MI General Shale Brick, TN Georgia Gulf, TX Georgia Pacific, MI Georgia Pacific, WA Giddings & Lewis, WI Gillette, MA Glassline, OH Global Marine Drilling, TX Globitech, TX Glomar Celtic Sea Glomar Explorer GM Power. Train, MI Golden Cheese, CA GPM Gas, TX Grobe Electric, AL H. B. Fuller, CA Haarman & Reimer, SC Harmon Motive, IN Harnisfeger, WI Harvard Industries, VA Harza Engineering Co. , IL Hauni, VA Hazentech, AR Heidelberg Finishing, OH
North American Users Heidelberg Web Presses, NH Heidtman Steel, OH Helm Instrument, OH Henkel, OH Henry Filters, OH Hess Electrical, MI Hitec, Canada Hitec, TX Holt Electric, WI Hoosier Magnetics, OH Houston Chronicle, TX HPM Hemscheidt Corp. Huels Huffman, SC Huntair, OR Husky, Canada Hydralift, TX I²S, CT IBM, VT ICD, NJ Imperial Holly, TX Incom, WI Indianapolis Casting, IN Industrial Automation Eng. , MN Innovative Controls, OH Innovative Electronics, TX Intec Permaglas, OR Intech, TX Integrated Chemical Solutions, TX Intelicon, OH Intellution, MA Interface Flooring, GA Intevac, CA ITT Automotive, NC ITW/Mini. Grip, TX J. R. Simplot, OR Jacobs Engineering, OR Jagenberg, CT Kendall Electric, MD Kendall Electric, WI Kiefel, NH Kirk Lumber, VA Kister, OH Kraft Foods, IL Kvaerner Metals, PA L&H Supply, TN La. Farge Alum. , VA Lamb Weston, OR Lemforder, ME Linklater, CA Lockwood Green, TX
North American Users M&M Mars, IL Mallinkrodt, MO Mantissa Corporation, NC Maple Leaf Bakery, VA Martin Feed Mills, Canada Mc. Naughton-Mc. Cay, IL MD/Totco, TX Medical Lake Waste Water, WA MG Generon, TX Micron Technology, ID Middlesex Industries, MA Milliken, SC Minaric, NC MM Controls, OR Mobil Chemical, CT Mobile Oil Pipeline, TX Mobile Oil, TX Molins Richmond, VA Monterrey Mushroom, TX Montgomery Watson, TX MPM Engineering, Canada Nanoose Systems, Canada NASA Cape Kennedy, FL NASA Langley, VA National Envelopes, KS National Instruments, TX National Oilwell, TX NEC, CA Nestle R&D Center, OH Newport News Shipbuilding, VA Noell Crane and Service, TX Northland Electric, MN North. Sails, NV Northwest Cybernetics, OR Norton, TX Novartis Pharmaceuticals, NJ NPC, TX NSC Technologies, IL O’Sullivan Industries, VA Ocean Spray, NJ Ocean Spray, WI OEM, TX OMC Services, TX On Trak Systems, CA Pacific Flow Controls, CA Packard-Hughes, CA Pan Pacific Co. , OK Pasadena Paper, TX Pearson Packaging, WA Pemco, WI Perdue Farms, MD
North American Users Petrotech, TX Pfizer, NE Pharmacia Upjohn, MI Philip Morris, VA Philips Lighting, KS Phoenix Environmental, IL PLENCO, WI PML, Canada Polybond, VA Port of Houston, TX Potlatch, ID PPG Industries, PA Praxair, TX PRI Automation, MA Procter & Gamble, OH Promotional Printing, TX Protec Coating, OH Qtera, FL Quad Graphics, WV Quad+, IL R&B Falcon Drilling, TX RA Hanson, WA Rapid. Pak, WI Rayonier, GA Raytheon, TX Reading and Bates, TX Redhook Brewery, WA Reliant Energy, LA Retrotech, NY Roberts Filters, PA Rockwell Automation, OH RR Donnelly & Sons, TN Rubbermaid, KS Rumsey Electric, PA Sandvick Sorting, KY Sanibel Island Water, FL Sasib Bakery, TX Sauder Woodworking, OH Savanah Foods, TX Schlumberger, TX Scholle, CA Seacor Gerand Jordan, TX Seacor Vanguard, TX Sematech, TX Seneca Foods, ID Shaffer, TX Shiner Brewery, TX Siebe APV Siemens Automotive, VA Siemens Electrocom, TX Siemens Telecommunications, TX
North American Users Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. , CA Signode – IPS, IL Simpro, TX Simpson Sawmill, WA Sinclair Marine Electric Skagit Smatco, TX SOR Southeastern Containers, VA Standard Gypsum, TX Sterling Berkefeld, Canada Sterns Airport Equipment, TX Stupp, TX Sumitomo, VA Sunkist Growers, CA Surface Combustion, OH Sverdrup, TN Systel, TX TA Engineering, CA Tamko Roofing, MO Taylor Clay, NC Tech Conveyor, NJ Tech Logic, MN Tech Power, TX Technisys, UT TEI Engineering, IN Teledyne Advanced Metals, TN Tennessee Eastern Chemicals, TN Tennessee Valley Authority, TN Texaco, TX Texas Eastern, TX Texas Farm Products, TX Texas Instruments, MA Texas Instruments, TX Thermal Engineering, SC Thermoguard Equipment, WA Titan Industries, TX Toledo Transducers, OH Transdyne Controls, GA Transocean (Marianis), TX Tree Top, WA Trident Tooling, OH Trinity Industries, TX Trunkline, TX Trus Joist Mac. Millan, ID Tru-Si Technologies, CA TRW, AZ Tuchenhagen-Zajac, MD Turtle & Hughes, NJ Tyler Controls, NY UAS, Canada UCB Films, KS
North American Users UCB, IL Ulvac, MA Unilever, NJ Uniloy-Milacron Manchester, MI Uniroyal, Canada United Copper, TX United Distillers and Vintners, Canada Update Systems, MO US Army Corps of Engineers, KY US Filters, AZ US Gypsum, CA US Postal Service USS (? ) New Carrier (CVN 77) USS Carl Vinson USS Chester A. Nimitz USS Harry S. Truman USS Ronald Reagan Valley Record, CA Varco, TX Vetrotex, TX Wabash Plastics, IN WABCO, SC Walbridge Coatings, OH Walla Waste Water, WA Wallace Printing, IL Warren Electric, LA Warren Electric, TX WC Woods, OH Western Container, TX Wetmore, TX White Oak Semiconductor, VA Williams Pipeline, KS Williamson Printing Corp. , TX Wilson. Art, TX Wirtz Manufacturing, MI WL Gore, NC Woodgrain Millwork, ID Woodward Governor, CO WPS Industries, LA WR Grace, MI Wright Industries, TN
The End Questions?