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Introducing… • Ghassan O. A. Shahin • Holds a: – B. Sc. In Computer Introducing… • Ghassan O. A. Shahin • Holds a: – B. Sc. In Computer Science (Intercollege Cyprus) – MBA-Information Systems (MSM Netherlands) – Ph. D in E-learning from (University of Malaya – Malaysia) 1

Intro … Work experience • • • More than 20 years experience. Worked in Intro … Work experience • • • More than 20 years experience. Worked in Saudi Arabia, Cyprus, Palestine, and Malaysia. Worked as: programmer, analyst, supervisor and director of computer center, lecturer, deputy head of dept. , Dean, and a Visiting lecturer at University of Malaya. Faculty Developer Certified E-commerce Consultant (2003) Consultant to the World Bank project (tertiary education project-TEP) at Ministry of Higher Education-Palestine. Program evaluator for MOHE-Palestine. Reviewer: Many International Journals and Conferences Universities worked with: INTERCOLLEGE-Cyprus, Palestine Polytechnic University (PPU)-Palestine, Quds Open University-Palestine, Al-Quds University-Palestine, UIAM-Malaysia, University of Malaya-Malaysia 2

 Before We Start • ﻣﺎ ﺭﺃﻴﻜﻢ ﺑﺘﺪﺭﻳﺐ ﻳﻮﻡ ﺍﻣﺲ؟ • ﻣﺎ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻫﺪﻑ Before We Start • ﻣﺎ ﺭﺃﻴﻜﻢ ﺑﺘﺪﺭﻳﺐ ﻳﻮﻡ ﺍﻣﺲ؟ • ﻣﺎ ﺍﻟﺬﻱ ﻫﺪﻑ ﺍﻟﻴﻪ ﺩ. ﻣﻨﻴﺮ ﻓﻲ ﺣﺪﻳﺜﻪ ﻋﻦ » ﺍﻟﻤﺤﺎﺿﺮﺓ « Lecture ﻭﻋﻦ ﺍﻻﺳﺎﻟﻴﺐ ﺍﻟﻤﻌﺰﺯﺓ ﻟﻬﺎ؟ • ﻟﻤﺎﺫﺍ؟؟؟

Basic goals 1. Three principles of good design of teaching and learning: the instructional Basic goals 1. Three principles of good design of teaching and learning: the instructional principle, the experiential principle and the alignment principle 2. Why do we need complex teaching methodologies, what are they and what do they imply as methods

Design model for learning units (with instructional element) Based on Lynn Mcalpine, (2004) ‘Designing Design model for learning units (with instructional element) Based on Lynn Mcalpine, (2004) ‘Designing Learning as Well as Teaching: a Research-Based Model for Instruction that Empasizes Learner Practice’. Active Learning in Higher Education, 5 (2): 119 -134 Out of class Informing Practice or Application Engagement In class Instruction The learning process Assessmen t feedback

The constructive alignment of teaching and learning Students needs Planned outcomes (course goals) Program The constructive alignment of teaching and learning Students needs Planned outcomes (course goals) Program design • • Teaching and learning activities Learning outcomes assessment subgoals Course goals (course design) 1. Topic -sub goals (design for each part of learning) help fulfill course goals 2. Activities- contributes to fulfilling the sub goals 3. Assessment - shows evidence that goals have been achieved

Constructive alignment Outcomes, Objectives, Goals Aims Teaching sessions Other learning experiences Assessment Evaluation of Constructive alignment Outcomes, Objectives, Goals Aims Teaching sessions Other learning experiences Assessment Evaluation of teaching

Backward design • • Learning outcome Assessment criteria Assessment methods Teaching methods Content selection Backward design • • Learning outcome Assessment criteria Assessment methods Teaching methods Content selection Reading selection Unit title and goal

Why do we need complex teaching methods “The learning that goes on in higher Why do we need complex teaching methods “The learning that goes on in higher education justifies the label higher precisely because it refers to the state of mind over and above the conventional recipe or factual learning” (Barnett, 1999: 149) “The purposes of post-secondary education is the development of thought, attitudes and motivation” (Bligh 1978: 249) “If a teacher knows what he/she wants to do, there must be a scientific way of doing it” (Ward, 1975: 125) “The most useful learning in the modern world, is learning about the process of learning, an internalisation of the experience of change’ (Brockbank and Mc. GIll 1998: 149)

What methods and methodology to chose for your course or class and why? • What methods and methodology to chose for your course or class and why? • What type of method is it? • How does it result in learning? • What learning approach does it encourage (deep or surface, engaged or not)? • What does it achieve in terms of classroom or group dynamics? • What exactly does it teach: content, skills (which skills)? • How does it support your program, course and class aims? • How doe sit mach the needs of these particular students? • Does it match your needs?

Complex teaching methodologies • collaborative learning methods • individual learning methods • critical thinking Complex teaching methodologies • collaborative learning methods • individual learning methods • critical thinking and academic writing based • learning to learn approach • reflexive-learning approach • technology- based learning • experiential learning • engaged learning, values or attitude change • problem-based learning, • inquiry-based learning or research-based learning • community-based learning • Integrative learning …………………………….

Complex Teaching Methods: Experiential Learning Complex Teaching Methods: Experiential Learning

Experiential Learning Experiential Learning

Agenda 1. Why Complex Methods. 1. Definition. 2. Philosophy. 3. Model. 4. conditions. 5. Agenda 1. Why Complex Methods. 1. Definition. 2. Philosophy. 3. Model. 4. conditions. 5. Advantages. 5. Assessment. 6. Examples. .

Why do we need complex Teaching Methods? * Complexity of higher education learning * Why do we need complex Teaching Methods? * Complexity of higher education learning * Emphasis on outcome * Shift to student centered approaches * Focus on transferability, engagement.

Definition: § Involve students in real experience. § Experience is of critical importance. § Definition: § Involve students in real experience. § Experience is of critical importance. § Learning by doing. § Reflection.

Philosophy: • The value of experience in learning. • Confucius • “ Tell me Philosophy: • The value of experience in learning. • Confucius • “ Tell me and I will forget, show me and I may remember, Involve me and I understand “ Built on the work of Piaget and Dewey. • Dewey • “There is an intimate and necessary relation between the processes of actual experience and education”

Model • Kolb& Fry (1975, 1984) four elements: Concrete experience, observation& reflection, formation of Model • Kolb& Fry (1975, 1984) four elements: Concrete experience, observation& reflection, formation of abstract concepts and testing In new situations.

Conditions for successful Experiential Learning 1. 2. Conditions for successful Experiential Learning 1. 2.

Conditions for successful Experiential Learning • Student participation. involvement, reflection, use analytical skills • Conditions for successful Experiential Learning • Student participation. involvement, reflection, use analytical skills • Direct confrontation with problems. decision-making & problem solving • Self-evaluation. • Employ the whole learning wheel. • Bring experience to academic setting.

Experiential learning: some issues • • • work-based learning service learning fieldwork practitioner research Experiential learning: some issues • • • work-based learning service learning fieldwork practitioner research problem-based learning (PBL) (guided design, the case, simulation) project methods laboratory Instruction collaborative research • Focus on relevance, transferability, independence, reflection, motivation and engagement

Advantages of Experiential Learning 1. 2. Advantages of Experiential Learning 1. 2.

Advantages: • Addressing the needs of the learner. • Self-initiative & self evaluation. • Advantages: • Addressing the needs of the learner. • Self-initiative & self evaluation. • Learning new skills, attitudes, new ways of thinking. • Service for society. • Motivation.

Summary DO go forth and have an experience REVIEW review what happened and what Summary DO go forth and have an experience REVIEW review what happened and what can be learned PLAN plan a way to tackle the next round of experience

assessment 1. 2. assessment 1. 2.

References: ^ • Itin, C. M. (1999). Reasserting the Philosophy of Experiential Education as References: ^ • Itin, C. M. (1999). Reasserting the Philosophy of Experiential Education as a Vehicle for Change in the 21 st Century. The Journal of Experiential Education, . 22(2), 91 -98. ^ Bynum, W. F. and Porter, R. (eds) (2005) Oxford Dictionary of Scientific Quotations. Oxford University Press. 21: 9. ^ Itin, C. M. (1999). Reasserting the Philosophy of Experiential Education as a Vehicle for Change in the 21 st Century. The Journal of Experiential Education, . 22(2), 91 -98. ^ Merriam, S. B. , Caffarella, R. S. , & Baumgartner, L. M. (2007). Learning in adulthood: a comprehensive guide. San Francisco: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ^ Lindeman, E. C. (1961). The meaning of adult education in the United States. New York: Harvest House. ^ Dewey, J. (1938). Experience and education. New York: Collier Books. • ^ Greenberg, D. (1992) "'Ethics' is a Course Taught By Life Experience, " Education in America - A View from Sudbury Valley. ^ Greenberg, D. (1987) "Teaching Justice Through Experience, " The Sudbury Valley School Experience. ^ Greenberg, D. (1992) "Democracy Must be Experienced to be Learned, " Education in America - A View from Sudbury Valley. ^ Greenberg, D. (1987) "The Sorcerer's Apprentice, " Free at Last - The Sudbury Valley School. • ^ Stavenga de Jong, J. A. , Wierstra, R. F. A. and Hermanussen, J. (2006) "An exploration of the relationship between academic and experiential learning approaches in vocational education, " British Journal of Educational Psychology. 76; 1. pp. 155 -169. • • •