Скачать презентацию INTRODUCTION Даниил Мячин Илья Александра Скачать презентацию INTRODUCTION Даниил Мячин Илья Александра

for pupils Weather forecasts.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 27

INTRODUCTION • • • Даниил Мячин, Илья, Александра и др. What is the weather INTRODUCTION • • • Даниил Мячин, Илья, Александра и др. What is the weather like today? Do you like such weather? What is your favourite type of weather? Do you know what kind of weather will be tomorrow in our town? Do you know what kind of weather will be in 3 days in Grodno? How did you find out the weather forecast for the next few days? Can you guess the topic of our today's lesson?


LESSON OBJECTIVES • to learn new words and ideas related to the topic weather LESSON OBJECTIVES • to learn new words and ideas related to the topic weather forecast, • to develop communicative skills while discussing the topic “weather forecast” • to learn the definition of weather • to understand the different weather symbols and weather maps • to learn the mechanism of predicting weather, • to master listening skills while watching the video “ 5 day weather forecast”.

WEATHER & WEATHER FORECAST Nastya • Weather is the state of the atmosphere at WEATHER & WEATHER FORECAST Nastya • Weather is the state of the atmosphere at a given time and place, with respect to variables, such as temperature, humidity, wind velocity and air pressure. • Scientists are able to predict weather by observing and measuring these variables and properties. • Weather forecast is a prediction of the weather • People who make these predictions are known as meteorologists

WEATHER POEM Whether the weather is fine Or whether the weather is not, Whether WEATHER POEM Whether the weather is fine Or whether the weather is not, Whether the weather is cold Or whether the weather is hot, We'll weather the weather Whatever the weather, Whether we like it or not. Илья

CLIMATE AND WEATHER IN GREAT BRITAIN Kate • The climate in Great Britain is CLIMATE AND WEATHER IN GREAT BRITAIN Kate • The climate in Great Britain is mild and temperate due to the influence of the Gulf Stream. • The British often say: "Other countries have a climate; in England we have weather. " The weather in Britain is very changeable. A fine morning can change into a wet afternoon and evening. And a nasty morning can change to a fine afternoon. That's why it is natural for the British to use the comparison "as changeable as the weather" of a person who often changes his mood or opinion about something. • The British also say that they have three variants of weather: when it rains in the morning, when it rains in the afternoon or when it rains all day long. • The weather is the favourite conversational topic in England.

WHY IS WEATHER FORECAST IMPORTANT? Liza • People want to know whether they need WHY IS WEATHER FORECAST IMPORTANT? Liza • People want to know whether they need to take umbrellas when they go out, or whether they can plan going on a picnic or going to the country at the weekend. • Weather can affect people’s mood and health. Wet and cold weather can cause headaches, arthritis, depression. Hot weather can cause over heating, heart problems, asthma, skin cancer. • Farmers need to know the timing of operations such as crop spraying or hay cutting. Weather can also have a long term impact on vegetation and soil resources, which affect farmers financially.

PROCEDURES OF WEATHER FORECASTING Denis The weather forecasting has now become a science and PROCEDURES OF WEATHER FORECASTING Denis The weather forecasting has now become a science and it is performed by doing the following procedures (steps): 1. recording of weather data (temperature, pressure, wind speed and direction, cloud forms, humidity and precipitation, visibility, storms etc. ) 2. collection of weather data from weather recording observations stations scattered world over, including both land ocean surfaces 3. transmission of weather data collected form major weather stations to sub centers

PROCEDURES OF WEATHER FORECASTING 4. compilation of weather data 5. plotting of weather data PROCEDURES OF WEATHER FORECASTING 4. compilation of weather data 5. plotting of weather data on maps and daily weather records, synoptic charts, etc. 6. analysis of weather charts and maps with the help of electronic computers, etc. 7. final forecasting of weather and numerical modeling Denis

WEATHER MAPS Alexandra • Weather maps are used to show current weather conditions in WEATHER MAPS Alexandra • Weather maps are used to show current weather conditions in an effort to predict future weather conditions. • You need to know what each symbol means and how to interpret them to forecast the weather.


Alexandra Alexandra

WEATHER FRONTS Alexandra A weather front is simply a boundary between air masses. WEATHER FRONTS Alexandra A weather front is simply a boundary between air masses.

COLD FRONT Alexandra • Cold, dense air is moving toward warm, less dense air. COLD FRONT Alexandra • Cold, dense air is moving toward warm, less dense air. • The warm air is pushed up to cool and form clouds as the cooler air replaces it. • The air on the front side of the boundary line is warmer than the air on the back side of the boundary line. • These fronts are usually fast moving and bring stormy weather and heavy precipitation followed by clearing skies and higher pressure.

WARM FRONT Alexandra • Warm air is moving toward cold air. • The warm, WARM FRONT Alexandra • Warm air is moving toward cold air. • The warm, less dense air slides over the cold, more dense air. • The air on the front side of the boundary line is cooler than the air on the back side of the boundary line. • These fronts usually move slowly and bring steady rain or snow over many days.

STATIONARY FRONT • These fronts occur when neither the cool or warm air masses STATIONARY FRONT • These fronts occur when neither the cool or warm air masses are strong enough to replace each other. • They tend to stay in an area for a long period of time, often bringing long periods of precipitation and clouds. Alexandra

Alexandra High pressure areas are indicated by a blue capital H weather map High Alexandra High pressure areas are indicated by a blue capital H weather map High and Low Pressure Circulation Low Pressure areas are indicated by a red capital L on a weather map

TOOLS IN WEATHER FORECASTING RADIOSONDE It is an instrument that is carried aloft by TOOLS IN WEATHER FORECASTING RADIOSONDE It is an instrument that is carried aloft by a balloon to send back information on atmospheric temperature, pressure and humidity by means a small radio transmitter Daniil Lezhdei

RADAR Daniil Lezhdei Radars are useful tools to obtain detailed information about clouds and RADAR Daniil Lezhdei Radars are useful tools to obtain detailed information about clouds and storms mainly cyclones, tornadoes, hurricanes.


WEATHER SATELLITE Daniil Lezhdei • The most significant device for predicting weather is a WEATHER SATELLITE Daniil Lezhdei • The most significant device for predicting weather is a weather satellite. • Weather satellites of different kinds have different types of sensors for specific purposes. They have varying orbital paths around the earth. • The first weather satellite, named TIROS-I, was launched in 1960. • The sensors which are attached to satellites send back the images of clouds to the earth's weather stations.

TYPES OF WEATHER FORECASTS Каte On the basis of duration of the validity weather TYPES OF WEATHER FORECASTS Каte On the basis of duration of the validity weather forecasts fall into three types: 1. Short-term weather forecasts 2. Medium-term weather forecasts 3. Long-term forecasts

SHORT-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • valid from few hours to 48 hours and sometimes SHORT-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • valid from few hours to 48 hours and sometimes 72 hours • based on maps, weather charts, satellite images • determine changes of atmospheric weather of a specific location • helpful for drivers and fishermen

MEDIUM-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • cover the time span from 3 days to 3 MEDIUM-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • cover the time span from 3 days to 3 weeks. • done by calculating the average of past and present weather condition. • helpful for farmers

LONG-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • cover a time span from 2 weeks to a LONG-TERM WEATHER FORECASTS Каte • cover a time span from 2 weeks to a season of the year • are basically statements • exact accuracy is minimum. • present weather information which is not detailed


After watching get ready to answer the following questions: After watching get ready to answer the following questions: