Скачать презентацию Introduction to Planarity Test W L Hsu 1 Скачать презентацию Introduction to Planarity Test W L Hsu 1


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Introduction to Planarity Test W. L. Hsu 1 Introduction to Planarity Test W. L. Hsu 1

Plane Graph l A plane graph is a graph drawn in the plane in Plane Graph l A plane graph is a graph drawn in the plane in such a way that no two edges intersect – Except at a vertex to which they are both incident l A planar graph is one which is isomorphic to a plane graph – Namely, it has a plane embedding 2

Planar Graphs 3 Planar Graphs 3

Planar Graph Embedding Clockwise edge ordering 4 Planar Graph Embedding Clockwise edge ordering 4

Issues in Planarity Test If you can find a planar embedding, then the graph Issues in Planarity Test If you can find a planar embedding, then the graph is planar. l How do you determine if a graph is not planar? l This is the more difficult part of many recognition algorithm, namely, deciding when a graph “does not” belong to a class l – Get a certificate for non-planar graphs – Or alternatively, you have tried all possible ways but still fail to embed the graph in the plane (proof by exhaustion) – Use counting argument 5

Basic Non-Planar Graphs K 5 K 3, 3 6 Basic Non-Planar Graphs K 5 K 3, 3 6

Euler’s Theorem (1752) l Euler’s theorem Let G be a connected plane graph, and Euler’s Theorem (1752) l Euler’s theorem Let G be a connected plane graph, and let f be the # of faces of G. Then n + f = m + 2 – Prove by induction on the # of edges. l Corollary. m 3 n – 6 – First show that 3 f 2 m since every face is bounded by at lest 3 edges 7

K 5 and K 3, 3 are non-planar l If K 5 is planar, K 5 and K 3, 3 are non-planar l If K 5 is planar, then by previous Corollary, we have 10 9. l K 3, 3 is bipartite. Assume it is planar, then every face is even (has at least 4 edges). – Hence 4 f 2 m. – Namely, 10 = 2 f m = 9. 8

Kuratowski’s Theorem l Two graphs are homeomorphic if they can be obtained from the Kuratowski’s Theorem l Two graphs are homeomorphic if they can be obtained from the same graph by inserting new vertices of degree 2 into its edges l A graph is planar if and only if it contains no subgraph homeomorphic to K 5 or K 3, 3 l The latter are referred to as Kuratowski subgraphs 9

Planarity Test 10 Planarity Test 10

How do you draw a planar graph without regret ? l This means that, How do you draw a planar graph without regret ? l This means that, besides keeping the current embedding planar, your embedding can also keep future options open. l You will have to design an embedding “scheme” rather than obtain a “physical” (實體的 ) embedding 11

Prior Results l 1 st approach – Hopcroft and Tarjan [1974], first O(m) time. Prior Results l 1 st approach – Hopcroft and Tarjan [1974], first O(m) time. – PATH ADDITION l 2 nd approach – – l Lempel, Even and Cederbaum[1967], O(n 2) time VERTEX ADDITION st-numbering, consecutive ones testing Booth and Lueker [1976] used PQ-trees to test the consecutive ones property in O(m+n) time 3 rd approach – Shih and Hsu [1999] used PC-trees for recognition and embedding. – EDGE ADDITION 12

A Brief Intro. to the Vertex Addition Approach of LEC 13 A Brief Intro. to the Vertex Addition Approach of LEC 13

Vertex Addition Approach of LEC Keep the current partial planar graph connected 2. Keep Vertex Addition Approach of LEC Keep the current partial planar graph connected 2. Keep those non-added vertices a connected subgraph (i. e. in the same face). 3. Apply a consecutive ones test every time a new vertex is added 1. 14

st-numbering (I) Consider a 2 -connected graph G. Pick any two adjacent vertices s st-numbering (I) Consider a 2 -connected graph G. Pick any two adjacent vertices s and t. l Order the vertices of G into s, v(1), . . . , v(k), t such that l s t v(i) t s v(i) v(i+1), …, t must be imbedded in the same face 15

St-numbering(II) s v(i) v(i+1) t Depth-First-Search s v(i) v(i+1) t 16 St-numbering(II) s v(i) v(i+1) t Depth-First-Search s v(i) v(i+1) t 16

Bush Form (1) 1=s 6=t 2 3 (a) B 1 6 5 2 3 Bush Form (1) 1=s 6=t 2 3 (a) B 1 6 5 2 3 5 (a’) 1 2 6 3 4 5 (b) B 2 3 5 6 3 4 5 (b’) 3 5 17

Bush Form (2) 1 2 6 4 5 3 3 5 (c’) (c) B Bush Form (2) 1 2 6 4 5 3 3 5 (c’) (c) B 2’ 1 2 3 6 4 5 4 (d) B 3 6 5 6 4 5 4 (d’) 6 5 18

Bush Form (3) 1 2 3 6 5 4 4 (e) B 3’ 1 Bush Form (3) 1 2 3 6 5 4 4 (e) B 3’ 1 6 5 (e’) 2 3 4 6 5 5 (f) B 4 6 6 5 4 4 (f’) 6 5 19

1 3 Bush Form (4) 2 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 (g’) 1 3 Bush Form (4) 2 4 6 6 6 5 5 5 (g’) (g) B 4’ 1 2 3 4 6 6 5 6 (h) B 5 6 6 6 (h’) 20

Bush Form (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (i) G=G 6=B 6 (i’) Bush Form (5) 1 2 3 4 5 6 (i) G=G 6=B 6 (i’) 21

Introducing PQ-Trees 22 Introducing PQ-Trees 22

PQ-trees and the consecutive ones property (COP) COP : Can one permute the columns PQ-trees and the consecutive ones property (COP) COP : Can one permute the columns such that the ones in each row are consecutive ? Q 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 1 0 0 Q 0 1 1 0 0 0 P 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 2 3 4 5 PQ-trees can record all feasible permutations of the column indices 6 23

Linear time algorithm on PQ-trees l [1974] Booth and Lueker presented a linear time Linear time algorithm on PQ-trees l [1974] Booth and Lueker presented a linear time algorithm for the COP test based on PQ-trees – Process the matrix one row at a time l PQ-tree can also be used to yield a linear time algorithm for interval graph recognition and planar graph recognition. 24

Operations on PQ-trees (I) l Booth and Lueker’s algorithm is a bottom-up approach consisting Operations on PQ-trees (I) l Booth and Lueker’s algorithm is a bottom-up approach consisting of two stages: – 1. Node labeling l The leaves of the incoming row are labeled full, all the other leaves are empty. the remaining nodes are labeled empty : all of its children are empty l full : all of its children are full l partial : neither full nor empty l – 2. Tree modification 25

Operations on PQ-trees (II): 1. Node labeling l The first time a node u Operations on PQ-trees (II): 1. Node labeling l The first time a node u becomes partial or full report to its parent. l The first time a node u gets a partial or full child label u partial. l The first time all children of a node u become full label u full. 26

Operations on PQ-trees (III): 2. Tree modification Need to modify the current tree so Operations on PQ-trees (III): 2. Tree modification Need to modify the current tree so that all the incoming columns can be arranged consecutively. l Modify the subtree of every partial node l – At each iteration, modify the subtree of a partial node starting from the lowest level of the tree l The subtree modification is based on 9 templates of subtree structures. 27

Template P 2 for ROOT (T, S) when it is a P-node. . . Template P 2 for ROOT (T, S) when it is a P-node. . . 28

Template P 3 for a singly partial Pnode which is not ROOT (T, S). Template P 3 for a singly partial Pnode which is not ROOT (T, S). . . 29

Template P 4 for ROOT(T, S) when it is a P-node with one partial Template P 4 for ROOT(T, S) when it is a P-node with one partial child . . . 30

Template P 5 for a singly partial P-node, other than ROOT(T, S), with one Template P 5 for a singly partial P-node, other than ROOT(T, S), with one partial child. . . 31

Template P 6 for ROOT(T, S) when it is a doubly partial P-node. . Template P 6 for ROOT(T, S) when it is a doubly partial P-node. . . . 32

Template Q 2 for a singly partial Qnode . . 33 Template Q 2 for a singly partial Qnode . . 33

Template Q 3 for a double partial Qnode . . 34 Template Q 3 for a double partial Qnode . . 34

Time complexity of the original PQ-tree operations Node labeling takes time proportional to the Time complexity of the original PQ-tree operations Node labeling takes time proportional to the number of incoming columns. l Subtree modification needs to change many parent-children relationships l – use amortized analysis to argue that it takes constant time at every iteration. – this analysis is quite involved. l Does not render a direct algorithm for testing the circular ones property – Complement a row 35