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Intro to Photography Mrs. Frahm (sub) Mrs. Martin
Behavior I expect professional and mature behavior. I will not tolerate anything else. This is not limited to behavior in the classroom, but also includes the use of equipment and subject matter in artwork.
Boone Cty Behavior Guidelines Tier 1 - Teacher Interventions Tier 2 - Assistance from Administration Tier 3 - Administration and Law Inforcement
Personal Technology Requirements to bring personal technology: Completed permission form with product’s serial number. Phones are to be put away UNLESS I give you permission… speak to me privately or I will announce to the class.
AUP (Acceptable Technology Use Procedures) Use the provided school network account in an ethical, responsible, and legal manner for school related tasks only that are consistent with the educational objectives of the Boone County Schools.
Technology Supplies Respect the computers, these are all we have! Keyboards Mice Memory Card Readers
High Expectations You are officially an advanced art student You will be held to higher standards There a lot of assignments and they will overlap Majority of the assignments are to be completed outside of class! Independent and Group Work
I will not cater to students who do not do the work!
Required Supplies Must have a Digital Camera! You are responsible for the care of your equipment. You must have a working camera! I do not have alternate assignments.
Types of Digital Cameras Basic Cameras • Subcompacts • Compacts • Superzooms Students take notes
Subcompacts • Subcompacts fit in a pocket, are lightweight but generally have few manual controls. A few include nontelescoping zoom lenses, and others have zooms as high as 14 x.
Compacts • Compacts are a bit larger, and often have more manual controls than subcompacts.
Superzooms • Superzooms offer 15 x or greater zoom, with some recent models including optical zooms as great as 35 x. Like compacts, superzooms often, though not always, include manual controls.
Types of Digital Cameras Advanced Cameras • Advanced point and shoots • SLR like • SLR
Advanced point and shoots • Advanced point-and-shoots have a nondetachable lens but differ from basic models because they have lots of manual controls, a hot shoe for an external flash, and support for RAW files. It's the lightest advanced type.
SLR like • SLR-like models have interchangeable lenses, but they lack a through-the-lens viewfinder. They're smaller and lighter than an SLR but usually larger than a point-and-shoot.
SLR • SLRs have the most features, with interchangeable lenses and the largest sensors for the best image quality in low light, and a through-the lens viewfinder. Controls are extensive. They're also the heaviest, most expensive cameras.
An APS-C format SLR (left) and a full-frame DSLR (right) show the difference in the size of the image sensors.
Memory Card(s)
Flash Drive * if your computer has had a virus recently it may be on your flash drive and I would prefer you to buy a new flash drive
Why can’t I use my smart phone? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Digital cameras have a bigger image sensor More precise controls on a digital camera Versatile lenses Real optical zoom Flexible Flash You control the creativity with a digital camera! Source= http: //www. consumerreports. org/cro/news/2014/02/5 -reasons-digital-cameras-leave-smart-phone-photography-in-the-dust/index. htm
Grading Generally, Every Friday you will be assigned a project. The photographs for the project will be due Monday! Photos due Monday= HW grade (full credit) Late = half credit Completed Powerpoint with Edited Photos= Project Grade 1 project= 2 grades
Warning • If you are known to miss a lot of school, this is not the class for you. You will be behind quickly. It is important you attend school to complete the assignments. • If you do not like to work outside of school, this is not the class for you. If you will not work outside of the school, you will fail the course.
Heads Up If you would like to get along with me you will need to: *Pay Attention *Respect Supplies and Each Other *Do the work *Bring Supplies *Good Behavior
Teacher Website I have tried to post the assignments you will be assigned while I am away on my teacher website. Connerhs. com> Teacher Websites> Martin (Laun), Emily> Photography>
Procedural Please fill in based on room locatioin We are in Room ? ? ? In case of an emergency, turn right out of the room go down stairs and out the exit door.
Procedural If we have to evacuate before 1 st period, follow the Fire Drill instructions and meet me in the designated parking spot. If we evacuate during 2 nd block class change, follow the Fire Drill instructions and meet me in the designated parking spot.
First Day in Class January 5 HW= ALL ABOUT ME photos Pre Assessment= take 100 photos of subject matter that describes you. Photos need to be new and not from past experiences. (ie. No facebook, instagrams etc. ) No photos of photos either. DUE WEDNESDAY January 7 at the beginning of class. Bring your cameras also!
Photoshop: In Class Activity You will use Photoshop every day! There are different tutorials that will instruct you. Some made by me and others not. It is a different way of reading. There are several steps in one sentence. So go slow and be patient.
Go to my teacher website Connerhs. com > Teacher websites > Martin, Emily> Photography
Click Photoshop Start Guide
Photoshop Start Guide This is an independent assignment and you do have to read and reread to understand the new language. Be patient! At the end of class save the document as a. psd file so you can continue to work on it tomorrow. Save it on your flash drive as well as your U Drive