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Introduction to Market Research Prepared for: … in association with HK IPD, IP Australia Introduction to Market Research Prepared for: … in association with HK IPD, IP Australia 1

INTRODUCTION: MARKET RESEARCH Market research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis and INTRODUCTION: MARKET RESEARCH Market research is the systematic and objective identification, collection, analysis and reporting of information for the purpose of assisting organisations in decisions relating to the understanding of the behaviours and attitudes of people and their organisations, the ultimate aim being the development and implementation of solutions to problems or opportunities. In this first chapter, the role and importance of market research will be reviewed: What is market research? The role of market research Whether to conduct market research In-house vs. external research 2

1) THE ROLE OF MARKET RESEARCH The role of market research is to help 1) THE ROLE OF MARKET RESEARCH The role of market research is to help organisations—in this case IP agencies—align themselves to: (1) their customers; in the narrow context users of the IP agencies services, and in the wider context the general public (2) their organisational goals, which will reflect government policy and vary across individual Economies (3) changing market conditions Customers Policy Goals Market Environment Alignment Market Research Function Descriptive Measure awareness Diagnostic Explain behaviour Predictive Predict outcomes / trends 3

2) WHEN TO CONDUCT A RESEARCH STUDY No organisation should commence a research study 2) WHEN TO CONDUCT A RESEARCH STUDY No organisation should commence a research study before assessing the value of such work in relation to the expense. The very first task is to ask: Should I conduct market research at all? There are several situations where it may be best not to proceed: (1) Limited financial resources There at least two situations in which a lack of funding should preclude marketing research: (a) When the organisation lacks the funds to do the research properly. (b) When funds are available to do the research but are insufficient to implement any recommendations from the findings of the research. (2) Precise objectives have not been formulated (3) The costs of conducting research outweigh the benefits (or return on objectives - ROO). (4) Inappropriate timing 4

3) IN-HOUSE vs EXTERNAL MARKET RESEARCH The second question: Should I conduct market research 3) IN-HOUSE vs EXTERNAL MARKET RESEARCH The second question: Should I conduct market research myself or hire a research company? Some large MNCs do nearly all their research in-house, including project design and focus groups. Others choose to outsource or do both on a case-to-case basis. Advantages of outsourcing research Advantages of conducting in-house research (1) Expertise and experience (2) Confidentiality and security (3) Unbiased viewpoint (4) More efficient (1) Lower costs (2) Stronger domain knowledge (3) Better control The key elements necessary for successful internally managed research projects are: (1) long-term vision; (2) clearly defined goals; (3) earmarked budget; (4) project execution and management skills; and (5) a means of measuring success. 5

The case for in-house research can be made under two circumstances: (1) Where the The case for in-house research can be made under two circumstances: (1) Where the burden of the research effort is shared with a research firm. This can occur in several ways: (a) the IP agency has access to surveyors (e. g. student interns) that can be trained then deployed by the research firm; (b) the IP agency has its own research instruments. Research firms will always charge for questionnaire development as this is time consuming and requires a high level of expertise. Using the Pilot template or sharing templates used by other APEC Economies—even if these still require some modification to specific objectives—should reduce the overall cost; and (c) the IP agency has a captive audience (for self-completion surveys). In these circumstances, a research company should still be retained in order to advise on the correct implementation, sampling, etc. (2) Exploratory research, which does not need to be representative, can often be undertaken internally. 6