- Количество слайдов: 36
Introduction to Cloud Computing and the Aneka Platform Dr. Rajkumar Buyya Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Lab Dept. of Computing and Information Systems The University of Melbourne, Australia www. cloudbus. org www. manjrasoft. com Major Sponsors/Supporters
The Next Revolution in IT The Big Switch in IT n Classical Computing n Buy & Own Every 18 months? n n n 2 Hardware, System Software, Applications often to meet peak needs. Install, Configure, Test, Verify, Evaluate Manage. . Finally, use it $$$$. . $(High Cap. Ex) n Cloud Computing n n n Subscribe Use $ - pay for what you use, based on Qo. S
Outline n “Computer Utilities” n n Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms n n 3 Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture n n Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platforms SLA-oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange Aneka: Cloud Application Platform Summary and Thoughts for Future
“Computer Utilities” Vision: Implications of the Internet n 1969 – Leonard Kleinrock, ARPANET project n n 4 “As of now, computer networks are still in their infancy, but as they grow up and become sophisticated, we will probably see the spread of “Computer Utilities”, which, like present electric and telephone utilities, will service individual homes and offices across the country”. During the last 40 years, several advances have taken place in both “computing” and “communications” areas that are turning the vision of “Computer Utilities” in to a reality.
Computing Paradigms and Attributes: Realizing the ‘Computer Utilities’ Vision n n n n } ? Web Data Centres Utility Computing Service Computing Grid Computing P 2 P Computing Market-Oriented Computing Cloud Computing … Paradigms 5 + -Ubiquitous -Reliable -Scalable -Autonomic -Dynamic discovery - Composable -Qo. S -SLA -… -Trillion $ business Attributes/Capabilities
Outline n “Computer Utilities” n n Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms n n 6 Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture n n Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platforms SLA-oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange Aneka: Cloud Application Platform Summary and Thoughts for Future
Very popular: too many are “In Search” of Cloud Computing 7
Open Data Center Alliance (ODCA) for Cloud Computing 8
Defining Clouds: There are many views for what is cloud computing? n Over 20 definitions: n n n Buyya’s Scientific definition of Cloud Computing n n 9 http: //cloudcomputing. sys-con. com/read/612375_p. htm Renting “remote storage” backup Renting “remote server” hosting Web server Renting “remote more servers” to manage large workload “Cloud is a market-oriented distributed computing system consisting of a collection of inter-connected and virtualised computers that are dynamically provisioned and presented as one or more unified computing resources based on servicelevel agreements (SLAs) established through negotiation between the service provider and consumers. ” SLA = {negotiated and agreed Qo. S parameters + rewards + penalties for violation of agreement. . }
Subscription-Oriented Cloud Services: X{compute, apps, data, . . } as a Service (. . aa. S) Public Cloud Manager Clients Private Cloud Other Cloud Services 10 Govt. Cloud Services
Rentable Cloud Services n Infrastructure as a Service (Iaa. S) n n Software as a Service (Saa. S) Platform as a Service (Paa. S) n n CPU, Storage: Amazon. com, Nirvanix, Go. Grid…. Google App Engine, Microsoft Azure, Manjrasoft Aneka. . Platform as a Service (Paa. S) Software as a Service (Saa. S) n Sales. Force. Com Infrastructure as a Service (Iaa. S) . . 11
Cloud Deployment Models Public/Internet Clouds 3 rd party, multi-tenant Cloud infrastructure & services: * available on subscription basis 12 Private/Enterprise Clouds Cloud model run within a company’s own Data Center / infrastructure for internal and/or partners use. Hybrid/Inter Clouds Mixed usage of private and public Clouds: Leasing public cloud services when private cloud capacity is insufficient
Cloud Applications • Scientific/Tech Applications • Business Applications • Consumer/Social Applications Science and Technical Applications Business Applications 13 Consumer/Social Applications
When will Cloud spending become 50% of IT spending or reach to a trillion $ business/year? 2000 600? 30% 120? 2016 14 1000? 15% 2020? Buyya’s Guestimate! 2020? 50%
Cloud Computing Challenges: Dealing with too many issues ng Prici zat uali ion Scalability Res Virt our ce M Qo. S l ve Le s e ent ic rv eem Se gr A Privacy st Tru Programming Env. & Application Dev. Software Eng. Complexity 15 Reliability Ene r & al ory g t Le ula g Re Sec ing Billing Provisionin g on Deman d y urit eter gy E Utility & Risk Management Uhm, I am not quite clear…Yet another complex IT paradigm? ffici enc y
Outline n “Computer Utilities” n n Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms n n 16 Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture n n Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platforms SLA-oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange Aneka: Cloud Application Platform Summary and Thoughts for Future
Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture: Qo. S negotiation and SLA-based Resource Allocation 17
Cloud to expand (lease more resources) with increase in demand 18
Cloud to shrink (unlease resources) with decrease in demand 19
Outline n “Computer Utilities” n n Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms n n 20 Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture n n Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platforms SLA-oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange Aneka: Cloud Application Platform Summary and Thoughts for Future
Aneka: The Cloud Application Platform (CAP) for Resource-Intensive Apps (Available as Manjrasoft Product) n n n Lightweight Container hosting multiple services. All programming models available from within the same container (unlike others) SDK containing APIs for multiple programming models and tools Runtime Environment for managing application execution management Suitable for n n n Portability for Customer Apps: n 21 Development of Enterprise Cloud Applications Cloud enabling legacy applications n Enterprise ↔ Public Clouds. NET/Win ↔ Mono/Linux Multiple Applications Thread Task . . . Map. Reduce 1. SDK Aneka 2. Runtime Multi-core Cluster 2100 2100 Cloud 2100 Grid 2100 Multiple Infrastructures
Aneka: The Cloud Application Platform (CAP) for Resource-Intensive Apps (Available as Manjrasoft Product) n n n Lightweight Container hosting multiple services. All programming models available from within the same container (unlike others) SDK containing APIs for multiple programming models and tools Patent Runtime Environment for (PCT) managing application execution management Suitable for n n n Portability for Customer Apps: n 22 Development of Enterprise Cloud Applications Cloud enabling legacy applications n Enterprise ↔ Public Clouds. NET/Win ↔ Mono/Linux
Aneka as a Cloud Application Platform Applications & Services Application Development Bag of Tasks Dist. Threads Map. Reduce … Cloud Middleware Platform SLA & Qo. S User Management Aneka Scheduling & Execution Application Management Monitoring Dynamic Provisioning Billing Infrastructure Datacenters 23 Clusters Desktop PCs Public Clouds
Aneka: components public Dumb. Task: ITask { … public void Execute() { for(int i=0; i
Aneka - Dynamic deployment of Application Tasks on Clouds n Application Aneka Workker/Executor Aneka Application Aneka Manager / Executor Aneka Threads 25
Aneka Support for Inter. Cloud / Federation of Resource Pools n Xen. Server Pool n n VMWare Pool n n Executors Executor Scheduler private enterprise network internet Private Cloud publicly available resources (physical and virtual) Scheduler Aneka + public EC 2 Windows Azure n 26 Aneka + VMWare private Cloud Amazon EC 2 Pool n n Aneka + Xen Server private Cloud Aneka + public Azure Client Libraries VPN (virtual resources) Executors/Schedulers Public Cloud
Aneka Case Studies
(Go. Front: A unit of China Southern Railway Group) Application: Locomotive design CAD rendering Aneka Maya Renderer Go. Front Private Aneka Cloud Use private Aneka Cloud LAN network (Running Maya Batch Mode on demand) Case 2: Aneka Enterprise Cloud Time (in hrs) Case 1: Single Server Raw Locomotive Design Files (Using Auto. Desk Maya) Using Maya Graphical Mode Directly Single Server 4 cores server 28 Aneka Cloud Aneka utilizes idle desktops (30) to decrease task time from days to hours
A scalable architecture for Titan. Strike online Gaming Portal Aneka-based Game. Controller Titan. Strike Private Aneka Cloud The local scheduler interacts with Aneka and distributes the load in the cloud. Case 2: Aneka Enterprise Cloud = Scalability Gamers profiles Players statistics Team playing Multiple games Distributed log parsing LAN network (Running Game plugins on Demand) logs Titan Strike On Line Gaming Portal Case 1: Single Server = Huge Overload logs Centralized log parsing 29 Single Game. Controller Single scheduler controlling the execution of all the matches. logs Game Servers
Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) - ADRIN Distribution Aneka Cloud Receiving station processing 30 Private Cloud Citrix Xen Archiving Public Cloud Amazon AWS
Health Care: Saa. S Cloud for ECG Sensor Data Analysis 31
IEEE Scalable Computing Challenge at CCGrid 2010 Conference 32
Global Recognition for Aneka: Frost, Telstra…. -> 2010 Frost & Sullivan "New Product Innovation" Award -> 2011 Telstra Innovation Challenge, “People’s Choice” Award 33
Outline n “Computer Utilities” n n Cloud Computing and Related Paradigms n n 34 Trends, Definition, Cloud Benefits and Challenges Market-Oriented Cloud Architecture n n Vision and Promising IT Paradigms/Platforms SLA-oriented Resource Allocation Global Cloud Exchange Aneka: Cloud Application Platform Summary and Thoughts for Future
Summary n Several Computing Paradigms have promised to deliver “Computing Utilities” vision: n n n Aneka is rapidly emerging as a platform for: n n n 35 Cloud Computing is the most recent kid in the block promising to turn vision into reality Many exciting business and consumer applications enabled. Building Clouds (especially “private”) and their apps. Accelerating Applications and Managing their execution. Already used in engineering, life science, gaming, and business intelligence applications.
References n Quick Overview: n n Aneka: n n Rajkumar Buyya and Karthik Sukumar, Platforms for Building and Deploying Applications for Cloud Computing, CSI Communications, Vol. 35, No. 1, Pages: 6 -11, ISSN 0970 -647 X, Computer Society of India (CSI), Mumbai, India, May 2011. C. Vecchiola, X. Chu, and R. Buyya, Aneka: A Software Platform for. NET-based Cloud Computing, High Speed and Large Scale Scientific Computing, 267 -295 pp, IOS Press, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2009. Software – download: n http: //www. manjrasoft. com/ Wiley Press, New York, USA, Feb 2011 36