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  • Количество слайдов: 55

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Suture materials Product training B. Braun Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Общиес пособы Общие способы наложения швов § Лигирование § Наложение стежков § Анастомозирование § Закрытие брюшной стенки § Закрытие кожной раны Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 1

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Лигирование Single ligature Double ligature Perforating ligature Stitching techniques Anastomoses Используется для изоляции тканей § в процессе подготовки к их последующему удалению § для окклюзии сосудов (предупреждение кровотечений) Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 2

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Одиночные лигатуры Single ligature Double ligature Perforating ligature Stitching techniques Выбор диаметра нити для лигирования зависит от лигируемой ткани В зависимости от локализации, нить проводится либо мануально, либо с помощью инструмента вокруг кончика выбранной ткани Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 3

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Двойные лигатуры Single ligature Double ligature Perforating ligature Наложение второй лигатуры проводится для большей надежности лигирования. Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 4

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Перфорационные лигатуры Single ligature Double ligature Perforating ligature Применяются на структурах большого объема и крупных сосудов, в т. ч. и артериях. Stitching techniques Anastomoses Фиксация лигатуры более надежна Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 5

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Общие способыs Ligatures Suture materials Product Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Общие способыs Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Лигатуры: правильно или неправильно? Single ligature Double ligature правильно Perforating ligature Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique неправильно Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 6

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Suture materials Product training B. Braun Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ General suture techniques Ligatures Stitching techniques Full-thickness suture Extramucous technique Full-thickness mattress suture Спрособы наложения стежков § Через все слои Anastomoses § Подслизистый шов Abdominal wall closure § Матрацный шов Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 7

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Способы наложения стежков Stitching techniques Full-thickness suture Extramucous technique Full-thickness mattress suture Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Fдля различных тканевых структтур и слоев: § Сосудистая хирургия § IКишечные анастомозы § Желудочные анастомозы Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 8

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Через все слои(seromucous) technique (слизистая-серозная оболочки) Stitching techniques Full-thickness suture Extramucous technique Full-thickness mattress suture Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 9

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Подслизистый способ (серозный-мышечный слои) Stitching techniques Full-thickness suture Extramucous technique Full-thickness mattress suture Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 10

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Матрацный шов (через все слои) Stitching techniques Full-thickness suture Extramucous technique Full-thickness mattress suture Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 11

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Anatomy and OR technique Ligatures Stitching techniques Anastomoses Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Общие способы наложения швв § Лигатуры § Стежки § Анастомозы § Закрытие брюшной стенки § Закрытие кожной раны Basic Training Sutures 12

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Анастомозы Stitching techniques Anastomoses Simple interrupted suture Анастомозирование – создание постоянного канала между двумя полыми органами хирургическим путем Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 13

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Stitching techniques Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Stitching techniques Anastomoses Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Формирование кишечного анастомоза - мобилизация и выделение кишечника Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses 1. Выделение -лигирование Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 2. Мобилизация-резекция Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 14

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Формирование кишечного анастомоза Stitching techniques Anastomoses 3. Сопоставление без натяжения Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 15

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Простой непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Задняя стенка- матрацный шов через все слои Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 16

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Простые одиночные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Simple interrupted suture Running suture Передняя стенка: § Стежки через серозно-мышечный слои Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 17

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Толстокишечный анастомоз-Обвивной (круговой) шов - Stitching techniques Anastomoses Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Holding thread Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 18

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Анатомия Stitching techniques Anastomoses Строение стенки сосуда Simple interrupted suture § Внутренний: (Tunica intima) Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure § Средний: (Tunica media) Tunica intima § Adventitia: (Tunica adventitia) Skin sutures OR technique Connecti ve tissue Elastica interna Tunica media Elastica externa Tunica adventitia Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 19

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Возможные ошибки Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 1. неправильно Aesculap Division 2. правильно 3. неправильно Basic Training Sutures 20

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Путь нити Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Tissue trauma 90° правильно Aesculap Division 60° неправильно Basic Training Sutures 21

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Петельный способ Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 1. правильно Aesculap Division 2. правильно Basic Training Sutures 22

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Петельный способ Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 3. неправильно Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 23

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Линия рассечения для анастомоза «конец в конец» Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 1. Классический анастомоз 3. Малый в большой просвет Aesculap Division 2. Раструбный 4. Клиновидное рассечение для точной адаптации Basic Training Sutures 24

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Обвивной анастомоз «конец в конец» Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 1 3 Aesculap Division 2 4 Basic Training Sutures 25

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses «конец в бок» Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 26

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сосудистый анастомоз Stitching techniques Anastomoses Парашютная техника Simple interrupted suture Running suture Vascular anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 27

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Anatomy and OR technique Ligatures Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Общие способы наложения швов § Ligatures § Stitching techniques § Anastomoses § Закрытие брюшной стенки § Skin sutures Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 28

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Слои брюшной стенки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Кожа п/жировая клетчатка Передний фасциальный слой Мышцы Задний фасциальный слой Брюшина Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 29

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Общие сведения Abdominal wall closure § Рекомендовано использовать синтетические плетеные рассасывающиеся нити со средним сроком рассасывания или монофмламентные материалы в сочетании с колющими иглами ( SAFIL) Skin sutures OR technique § Закрытие ведется сверху вниз, нижняя треть разреза- снизу вверх. § Рекомендуемое расстояние между стежками- 1, 5 -2 см Distance 1. 5 - 2 cm 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 30

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Первый стежок Abdominal wall closure § Формируется на уровне здоровой (интактной) ткани. Skin sutures OR technique § Игла вводится в рану и выводится из раны через Vобразную часть разреза сверху. 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 31

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatur Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatur Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses 1 -3 стежки сверху Abdominal wall closure § Три первых стежка захватывают брюшину Skin sutures OR technique § Мышечный слой не затрагивается 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 32

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses 4 -тый стежок и последующие Abdominal wall closure § С 4 -го стежка брюшина уже не ушивается Skin sutures OR technique § Мышечный слой не затрагивается 1 2 Aesculap Division 3 Basic Training Sutures 4 33

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Stitching techniques Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Закрытие сверху вниз § 2/3 разреза или как минимум ½ разреза зашивается сверху вниз. OR technique 1 Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 34

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Закрытие снизу вверх Abdominal wall closure Проводится аналогично, как верху вниз Skin sutures OR technique 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 35

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Узлы Abdominal wall closure § Как только будут выполнены все стежки, их необходимо завязать при помощи 4 -6 узлов, оставляя узлы сбоку от разреза Skin sutures OR technique 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 36

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Швы снизу вверх Abdominal wall closure § Аналогично, как сверху вниз. Skin sutures OR technique 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 37

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- простые единичные стежки Stitching techniques Anastomoses Обрезание концов нити Abdominal wall closure § Необходимо срезать кончики нити на высоте 5 -6 мм( = высоте браншей ножниц) без натяжения. Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 38

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Общие сведения Abdominal wall closure § Рекомендуется использовать синтетические рассасывающиеся плетеные нити со средними сроками рассасывания или монофиламентные шовные в сочетании с колющими иглами материалы с троакарным кончиком Skin sutures OR technique § Порядок наложения швов аналогичен с единичными стежками § Ход шва должен перекрываться двумя стежками § Расстояние м/у стежками должно быть 1, 5 -2 см Distance 1. 5 - 2 cm 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 39

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Первый верхний закрепляющий шов Abdominal wall closure • Формируется на уровне здоровой (интактной) ткани. • Игла вводится в рану и выводится из раны через V-образную часть разреза сверху. • В завершении нить продевается сквозь петлю и проводится по заданному пути Skin sutures OR technique 2 Aesculap Division 1 3 Basic Training Sutures 4 40

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Стежки 1 -3 верхние Abdominal wall closure § Первые 3 стежка прошивают брюшину Skin sutures OR technique § Мышечный слой не затрагивается 1 2 Aesculap Division 3 Basic Training Sutures 4 41

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses 4 -ый и последующие стежки Abdominal wall closure § Начиная с 4 -го стежка, брюшина не вовлекается Skin sutures OR technique § Мышечный слой не вовлекается 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 42

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Верхний узел Abdominal wall closure § Одна нить остается на стороне вкола, вторая проводится с иглой на противоположную сторону Skin sutures OR technique § Нить завязывается 6 -8 узлами сбоку от разреза 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 43

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Шов снизу Abdominal wall closure § Now the caudal suture is applied in the same way as the cranial suture. аналогично верхнему Skin sutures OR technique 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 44

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Нижний шов Abdominal wall closure § Шов перекрывается 2 стежками Skin sutures OR technique § Для надежности обоих наложенных швов, нити перекрывают друга, концы нити проводятся через петлю и стягиваются. § Завязываются 6 -8 узлов сбоку от разреза 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 45

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Закрытие брюшной стенки- непрерывный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Срезывание кончиков нити Abdominal wall closure § Кончики срезаются до 5 -6 мм (= высоте браншей ножниц) Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 46

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Anatomy and OR technique Ligatures Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Общие способы наложения швов § Ligatures § Stitching techniques § Anastomoses § Abdominal wall closure § Закрытие кожного разреза Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 47

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Сшивание кожи Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Единичные стежки предпочтительней накладывать с помощью синтетической нерассасывающийся монофиламентной нити (без фитильного эффекта) Basic Training Sutures 48

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Поддерживающие (разгрузочные) швы Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique 1 Aesculap Division 2 Basic Training Sutures 3 49

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Внутрикожный шов Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Данный шов выполняется очень поверхностно 2 типа внутрикожных швов: § С помощью рассасывающихся нитей- нить не извлекается § С помощью нерассасывающихся нитей- нить извлекается. Basic Training Sutures 50

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Матрацный шов по Donati Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 51

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Вертикальный матрацный шов в модификации Allgöwer Stitching techniques Anastomoses Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 52

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Кожные швы Stitching techniques Anastomoses U- образный выворачивающий горизонтальный шов / матрацный шов Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 53

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Кожные швы Stitching techniques Anastomoses U- образный выворачивающий ( горизонтальный шов / матрацный шов Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 54

Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Introductio n Terminolog y Anatomy + OR technique General suture techniques Ligatures Suture materials Product training B. Braun Competitors' products training Knot training Argument s FAQ Кожные швы Stitching techniques Anastomoses Затягивающий простой одиночный шов Abdominal wall closure Skin sutures OR technique Aesculap Division Basic Training Sutures 55