Скачать презентацию Introduction to i Series Mandy Shaw Version 0 Скачать презентацию Introduction to i Series Mandy Shaw Version 0


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Introduction to i. Series Mandy Shaw Version 0. 3, 14 June 2006 © Logicalis Introduction to i. Series Mandy Shaw Version 0. 3, 14 June 2006 © Logicalis Group

Agenda i. Series in context Architecture The i. Series environment Windows, Linux and AIX Agenda i. Series in context Architecture The i. Series environment Windows, Linux and AIX integration Security DB 2/400 Disk and tape storage, backup and recovery, data storage Programming the i. Series Printing and electronic output Day-to-day operation, licensed programs, fixes and support, sources of information Communications

Introduction to i. Series in context © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series in context © Logicalis Group

i. Series: an industry phenomenon Optimised, integrated business computing for mid-enterprises Enduring and unique i. Series: an industry phenomenon Optimised, integrated business computing for mid-enterprises Enduring and unique software-based, hardware-independent architecture avoids all costly technology transitions Easy to manage, secure, highly reliable Successful in business solutions driven mid market Far lowest total cost of ownership amongst midrange systems

IBM midrange systems IBM midrange systems

i 570 i 595 i 520 i 550 Open Virtualised Autonomic Integrated i 570 i 595 i 520 i 550 Open Virtualised Autonomic Integrated

Some i. Series applications Domino (i. Series as application server) Sametime (i. Series as Some i. Series applications Domino (i. Series as application server) Sametime (i. Series as application server) Linux, AIX and Windows workloads Feeds from i. Series database to decision support tools such as Excel Green screen (5250) application. Net fat client or Web application (i. Series as database server and/or application server) J 2 EE applications on Tomcat or Web. Sphere

Introduction to i. Series Architecture © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Architecture © Logicalis Group

Architecture: agenda Hierarchy of microprocessors Layered architecture Single level storage Object orientation Built in Architecture: agenda Hierarchy of microprocessors Layered architecture Single level storage Object orientation Built in database Logical partitioning i. Series workloads: traditional, Windows, Linux on Power, Linux on Intel, AIX stand-alone, AIX within OS/400, Java and Web. Sphere, Domino Web. Facing i 5 models and editions

Hierarchy of microprocessors Disk IOP Tape IOP LAN IOP CPU(s) Pentium IXS (x. Series Hierarchy of microprocessors Disk IOP Tape IOP LAN IOP CPU(s) Pentium IXS (x. Series IOP) 2 -line WAN IOP I/O Adapter (IOA) IOA Control of peripheral devices is not the CPU’s responsibility, being carried out by specialised input/output processors (IOPs).

i. Series - an enduring architecture eliminates technology transition costs My. Pgm Applications Development i. Series - an enduring architecture eliminates technology transition costs My. Pgm Applications Development LDAP Systems Management Open Interfaces OLTP and OLAP Printing and e. Output Complete “Operating System” Technology Independent Machine Interface (TIMI) System Licensed Internal Code - SLIC Microcode LPAR TCP/IP DB 2 UDB/400 Security Java Virtual I/O Communications Linux AIX i. Series Hardware 64 -bit RISC Power. PC

Single level storage Applications access objects by name Operating system accesses pages by virtual Single level storage Applications access objects by name Operating system accesses pages by virtual address Microcode translates virtual address to physical address Microcode handles all paging

Object orientation Methods applicable to object Create Content of object (in this case, program Object orientation Methods applicable to object Create Content of object (in this case, program instruction stream) Debug Run X Edit Delete Everything stored on i. Series is an object. Each object has a fixed object type determining the methods that may be used on it. Examples: ¤*PGM - program ¤*FILE - database or device file ¤*USRPRF - user profile ¤*JOBQ - batch job queue

i. Series - an enduring architecture eliminates technology transition costs System/38, 1978 My. Pgm i. Series - an enduring architecture eliminates technology transition costs System/38, 1978 My. Pgm CISC AS/400, 1988 My. Pgm RISC AS/400, 1995 i. Series, 2000 i 5, 2004 No need even to recompile, since the program object encapsulates its own TIMI ‘source code’ which can be automatically re-translated by OS/400 as necessary My. Pgm

What can your i. Series do? One box to house, manage and maintain Flexible What can your i. Series do? One box to house, manage and maintain Flexible use of disk, tape, memory, CPU, … Secure and resilient integration Capacity Upgrade on Demand for CPU and memory Linux on Intel Java Windows 2000/3 AIX app (PASE) AIX OS/400 Web. Sphere DB 2 UDB Linux on Power. PC Domino

Logical partitioning (OS/400, Linux on Power. PC, AIX) AIX Linux on Power. PC OS/400 Logical partitioning (OS/400, Linux on Power. PC, AIX) AIX Linux on Power. PC OS/400 V 5 R 3 GMT OS/400 V 5 R 2 OS/400 V 5 R 3 PST OS/400 level (n-1 to n+1, but hardware dependent) Time zones Development, production, test DMZ separation Gigabit virtual LAN available Fractions of a processor Dynamic resource allocation Linux and AIX partitions need only CPU and memory i. Series layered architecture gives high resilience No additional software costs

Windows integration (IXS and IXA) i. Series Integrated x. Series Server Linux on Intel Windows integration (IXS and IXA) i. Series Integrated x. Series Server Linux on Intel Windows 2000/3 Intel server within i. Series Processor and memory on card Uses OS/400 disk, tape and LAN resources Has own monitor, mouse and keyboard Windows 2000 or 2003, or Red. Hat Linux Fully certified by Microsoft for Windows User profile and database integration Gigabit virtual LAN available [Windows only at present] Manage from OS/400 i. Series Integrated x. Series Adapter Separate x. Series box i. Series server IXA card links it to i. Series via HSL Leverage increasing x. Series power IXA in supported Has own memory, processor, cards x. Series server Uses x. Series and/or OS/400 tape and LAN Uses OS/400 disk Windows 2000 or 2003, or Suse or Red. Hat Linux Otherwise same as IXS

Linux on IXS/IXA Linux on Power. PC (i. e. in an i. Series partition) Linux on IXS/IXA Linux on Power. PC (i. e. in an i. Series partition) is tried and tested, but vendor support for Power. PC Linux can be a problem. Linux on IXS/IXA gets round this. Seen by some IBMers as a stepping stone to Power. PC Linux, rather than as a solution in its own right. Power. PC Linux is more flexible: Intel Linux requires IXS/IXA hardware, and processor and memory allocation are not dynamic. VMWare ESX is not yet supported. Linux on IXS/IXA has been available only since the autumn of 2004, with no production deployment in the UK as yet. Logicalis view: great future, but not ready yet.

Examples: Logicalis DMZ server Quickplace External Domino email protected by Norton Anti-Virus with live Examples: Logicalis DMZ server Quickplace External Domino email protected by Norton Anti-Virus with live update Win 2 K My. SQL PASE PHP Customer apps – Apache Web. Sphere AS/400 model 170, 1 GB memory, V 5 R 2, IXS card

Services organisation: Before Sage Line 50 Access database and corporate application User Hand-held Terminal Services organisation: Before Sage Line 50 Access database and corporate application User Hand-held Terminal Message Server and gateway desktop Telephone Email server No DNS or DHCP Fax File and print

Internet facing Access database and corporate application External Web browser user Web server Internet Internet facing Access database and corporate application External Web browser user Web server Internet email gateway External email senders and recipients Email server Proxy server User Web browser External Web sites DMZ Internet Internal

After LPAR 1 - Production Email: Domino Fax Server Corporate app: IXS Additional apps After LPAR 1 - Production Email: Domino Fax Server Corporate app: IXS Additional apps DB 2 Sage Line 50: IXS Hand-held terminal gateway: IXS DNS DHCP Telephones: IXS LPAR 2 – Linux Guest File server: Samba LPAR 3 – LPAR 4 - DMZ Linux Firewall SMTP: and Domino Proxy Server Web server: Apache, potential for Web. Sphere applications

Web serving and Web enablement Native Resilient, high performance Java Virtual Machine Web. Sphere Web serving and Web enablement Native Resilient, high performance Java Virtual Machine Web. Sphere Application Server Apache Web server Apache Tomcat Web. Facing Portal Power. PC Linux Web. Sphere Application Server LAMP (Linux, Apache, my. SQL, PHP) AIX Web. Sphere Application Server, Apache Web server Other Unix Web environments IXS/IXA Web. Sphere Application Server, Apache Web server Microsoft Web environments

Possible configurations Web browser – Extranet or external user MZ Apache on i. Series Possible configurations Web browser – Extranet or external user MZ Apache on i. Series DMZ Firewall Apache on i. Series, or Apache on x. Series (Windows or Linux) INTERNET Firewall Other external data or transaction sources and targets Web browser – Intranet user Tomcat or Web. Sphere Application Server Web. Facing, JDBC or Web. Sphere MQ Internal databases and RPG-based applications Internal 5250 application user

Web. Facing Use of Web. Facing removes normal 5250 application cost implications Web. Facing Use of Web. Facing removes normal 5250 application cost implications

i 5 models and editions i 550 i 570 i 595 i 520 Enterprise i 5 models and editions i 550 i 570 i 595 i 520 Enterprise Edition • Allows interactive (5250) workload • BRMS for backup and recovery • Additional IBM software • e. g. 20 users of Portal Standard Edition • Only Web. Faced interactive workload • Base OS/400 software only

Introduction to i. Series The i. Series environment © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series The i. Series environment © Logicalis Group

The i. Series environment: agenda Objects and libraries Integrated Filing System Work management Instructing The i. Series environment: agenda Objects and libraries Integrated Filing System Work management Instructing the i. Series Navigator CL commands

Integrated Filing System One integrated structure QSYS. LIB = libraries, objects and members QDLS Integrated Filing System One integrated structure QSYS. LIB = libraries, objects and members QDLS = traditional 8. 3 folder/document tree QNTC = Windows Network client – sees contents of your Windows servers includes file system level view of IXS/IXA QFILESVR. 400 = Remote IFS – sees contents of other i. Series systems QOPT = your i. Series’ CD drive QIBM/Prod. Data and QIBM/User. Data used by many IBM products including Web. Sphere Qxxx used by other IBM products Other root folders use Unix naming conventions, e. g. case-sensitive Can define shares using Net. Server and map them as network drives from Windows

Jobs All work progresses through the machine as a series of jobs. Jobs can Jobs All work progresses through the machine as a series of jobs. Jobs can have various sources. The most important types of job are:

Interactive Jobs An interactive job is one which starts when a user signs onto Interactive Jobs An interactive job is one which starts when a user signs onto a display station (i. e. a terminal emulation session). It is ended when the user signs off; if he signs on again, another interactive job is initiated.

Server Jobs A server job runs continuously on the i. Series waiting for requests Server Jobs A server job runs continuously on the i. Series waiting for requests from clients (typically PCs). Examples of server jobs are: FTP server; database server (used by ODBC applications). Typically, server jobs are listening on TCP/IP ports. Server jobs vary in the way in which they are started.

Batch Jobs A batch job carries out processing that requires no input from a Batch Jobs A batch job carries out processing that requires no input from a client or display station (for example, the generation of a report by an application). A batch job is normally placed on a job queue via the SBMJOB command, which has many parameters, of which the following are the most important: CMD - the CL command to be executed JOB - the job name to be used for the batch job JOBD - the job description to be used for this job The job description specifies the job queue on which the job is to be placed, together with a lot of detailed information about the job - the default output queue for its spooled output, for example.

Print Writers (Spool Jobs) These connect physical printers to output queues, and print spooled Print Writers (Spool Jobs) These connect physical printers to output queues, and print spooled output as it arrives.

Job tuning depends on job type. IBM ships sensible defaults for traditional workloads. Job tuning depends on job type. IBM ships sensible defaults for traditional workloads.


i. Series Navigator i. Series Navigator

Introduction to i. Series Windows, Linux and AIX integration © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Windows, Linux and AIX integration © Logicalis Group

d: drive Network Storage Space NWSSTG 2 IXS/IXA running Windows 2000/2003 c: drive hot d: drive Network Storage Space NWSSTG 2 IXS/IXA running Windows 2000/2003 c: drive hot swap Network Storage Space NWSSTG 3 c: drive Network Storage Space NWSSTG 1 • Network storage spaces allocated from i. Series single level storage • Easy creation and linking from i. Series Navigator • Then manage like normal Windows volumes • Linux and AIX: network storage space for each filesystem • Major performance and availability advantages

RMVLNK OBJLNK('/mysqlbackup/notabilitydb. sql') MONMSG CPFA 0 A 9 /* File not present - ignore RMVLNK OBJLNK('/mysqlbackup/notabilitydb. sql') MONMSG CPFA 0 A 9 /* File not present - ignore */ SBMNWSCMD CMD('net use y: \cat 34root') SERVER(WWW 1) AUTDMN(*LOCAL) SBMNWSCMD CMD('c: mysqlbinmysqldump -uroot notabilitydb + >y: mysqlbackupnotabilitydb. sql') + SERVER(WWW 1) AUTDMN(*LOCAL) SBMNWSCMD CMD('net use y: /delete') SERVER(WWW 1) AUTDMN(*LOCAL) /* Check success by making sure file now exists */ DSPLNK OBJ('/mysqlbackup/notabilitydb. sql') OUTPUT(*PRINT) SNDDST TYPE(*LMSG) TOUSRID((SHAWM CATALYST)) + DSTD('My. SQL dump successfully created') + LONGMSG('My. SQL dump successfully + created') SUBJECT('My. SQL dump + successfully created') Virtual LAN Performance, resilience N. B. not yet supported for Linux on Intel User profile/password synchronisation easy management, resilience Instruct server from i. Series (e. g. from WRKJOBSCDE) easy management, resilience

Introduction to i. Series Security © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Security © Logicalis Group

Special authorities Differentiate job functions: Security officer (root or superuser) Service engineer Security administrator Special authorities Differentiate job functions: Security officer (root or superuser) Service engineer Security administrator Operator Programmer User *SECADM *SAVSYS *JOBCTL *IOSYSCFG *SPLCTL *AUDIT: required in addition to relevant resource access *ALLOBJ gives *ALL access to all objects

Simplify your infrastructure: single level signon What Every Enterprise Wants Protect access to enterprise Simplify your infrastructure: single level signon What Every Enterprise Wants Protect access to enterprise resources at lowest possible cost What Every User Wants Highest possible convenience and productivity Not to have to remember or change passwords

SSO Definition What we mean by SSO The ability of an end user to SSO Definition What we mean by SSO The ability of an end user to sign in to the enterprise network and run multi-tier applications without being prompted again for authentication data, and without requiring the end user to have the same user ID and/or password on every system. What we don’t mean by SSO Same user id everywhere Same password everywhere Centralized storing/caching of passwords LDAP authentication

Kerberos and Enterprise Identity Mapping Kerberos involves the acceptance of a single authentication by Kerberos and Enterprise Identity Mapping Kerberos involves the acceptance of a single authentication by ‘Kerberised’ applications, avoiding the need for passwords EIM links user ids for different servers, at individual or group level Traffic cop EIM can be used without Kerberos; Kerberos can be used without EIM

Nirvana Windows 2000/NT Net. Server NDS Web. Sphere Linux i. Series intranet User AIX Nirvana Windows 2000/NT Net. Server NDS Web. Sphere Linux i. Series intranet User AIX RACF z/OS John Smith's user ID: u: JSmith p: myonepwd Extranet / Internet

OS/400 approach gets you here Windows NT/98/95 Net. Server Windows 2000/2003 Server Web. Sphere OS/400 approach gets you here Windows NT/98/95 Net. Server Windows 2000/2003 Server Web. Sphere NDS intranet User i. Series John Smith's user IDs: u: John. Smith u: smithj u: John u: Smith 1 u: Jo. Sm 05 etc. . p: myonepwd p: *NONE Linux John Smith's user IDs: u: John Smith u: JSimth u: John u: Smith 1 u: Jo. Sm 05 etc. . RACF AIX z/OS

OS/400 implementation elements EIM • Identifiers for individuals • Maps identifiers to user ids OS/400 implementation elements EIM • Identifiers for individuals • Maps identifiers to user ids in registries LDAP directory • used to store EIM data Applications • Net. Server, i. Series Navigator, Management Central, PC 5250, QFile. Svr. 400, … Kerberos • OS/400 can store KDC and do Kerberos authentication • Typically, it won’t Network Authentication Service • Identifies where the Kerberos authentication is done, and for which apps

Introduction to i. Series DB 2/400 © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series DB 2/400 © Logicalis Group

DB 2/400: agenda DB 2 within the i. Series environment Functionality and programming approaches: DB 2/400: agenda DB 2 within the i. Series environment Functionality and programming approaches: SQL traditional Journalling and commitment control Providing high availability Management and administration

DB 2 within the i. Series environment Database is built in to the operating DB 2 within the i. Series environment Database is built in to the operating system Database components can exist in any library; they can be managed and accessed via SQL or via traditional OS/400 commands and programming techniques, interchangeably SQL functionality well up there with the competition


Physical file = SQL table Access path = SQL index Physical file = SQL table Access path = SQL index

Logical file = SQL view Logical file = SQL view

High availability via data replication Source Target Mirrored database tables Copy of application Mirrored High availability via data replication Source Target Mirrored database tables Copy of application Mirrored journal receiver Journal receiver Main database tables Main application

Management and administration Interactive SQL (green screen) CL commands CRTPF DSPDBR DSPFD RGZPFM i. Management and administration Interactive SQL (green screen) CL commands CRTPF DSPDBR DSPFD RGZPFM i. Series Navigator SQL command execution Performance advice and monitoring Graphical representation of entities and relationships Web. Sphere Development Studio Client Data definition view

Introduction to i. Series Disk and tape storage, backup and recovery, data storage © Introduction to i. Series Disk and tape storage, backup and recovery, data storage © Logicalis Group

Disk storage options Disk storage options

ESS attach example PROD DEV HA 4 fibre connections Total. Storage ESS 4 fibre ESS attach example PROD DEV HA 4 fibre connections Total. Storage ESS 4 fibre connections

i. Series tape example DEV HA PROD Shared LTO with shared PCI attach Fibre i. Series tape example DEV HA PROD Shared LTO with shared PCI attach Fibre connection LTO with PCI attach Fibre connection 3494 tape library Fibre connection

Customer example: commodity trader Total HA/DR solution for 5 x timezones + test/dev Site Customer example: commodity trader Total HA/DR solution for 5 x timezones + test/dev Site A Site B IBM 3494 Tape library 3 x 3590 B 1 A drives Crossroads 8000 storage routers SCSI Fiber IBM 3494 Tape library 3 x 3590 B 1 A drives Crossroads 8000 storage routers Orion Replication SCSI Vision Suite BRMS AS/400 730 with 8 x LPAR’s

IFS is saved with the SAV command IFS is saved with the SAV command

IFS is restored with the RST command IFS is restored with the RST command

BRMS Backup, Recovery and Media Services Manages your backups Process, report, monitor backups All BRMS Backup, Recovery and Media Services Manages your backups Process, report, monitor backups All data is backed up Control groups Parallel save Lists unsaved objects Restricted state saves

BRMS Recovery Orderly retrieval of lost or damaged objects Restore entire system Restore of BRMS Recovery Orderly retrieval of lost or damaged objects Restore entire system Restore of libraries/objects Restore of control groups Restore of IFS

BRMS Recovery report Step by step guide BRMS takes responsibility BRMS Recovery report Step by step guide BRMS takes responsibility

BRMS Media management Tracks all tapes and save files Tracks tape movement Tracks contents BRMS Media management Tracks all tapes and save files Tracks tape movement Tracks contents of media

BRMS Other functions Spool file saves Save to savefile Network capable Archive Hierarchical Storage BRMS Other functions Spool file saves Save to savefile Network capable Archive Hierarchical Storage Management

Data storage Compliance requirements demand full control of tape cycles and tape retention Provided Data storage Compliance requirements demand full control of tape cycles and tape retention Provided by BRMS An application’s library structure would normally group objects with similar backup requirements

Introduction to i. Series Programming the i. Series © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Programming the i. Series © Logicalis Group

Programming the i. Series Control Language Device files and display files Traditional high level Programming the i. Series Control Language Device files and display files Traditional high level languages RPG, Cobol, C, C++ Integrated Language Environment Java Web. Sphere Development Studio i. Series-based compilers Client-based development environment u CODE/400 u WDS Client for HTML, Java, JSPs, EJBs, web services, … u Web. Facing development environment u Popular i. Series change control products have interfaces to WDSC Visual RPG and other pointless byways

Control Language programming . . . DCL &INPUTFILE *CHAR 30. . . MONMSG (CPF Control Language programming . . . DCL &INPUTFILE *CHAR 30. . . MONMSG (CPF 0001 CPF 0006) EXEC(GOTO VALID). . . CHGVAR &INPFILLIB %SST(&INPUTFILE 11 10). . . OVRDBF FILE(INPUT) TOFILE(&INPFILLIB/&INPFILOBJ) + MBR(&INPFILMBR). . . FTP RMTSYS(&HOST) OVRPRTF FILE(QSYSPRT) SPLFNAME(FTPBATCH) CPYF FROMFILE(&OUTFILLIB/&OUTFILOBJ) + TOFILE(QSYSPRT) FROMMBR(&OUTFILMBR) DLTOVR FILE(*ALL) RETURN /******************************/ VALID: RCVMSG MSGTYPE(*DIAG) MSGDTA(&LMSGDTA) MSGID(&LMSGID) + MSGF(&LMSGF) SNDMSGFLIB(&LMSGFLIB). . . Used for ops programming and where high level languages can’t do what is required. Far more powerful than many people think. You can even write your own commands – very useful in ops programming.

Probably the only time you will come across DB 2/400 multi-member physical files Probably the only time you will come across DB 2/400 multi-member physical files

Externally described files again. Web. Facing translates these into JSPs and servlets Externally described files again. Web. Facing translates these into JSPs and servlets

Integrated Language Environment Program *PGM object. traditional via CRTxxx. PGM, ILE via CRTPGM *PGMs Integrated Language Environment Program *PGM object. traditional via CRTxxx. PGM, ILE via CRTPGM *PGMs contain 1 or more modules Module *MODULE object type Module MOD 1 RPGMOD 1 Contains translated but unexecutable code Must be BOUND into a program to run Input is a source member May contain one or more procedures Procedure Executable code with entry point Not an AS/400 object RPG & Cobol: 1 per compilation, C: many per compilation Service program Separate object, works like a Windows DLL Module MOD 2 CBLMOD 1 Module MOD 3 Procedure CRTINVNBR Procedure LOCKSTOCK Program INVMAST

Traditional Programming versus Java Repeat for every platform Source Code compiler Object Code Module Traditional Programming versus Java Repeat for every platform Source Code compiler Object Code Module Executable Code binder versus Compile time Source Code Compile once, run everywhere JAVA compiler Run time Byte Code Loader Byte Code Verifier CLASS File Java Interpreter

How can this be? Traditional environment Java program code execution Native program code execution How can this be? Traditional environment Java program code execution Native program code execution Java Virtual Machine Operating system Java can be invoked efficiently from ILE, and vice versa Java source code and class files are stored in the IFS

Multi-language example PTSTSOCKET HOST(PACIFIC 6) PORT(1352) If successful, a completion message will be returned Multi-language example PTSTSOCKET HOST(PACIFIC 6) PORT(1352) If successful, a completion message will be returned Connection successfully obtained to PACIFIC 6 on port 1352 Otherwise, an appropriate escape message will be returned Host CAT 32 name resolved but no connection was

Introduction to i. Series Printing and electronic output © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Printing and electronic output © Logicalis Group

i. Series Printing and Electronic Output Printer data streams can be simple (SCS) or i. Series Printing and Electronic Output Printer data streams can be simple (SCS) or complex (AFP) Printer attachment can be LPR/LPD, IPP or Intelligent Printer Data Stream (IPDS)


Introduction to i. Series Day-to-day operation, licensed programs, fixes and support, sources of information Introduction to i. Series Day-to-day operation, licensed programs, fixes and support, sources of information © Logicalis Group

Example i. Series Console Provision - Local V. 24 connection Ops Console (async) PROD Example i. Series Console Provision - Local V. 24 connection Ops Console (async) PROD DEV HA Physical control panel Ethernet HMC LPAR management HMC

Example i. Series Console Provision - Remote 10/100 Ethernet Remote control panel LAN Console Example i. Series Console Provision - Remote 10/100 Ethernet Remote control panel LAN Console HA DEV PROD HMC LPAR management HMC Web. SM

Remote control panel Remote control panel

Some monitoring tools WRKACTJOB monitors running subsystems and jobs WRKCFGSTS monitors comms lines and Some monitoring tools WRKACTJOB monitors running subsystems and jobs WRKCFGSTS monitors comms lines and IXS/IXA Management Central for performance data collection and performance monitoring WRKSYSSTS to monitor number of jobs in system and auxiliary storage usage

Housekeeping Spool files Deleted records in physical files (REUSEDLT(*YES) recommended) ‘Temporary’ objects (savefiles, Queries Housekeeping Spool files Deleted records in physical files (REUSEDLT(*YES) recommended) ‘Temporary’ objects (savefiles, Queries and outfiles) It is still good practice to IPL the box occasionally

PTF downloads: Fix Central Management Central manages the distribution PTF downloads: Fix Central Management Central manages the distribution

Sources of information i. Series Support area of IBM Web site (excellent PTF download Sources of information i. Series Support area of IBM Web site (excellent PTF download area and much other good stuff) http: //www. midrange. com (mailing list and archive) i. Series Network http: //www. iseriesnetwork. com (Web version of i. Series News – you need the Pro. VIP option - ££ but excellent articles, many code downloads, frequently nothing else will do) IBM Infocenter (getting much better) Redbooks on specific technical topics (e. g. single signon) Logicalis IT Forum

Introduction to i. Series Communications © Logicalis Group Introduction to i. Series Communications © Logicalis Group

Communications: agenda Ethernet options N. B. 10/100 required for SNA and for LAN Console Communications: agenda Ethernet options N. B. 10/100 required for SNA and for LAN Console Virtual LAN WAN connectivity TCP/IP and applications DNS, DHCP, LDAP, SMTP, FTP SSL and Digital Certificate Management Apache, Web. Sphere Application Server, Tomcat, MQ i. Series Access SNA and applications LU 6. 2 (APPC/APPN) SNADS DDM and DRDA SNA host connectivity Anynet

Application integration using MQSI i. Series GTS i. Series JD Edwards Windows Holland MQ Application integration using MQSI i. Series GTS i. Series JD Edwards Windows Holland MQ Adapter i. Series DB 2 MQ Adapter Windows COGNOS DB 2 MQ MQ Broker JDBC MQ Adapter JDBC DB 2 p. Series

i. Series Access Windows 5250 Integrated support for 5. 7 of Personal Communications Will i. Series Access Windows 5250 Integrated support for 5. 7 of Personal Communications Will install on Windows NT 4. 0 / 2000 / XP Pro / 2003 Server Will not install on Windows 95 / 98 / Me

i. Series Access for Web 5722 -XH 2 Customise 5250 User Interface Shared Sessions i. Series Access for Web 5722 -XH 2 Customise 5250 User Interface Shared Sessions Download from i. Series IFS Send messages Workstations Sametime Short cuts to sessions

i. Series Access for Web i. Series Access for Web

Non-IP protocols Non-IP protocols

Prefer to FTP for object distribution: store and forward, industrial strength error checking Prefer to FTP for object distribution: store and forward, industrial strength error checking

Extraordinarily useful and dead easy! Extraordinarily useful and dead easy!