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Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms Dr Keith Martin Mc. Crea 349 01784 443099 keith. martin@rhul. ac. uk Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms: Unit 11 Public Key Infrastructures Dr Keith Martin Mc. Crea 349 01784 443099 keith. martin@rhul. ac. uk Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
Learning Outcomes • Explain the purpose of a digital certificate • Appreciate the roles of a certificate authority • Identify the security critical operations in the certification process • Discuss how to go about establishing trust in a PKI • Compare different methods for joining certification domains • Compare different trust models for a PKI • Recognise the limitations of a PKI • Compare a traditional PKI with an identity-based system Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 3
Sections 1. 2. 3. 4. Introduction to certification The certification process Managing trust in a PKI models Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 4
1. Introduction to certification Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
The need for a PKI Suppose that you have received a digitally signed message that claims to have been signed by Alice and that you want to verify this signature. This requires you to possess a public verification key. By some means (we won’t specify how) you are presented with a key and told “this key is Alice’s public key”. You use it to verify the signature, and it seems to work. It may well be valid – but you should always be suspicious! Write down as many things as you can think of that could mean that in fact you do not have a valid signature by Alice on this message at all. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 6
Public key certificates A public key certificate is a set of data that binds an identity to a particular public key value. The four core pieces of information that are contained in a public key certificate are as follows: • • Name of owner – could be a person, device, or even role. – Should uniquely identify the owner within the environment in which the public key will be employed. Public key value Validity time period – identifies date and time from which the public key is valid, and more importantly the date and time of its expiry. Signature – Creator of certificate digitally signs all data that forms the public key certificate. This binds the data and acts as a guarantee that the creator of the certificate believes the data is correct. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 7
X 509 v 3 public key certificates Version This specifies the X. 509 version being used (in this case v 3). Serial Number A unique identifier for the certificate. Signature The digital signature algorithm used to sign the certificate. Issuer The name of the creator of the digital certificate. Validity The dates and times between which the digital certificate is valid. Subject The name of the owner of the digital certificate. Subject Public Key The actual public key and the identifier of the public key algorithm Info associated with it. Issuer Unique ID An optional identifier for the creator of the digital certificate. Subject Unique ID An optional identifier for the owner of the digital certificate. Extensions A range of optional fields that include: • a key identifier (in case owner owns more than one public key) • key usage information that specifies valid uses of key • the location of revocation information • identifier of the certificate policy • alternative names for the owner Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 8
Digital certificates A digital certificate is a set of data that binds an identity to a particular piece of data. 1. What applications can you think of for digital certificates other than public key certificates? 2. Which of the fields of a public key certificate would you still need in these digital certificates? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 9
Certificate authorities It should be clear that the “creator” of a public key certificate plays an extremely important role. A creator of a public key certificate is normally referred to as a Certificate Authority (or CA). 1. The CA takes responsibility for ensuring that the information on a certificate is correct. The CA creates (or issues) the public key certificate to the owner. 2. Whenever anyone has need of the owner’s public key they request a copy of the public key certificate. The certificate might be made available on a central server, or the owner or even the CA might send the certificate to whoever requires it. 3. The recipient of the public key certificate checks that the certificate is in order, and if they are happy with it then they are free to use the public key contained in the certificate. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 10
Trusting a digital certificate There are three things that the recipient “needs to be able to do” in order to be satisfied that the public key certificate is in order: 1. The recipient needs to be able to trust (directly or indirectly) the CA to have done their job correctly and to have gone through some process to verify all the fields of the certificate. 2. The recipient needs to have access to the public verification key of the CA in order to verify the CA’s digital signature on the certificate. 3. The recipient needs to check all the fields in the certificate. In particular they must check that the certificate is valid, it applies to the correct owner and that the other fields are all satisfactory. For each of the above three recipient checks, what are the precise implications of them not being done. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 11
Meaning of certificates By digitally signing the information in the public key certificate, the Certification Authority is effectively making the statement: I, the CA, certify that the public key of Keith Martin is . . . . 1. Can you use a public key certificate directly to encrypt messages or verify digital signatures? 2. If someone presents you with their public key certificate, is this proof of their identity? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 12
Use of public key certificates Alice 1 Bob r. A || sig. A (Bob, r. A ) || Cert. A 2 r. B || sig. B (Alice, r. A , r. B ) || Cert. B 3 4 5 sig. A (Bob, r. B ) 6 Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 13
Certificate protocol questions The previous protocol offers mutual entity authentication. 1. Why is Bob not able to authenticate Alice after he receives her first message? 2. To what extent is Bob able to “identify” Alice at the end of this protocol? 3. Do Alice and Bob always need to send their public key certificates to one another as part of this protocol? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 14
2. The certification process Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
Designing a PKI Imagine that you have been asked to design a certification process for your organisation from scratch. In other words, the organisation has identified a need for a PKI that results in every employee having a public key certificate that contains the employee’s public key for internal use only within the organisation. It is your first day on this new project. Write down as many (high level) questions as you can think of that you are going to have to answer concerning the whole process of starting with nothing, to ending up with a PKI for the organisation. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 16
Example certificate issuing process 3 Verifies credentials Certification Creates certificate 4 Authority Distribution Owner 1 2 Generates key set Presents public key and credentials 6 Receives (and checks) certificate Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 5 17
Generating the public key pair Pros Cons The owner is placed in full control of their own key material. The owner might not have the capability or skill to perform this operation in a secure fashion. It may be easier and more secure to manage the generation of key material centrally. The certification process might appear more seamless to the owner. Owner The owner needs to prove to the CA that they actually know the private key before the certificate can be issued. Issuer (CA) The owner must trust the CA to securely deliver the private key to the owner and to dispose of it afterwards. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 18
Registration The stage of the certification process at which the owner presents their credentials to the CA for checking is arguably the most vital stage in the entire certification process. In many application environments a separate entity known as a Registration Authority (RA) performs this operation. There are two arguments for keeping the roles of CA and RA at least slightly separate: 1. Most of the functionality of a CA can be essentially performed by a computer, whereas for many applications the role of the RA requires human intervention. 2. Checking the credentials of a certificate applicant is often the most complex part of the certification process. There is thus a strong argument for distributing the registration activities across a number of “local” RAs. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 19
Registration Whether the CA and RA roles are incorporated as one, or kept entirely separate, there remains an important problem to address: What credentials should be presented to the RA (CA? ) in order to establish the identity of the owner? It is highly recommended that you attempt the Exercise 1 on this unit concerning the selection of suitable credentials. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 20
Levels of certificate It is worth noting that many CAs issue different types of certificate (sometimes referred to as levels of certificate) depending upon the thoroughness of the process used to identify the owner. These levels often correspond directly to the credentials by which the owner was identified when the certificate was registered. Certificates of different levels may then be used in different types of application. The liability associated with a certificate is likely to be different for different levels of certificate. It is highly recommended that you attempt the Exercise 2 on this unit concerning the different levels of certificate offered by commercial certificate issuers. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 21
Proof of possession However registration is done, there is one very important check that must be performed before proceeding with the issuing of a public key certificate – that the owner actually knows the private key corresponding to the public key in the certificate. If the CA does the key generation then this problem does not arise, but if the owner generates the key pair then this check is essential. This process is referred to as demonstrating Proof of Possession. 1. Why should the CA check ownership of the private key? 2. How can a CA check ownership of a private key without the owner revealing the private key? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 22
Certificate distribution • Pushing – the owner of the certificate automatically provides the certificate when it is required – the problem with pushing is that the receiver of the certificate needs to check that the certificate that they have just received is still valid. • Pulling – users must request copies of certificates when they need them. – the problem will pulling is that this requires the relevant CAs to be online to distribute the certificates when required to do so. – an advantage is that the receiver is more likely to get the latest valid certificate, although it may still be prudent that the receiver performs checks to ensure that the certificate has not been revoked. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 23
Certifying the certifiers Someone, somewhere, must generate the CA’s public key pair, and someone, somewhere, must certify this public key. However it is done, it must be done securely. If someone gets hold of the private key of the CA then they can generate certificates themselves, and the whole system falls apart. 1. Who generates the public verification key of a CA? 2. How does a CA arrange to certify its own public verification key? 3. How is the public verification key of a CA distributed to those entities who need to rely on it? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 24
Revocation We must consider how to handle certificates that need to be “withdrawn” before their expiry date. This process is often referred to as certificate revocation. • Certificate Revocation List (or CRLs) – A lists of certificates that have been revoked. – CRLs need to be maintained carefully, with clear indications of how often they are updated. – CRLs need to be signed by the CA and be made available to users as easily as possible. • Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) – An online database containing the status of certificates issued by the CA. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 25
Revocation 1. For what different reasons might a certificate need to be revoked? 2. Who decides that a certificate can be revoked? 3. Who is responsible if someone uses a certificate without realising it has been revoked? 4. How often should CRLs be updated? 5. What possible problem might arise from the “time gap” between CRL updates? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 26
3. Managing trust in a PKI Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
Establishing a PKI We need to consider how trust can be established and managed within a PKI. For example: • How is trust in a CA established? • Who are the candidates for CAs? • How do you choose a CA? • How do CAs recognise one another? • How is liability managed? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 28
Some requirements for a CA • A physically secure operating environment • Tamper resistant modules for cryptographic processing (particularly for high-level keys) • The ability to generate cryptographic keys (a pseudorandom number generator? ) • The ability to check both written and digital signatures • The ability to sign certificates • Software to support various certificate formats • The ability to transport keys securely (perhaps smartcards? ) • A clearly defined security policy • Auditable procedures for producing certificates • The ability to maintain certificate revocation lists • The ability to cover potential financial liabilities Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 29
Choosing a CA 1. What types of organisation are candidates for CAs, and why? 2. How does a user go about selecting a CA to issue their certificate? 3. How can you guarantee that a CA will behave honourably? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 30
Joining CA domains An owner of a public key certificate has by necessity placed some trust in the CA who has issued this certificate. However, for larger and more open PKIs, it is likely to be the case that the owner of a certificate will: • want users who do not have a business relationship with the owner’s CA to be able to rely on the owner’s certificate • want to rely on certificates that were not issued by the owner’s CA. There is thus a need for techniques that somehow “join” different certification domains and allow certificates issued by one CA to be recognised by another CA. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 31
Cross certification CA 1 and CA 2 each certify the other’s public key CA 1 Clients of CA 1 Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 CA 2 Clients of CA 2 32
Certificate hierarchies Root CA certifies the two CA’s public keys CA 1 Clients of CA 1 Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 CA 2 Clients of CA 2 33
Certificate chains CA 1 CA 2 When Alice wants to check the authenticity of Bob’s public key she must verify each link in the chain: Public key of CA 2 Alice CA 3 Bob Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 CA 1 Public key of CA 3 CA 2 Public key of Bob CA 3 34
Liability issues You trust your London based CA, and it has cross-certified with another CA in Luxembourg, who acts as the root CA for a small CA in Belgium, and one of the Belgian CA’s clients has sent you a certificate chain that connects back to its public verification key. You want to use this public verification key to verify the signature on a transaction that the Belgian customer has promised you. • What happens if it all goes wrong? • Where does the liability lie? • Who is responsible to whom? • And how much protection is offered? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 35
4. PKI models Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005
Straight line model Subscriber Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 Relying Party 37
L-shaped model Certificate Authority Issues certificate Digital signature Subscriber Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 Relying Party 38
Triangular model Single organisation Certificate Authority Issues certificate Digital signature Subscriber Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 Relying Party 39
Four corner model Certificate validation Certificate Authority Validation Authority Issues certificate Digital signature Subscriber Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 Relying Party 40
The state of PKI In the mid 1990’s it was widely forecast that PKIs would be implemented on a broad scale to provide security services. Every year it was widely forecast that PKI adoption was just round the corner. The next year the same thing happened. . . We are still waiting for this massive adoption of PKI to take place. Progress has been substantial, but it has been slow and very unsteady. There any competent business organisations offering CA services, and some efforts are underway to establish PKI standards. We are still awaiting what David Lacey has referred to as “the golden age of PKI”. For what reasons do you think that this is the case? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 41
Identity-based public key cryptography The whole reason that a PKI is needed at all is to vouch for the authenticity of public keys. One way of eliminating this problem is to make public keys “obviously” authentic without third party certification. This is the motivation behind identity-based public key cryptography (IDPKC). In IDPKC: 1. Your “identity” is your public key. There is a public rule that converts your “identity” into a string of bits, and then some public rule that converts that string of bits into a public key. 2. Your private key can be calculated by a trusted centre from your public key using some secret information. Only the trusted centre can perform this calculation of your private key. The trusted centre then issues you securely with your private key. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 42
IDPKC 1. Alice derives Bob’s public key Pub. B from some public information and sends message encrypted under Pub. B to Bob. Pub. B(message) Alice Bob Priv. B 3. Authority derives Priv. B from Pub. B and some secret value, and returns this to Bob Authority Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 2. Bob identifies himself to an authority and requests the private key Priv. B corresponding to Pub. B. 43
Identity-based public key cryptography • IDPKC requires new algorithms – you cannot use existing public key algorithms • One “fixed” public key can be associated with many different private keys since the trusted centre can use different secrets to generate different private keys that correspond to that same public key. • Public keys do not have to be identities – they can be any data, including decryption policies. For this reason some people prefer to IDPKC as Identifier-based public key cryptography Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 44
Identifier-based public key cryptography Could incorporate policy into the identifier • time to decrypt • who is authorised to decrypt • under what conditions decryption permissible Could generate identifiers “on the fly” in browsers • need trusted applications • need effective policy management Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 45
IDPKC v PKC 1. In what way is IDPKC an improvement over traditional public key cryptography? 2. What problems with PKI remain? 3. What new problems have you created when using IDPKC? Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 46
Summary • Public key infrastructures based on digital certificates and certificate authorities remain the favoured method for trying to securely implement public key cryptography. • There are many complicated issues that arise when trying to implement PKIs, most of which do not have simple or technical solutions. • PKI s will not be adopted on a large scale until some of these problems are addressed satisfactorily – the best hope for this is through the establishment of recognised standards and best practice procedures that encourage interoperability between different CAs and PKIs. • There alternatives to traditional PKIs, but these come with their own problems and are most likely to be favoured in niche application areas. Introduction to Cryptography and Security Mechanisms 2005 47