Скачать презентацию Introduction of Group 2 The designer of the Скачать презентацию Introduction of Group 2 The designer of the


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Introduction of Group 2 The designer of the questionnaire: 李兰 The collector of the Introduction of Group 2 The designer of the questionnaire: 李兰 The collector of the result of the questionnaire: 王泽霞 The analyst of the figure of the result: 古华琴 The one who study the foreign college students’ time management: 吴梦 The one who study the foreign college students’ money management: 朱嘉欣 The technical staff of the PPT: 梁华东 The conductor of the survey: 周银霞

Questionnaire-Money 1. What’s your gender? A. male B. female 2. What’s your grade? A. Questionnaire-Money 1. What’s your gender? A. male B. female 2. What’s your grade? A. freshmen B. sophomore C. Junior D. Senior

Questionnaire-Money 3. How much money do you spend every month? A less than 300 Questionnaire-Money 3. How much money do you spend every month? A less than 300 B. 300 -500 C. 500800 D. more than 800 E. never count 4. You spend money on A. Meals B. junk food C. clothes and shoes D. entertainment E. parties F. be in love G. make-up H. else 5. Which count most? A. Eating B. junk food C. clothes and shoes D. entertainment E. parties

Questionnaire-Money 6. The money you spend coming from A. all from your parents B. Questionnaire-Money 6. The money you spend coming from A. all from your parents B. earn by your part time j ob C. both of it 7. What’s your conception of consume? A. it must be famous brand B. it should be good qualities and the prize is not I c onsider most C. the cheaper the better D. as long as I like it 8. Have you ever mark the things you bought? A. most of the time B. ever C. never 9. Do you think you have good habits on consuming? A. yes, I only spent money on something worthwhile B. not that good, I still buy things not needed C. Completely not, many things are not needed

Questionnaire-Money 10. Do you know how to manage your money? A. Never think about Questionnaire-Money 10. Do you know how to manage your money? A. Never think about it B. It’s not necessary C. Completely not D. Not much, I always spend more money than planned E. Yes, I can manage it well 11. What will you do to reduce the money you spend? A. Not attending any kind of activities and parties B. Only eating in the dining hall C. Asking friend to buy things with you, avo iding insensible consumption

Questionnaire-Time 1. Do you usually feel that you don’t have enough time? A. Always Questionnaire-Time 1. Do you usually feel that you don’t have enough time? A. Always B. Sometimes C. Never 2. Have you ever made a time table ? A. Never B. Sometimes, but it is hard to do as the timetable says C. Every day (or every week) Ispend my time as the timetable says

Questionnaire-Time 3. If you don’t have enough time to spend, which result for it? Questionnaire-Time 3. If you don’t have enough time to spend, which result for it? A. Never arrange my time, therefore waste my time B. Too many activities and gatherings C. Too much homework D. Be addicted to Internet or computer games, that have no time to do other things E. Others 4.What do you always do in your spare time? A. Reading B. Social activity C. Do part time job D. Be in love E. Searching the Internet F. Play computer games G. Go shopping H. Take exercise I. Others 5.Which one occupy the largest percent ? A. Reading B. Social activity C. Do part time job D. Be in love E. Searching the Internet F. Play computer games G. Go shopping H. Take exercise I. Others

Questionnaire-Time 6. If you can, which one will you spend less time in? A. Questionnaire-Time 6. If you can, which one will you spend less time in? A. Reading B. Social activity C. Do part time job D. Be in love E. Searching the Internet F. Play computer games G. Go shopping H. Take exercise I. Others 7.Which ways will you choose to solve the problem that you have no enough time to spend? A. Refuse the unimportant social activities and gatherings B. Do things over night C. Make a detailed plan before you do things and go into effect D. Spend less time on the Internet E. Spend your time in the important things and set aside the uni mportant things

On money 1 -2 is about gender and grade 3 -5 show you spend On money 1 -2 is about gender and grade 3 -5 show you spend your money in great details 6 -9 how you get the money and your own view on the consumption you lead 10 -11 what will you do to budget your money well On time 1 -2 If you have done something to budget your time? 3 -5 How you spend your time? 6 -7 How you going to solve the problem? We aim to know more about college life, and we based on how college students deal with their time and money. We list many things students will do with those according to our own experiences.

 • In order to accomplish our research, we have done 80 valid questionnaires. • In order to accomplish our research, we have done 80 valid questionnaires. We use many ways to do the research, such as ask our friends to do the Internet questionnaires, ask the passengers to write the paper questionnaires in the street, go to the dormitories to ask students from different grades to do the paper questionnaires and oral questionnaires. • We have spent several days to do the research. After we have done the research, we got together to fixing the questionnaires and added up the data. Then we analyzed the data we have gotten and gained the consequence we wanted to have.

 • 50 questionnaires are from freshmen. And 30 in it are from girls • 50 questionnaires are from freshmen. And 30 in it are from girls and 20 are from boys. 15 questionnaires are from Grade 2 and 10 in it are from girls and 5 are from boys. And data about Grade 3 is the same as Grade 2. For the senior students are busy finding jobs outsides, we couldn’t find them to accomplish our questionnaires. It is a pity.

 • Maybe our research is not comprehensive enough, but I can say that • Maybe our research is not comprehensive enough, but I can say that the consequence we got is still meaningful. It is useful for us to analyze the behavior university students’ treating with time and money.

大学生金钱时间管理调查报告汇总 大学生金钱时间管理调查报告汇总

 • After analysis the three forms above, we can see the following matters: • After analysis the three forms above, we can see the following matters: As to time, it shows that monthly living expenses range from 300 to 800 yuan, and the boys’living expenses are generally larger than the girls’. • The living expenses are spent on many fields su ch as eating, clothes , entertainment and gatheri ng, and the largest part are eating. Most of their l iving expenses come from their parents as well a s their part-time jobs.

 • Generally, college students think that the qualityand their favor comes first and • Generally, college students think that the qualityand their favor comes first and not care about the price. Meanwhile, most of them find their habits of consuming improper and buy something unnecessary. However, as for boys, they find that they have reasonable habits of consuming and buy things if necessary. they are not good at money management a nd little deficit comes ever.

 • About how to save their expenses,most girls are willing to go shopping • About how to save their expenses,most girls are willing to go shopping with friends and let their friends to give suggestions in order to avoid unreasonable consumption. On the contrary, most boys will choose to have dinner at cafeteria or eat quickserved noodle.

 • According to our statistics, about how to plan their time, most students • According to our statistics, about how to plan their time, most students think they haven’t enough spare time. What’s more, the sophomore and junior say they are involved in this situation more seriously. At the same time, they say they will make a plan sometimes, but it’s hard for them to carry it out. Many of them think the crucial reason is they are steeped in surfing the Internet or online game. Of course, shopping is an essential part of life for girls.

 • The survey reveals the college students spend their spare time in reading, • The survey reveals the college students spend their spare time in reading, surfing the Internet, taking part in activities. They think they should spend their time on the most important things instead of spending most time on the Internet, activities and parties. In contrast with the boys, the girls are prone to make a detailed plan before their action then carry it out strictly.

 • How do the foreign college students manage their time and money ? • How do the foreign college students manage their time and money ? What’s the differences between GDUFS students and foreign college students in managing time and money? Don’t worry! 吴梦 and 嘉 欣 will tell you!

Time • In GDUFS , 73 / 80 students think they have no enough Time • In GDUFS , 73 / 80 students think they have no enough spare time. However, the main reason of this situation isn’t the heavy study load. These are the reasons: • 1. They never realize they should plan their time. • 2. There are too many activities and parties. • 3. They are steeped in surfing the Internet or online game.

Comparing with foreign college According to the survey, we know the main reason why Comparing with foreign college According to the survey, we know the main reason why Chinese students have a part-time job is that their family cannot afford their cost of living. Whereas, foreign students are willing to take a part-time job no matter their family can afford their cost or not. In order to promote all kinds of skills of social practices and accumulate social experience, they choose to spend more time doing social part-time job instead of taking part in college community activities like Chinese students.

Money • Money management: In GDUFS , living expenses of the students mainly come Money • Money management: In GDUFS , living expenses of the students mainly come from their parents, ranging from 300 to 800 yuan, and the largest proportion of which are eating, clothes and shoes, and other entertainment. 54/80 of the students find their habits of purchase are not reasonable enough and always buy something unnecessary. 66/80 of the students find that they are not good at money matter and little deficit comes every month.

Comparing with foreign college Many foreign students support themselves though taking a part-time job, Comparing with foreign college Many foreign students support themselves though taking a part-time job, so they know they should budget their money, even more, they may have a plan. However, most Chinese students take money from their parents. Many of them cannot budget their money well, they even never think of the management of their money.

Reasons • 1 The background : China VS Western • 2 the education about Reasons • 1 The background : China VS Western • 2 the education about money matter from family , school and social atmosphere. • 3 Some wrong attitudes towards money such as hedonism(享乐主义) • Mammonism(拜金主义) extravagance(奢侈) waste(浪费)

Last but not least • Though the survey we find that many GDUFS students Last but not least • Though the survey we find that many GDUFS students are wasting their time and money. Maybe you are one of them. • We just hope that those who still let time slip by and use their money which is mainly from their parents unreasonably can cherish their youth and money and spend their four-year college life with optimistic and positive attitude. As qualified students , we should obtain the ability of managing the money and time and spare no effort to make full use of our limited time and money. We really hope that we won’t feel sorry the moment when we look back on our life.