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Introduction to Designing & Composing for Mobile Apps DTC 336/MTRI by Dr. Dene Grigar 1
Welcome to DTC/ENGL 336 & The Mobile Tech Research Initiative http: //van-dtc 356. vancouver. wsu. edu/appcamp/
Why focus on apps? i. OS apps estimated at 367, 334 5, 2011 in 2011 -Plugged In, May 77 percent of the world population are mobile subscribers, with growth led by China and India-- “App markets. . . offered by Apple, Google, Nokia, and RIM sold $2. 1 billion worth of apps in 2010. ” -- Talk Android, May 6, 2011 Mobi. Thinking, March 2011 3
Why focus on apps? “[A]pps attracted just 2% of mobile ad spend in the US, while search is the biggest draw overall with 46%, followed by display with 29%”-Mobile. Marketing Watch “$800 M spent on mobile advertising, rising to a healthy $5 billion over the next five years. . [I]nventory [is currently] available from 50+ networks and 9, 000 publishers. ” from http: //www. mobilemarketingwatch. com/reportmobile-apps-are-hot-but-mobile-search-drives-the-mostrevenue-10894/ 4
Why focus on apps? Like web design in last two decades, app design constitutes the next big design problem to solve 5
what are best practices for app design? what makes an app design good? how is app design different than designing for a desktop? 6
Two Methods for Mobile App Design User-Centered Iterative Design From http: //www. isabeljevans. com/exp ertise. html Rapid Prototyping From http: //www. smashingmagazine. co m/2011/05/02/a-user-centeredapproach-to-mobile-design/ 7
What is Iterative Design? “Iterating is designing and, more specifically, understanding what one is designing through actually creating it. . Iterative design also means that until you have actually built what you are designing, you are not going to be able to fully understand it. --Anders Ramsay, http: //www. andersramsay. com/2009/03/01/threereasons-to-start-designing-iteratively “learning by creating” “learning by reworking” See also Alastair Cockburn, “Incremental Means. . . ”, http: //alistair. cockburn. us/Incremental%20 means%20 adding%2 c%20 iterative%20 means%20 reworking 8
Incremental vs. Iterative Design from http: //www. gimmipop. com/gp/capa bilities. htm 9
According to Anthony Hutton: “Design is an iterative process. Sometimes (most totimes) you will need go back to the previous step. On some occasions thecomplete project will be nearly to start when you process looks need again. waterfall that can The like a flow upstream. ” From “Mobile Creativity, ” http: //www. foylearts. net/ahutton/mobile/ 10
Iterative design sees design as a cyclical process involving three activities designing prototyping evaluating From http: //www. naviscent. com/en/i/why-naviscent/our-methodology/ 11
User Centered Design discover design define from http: //www. vinq. com/ucd. html 12
From “Getting the Lead Out” from http: //fsimmons. ca/blog/ Top three pitfalls of a linear approach • • Too much time spent on designing strategies that are likely to change The client doesn’t see the design until very late in the process (this usually results in endless revisions, change requests and roll-out delays) • Actual implementation takes too long–thereby delaying user feedback and evaluation 13
From http: //www. foylearts. net/ahutton/mobile/? cat=10&paged=2 14
What is Rapid Prototyping? A group of techniques used to quickly produce a model of a part or whole of a project using computerbased technologies and data. “What is commonly considered to be the first RP technique, Stereolithography, was developed by 3 D Systems of Valencia, CA, USA. The company was founded in 1986, and since then, a number of different RP techniques have become available. ” from http: //www. efunda. com/processes/rapid_prototyping/intro. cfm-- • • Increase effective communication Decrease development time Decrease costly mistakes Minimize sustaining [technological] changes • Extend product lifetime by adding necessary features and eliminating redundant features early in the design • • Increase number of variants of products Increase product complexity Decrease product lifetime before obsolescence Decrease delivery time 15
News Flash! Juniper Research suggests mobile app downloads will surpass 25 billion by 2015, up from just 2. 6 billion in 2009 from http: //www. mobilemarketingwa tch. com/juniper-forecastmobile-app-downloads-toreach-25 -billion-by-2015 -7972/ DTC/ENGL 336: Design & Composition (for Mobile Apps) DTC/ENGL 478: Usability & Interface Design (for Mobile Apps) 16
Thank you. DTC 336/MTRI by Dr. Dene Grigar 18
DROID R 2 -D 2 by Motorola Brings the Galactic Empire to Customers • Bounty Hunt Visual ID: Find and capture images around the Star Wars universe to unlock hidden content • Sound and Photo Gallery • Live Wallpapers: Blast the Probe Droid, Luke Balancing Yoda, Navigating the Asteroid Field, Watch Bespin's Cloud City • Trivia Challenge: Answer trivia questions about The Empire Strikes Back • Widgets
Strong Bad Soundboard DELETED!! Play this and other classic quotes from the hit webtoon character, Strong Bad, from Homestar Runner! The System is Down, I'm gonna buy you pizza, You've got an ugly butt, Get this freaking duck away from me, and more! Go to http: //www. homestarrun ner. com/ for more Strong Bad fun!
Talking Tom Cat Sings Star Wars