Скачать презентацию Introduction Name Designation Matriculation Junior Скачать презентацию Introduction Name Designation Matriculation Junior


  • Количество слайдов: 72

Introduction ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Name Designation Matriculation/Junior High School Intermediate/High School Graduation/Post Graduation Introduction ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Name Designation Matriculation/Junior High School Intermediate/High School Graduation/Post Graduation Hobbies Special Mention Max/Min ages of children

Ideology Strategic Visions Ultimate Purpose Workshop STM-MAP Strategic Time Management Purpose of the Vision Ideology Strategic Visions Ultimate Purpose Workshop STM-MAP Strategic Time Management Purpose of the Vision Personal Organization Prioritization Balance Leadership Azum (Determination)

Definition of Strategic Time Management Having a clear purpose and vision in life and Definition of Strategic Time Management Having a clear purpose and vision in life and effectively utilizing the time to realize the vision while maintaining a balance in all of life’s roles is termed as ‘Strategic Time Management’. -Suleman Ahmer 1 -1

“Noise” Unwanted signals affecting the performance of a system “Noise” Unwanted signals affecting the performance of a system

Time Management technical definition of the word “Important” Anything that takes us towards our Time Management technical definition of the word “Important” Anything that takes us towards our ‘worthwhile goals’ is termed as ‘important’ and anything that takes us away from our ‘worthwhile goals’ or doesn’t take us towards our ‘worthwhile goals’ is called ‘not important’. 6 -3

Time Management Technical Definition of the word “Worthwhile Goal” Anything that adds value to Time Management Technical Definition of the word “Worthwhile Goal” Anything that adds value to our life in this world or hereafter and we want to achieve it. 6 -3

Time Management Technical Definition of the word “Urgent” Something which if not done now, Time Management Technical Definition of the word “Urgent” Something which if not done now, definitely / most probably can’t be done later is called an urgent activity. 6 -4

Value- Want GRID Value Want Doing Examples Grid Lines Gym Tennis 2 Swimming Worthw Value- Want GRID Value Want Doing Examples Grid Lines Gym Tennis 2 Swimming Worthw hile Goals. Grid Lines 1 &2 1 3 Tahajjud 4 Speeding 5 Music 6 Living with pollution 7 Over eating 8


Important-Like GRID Worthwhile Goal: Book Reading Important Like Doing Examples Grid Lines Going to Important-Like GRID Worthwhile Goal: Book Reading Important Like Doing Examples Grid Lines Going to Library Buying expensive books 2 Driving to Library Super Successf ul people spend their lives in Grid Lines 1 and 2 1 3 Successf. Looking for books ul people TV spend their Time with friends lives in. Unnecessary Time Grid with Friends Tearing up Lines books 1, 2, 3 and 4 4 5 6 7 8

 • Since different people have different worthwhile goals, things that are important for • Since different people have different worthwhile goals, things that are important for one person may not be important to the other. • Liking / dislike has nothing to do with important • We should weigh if the same activity has both important and not important elements. If the important element is more than the not important element, call it ‘important’ or vice versa.


THE TIME QUADRANT SYSTEM Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Q 2 Important THE TIME QUADRANT SYSTEM Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Q 2 Important Urgent Important Not Urgent Q 3 Q 4 Not Important Urgent Not Important Not Urgent

Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4 Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4

Handling Q 3 s Disturbance FILTER YOU Handling Q 3 s Disturbance FILTER YOU

Link Between Q 4 and Q 1 Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Link Between Q 4 and Q 1 Not Important Urgent Not Urgent Q 1 Q 2 Q 3 Q 4

Murphy’s Law If something can go wrong, It will. Murphy’s Law If something can go wrong, It will.

A report is due on June 25 th which will take 2 days to A report is due on June 25 th which will take 2 days to complete. June 25 th June 23 rd Q 1 June 22 nd Q 2 June 17 th Q 2 June 12 th Q 2 June 09 th Q 2 Q 1 Zone Q 2 Zone

June 25 th Stress June 23 rd June 22 nd Eustress June 17 th June 25 th Stress June 23 rd June 22 nd Eustress June 17 th June 12 th June 09 th Disinterest (apathy)

Q 2 zone “Low stress high quality zone” Q 1 zone “High stress low Q 2 zone “Low stress high quality zone” Q 1 zone “High stress low quality zone”

Prefrontal Lobe Cortex Prefrontal Lobe Cortex

STRESS FEAR A threat of loss in future GRIEF A sad state of mind STRESS FEAR A threat of loss in future GRIEF A sad state of mind over the loss in past

Buffer “This is the margin of time incorporated into an activity which accounts for Buffer “This is the margin of time incorporated into an activity which accounts for delays that can be anticipated. ” 6 -15

Marginal Q 2 “A Q 2 activity which has been initiated within the space Marginal Q 2 “A Q 2 activity which has been initiated within the space of its buffer is called marginal Q 2. ” 6 -15

Internal Q 1 s Q 1 situations, which arise because: ¬ We have ignored Internal Q 1 s Q 1 situations, which arise because: ¬ We have ignored a Q 2 activity. ¬ We have delayed a Q 2 activity. ¬ We have not found a possible Q 2 activity and done it. External Q 1 s are those Q 1 situations, which are not internal Q 1 s.

The Gatekeeper of tasks: GK-Book 10 -1 The Gatekeeper of tasks: GK-Book 10 -1

Concept You need to have the ability to remember and document each and every Concept You need to have the ability to remember and document each and every promise and commitment that you make.

Some possible entries • • Telephone numbers and addresses with accompanying notes. General reminders Some possible entries • • Telephone numbers and addresses with accompanying notes. General reminders like buying a battery for your watch or changing the rear lamp of your car. Reminders regarding appointments with people. Picking up milk for your home.

Some possible entries • Grocery lists. • Expenses • Putting down how much you Some possible entries • Grocery lists. • Expenses • Putting down how much you jogged the other day. • Jotting down the winning idea that came to you while you were stuck in the traffic jam. • An excellent proverb or a verse from poetry that you would like to refer to later.

Interaction of the GK Book with the To-Do Lists SCAN EVERY YEAR Master MONTH Interaction of the GK Book with the To-Do Lists SCAN EVERY YEAR Master MONTH Current Year WEEK Current Month DAY Current Week Today Daily Scheduler GK Book

Compilation of the TODAY To-Do List Previous Day’s Today TL Current Week TL GK Compilation of the TODAY To-Do List Previous Day’s Today TL Current Week TL GK Book Today TL

Compilation of the Weekly To-Do List Previous Week’s TL Current Month’s TL GK Book Compilation of the Weekly To-Do List Previous Week’s TL Current Month’s TL GK Book Current Week’s TL

Compilation of the Monthly To-Do List Previous Month’s TL Current Year’s TL GK Book Compilation of the Monthly To-Do List Previous Month’s TL Current Year’s TL GK Book Current Month’s TL

Compilation of the Yearly To-Do List Previous Year’s TL Master TL GK Book Current Compilation of the Yearly To-Do List Previous Year’s TL Master TL GK Book Current Year’s TL

Concept You must have the capacity to remember a meeting and its duration that Concept You must have the capacity to remember a meeting and its duration that was set months in advance.

June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01

ne u y/J Ma 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 June 02 03 ne u y/J Ma 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 June 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01

June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01 June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01

June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan 0300 -1234567 Budget Meeting, Karachi Sheraton Hotel

June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam June May/ 26 27 A 1 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan 0300 -1234567 Budget Meeting, Karachi Sheraton Hotel

June May/ 26 27 28 29 A 1 11: 40 2: 20 30 31 June May/ 26 27 28 29 A 1 11: 40 2: 20 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan 0300 -1234567 Budget Meeting, Karachi Sheraton Hotel

June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan 0300 June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan 0300 -1234567 Budget Meeting, Karachi Sheraton Hotel A 1 11: 40 A 2 2: 20 A 2: Asim Ali 0333 -7654321 Counseling Meeting 1 -A, PECHS, Karachi.

June May/ 26 27 28 29 A 1 11: 40 A 2 2: 20 June May/ 26 27 28 29 A 1 11: 40 A 2 2: 20 30 31 01 A 1: Aslam Khan A 1: ASLAM 0300 -1234567 KHAN Budget Meeting, Karachi 0300 -Sheraton Hotel 1234567 Budget Meeting, Sheraton Karachi A 2: Asim Ali ALI A 2: ASIM 0333 -7654321 0333 - Meeting Counseling 1 -A, PECHS, Karachi. 7654321 Counseling Meeting 1 -A, PECHS, Karachi.

3 Cardinal rules of D. S. ¬ Don’t give an appointment to anyone without 3 Cardinal rules of D. S. ¬ Don’t give an appointment to anyone without looking at your D. S. ¬ Don’t start your day without looking at your D. S. ¬ Always have the active week on the left side.

June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 TRQ 2 A 1: Job June May/ 26 27 28 29 30 31 01 TRQ 2 A 1: Job Interview with Mr. Abrar A 1 Time Restricted Q 2 TRQ 1 MEETING WITH Time Restricted Q 1 MR. ABRAR Q 2 WALK

The Concept of TRQ 1 The degree of success of a person is directly The Concept of TRQ 1 The degree of success of a person is directly proportional to how well he can convert his Q 2 s into TRQ 2 s and treat them as ‘TRQ 1 s’. 8 -1

Suppose one wants to build a house • Requirements • Budget • Location • Suppose one wants to build a house • Requirements • Budget • Location • Hiring an architect

“ We can safely conclude that it is unwise to start building a house “ We can safely conclude that it is unwise to start building a house without a vision and a plan ”

Just as it is unwise to start building your house without a plan, it Just as it is unwise to start building your house without a plan, it is unwise to start your day, your week, your month, your year and your life without a vision and a plan

We at Timelenders suggest that before we start our day we should invest……… ¬ We at Timelenders suggest that before we start our day we should invest……… ¬ ¬ At least 45 minutes to vision and plan our day. At least 4 hours to vision and plan our week At least 8 hours to vision and plan our month And at least 3 days to vision and plan our year.

I don’t have 45 minutes in the beginning of the day? I don’t have 45 minutes in the beginning of the day?

The fastest land animal on earth Top speed is 110 km per hour From The fastest land animal on earth Top speed is 110 km per hour From 0 to 90 km per hour in 4 seconds

Gazelle Gazelle

Lessons From Cheetah ¬ Vision, vision and vision Planning, planning and planning “It is Lessons From Cheetah ¬ Vision, vision and vision Planning, planning and planning “It is better to plan for a year and execute in a day than to plan in a day and execute in a year. ” ¬ Focus and unity of decision “Think a 100 times before you make a decision but once you make a decision stand by it as one man. ” ¬ Flexibility in strategy (Sprint VS Stalk) “Life is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. ” “Planning is not an expense, it’s an investment. ” “Planning is not predicting the future; it is the best course of action. ” ¬ What race are you in?

Excellence “ To do something in a fashion that in the available resources cannot Excellence “ To do something in a fashion that in the available resources cannot be done better. ” 3– 1

Excellence (Ihsan) Tafseer Maariful Quran, Mufti Muhammad Shafi says about Ihsan: The last sentence Excellence (Ihsan) Tafseer Maariful Quran, Mufti Muhammad Shafi says about Ihsan: The last sentence of the verse (195): (And do good. Of course, Allah loves those who do good), gives an incentive to do everything nicely. The Holy Quran calls this Ihsan. Now, doing something nicely, can take two forms. When Ihsan relates to Ibadah(worship), its meaning has been explained by the Holy Prophet himeself in the well known hadith of Jibrail where he said that ‘ you should worship Allah as if you are seeing him, and if you can not achieve that degree of perception, then you should, at the least, believe that Allah is seeing you’. And the other form is, Ihsan in managing relationships and transactions with people.

The strength of a chain is the strength of its weakest link The strength of a chain is the strength of its weakest link