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Intro to Camp Cooking Intro to Camp Cooking

Intro to Camp Cooking Nothing can be more fun than a day in the Intro to Camp Cooking Nothing can be more fun than a day in the outdoors followed by a night sleeping under the stars. You’ve got all the comforts of home. A nice warm fire, a cozy sleeping bag…. . But wait, what about food? Don’t worry. It’s very easy to cook a nutritious, healthy, and delicious meal in camp or on the trail without much fuss. This booklet and recipe guide will help you. Whether cooking a simple “hobo” meal in foil over hot coals, or cooking for your entire patrol in a Dutch oven or on a camp stove, a great meal awaits you if you do a little planning in advance. Use this booklet to learn about different cooking techniques, and try various recipes to enjoy cooking in the outdoors to the fullest extent. Don’t be afraid to try and experiment with new techniques or recipes. You might want to try cooking them at home, and making sure you understand the instructions, before attempting them for the first time in the woods with 7 hungry patrol mates looking on. Expect to make mistakes. Expect to burn things. But learn from the process so you don’t make the same mistakes again. It may seem overwhelming, but very soon, you will see for yourself that it’s easy for anyone to cook, anywhere, with just a little planning and faith in himself. Let’s cook!

Menu Planning • Plan ahead thoroughly, including, menu, # of people in patrol or Menu Planning • Plan ahead thoroughly, including, menu, # of people in patrol or eating group, amount of food needed, and all cooking equipment necessary (griddle, Dutch oven, anything not found in fully stocked patrol box) • Don’t forget spices and condiments • Check to see if troop has leftovers before buying it! This is especially true with grits, oatmeal, hot chocolate, salt/pepper, etc. • Plan the meal to match conditions. Backpacking meals call for ease of preparation and food needs to be light enough to carry. Base camp provides an opportunity for cooking with fresh meats, eggs, dairy and vegetables because coolers with ice will be available. Because of the proximity to the trailer, Dutch ovens, patrol stoves and patrol boxes are all available for use. • Plan “easy” light lunches to keep from taking too much time from the day’s activities. Deli sandwiches or simple one-pot dinners are ideal.

Menu Planning • Meals should provide proper nutrition and diet over the course of Menu Planning • Meals should provide proper nutrition and diet over the course of the day. • If lunch will be “light”, plan a heavier breakfast and dinner to fill in any nutritional gaps. • Daily basic guidelines for nutrition – Meat group – 2 servings (alternates- dry beans, nuts, etc) for protein – Vegetable/Fruit – 4 servings including: • 1 citrus fruit for Vitamin C • 1 dark green or yellow vegetable for vitamin A (at least every other day) – Dairy group 1 serving minimum – Breads/Cereals – 4 servings • Plan meals around available time for preparation and available storage.

Menu Planning • Understand serving sizes – Recipes are stated in terms of servings, Menu Planning • Understand serving sizes – Recipes are stated in terms of servings, or how many people it will feed. – Assume larger serving sizes than normal due to hungry campers who have been burning a lot of calories in strenuous outdoor activities. – Pay attention to serving sizes when purchasing food. Many of the listed serving sizes will be rather small and you may need to consider additional portions. • Changes in Quantities Needed – Many recipes will be listed as feeding 8 hungry Scouts/Scouters. If you need to reduce the recipe to 6, reduce ingredients by 25%. If needed for 10, add 25%. Use proportions to adjust recipes to the needed amount. Did you pay attention in math class? • Example: 24 ounces of canned corn will feed 8 scouts. How much corn is need for 14 scouts? – 8 scouts/24 oz corn = 14 scouts/ x oz. corn cross multiply 8 x “x” = 24 x 14 – 336 = 8 x , and solved x=42 – Therefore , 14 scouts require 42 ounces of corn

Menu Planning • So, You’re a “Grubbie” – Grubbies are the scouts assigned to Menu Planning • So, You’re a “Grubbie” – Grubbies are the scouts assigned to go to the store and shop for the needed food for the campout. The Scoutmaster will give you an amount of money that you will have available to spend, and may either give you cash or ask you to bring a receipt back for reimbursement by the troop. – Grubbies will have a basic menu plan to buy for, and a shopping list that is reviewed by an adult scoutmaster or older scout, but they will need to make a few smart shopping decisions in the store. One, remember to review serving sizes and judge whether they are realistic. Two, shop for value and quality. Sometimes the store or generic brand is equal to a higher priced name brand, and sometimes it is not. You will learn from experience. For example, a less expensive pack of bacon may be much more fatty than premium brand bacon, and will yield much less bacon, of less quality, when cooked up. – Make sure you buy all the ingredients. If you’re eating pancakes, make sure you buy syrup. How about shortening? Making a cake? Got butter? Need eggs? Having eggs in a bag? Do you have bags? Think the menu all the way through preparation. – Make sure you have appropriate storage for all the food you buy – cold stuff and foods that will spoil need to be kept cold. – Pack and organize food as efficiently as possible, keeping meal items together as much as possible, to prevent cooks digging through 3 coolers and 7 boxes of food to find what is needed for the meal.

Menu Planning • So, You’re a “Grubbie” – Backpacking food will need to be Menu Planning • So, You’re a “Grubbie” – Backpacking food will need to be broken down either in individual servings if preparing meals individually, or broken into equal amounts to be divided among the patrol if patrol cooking. Grubbies should do this before arriving at the church on Friday afternoon. – If you need to borrow a troop cooler or coolers to pack food in, let a Scoutmaster know. – If it is your first time as grubbie, ask for help at the store from an older scout or Troop Guide. – Don’t leave your patrol hungry! Spend the amount of money available. If money is left, consider an increase in some serving sizes or supplement the menu with a nice snack or beverage. Make sure you bought and thought of everything needed. – Troop trailer should have necessary propane fuel, charcoal, stoves, dutch ovens, plates, cups, utensils. You won’t have to buy these. – Patrol boxes should have tin foil, vegetable oil, pots and pans, utensils. Verify completeness of patrol boxes or prepare to go without!

Food Safety • Safety is a key concern in camp cooking. – Cold items Food Safety • Safety is a key concern in camp cooking. – Cold items must be kept cold until use. Return all cold items to cold storage after use. – Cook meats and eggs thoroughly before consumption. Nothing will ruin a campout quicker than a patrol full of scouts sick with food poisoning. If you are not sure if it is done, ask a scoutmaster to take a look at it. – Wash your hands thoroughly each time before handling food, preparing food, handling food prep equipment like knives and cutting boards, and again before eating. – Observe obvious sanitary standards when preparing food. – Camp stoves should not be operated by scouts unless trained in safe operation of the stove. – Propane gas is explosive. Treat it with respect. – Observe all fire safety rules.

Meal Prep Scheduling • Plan and schedule meal preparation times to ensure the meal Meal Prep Scheduling • Plan and schedule meal preparation times to ensure the meal is complete on-time, with all items at their peak quality at time the meal is served. – List all items to be cooked/prepared/laid out – Identify items that can be cooked early and kept warm w/o loss of quality. Cook these first if limited by cook pots, stoves or people. – Calculate time to prepare and cook each item – Plan backwards from the desired meal time. • Example – Meal time 8: 00 am – – – – Set out Juice/milk/ cups 7: 58 All Eggs done 7: 57 Biscuits done 7: 55 Start to cook biscuits 7: 45 All Bacon done 7: 40 (keep warm) Start to Cook Eggs 7: 40 Start to Cook Bacon 7: 20 Prepare to Cook 7: 15

Tidbits • Loafs of bread come in all sizes, 1 lb, 1 -1/4 lb, Tidbits • Loafs of bread come in all sizes, 1 lb, 1 -1/4 lb, 1 1 -2 lb, etc. – For sandwich meals, plan on 4 slices person. For other meals, generally 2 slices is adequate. – A 1 lb loaf has about 17 slices – A 1 ¼ lb loaf has about 20 slices – A 1 ½ lb loaf has about 23 slices • Generally, grape jelly doesn’t get used if strawberry or other flavor is available. Steer away from buying grape jelly. • Substitute oil for shortening interchangeably. • Use shortening and oil at higher temps where butter in a pan would burn.

Tidbits • Squeeze bottles of margarine are ideal when baking Drop Cakes or Cobblers Tidbits • Squeeze bottles of margarine are ideal when baking Drop Cakes or Cobblers that need thinly sliced pats of butter on the top, or any recipe calling for sliced butter or soft butter • Use freezer bags for omelettes in a bag, not regular baggies. Regular baggies melt in contact with the pot. • Your propane stove is an excellent tool for lighting off charcoal chimneys if you forget newspaper. Place chimney over high heat for a few minutes until it starts to billow with smoke. • Avoid glass containers- they are heavy, will break, and must be packed out. • If stew is too salty, add slice of raw potato to draw the salt out. • Eggs stay fresher longer when stored large side up! • Eggs dipped in boiling water for ten seconds stay fresh longer in the cooler

Measures and Conversions • • • Butter – 4 sticks = 1 lb = Measures and Conversions • • • Butter – 4 sticks = 1 lb = 2 cups – 1 stick = ¼ lb = ½ cup – ½ stick = ¼ cup – ¼ stick = 2 tablespoons – Most butter wrappers have measurements printed on them 1 liter = 1. 057 quarts 2 pints = 1 quart = 32 oz. 2 cups = 1 pint = 16 oz. 1 cup = 8 fluid ounces = 16 Tbs 16 tablespoons = 1 cup 2 tablespoons = 1 fluid ounce Tbs = tablespoon Tsp= teaspoon

Measures and Conversions • • • 3 tsp = 1 Tbs = ½ oz. Measures and Conversions • • • 3 tsp = 1 Tbs = ½ oz. = 5 finger pinch = palm of hand 1 open fistful = 1 Tbs 1 Tsp = 4 finger pinch Pinch between one finger and thumb = 1/8 tsp 1 finger gob of shortening = 1 Tbs • 4 quarts = 1 gallon = 128 oz. = 8 lbs (of water)

Definitions • • “add shortening (oil) as needed” – add if food is starting Definitions • • “add shortening (oil) as needed” – add if food is starting to stick to pan “baste” – frequently dripping sauce, butter, or liquid over meat as it cooks to retain its moisture “brown” – when browning meat, obtain golden brown color to seal in juices on meat, or an appetizing golden crust on cakes “diced” – cut into small cubes “shortening” – Use in place of butter or margarine to keep food from sticking to pan, especially at high temps where butter will burn “simmer” – When a liquid simmers, small bubbles are constantly breaking out, but at a slower tempo than when boiling. This is done over low heat. “reserve” – save; do not throw away sautee – (Sah-tay) - to cook in a pan with oil or butter until tender

Cooking with Camp Stoves • • Much cooking can be done on patrol or Cooking with Camp Stoves • • Much cooking can be done on patrol or individual propane, or other fuel stoves. Safely light the burner by first lighting the match or lighter, then slowly cracking the gas valve open until it ignites. Failure to do so could result in a large ball of gas exploding in your face and severe burns. Set stove up on firm, level surface. Adjust gas valve to regulate heat on burner. It is very easy to get too hot. Watch closely or you will burn the meal. Be careful about grease – spilling oil or grease on the stove while a burner is hot will ignite the grease and start a fire. You must always pay very close attention to a camp stove that is on. Your camp stove is good at boiling water and liquids(place a cover on the pot to conserve heat and reach boiling point sooner), frying food items in a skillet or on a griddle, and cooking various items in pots.

Cooking with Charcoal • • • Cooking with charcoal provides a bed of coals Cooking with Charcoal • • • Cooking with charcoal provides a bed of coals that will provide enough heat for a long cooking period with very little preparation time, unlike a hardwood fire that must burn for a long time to create suitable coals. A bed of charcoal will produce uniform, sustained heat with little or no flame for a long period of time. Heat can be increased by blowing on the coals, and reduced by dropping a little water on the coals. Charcoal should be ignited using a charcoal chimney. Fill the bottom chamber with a couple sheets of newspaper, (but do not pack paper to tightly), and the upper chamber with charcoal and light the paper. In minutes, the chimney will billow smoke and the coals will begin to ignite. The coals will be useable when the coals at the top begin to turn ashen gray. Scouts do not use liquid starter or Match Light charcoal for safety reasons. Do not set cookware directly on coals- use a few stones or a rack to keep cookware off the coals. You can cook directly over charcoal, or with tin foil “hobo” dinners, or use charcoal to heat your dutch oven.

Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • A Dutch Oven is a cast iron Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • A Dutch Oven is a cast iron cooking appliance that lets you cook anything in camp that you can cook at home. The thickness of the dutch oven walls help uniformly distribute the heat in the oven. The lid is slightly domed and has a lip that seals against the top of the dutch oven, retaining heat. The troop dutch ovens are generally 12” in diameter and 4” deep. The oven temperature and cooking times can be manipulated by the number of coals under the dutch oven, and the number of coals set on the lid top. A dutch oven must be “seasoned” before use. Refer to manufacturer’s instructions or your scoutmaster. Seasoning an oven will create a thin nonstick layer on the cast iron surface that should not be rubbed off. A dutch oven is never scrubbed with soap and water. It should be wiped clean, and rinsed with just water. It must not be stored wet, as it will rust. A cast iron utensil washed with soap or that has its coating scrubbed away must be re-seasoned before use. Store your dutch oven in a dry place, with a few paper towels or dessicant bags on the inside to absorb moisture.

Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • A cook can use the dutch oven as Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • A cook can use the dutch oven as a pot, for stews or other dishes. A cook can place a rack inside the oven to get the food off the bottom of the dutch oven and use it as a traditional oven. Sometimes, where possible, a dutch oven can be lined with tin foil to ease in cleanup. A typical rule of thumb for heating dutch ovens is the “+3, -3 Rule”. It simply states that if you take the diameter of the dutch oven, the number stamped on the lid, and add 3 to the number, you should place that many coals on top of the dutch oven. To calculate the number of coals to place under the dutch oven, subtract 3 from the number on the lid. – For example, on a 12 inch dutch oven, for a 325 F degree oven, you would place 9 coals under the dutch oven, and 15 on the lid, evenly distributed under and on top of the dutch oven. – Each two additional coals adds 20 -30 F. – This heat will last 30 minutes or more. When cooking for long periods of time, it will be necessary to add coals periodically to maintain the temperature. • Preheating an oven will help decrease your cooking time.

Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • Dutch ovens are perfect for slow cooking Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • Dutch ovens are perfect for slow cooking meats, stews and vegetables over low heat for many hours. This tends to yield meats that are moist and tender, yet well done. It does require adding liquid of some sort to simmer with the meat. Dutch ovens can be used to cook cobblers, brownies, cakes, etc. Simply combine ingredients into oven and cook. Dutch ovens can be used as real ovens when you place a pie pan or rack on several spacers (stones, screw nuts, etc) and lift the pie pan off the bottom of the oven. This is a good technique for making rolls and biscuits, breads, and cookies, as well as all types of baked dishes. In many cases, meats can be fried or browned inside the dutch oven to save on the amount of dishes to clean up. The inside of the dutch oven lid can be set upside down over coals or gas burners and used as a cooking surface, too. French toast, and sausage can be cooked on a dutch oven lid.

Cooking with Dutch Ovens • The guide below shows approximate temperature ranges and coal Cooking with Dutch Ovens • The guide below shows approximate temperature ranges and coal requirements when using a cast iron dutch oven: • Temp Range 250 -300 F- Low 300 -350 F – Medium 350 -400 F – Hot 400 -450 F – Very Hot • Hot coals are barely covered in ash and you can hold your hand over them only 2 -3 seconds. You can hold your hand over medium coals about 5 seconds. Low coals are covered in ash and you should be able to hold your hand over them about 7 -8 seconds. • • 12” Dutch Oven 10 on top/ 8 on bottom 15 on top/ 9 on bottom 17 on top / 11 on bottom 18 on top/13 on bottom

Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • In cold or windy weather, the +3/-3 Cooking with Dutch Ovens • • • In cold or windy weather, the +3/-3 Rule may need to be adapted to conditions and more coals added to reach temperature. Coals under the oven can first be place on tin foil to decrease heat loss into the cold ground. It may also be advantageous to create a windbreak for the oven out of natural materials or aluminum foil. Taking the lid off of the dutch oven too often will let too much heat escape and cooking times will be lengthened considerably. Try to be patient and disciplined in taking the lid off. Be careful to not drop the lid and spill ashes into your stew! You can gauge the heat of your oven by examining the condition of the liquid in the dutch oven. If it has evaporated or is boiling hard, it is too hot. Reduce heat. If there is no bubbling or evaporation, it is too cold. If light, small bubbles are breaking surface (simmering), it is just right. If cooking dough or baked products, examine after 1/3 of the normal cooking time. If there is no crust forming, it is too low. Add heat. If there is a hard crust or it is browning, it is too hot. Reduce heat. The crust should just be forming. After 2/3 time, it should be starting to brown. No browning indicates too low a heat, and dark brown is too hot. Adjust heat as needed.

Cooking with Aluminum Foil • • Use standard thickness foil doubled over, or double Cooking with Aluminum Foil • • Use standard thickness foil doubled over, or double weight foil to protect against punctures. Sealing is the key to success in cooking with aluminum foil. Close up the foil pouch so no liquid can escape. You want to cook the food in its own liquid or liquid that has been added. If you properly seal the foil, you will actually have a miniature pressure cooker, effectively reducing your cooking time. A puncture and loss of liquid will mean burned food. When sealed, place the foil pouch on a bed of coals, not IN the fire. Coals should be medium hot, not too hot. Wrapping your pouch – Cut foil large enough to bend over double and still wrap up. – Place food in middle. Bring sides of foil up over food loosely. Fold top ½” down on itself and crease. Repeat, but do not crease. Fold top down flat. – Fold corner in triangles like wrapping a box, or making a paper airplane. Fold pointed ends over, toward food, about ½”. Fold ends over again. Place on coals. – Remember where you pouch is in the coals. People get confused and lose their pouches.

Cooking with Aluminum Foil • • • Turn the foil as need on the Cooking with Aluminum Foil • • • Turn the foil as need on the coals using a shovel, tongs, or gloves. Be careful not to puncture foil. Carefully open pouch to see if meal is done. If not, re-wrap and cook some more. Be careful not to burn yourself on the hot foil, or with the hot steam vented out of the foil pouch. Mark pouches with nail polish – it won’t burn off.

Cardboard Box Ovens • • There are many designs for cardboard ovens. One of Cardboard Box Ovens • • There are many designs for cardboard ovens. One of the simplest is to take a sturdy cardboard box, like the one that copier/printer paper come in and line the entire inside of the box with heavy duty tin foil, shiny side out, so you can see it. Dab some Elmers glue to the cardboard to help get the foil attached to the cardboard. Tape the seams with reflective high temperature duct tape. Discard the box top. Cut 1 -2 small vent holes (1”) in the a side of the box at the open end of the box to provide oxygen to the coals. Cut one small exhaust vent hole (1”) in the bottom of the box. Flip box over so that box bottom, becomes the top. Insert metal skewers or straightened coat hangers through each end of the box, creating a shelve, approx. 10” from the bottom. If the box is large, a 2 nd shelf might fit. Cut a door in your oven by cutting out part of one side and re-attach using duct tape. Create a latch from a small tack and piece of cardboard. Optional: Insert meat thermometer into side of oven to get accurate measurement of oven temperature.

Cardboard Box Ovens • • • Your oven is now complete. It has no Cardboard Box Ovens • • • Your oven is now complete. It has no bottom, 4 sides, and a top. Place foil on the ground in a level place that won’t burn. After lighting charcoal in chimney, wait until coals are white and hot. Place coals in a disposable tin pan, or on the foil itself. Add 1 coal for each 40 degrees need for the recipe. Foe example, if it calls for 350 degrees F, use 9 coals. You may have to add an extra coal or two for cold or extremely windy days. Place oven over the coals, and place pie pan, cookie sheet, or whatever cooking utensil you plan to use on the rack, close door and cook per recipe. After 30 minutes, it may become necessary to add a few more coals, but remember, opening the door or lifting the oven will allow a lot of built up heat to escape. Cardboard ovens are ideal for cakes, biscuits, bread, etc. Roasts, meats, etc are better suited to cooking in the dutch oven.

Cardboard Box Ovens • There are many variations of cardboard ovens. Some are: – Cardboard Box Ovens • There are many variations of cardboard ovens. Some are: – Cut off flaps from box so you have 4 flat sides and a bottom. Place coals on foil on ground and place grill or rack 10” over coals, perhaps using old cans as grill supports. Simply place box over rack, tipping one side up slightly to vent the oven. Remove food by lifting oven off of coals. – Use box with top, and turn on side. Line with foil. Install coat hangar racks and fashion oven door from the removable top. – Just use removable top as a door on top of the oven. More heat will be lost when you open the oven, though. – Box-less box oven – Use large sticks about 1” thick and 1 ½ ft long (or re-bar) and drive into the ground in the shape of a square or rectangle. Line floor with foil. Wrap sides in heavy duty foil, wrapping around each stick. Drive 4 more posts through foil bottom to support pan or rack. Add coals, then, rack with food. Create a foil top, and cook as usual.

The Cook’s Job • • • The head cook is in charge! He should The Cook’s Job • • • The head cook is in charge! He should direct, lead, and delegate responsibilities. Work together with the assistant cook(s) as a team. Serve the meals on time Keep Clean – wash your hands anytime you handle something dirty, go to the bathroom, or anytime you handle raw meat Be safe – always use clean utensils- anything touching raw meat or eggs must be cleaned and sanitized before touching finished food or serving plates or utensils. Don’t pass on germs and bacteria from uncooked food! Keep the kitchen clean – Plan ahead, clean up as you go. Dispose of waste water far away from cooking area. Only the cook seasons the food. Asst. cooks do not season food. In this way, we don’t add too much seasoning. Know the menu, and know where the ingredients are being stored Read recipes, instructions, and follow them Ask for help if you have a question before it becomes a crisis. Help with clean up- clean up as you go, line pots with foil where OK, soak pots with water, put pots of water on stove so there is hot water ready for clean up Leave No Trace

The Cook’s Checklist • • • Does the troop trailer have adequate supplies like The Cook’s Checklist • • • Does the troop trailer have adequate supplies like paper plates, bowls, plastic ware? Charcoal, newspaper, propane, stoves? Did your shopping list include EVERYTHING needed to prepare the meals? Are perishables properly refrigerated? Are breakables packed safely? Do you have the cooking gear necessary and are patrol boxes complete with foil, paper towels, soap, scouring pads, hand cleaner, gloves? Do you have a cooking time table or schedule? Read the recipe and cooking instructions? Is the menu written down and posted for the troop to see? Do assistant cooks know their responsibility? After cooking, is everything prepared to be served? – Plates, silverware, cups set out – Food ready to serve – Will you serve it, or is it self-serve?

Backpacking Recipes Backpacking Recipes

Bird Seed 12 oz. sugar coated rice cereal 12 oz. M&M’s or similar candy Bird Seed 12 oz. sugar coated rice cereal 12 oz. M&M’s or similar candy 14 oz. raisins 14 oz. roasted peanuts (unsalted if available, but salted OK) * * Make sure no campers have any peanut allergies! 1. 2. 3. Mix ingredients together in large plastic bag. Divide into 8 smaller bags Use as lightweight lunch, dessert or snack. Time required: 10 minutes Serves: 8

Ramen Noodles 1 cup of Ramen type noodles 1. 2. 3. Assorted dried or Ramen Noodles 1 cup of Ramen type noodles 1. 2. 3. Assorted dried or canned meats Boil Water Add to Ramen Noodles Add dehydrated or canned meat for additional protein if desired Time required: 10 minutes Serves: 1

Instant Mac N Cheese 1 package of instant type macaroni and cheese can chili Instant Mac N Cheese 1 package of instant type macaroni and cheese can chili - optional 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boil Water Add Macaroni Strain off water when macaroni is ready Add cheese Warm up and add canned chili for chili mac, if desired 6. Once macaroni is done, pour noodles into a freezer bag, add cheese and knead with hands to reduce dirty dishes and cleanup. Eat out of bag. Time required: 10 minutes Serves: 1

GORP (Granola, Oats, Raisins and Peanuts) Make Sure No Camper Has Peanut Allergies! Mix GORP (Granola, Oats, Raisins and Peanuts) Make Sure No Camper Has Peanut Allergies! Mix in a ziploc bag and eat on the trail GORP - Fruity GORP - 1 cup salted peanuts 1 cup raisins 1 cup of M&M’s 1 cup roasted sunflower kernels 1 cup dried fruit bits 1 cup salted peanuts 1 cup raisins GORPMM - 1 cup salted peanuts 1 cup raisins 1 cup of M&M’s Sunny GORP - 1 cup salted peanuts 1 cup raisins 1 cup of M&M’s 1 cup roasted sunflower kernels Time required: 5 minutes Philmont Trail Recipes Serves: 1 -4

Breakfast Recipes Breakfast Recipes

Sweet Rolls 1/3 cup brown sugar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Sweet Rolls 1/3 cup brown sugar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ¼ cup butter 1 can of biscuits, 10 per Preheat dutch oven thoroughly Place 1/3 cup brown sugar and ¼ cup butter into pie pan and place over med. low heat. When melted, remove pan from heat. Open biscuits and cut each biscuit in half. Put biscuits in syrup mixture in pie pan. Place pie pan on rack in dutch oven. Place 12 -15 coals below dutch oven, and 9 on top. Check in 3 minutes. A slight crust should be forming. In 5 minutes, they should be browning. They should be done in 10 minutes. Flip pan over onto aluminum foil and drizzle syrup from pan onto rolls. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Scrambled Eggs 16 eggs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 cup Scrambled Eggs 16 eggs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 cup of milk shortening Preheat frying pan with 1 tbs of shortening. Break eggs into a cup, one at a time, ensuring each egg is OK, then pour into large bowl. Add 1 cup of milk to eggs and beat thoroughly with fork or whisk. When pan is med. hot, pour some of eggs into pan and cook over low heat. Use spatula to frequently scrape eggs of bottom to prevent burning and to allow more liquid eggs to cook more quickly. Eggs are done when solidified. Serve immediately and don’t let eggs sit out for any period of time. If serving bacon or sausage, etc. , cook them first, before eggs. Time required: 20 minutes Serves: 8

Omelets in a Bag 2 -3 eggs 1 tsp of milk Sauteed green peppers Omelets in a Bag 2 -3 eggs 1 tsp of milk Sauteed green peppers 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Bacos bacon bits onion flakes or sauteed onions shredded cheese FREEZER Zip Loc Bags ( Very important to use Freezer Bags) Crack 2 -3 eggs and dump whites and yolks into bag. Add bacon bits, onion, green peppers, etc. as desired to bag. Add 1 tsp milk to bag. Zip tight, removing most of the air. Bag will explode if too much air remains. Squish ingredients vigorously to mix omelet in bag. Mark bag with name using Sharpie indelible marker and drop into a boiling pot of water. Cook until done and eggs are firm. Remove from pot and use water for cleaning. Omelet can be eaten from bag, or spooned onto tortilla with salsa for an easy, hot breakfast Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 1

Scrambled Cheese Eggs 16 eggs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 Scrambled Cheese Eggs 16 eggs 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 cup of milk shortening 8 oz. shredded cheddar cheese Preheat frying pan with 1 tbs of shortening. Break eggs into a cup, one at a time, ensuring each egg is OK, then pour into large bowl. Add 1 cup of milk to eggs and beat thoroughly with fork or whisk. When pan is med. hot, pour some of eggs into pan, sprinkle with cheddar cheese and cook over low heat. Use spatula to frequently scrape eggs of bottom to prevent burning and to allow more liquid eggs to cook more quickly. Eggs are done when solidified. Serve immediately and don’t let eggs sit out for any period of time. If serving bacon or sausage, etc. , cook them first, before eggs. Time required: 20 minutes Serves: 8

Fried Eggs 16 eggs shortening 1. Preheat frying pan with 2 tbs of shortening. Fried Eggs 16 eggs shortening 1. Preheat frying pan with 2 tbs of shortening. 2. When pan is med. hot, break 3 -5 of eggs into pan, do not crowd eggs, and cook over low heat. 3. Eggs are done when solidified. 4. Serve immediately and don’t let eggs sit out for any period of time. 5. If serving bacon or sausage, etc. , cook them first, before eggs. Time required: 20 minutes Serves: 8

Bacon Bake 2 lbs bacon, sliced 1. 2. 3. 4. Cut bacon slices in Bacon Bake 2 lbs bacon, sliced 1. 2. 3. 4. Cut bacon slices in half. Place in dutch oven and cover Bake until done, stirring 3 or 4 times as needed. Drain on paper towels Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 6

French Toast Shortening 8 eggs 1 ¾ cups milk 1 rounded tablespoon suagr ¾ French Toast Shortening 8 eggs 1 ¾ cups milk 1 rounded tablespoon suagr ¾ tsp cinammon ¼ tsp nutmeg 1 ½ lb loaf of sliced bread confectioner’s sugar syrup toppings* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Put 3 tbs shortening in frying pan and heat to melt. Put griddle over heat with 1 tbs shortening on it. Break eggs into bowl and beat thoroughly. Add 1 ¾ cups milk, 1 rounded tsp of sugar, ¾ tsp of cinnamon, ¼ tsp nutmeg and 3 tbs melted shortening to eggs and mix thoroughly. Dip one piece at a time in mixture. Hold up to drain excess, making sure to have wetted all the exterior of the slice. When griddle is hot, cook soaked bread on low heat. When one side is brown, turn over and brown other side. Serve hot. Top with confectioner’s sugar, syrup, butter and cinnamon, or fruit toppings. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

French Toast on Dutch Oven Lid 16 slices of bread 6 eggs 2/3 cup French Toast on Dutch Oven Lid 16 slices of bread 6 eggs 2/3 cup milk 1 tsp salt 1 tbs vanilla (* optional) fruit topping*(optional) syrup • • 6 tsp sugar butter 2 tsp cinnamon Preheat greased inverted dutch oven lid over coals, or stove. Beat eggs, add salt and sugar and beat until thick. Stir in the milk and other ingredients. Mix well. Dutch oven lid is ready to cook on if you can drop a few small drops of water on it and they “dance” and sizzle on the surface. Dip bread in mixture, wet all surfaces, drain excess off and cook on dutch oven lid. Use spatula to lift one edge to see if toast is done on that side. When one side is brown, turn over and brown other side. Serve hot. Top with syrup, butter and cinnamon, or fruit toppings. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Scratch Pancakes Shortening • • • 2 eggs 2 cuos biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1 Scratch Pancakes Shortening • • • 2 eggs 2 cuos biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1 ¼ cups milk syrup butter Melt 2 tbs shortening in a pan. Melt 1 tbs shortening in large frying pan over med. heat. Break 2 eggs in mixing bowl and add 2 cups biscuit mix, and 1 ¼ cups milk and 2 tbs melted shortening and mix with a fork. Test if pan is hot enough by dropping a small drop of batter in the pan. It should sizzle immediately. Drop one large spoonful of batter into the pan for each pancake. Do not crowd and be sure to leave room to flip pancakes. After 2 -3 minutes, bubbles should be breaking surface of batter all over pancake. Check edge of pancake by pulling up edge of pancake with spatula. If done, it will be golden brown. Flip with spatula. Cook until both sdes are golden brown. When done, remove to warm holding pan and serve with syrup. * Caution must be used to not get the pan too hot, or pancakes will burn. Keep pan well greased to avoid sticking. Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8

Shake and Make Pancakes Shortening • • • 2 Bisquick Add Water and Shake Shake and Make Pancakes Shortening • • • 2 Bisquick Add Water and Shake Pancake Mix syrup butter Melt 1 tbs shortening in large frying pan over med. heat. Mix water and pancake mix as directed on container. Mix thoroughly. Test if pan is hot enough by dropping a small drop of batter in the pan. It should sizzle immediately. Drop one large spoonful of batter into the pan for each pancake. Do not crowd and be sure to leave room to flip pancakes. After 2 -3 minutes, bubbles should be breaking surface of batter all over pancake. Check edge of pancake by pulling up edge of pancake with spatula. If done, it will be golden brown. Flip with spatula. Cook until both sdes are golden brown. When done, remove to warm holding pan and serve with syrup. * Caution must be used to not get the pan too hot, or pancakes will burn. Keep pan well greased to avoid sticking. Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8

Instant Pancakes 16 Frozen pancakes, thawed (Pillsbury, etc. ) • • • syrup Preheat Instant Pancakes 16 Frozen pancakes, thawed (Pillsbury, etc. ) • • • syrup Preheat dutch oven(s). Place thawed “frozen” pancakes in dutch oven for 10 minutes. . Place syrup bottles in very hot water. Check pancakes are warmed thoroughly. Serve pancakes with hot syrup and butter. Time required: 20 minutes Serves: 8 butter

Farmer’s Breakfast 16 eggs • • 1 lb bacon * 4 med. Potatoes 1 Farmer’s Breakfast 16 eggs • • 1 lb bacon * 4 med. Potatoes 1 med. Onion 1 cup milk 1 lb grated cheese** • • Cook bacon in 2 frying pans. Reserve (save) bacon grease Peel potatoes and slice into ¼” thick slices. Brown potatoes using bacon grease for shortening. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Dice onions into ¼” cubes. Brown onions with potatoes. Break eggs into bowl and add 1 cup milk and beat thoroughly. Cut bacon into 1 inch pieces. When all potatoes are browned, divide bacon and potatoes evenly into the two pans. Divide eggs into 2 pans, mix thoroughly and cook over low heat. Use spatula to frequently scrape eggs of bottom to prevent burning and to allow more liquid eggs to cook more quickly. Eggs are done when solidified. Serve immediately and don’t let eggs sit out for any period of time. • • Substitute sausage or ham for a variation. Cover with grated cheese as a variation. • • *Add optional toppings like fruit, or mix blueberries into batter. Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8

Grand Junction Omelet 20 eggs 1 lb bacon 1 lb grated cheese 1. 2. Grand Junction Omelet 20 eggs 1 lb bacon 1 lb grated cheese 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 lb cubed ham 1 med. Onion 1 bell pepper Brown bacon in dutch oven. Add ham, cover and bake approx. 3 minutes. Meanwhile, beat eggs well. Add peppers and onion to dutch oven, cook until tender Drain remaining grease and add eggs Cover and cook approx. 3 minutes Stir cooked part of eggs into middle of mixture Cover and repeat 2 -3 times When eggs have almost set, remove from bottom heat and bake with top heat only approx. 15 minutes until done. After 5 minutes, sprinkle cheese on top and serve Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8

Cinnamon Rolls Shortening cinnamon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Cinnamon Rolls Shortening cinnamon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 2 cups Biscuit mix (Bisquick) 2 tbs butter 2/3 cup milk Flour 3 tbs brown sugar nuts or raisins if desired Preheat dutch oven thoroughly Grease pie pan. Put 2 cups biscuit mix and 2/3 cup milk in mixing bowl and stir with fork Lay out 18” x 12” sheet of wax paper on flat surface and sprinkle with flour. Place dough on wax paper and roll dough into 8” x 14” rectangle. Spread 3 tbs brown sugar evenly on dough, then sprinkle 1 tbs cinnamon over this and add nuts or raisins if you want. Take 2 tbs butter and add small bits all over sugar and cinnamon. Roll up dough lengthwise like a big jelly roll. Cut dough into 1/2” slices. Place slices in greased pan with one cut edge on bottom Put pan on rack in preheated dutch oven (425 F). Check in 5 minutes. Slight crust should be forming. Adjust heat as needed. Should be done in 15 -20 minutes Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Breakfast Pizzas 8 English Muffins 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 1 small green pepper Breakfast Pizzas 8 English Muffins 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 1 small green pepper 2 tsp oil 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 lb. sausage 6 eggs 1 small onion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dice onion and pepper and brown in a skillet with sausage. Scramble eggs in skillet using sausage grease. Slice English Muffins into halves (top and bottom). Pour pizza sauce and spread over muffin halves. Cover with cheese, onions, peppers, and cooked sausage and scrambled eggs. Put cookie tray onto rack in cardboard oven and cook with about 10 coals for about 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly. OR place on racks in dutch oven and cook over med. heat. • Add or delete toppings as desired. • IMPORTANT: Cardboard oven must be sized so as to allow cookie sheet to fit with a little space on each side. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8 - 16

Lunch Recipes Lunch Recipes

Grilled Cheese 16 slices of bread 1. 2. 3. 4. 24 slices of American Grilled Cheese 16 slices of bread 1. 2. 3. 4. 24 slices of American Cheese 1 stick butter Preheat greased dutch oven lid or griddle. Butter all slices of bread on both sides. Put 1 ½ slices of American cheese between 2 slices of bread (butter side out) Grill on dutch oven lid or griddle until golden brown and cheese is melted and soft. Time required: 40 minutes Serves: 8

Grilled Ham and Cheese 16 slices of bread 1. 2. 3. 4. 16 slices Grilled Ham and Cheese 16 slices of bread 1. 2. 3. 4. 16 slices of American Cheese 32 thin slices of ham 1 stick butter Preheat greased dutch oven lid or griddle. Butter all slices of bread on both sides. Put 1 slices of American cheese 2 slices of ham and between 2 slices of bread (butter side out) Grill on dutch oven lid or griddle until golden brown and cheese is melted and soft. Time required: 40 minutes Serves: 8

Frito Tacos to Go 8 individual bags of Fritos 1 can (19 oz. ) Frito Tacos to Go 8 individual bags of Fritos 1 can (19 oz. ) of no bean chili or homemade chili 1 container of sour cream 2 pkg. cheddar and Monterrey Jack Cheese, shredded (8 oz. ea. ) 1 jar of salsa 1 tomato ½ head of lettuce 1 small onion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open frito bag Heat chili Chop onion and tomato Spoon 2 -3 Tbs of chili into frito bag Top with sour cream, cheese, onion, tomato, lettuce and salsa. Eat right out of the bag Time required: 15 minutes Serves: 8

Supper Recipes Supper Recipes

Scouters’ Pot Roast 4 lb chuck roast ½ cup of flour Veg. oil 8 Scouters’ Pot Roast 4 lb chuck roast ½ cup of flour Veg. oil 8 carrots, sliced 2 onions, sliced 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ½ tsp of salt 1/8 tsp of pepper 8 potatoes, quartered 8 stalks celery, sliced Put 3 tablespoons oil in dutch oven and heat over coals or stove. Mix flour, salt, and pepper in bag and coat meat. When oven is hot, brown outside of roast in dutch oven. Remove roast and drain oil. Place roast back in dutch oven. Add 2 cans of cream of mushroom or celery soup and 2 cans of water. Cover roast with onion slices. Cover dutch oven and place over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Check and add/reduce heat as needed. Cook 1 ½ hours. 90 minutes prior to your meal, add the potatoes to the dutch oven. 60 minutes before mealtime, add carrots and celery. 20 minutes before mealtime, check potatoes and carrots for tenderness. If still too crisp, add heat. Ready to serve when vegetables are soft but not mushy, and meat is done. Time required: 3 hours Serves: 8

Tasty Beef Roast 4 lb chuck roast 10 ¾ oz. can of Cream of Tasty Beef Roast 4 lb chuck roast 10 ¾ oz. can of Cream of Mushroom Soup Dry Onion Soup Mix Veg. oil 8 carrots, sliced 2 onions, sliced 8 potatoes, quartered 8 stalks celery, sliced 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Put 3 tablespoons oil in dutch oven and heat over coals or stove. When oven is hot, brown outside of roast in dutch oven. Remove roast and drain oil. Place roast back in dutch oven. Add can of cream of mushroom soup and 1 can of water. Cover roast with onion slices. Cover dutch oven and place over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Check and add/reduce heat as needed. Cook 1 ½- 2 hours. 90 minutes prior to your meal, add the potatoes to the dutch oven. 60 minutes before mealtime, add carrots and celery. 20 minutes before mealtime, check potatoes and carrots for tenderness. If still too crisp, add heat. Ready to serve when vegetables are soft but not mushy, and meat is done. Time required: 3 hours Serves: 8

Scouters’ Beef Stew 3 lb stew beef ½ cup of flour ½ tsp of Scouters’ Beef Stew 3 lb stew beef ½ cup of flour ½ tsp of salt Veg. oil 8 carrots, sliced 2 onions, diced 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1/4 tsp of pepper 2 cans, 14 oz. beef broth 8 potatoes, quartered 8 stalks celery, sliced Put 3 tablespoons oil in dutch oven and heat over coals or stove. Mix flour, salt, and pepper in bag and coat meat. When oven is hot, brown outside of meat in dutch oven. Brown all sides. Remove beef. Brown onions in oven then drain oil. Place beef and onions back in dutch oven. Add 2 cans of cream of mushroom or celery soup and 2 cans of water and 2 cans of beef broth. . Cover dutch oven and place over low heat and simmer for 30 minutes. Check and add/reduce heat as needed. Cook 1 ½ hours. 90 minutes prior to your meal, add the potatoes to the dutch oven. 60 minutes before mealtime, add carrots and celery. 20 minutes before mealtime, check potatoes and carrots for tenderness. If still too crisp, add heat. Stir occasionally to prevent burning on bottom of oven. Ready to serve when vegetables are soft but not mushy, and meat is done. Serve over rice. Time required: 3 -4 hours Serves: 8

Two Crew Stew 2 lbs ground beef 2 potatoes 2 cans cream of mushroom Two Crew Stew 2 lbs ground beef 2 potatoes 2 cans cream of mushroom soup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 onions 2 bell peppers 2 soup cans of water Brown ground beef in dutch oven and retain drippings. Thinly slice potatoes and lay on top of meat Thinly slice onion and layer on top of potatoes Slice bell peppers and carrots. Add a layer of each Add layer of green peas Add a layer of cream of mushroom soup/water mixture Cook 40 minutes until potatoes are soft To serve, spoon down through all layers Time required: 1 hour Philmont Trail recipes Serves: 8 2 carrots 1 can green peas or frozen bag

Campfire Roasted Chicken Whole roasting chicken, 5 lbs or more Cooking twine or aluminum Campfire Roasted Chicken Whole roasting chicken, 5 lbs or more Cooking twine or aluminum wire 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ½ lb of bacon aluminum nails Salt Pepper toothpicks ½ lb butter Remove giblets and wash chicken in cold water, inside and out. Thoroughly clean cavity. Pass spit thru chicken from the opening in the back, through the cavity, and out through the breast. Fasten chicken to spit with twine or wire so chicken rotates with spit. Sprinkle chicken liberally with salt and pepper Cover breast with bacon, using aluminum nails or toothpicks Wrap bacon around upper parts of legs and secure with nails or toothpicks Put spit over bed of coals with chicken 12” above coals. Turn spit ¼ turn every 10 minutes. If legs and breast begin to dry out, spread butter on these parts. Chicken is done when meat easily breaks away from bone. A 4 lb chicken takes 1 -1/2 hours minimum. Add 30 minutes for each additional pound. Use aluminum foil to cover breast and legs if becoming too brown and dry. Time required: 2 ½ -3 hours Serves: 8

Foil Fried Chicken legs, 16 or 8 breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Foil Fried Chicken legs, 16 or 8 breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. ½ lb butter salt pepper Wash chicken in cold water and pat dry with paper towel. Cut 8 pieces of aluminum foil into 12” x 32” pieces. Fold each in half to 12” x 16”. Put 2 pats of butter about ¼” thick in center of foil, and place chicken leg on butter Sprinkle with salt and pepper. Seal chicken in aluminum foil pouch. Place pouch directly on bed of coals that is past its peak. Turn pouches every 5 minutes. Chicken will probably take 25 -30 minutes. Test each piece as it comes off the coals. If done, meat will come off the bone easily. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Fried Chicken legs, 16 or 8 breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ½ cup Fried Chicken legs, 16 or 8 breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. ½ cup flour 1 tsp salt ¼ cup water 1 tsp pepper 2 tbs. cooking oil Wash chicken in cold water and pat dry with paper towel. Preheat dutch oven and oil. Mix flour, salt, and pepper. Roll chicken in flour mix. Brown chicken in dutch oven, then remove to plate with paper towel. Add water to dutch oven and be careful to avoid spattering. Return chicken to oven and continue cooking over low heat until tender, about 45 minutes. Turn chicken pieces occasionally to prevent burning. Add water as needed to prevent drying out. Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8

Calico Chicken 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 packet taco seasoning 8 oz. pepper Calico Chicken 6 boneless, skinless chicken breasts 1 packet taco seasoning 8 oz. pepper jack cheese 3/4 cup melted butter ½ cup corn flakes, crushed 1 can diced green chiles, drained, 4 oz. 1 can, mexicorn, drained, 11 oz. 1 can black beans, drained, 15 oz. ½ cup sliced green onions 1 can diced tomatoes, 16 oz. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Place chicken between 2 pieces of wax paper and pound with a mallet until about 1/8” thick. Sprinkle ½ tsp of taco seasoning on boned side of each breast. Place ½” x 1 -1/2” slice of pepper jack cheese on each breast, then roll up in jelly roll fashion. Tuck ends and seal with toothpick. Dip in melted butter then roll in corn flakes. Place in lightly greased dutch oven. Bake 45 minutes or until chicken is lightly browned. Remove chicken from oven and remove toothpicks. Wipe oven clean. In a large bowl, mix together green chiles, mexicorn, black beans, tomato, green onions and 2 Tbs. taco seasoning. Spoon into dutch oven. Place chicken rolls on top of veggie mix. Grate remaining cheese and sprinkle over chicken. Bake another 15 minutes. Time required: 80 minutes Serves: 6

Chicken and Stuffing Bake 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts Paprika Margarine 1/3 cup of Chicken and Stuffing Bake 8 boneless, skinless chicken breasts Paprika Margarine 1/3 cup of milk 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 4 cups Pepperidge Farm Herb Seasoned stuffing Mix 1 can on cream of mushroom soup 1 tbs chopped parsley Mix stuffing with 1 cup of boiling water a 1 tbs margarine. Brown chicken in margarine in dutch oven. Remove chicken. Spoon stuffing across center of dutch oven Place chicken on each side of stuffing Sprinkle chicken with paprika Mix soup, Milk, and parsley and pour over chicken Bake at 400 degrees for 20 minutes, then open top a little and cook an additional 10 minutes Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8 Kroger – Philmont Trail Recipes

Sloppy Joes 3 lbs hamburger Shortening or vegetable oil ½ tsp salt 1/8 tsp Sloppy Joes 3 lbs hamburger Shortening or vegetable oil ½ tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper 1 green pepper 1 onion 1 14 oz. bottle ketchup* 1 tbs sugar 1 tbs tabasco 8 hamburger buns 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Put 1 tbs shortening each in 2 frying pans, heat to medium heat. When hot, brown hamburger doing a small amount at a time. Stir and turn over with spatula. Remove browned hamburger to plate, set on paper towels to drain oil. When all beef is cooked, place in pot or dutch oven. Wash pepper, cut in half, remove core and seeds, cut and dice into ¼” cubes. Add to meat to brown. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Dice onions into ¼” cubes. Brown onions with hamburger. Empty bottle of ketchup into pot with beef and onion/peppers. Pour 1” of water into bottle and shake to clean sides of bottle. Pour into pot. Add 1 tbs sugar and 1 tbs tabasco to pot. Cook over low heat and stir occasionally. Serve over hamburger buns. * You can substitute ketchup, water, sugar and tabasco for Manwich Sauce or similar product. You can replace ketchup and water only with 2 cans of tomato soup (no water). Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Mexican Lasagna 2 lbs Ground Beef 2 pkg. of taco seasoning, 1 oz. ea. Mexican Lasagna 2 lbs Ground Beef 2 pkg. of taco seasoning, 1 oz. ea. 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 onion, med. 1 can diced tomatoes, 14 oz. 8 corn tortillas, 10 inch 1 small container of Ricotta Cheese 1 tsp veg. oil 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 lg. jar salsa Heat dutch oven and veg. oil. Dice the onion into small bits. Brown the meat and onion in dutch oven. When meat is browned, stir in taco seasoning and diced tomatoes. Heat to a simmer, then remove mixture to separate container. In dutch oven, alternate layers of meat mixture, Ricotta cheese, mozzarella cheese, salsa and tortilla. Top with cheese. Cook over medium coals for 30 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Chili No. 1 Shortening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 small Onions 3 Chili No. 1 Shortening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 2 small Onions 3 lbs of hamburger 2 16 oz cans kidney beans 2 cans tomato soup* 4 tbs chili powder Put 1 tbs shortening frying pan, heat to medium heat. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Dice onions into ¼” cubes. Brown onions and beef thoroughly. Put beans and soup into pot or dutch oven. Add only ½ the amount of water called for on the soup can. Place pot/dutch oven over low heat. After browning, add onions and ground beef. Do not add the grease. Add 4 tbs chili powder and stir thoroughly. Simmer 45 minutes. Stir bottom occasionally and ensure heat is not too high. * Substitute soup with dehydrated soup with ½ the water called for, or use 2 20 oz cans of diced tomatoes with no water. Time required: 60 minutes Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Turkey Chili ½ lb bacon, cubed 2 large onion, diced 3 cloves Dutch Oven Turkey Chili ½ lb bacon, cubed 2 large onion, diced 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 cup chopped celery 2 lbs cooked turkey, cubed 2 tsp cumin 2 cans of tomatoes, whole, 28 oz. 2 Tbs Worcestshire sauce 2 Tbs chili powder 2 tsp paprika 2 can kidney beans, drained, 19 oz. 2 cans tomato paste, 5. 5 oz. 1. 2. 3. 4. Fry bacon in dutch oven then add onion, garlic and celery and saute until veggies are soft. Add turkey, tomatoes, tomato paste, worcestshire sauce, chili powder, paprika, and cumin. Bring to a boil then cover and cook 30 minutes, stirring occasionally Add kidney beans and cook 20 more minutes Time required: 90 minutes Serves: 8 -10

Chili Rice Casserole 3 cups of cooked rice 1 can (19 oz. ) plain Chili Rice Casserole 3 cups of cooked rice 1 can (19 oz. ) plain chili or homemade chili ¾ cup of crushed frito corn chips 4 oz. shredded cheddar cheese 1. 2. 3. 4. ½ cup onions, chopped Place rice in buttered dutch oven. Spread ½ the onions and crushed corn chips over the rice. Heat chili and pour over rice Top with remaining cheese, onions, and crushed corn chips. Heat in dutch oven at app. 375 F for 25 minutes. Time required: 45 minutes Philmont Trail Recipes Serves: 4 -6

Kit Carson Pie 2 lbs lean ground beef 1 onion 2 pkg sloppy joe Kit Carson Pie 2 lbs lean ground beef 1 onion 2 pkg sloppy joe seasoning mix 2 cups of water 1 package refrigerator biscuits, 16 oz. 1. 2. 3. 4. Brown the beef and onion in dutch oven Add seasoning mix, tomato paste and water Place biscuits over mixture Bake 15 -20 minutes or until biscuits are brown Time required: 40 minutes Philmont Trail Recipes Serves: 4 -6 2 cans (6 oz) tomato paste

Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Shortening 1 med. onion 1 -1/2 lbs of hamburger 1 Spaghetti and Meat Sauce Shortening 1 med. onion 1 -1/2 lbs of hamburger 1 lb of Jimmy Dean Hot Sausage 2 14 oz. cans tomato sauce 2 14 oz. cans of diced tomatoes 2 lg cans tomato paste 1 green pepper salt pepper basil oregano sugar parmesan cheese 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Put 1 tbs shortening frying pan, heat to medium heat. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Dice onions into ¼” cubes. Cut green pepper in half, remove core and seed, and cut into ¼” cubes. Brown onions, peppers, sausage and ground beef thoroughly. Put tomatoes, sauce, meat, onions and peppers into pot or dutch oven. Add 1 tbs sugar, 1 tsp salt, ½ tsp of pepper, 1 tsp of basil, and 1 tsp of oregano. Place pot/dutch oven over low heat. Simmer 30 min. -1 hr. Stir bottom occasionally and ensure heat is not too high. Place 4 quarts of water in large pot and bring to boil. Add 1 tsp veg. oil. Add 1 1/2 lb of spaghetti noodles to water. Cook 10 -15 minutes till soft, drain water and add ¼ tsp of melted butter to noodles. Serve meat sauce* over noodles. Dust with coating of parmesan cheese. * Substitute Ragu, Classico or Prego pre-made sauce for homemade sauce. You can still add meat, onions, peppers, and spices as desired. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Italian Chicken 8 med. Chicken breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Dutch Oven Italian Chicken 8 med. Chicken breasts 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 lg bottle of Zesty Italian Salad Dressing spices* Line dutch oven with foil and preheat Place chicken breasts in dutch oven. Cover chicken in Zesty Italian salad dressing Place chicken over low heat and cook at least 2 hours. Cooking longer over slow heat will make the chicken more tender and flavorful. Check after 20 minutes to see if liquid is simmering. Adjust heat as needed. Check again after 1 hour, and again after 2 hours. Adjust heat to keep simmering and add a small amount of water if dressing is drying up too much. *Add onions, peppers, and spices (salt, pepper, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary) as desired. Time required: 2 ½-3 hours Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Chicken Cacciatore 8 med. Chicken breasts 1 lg bottle of Ragu or Dutch Oven Chicken Cacciatore 8 med. Chicken breasts 1 lg bottle of Ragu or Prego Spaghetti Sauce 2 med onions shortening (or olive oil) spices* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 2 lg. green peppers Line dutch oven with foil and preheat. Melt 1 tbs shortening or olive oil in frying pan over med heat. Cut green peppers in half, core, and cut into small pieces. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Slice onion into very thin slices. Cut chicken breast into 1” size cubes and brown chicken, onions, and peppers in pan. Put chicken, onion, pepper mix into dutch oven. Pour Ragu spaghetti sauce onto chicken and mix. Add 3/4 cup of water to jar, shake to clean sides of jar, and pour into dutch oven. Place over low heat with 9 -12 coals on bottom, 6 -9 coals on top. Check in 20 minutes that sauce has begun to simmer. Adjust heat as needed. Check in 1 hour to ensure sauce is continuing to simmer. Add ½ cup water if getting too dry. Check doneness of chicken in 2 hours by slicing one cube in half and checking that it is cooked all the way through. Chicken cacciatore can simmer over low heat for several hours as long as moisture is maintained. Serve over spaghetti noodles. *Add spices (salt, pepper, oregano, basil, thyme, rosemary) as desired. Time required: 2 ½-3 hours Serves: 8

Cubed Steak Dinner in Aluminum Foil Shortening 1. 2. 3. Cut 8 pieces of Cubed Steak Dinner in Aluminum Foil Shortening 1. 2. 3. Cut 8 pieces of aluminum foil into 12” x 32” pieces. Fold each in half to 12” x 16”. Wash potatoes. Peel potatoes (optional). Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Open beans and drain liquid. Spread foil on flat surface. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8 medium potatoes 8 small onions 2 17 oz can Hanover Green Beans Salt Pepper Cubed steaks, 8 servings Put ½ tsp of shortening in center of foil. Place one cube steak on dab of shortening. Put about ¼ can of green beans on top of steak. Place one potato on top of beans. Place onion slices on top of potatoes. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Seal aluminum foil pouch. Place on coals, turn every 5 minutes. Ready to serve in 40 minutes. Check potatoes and onions are tender and carefully open pouch so as not to burn yourself. Time required: 60 minutes Serves: 8

Hamburger Hobo Dinner in Aluminum Foil 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 8 medium Hamburger Hobo Dinner in Aluminum Foil 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 8 medium onions 8 small carrots 4 lbs ground beef Salt Pepper Cut 8 pieces of aluminum foil into 12” x 32” pieces. Fold each in half to 12” x 16”. Wash potatoes. Peel potatoes (optional). Peel carrots. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Divide beef into 8 equal parts. Spread foil on flat surface. 4. 5. 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. Pat each beefportion into a patty about ½” thick and place onto center of foil. Slice one potato into thin slices on top of hamburger patty. Do same with carrots and onions. Sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper. Seal aluminum foil pouch. Place on coals, turn every 5 minutes. Ready to serve in about 20 minutes. Check potatoes and onions are tender and meat is brown and cooked. Carefully open pouch so as not to burn yourself. Time required: 60 minutes Serves: 8

Ham Dinner in Aluminum Foil 2 17 oz cans of peas 1 20 oz. Ham Dinner in Aluminum Foil 2 17 oz cans of peas 1 20 oz. can of slice pineapple Cooked ham, 1 ¼” thick, 8 slices* 1 pkg whole cloves 1. 2. 3. Cut 8 pieces of aluminum foil into 12” x 32” pieces. Fold each in half to 12” x 16”. Open peas and pineaple and drain liquids. Spread foil on flat surface. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 sm. Jar mustard Place slice of ham onto center of foil. Spread mustard on ham. Insert 3 cloves in each slice of ham. Place a slice of pineapple onto the ham. Put ¼ cup of peas on top of pine apple. Seal aluminum foil pouch. Place on coals, turn every 5 minutes. Ready to serve in about 15 minutes. . Carefully open pouch so as not to burn yourself. * Square canned hams are ideal because of the uniformity in size. Always use pre-cooked ham for this recipe. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Foil Pigs in a Blanket Franfurters, 16 canned biscuits, 2 10 oz. cans hot Foil Pigs in a Blanket Franfurters, 16 canned biscuits, 2 10 oz. cans hot dog chili* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Mustartd Ketchup Relish Sauerkraut* Cut 16 pieces of aluminum foil into 12” x 16” pieces. Fold each in half to 12” x 8”. Cook franks in frying pan or pot of boiling water. Open cans of biscuits. Take one biscuit and one frank and roll and stretch biscuit dough around frank. You should end up with everything but the ends covered. Repeat on all franks. Seal each frank in aluminum foil pouch. Place on med. hot coals. Turn every 3 -4 minutes. Check one pouch in 10 minutes for doneness. Adjust heat as needed. Check again in 5 minutes. They should be done now. * Sauerkraut , hot dog chili or other condiments as or if desired. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Pizza 1 pkg refrigerated pizza dough 1 bottle pizza suce, 8 oz. Dutch Oven Pizza 1 pkg refrigerated pizza dough 1 bottle pizza suce, 8 oz. 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 pkg. pepperoni 1 small onion 1 small green pepper 2 tsp oil 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dice onion and pepper and brown in a skillet with oil. Spread pizza crust onto bottom of dutch oven, creating lip at the outside. Pour pizza sauce and spread over dough. Cover with cheese, onions, peppers, and pepperoni. Cover dutch oven and cook with 8 coals on bottom and 16 coals on top for about 15 minutes or until done. * Add or delete toppings as desired. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 2 -4

Cardboard Oven Pizza 1 pkg refrigerated pizza dough 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 3 Cardboard Oven Pizza 1 pkg refrigerated pizza dough 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 3 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 large pkg. pepperoni 1 small onion 1 small green pepper 2 tsp oil 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dice onion and pepper and brown in a skillet with oil. Spread pizza crust onto bottom of cookie tray, creating lip at the outside. Pour pizza sauce and spread over dough. Cover with cheese, onions, peppers, and pepperoni. Put cookie tray onto rack in cardboard oven and cook with about 10 coals for about 15 minutes or until done. • Add or delete toppings as desired. • IMPORTANT: Cardboard oven must be sized so as to allow cookie sheet to fit with a little space on each side. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 4 -6

Mini-Pizzas 8 English Muffins 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 1 small green pepper 2 Mini-Pizzas 8 English Muffins 1 bottle Ragu, 16 oz. 1 small green pepper 2 tsp oil 2 cups shredded mozzarella cheese 1 lb. sausage 1 small onion 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dice onion and pepper and brown in a skillet with sausage. Slice English Muffins into halves (top and bottom). Pour pizza sauce and spread over muffin halves. Cover with cheese, onions, peppers, and cooked sausage. Put cookie tray onto rack in cardboard oven and cook with about 10 coals for about 10 minutes or until cheese is melted and bubbly OR place in racks in dutch oven and cook over med. heat. • Add or delete toppings as desired. • IMPORTANT: Cardboard oven must be sized so as to allow cookie sheet to fit with a little space on each side. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8 (2 pizzas ea)

One Pan Sausage & Rice Meal 16 oz. Smoked Sausage Butter 1. 2. 3. One Pan Sausage & Rice Meal 16 oz. Smoked Sausage Butter 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Boil in a Bag rice Corn on Cob In a large pot, fill with water and bring to a boil. Cut sausage into 4 inch pieces Drop in smoked sausage, corn, carrots and bag of rice Cook 15 minutes Pull ingredients out and divide onto 4 plates Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 4 Baby carrots

BBQ Pork over Rice 2 lbs cubed boneless pork 2 diced onions 1 diced BBQ Pork over Rice 2 lbs cubed boneless pork 2 diced onions 1 diced green pepper 1 bottle of your favorite BBQ Sauce 4 cups cooked rice 1. 2. 3. 4. Salt Pepper Brown pork in bottom of dutch oven. Add onions and pepper and simmer for at least 30 minutes with mostly heat on bottom Add favorite BBQ sauce 15 minutes before serving over cooked rice Shred BB Pork with fork if desired. Time required: 60 minutes Serves: 8

Baked Chicken and Rice II 1 can cream of chicken soup 2 cup uncooked Baked Chicken and Rice II 1 can cream of chicken soup 2 cup uncooked long grain rice 1 sm onion, diced 1 cup of celery, diced 1 cup of sour cream 8 breasts of chicken 3 cloves of garlic 1 Tbs worcestshire sauce 2 cans water 2 tsp poultry seasoning salt and pepper to taste 1. 2. 3. 4. Add rice, soups, sour cream, onion, celery, garlic, worcestshire and water in dutch oven. Stir to mix. Season chicken by sprinkling poultry seasoning and salt and pepper. Place over top of rice mixture Bake 90 minutes in dutch oven. Time required: 2 hours Serves: 8

Baked Chicken 4 medium chicken quarters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1/8 tsp salt Baked Chicken 4 medium chicken quarters 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1/8 tsp salt 1/8 tsp pepper ¼ cup ( ½ stick) margarine Place chicken in dutch oven. Salt and pepper. Spread margarine over chicken by cutting into small dabs. Bake chicken for 45 minutes – 1 hour Chicken is done when leg breaks from thigh easily and white meat is tender Time required: 1 ¼ hours Serves: 4

Baked Chicken and Rice 6 cups chicken broth 2 cup uncooked rice 1 sm Baked Chicken and Rice 6 cups chicken broth 2 cup uncooked rice 1 sm onion 1 cup of celery 1 green pepper 8 breasts of chicken 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Bring broth to boil in dutch oven. Chop celery, onion, and green pepper into small pieces. Mix in other ingredients, except chicken. Season chicken with salt and lay on top of rice mixture. Cook 2 hours over medium heat (350 -400 F) Time required: 2 1/2 hours Serves: 8 butter

Coca-Cola Chicken 8 boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 can Coca-Cola 1 -1/2 cups catsup Coca-Cola Chicken 8 boneless, skinless chicken breast 1 can Coca-Cola 1 -1/2 cups catsup 3 cloves minced garlic 1 Tbs onion powder 2 Tbs. chili powder 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Place chicken in greased dutch oven. In a large bowl add and mix remaining ingredients. Spoon sauce over chicken Cover and bake 60 -75 minutes, basting with juices every 15 minutes Chicken is done white meat is tender and no longer pink Time required: 1 1/2 hours Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Chicken in Sauce 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 can Cream Dutch Oven Chicken in Sauce 1 can Cream of Mushroom Soup 1 can Cream of Celery soup 2 cups white rice 8 chicken breasts 1 pk dried onion soup 1. 2. 3. 4. 1 can Cream of Chicken Soup Put undiluted canned soup (without water) in bottom of ducth oven and mix in rice. Place chicken breasts on top, spoon, soup mix on top of all breasts. Sprinkle all chicken with ½ pkg of dried onion soup. Cook in dutch oven over med heat (300 -350 F) for 1 -1/2 hours. Time required: 2 hours Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Chicken Dinner 8 chicken breasts or 1 cut up chicken 2 med. Dutch Oven Chicken Dinner 8 chicken breasts or 1 cut up chicken 2 med. Onions 4 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. ¾ cup of flour 1 tbs salt 1 tsp pepper 4 large carrots ½ cup water 2 tbs butter Mix flour, salt, and pepper in bag. Add chicken a few pieces at a time and shake to cover chicken. Repeat until all chicken coated. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Slice onion into thin slices. Peel and slice potatoes into thick slices. Slice carrots into ¼” slices. Melt butter in dutch oven, add chicken and brown over medium heat. Add vegetables around chicken, and add water. Cover dutch oven and cook app. 45 minutes or until chicken is done and vegetables are tender over med. low heat. Time required: 1 1/4 hours Serves: 8

Salisbury Steak for 4 8 oz. 90 percent lean ground beef 14 fat free Salisbury Steak for 4 8 oz. 90 percent lean ground beef 14 fat free soda craclers, crumbled 2 tsp Worcestshire sauce 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1 Tbs Dried onion flakes 1 tsp dried parsley flakes ¼ cup skim milk One 12 oz. jar fat free beef gravy 2 Tbs catsup ¼ tsp black pepper Mix meat, onion flake, parsley, crackers and milk. Make 4 patties and place in Dutch Oven. In a small bowl, combine gravy, Worcestshire, catsup and pepper. Pour gravy mix over steaks. Bake 1 hour at about 350 degrees. Time required: 1 1/4 hours Serves: 4

BBQ Pork Chops 6 Pork chops 1. 2. 3. 1 Tbs cooking oil 1 BBQ Pork Chops 6 Pork chops 1. 2. 3. 1 Tbs cooking oil 1 tsp Salt 1 tsp pepper ¾ cup of catsup Pour 1 Tbs of oil into dutch oven, bring to temperature and brown chops. Mix catsup, , cola, salt and pepper and pour over chops. Bake 1 -1/4 to 1 -1/2 hours in dutch oven. * substitute commercial BBQ Sauce for catsup, cola, pepper, salt if desired. Time required: 1 ½ - 1 ¾ hours Serves: 6 8 oz. Coca-cola

Pork Chop Bake 6 Pork loin chops, 1/2 “ thick 1 Tbs margarine ½ Pork Chop Bake 6 Pork loin chops, 1/2 “ thick 1 Tbs margarine ½ cup of chopped onion 1 ¼ cup of instant rice 1 ¼ cup of water 1 cup of diced apple ( tart preferable, skin on or off) 1 peeled and diced orange 1/8 tsp black pepper 1/8 tsp of savory 1/8 tsp cumin 1. 2. 3. 4. Melt margarine in dutch oven, bring to temperature and brown chops. Saute onions in drippings Stir in remaining ingredients and arrange chops on top. Bake 1 to 1 -1/4 hours in dutch oven. Time required: 1 ½ hours Serves: 6

Homestyle Pork Chops 6 Pork chops 1 Tbs cooking oil 3 Tbs margarine 4 Homestyle Pork Chops 6 Pork chops 1 Tbs cooking oil 3 Tbs margarine 4 cups of seasoned croutons ¼ cup of water 3 medium potatoes, quartered, peeled 1/8 tsp pepper 1/8 tsp salt one 10 -3/4 oz. can of cream of mushroom soup 1/2 cup of water 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preheat dutch oven for 15 minutes Place chops in hot dutch oven with oil, salt and pepper Melt margarine in dutch oven lid Mix croutons with margarine and add ¼ cup water Shape croutons into small balls and place on top of chops Place potato quarters around chops Pour cream of mushroom soup over chops, and add ½ cup of water Bake 1 to 1 -1/4 hours in dutch oven. Time required: 1 ½ hours Serves: 6

Country-Style Spare Ribs 5 lbs. country style ribs 1 cup of catsup 1 tsp Country-Style Spare Ribs 5 lbs. country style ribs 1 cup of catsup 1 tsp chili powder 1 tsp salt 1/3 cup worcestshire sauce 1 cup water 1. 2. 3. 4. Place ribs in cold dutch oven Mix remaining ingredients into a sauce Cover ribs in sauce. Bake 3 to 4 hours in dutch oven until well done and tender Time required: 4 ½ hours Serves: 6 -8 1/8 tsp Hot sauce

Sausage and Rice Oven Dish 2 ½ lbs ground sausage 1 med. Green pepper, Sausage and Rice Oven Dish 2 ½ lbs ground sausage 1 med. Green pepper, chopped 1 med. Onion, chopped 1 cup chopped celery 2 cups cooked rice 3 pkgs dried chicken noodle soup mix 1 4 oz. jar chopped pimentos one 10 -3/4 oz. can cream of chicken soup 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Pour 2 cups of rice, 4 cups of water into a pot and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer 15 minutes or until done. While rice is simmering, brown the sausage in dutch oven and drain oil. Add green pepper, onion, celery and simmer in open dutch oven for 15 minutes Add cooked rice and dry soup mix Add pimentos, cream of chicken soup, and bake for 45 minutes. Time required: 1 ¼ hours Serves: 6

Italian Sausages with Peppers and Onions 4 lbs. Italian link sausages, browned 2 med. Italian Sausages with Peppers and Onions 4 lbs. Italian link sausages, browned 2 med. Yellow onions, halved and sliced 2 green bell peppers, sliced into strips 2 tsp dry leaf oregano 1. 2. 3. 1 jar spaghetti sauce, 26 oz. 5 cloves minced garlic 2 tsp dry leaf basil Brown sausages in dutch oven, pour off grease. Combine all ingredients into dutch oven and stir to mix Bake in dutch oven for 2 hours. * Serve on hoagie rolls Time required: 2 ½ hours Serves: 8

Sweet and Spicy Polish Sausages 4 lbs. smoked Polish sausages, cut into ½” slices Sweet and Spicy Polish Sausages 4 lbs. smoked Polish sausages, cut into ½” slices 4 cloves minced garlic ½ cup spicy mustard 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 med. Yellow onions, halved and sliced 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup of beer Brown sausages and onion in dutch oven. . Combine remaining ingredients into bowl and stir to mix Pour over sausages and onions Bake in dutch oven for 1 hour. Time required: 1 1/2 hours Serves: 8

Fried Trout Small trout, 8 -10 inches long, cleaned and gutted 1. 2. 3. Fried Trout Small trout, 8 -10 inches long, cleaned and gutted 1. 2. 3. 4. 2 cups of cornmeal Clean and gut trout, de-scale or skin, wash in water Dip trout in water and dredge in cornmeal Heat oil in dutch oven Fry fish in hot oil, turning once * Cut larger fish into filets or 8” lengths Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 6 1 cup cooking oil

Dutch Oven Spicy Enchiladas Filling 2 lbs. Lean ground beef 1 med. Yellow onion, Dutch Oven Spicy Enchiladas Filling 2 lbs. Lean ground beef 1 med. Yellow onion, chopped 3 cloves garlic, minced 1 drained can Mexicorn, 11 oz. 1 can black beans, drained, 15 oz. 3 Tbs fresh chopped cilantro 2 tsp chili powder 1 tsp paprika 1 tsp ground cumin Salt and pepper to taste 2 lbs cheddar jack cheese, shredded 24 10” tortillas 1. 2. 3. 4. Sauce 1 Tbs olive oil ½ cup green bell pepper, diced small 1 med. Yellow onion, diced small 4 cloves garlic, minced 2 can tomato sauce, 14 oz. 1 can diced green chiles, 4 oz. 1 Tbs. chili powder 1 Tbs chili powder ½ tsp paprika ½ tsp ground cumin Salt and pepper to taste ½ tsp red pepper flakes Preheat dutch oven and add ground beef, onion, and garlic. Cook until beef is browned and onion is translucent. Sppon off excess grease and stir in mexicorn, beans, cilantro, chili powder, paprika, salt, pepper and cumin. Heat thoroughly and remove from dutch oven. Prepare sauce by heating dutch oven or pot and adding olive oil, onion, garlic, and bell pepper. Saute until peppers are soft and onions translucent. Stir in tomato sauce, greenchiles w/ juice, paprika, cumin, and red pepper flakes. Salt and pepper to taste. Bring sauce to boil then simmer 10 min. and remove from heat. Coat top side of tortilla w/ sauce, then place 1/3 cup of filling on totrtilla and sprinkle cheese. Roll tortilla and fold ends, and place in dutch oven seam side down. Repeat covering bottom of oven, and layer if necessary. Cover tops of enchiladas with any remaining meat filling, sauce and cheese. Bake in dutch oven until sauce bubbles and cheese melts, app. 20 minutes. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8 -10

Dutch Oven Enchilada Pie 2 lbs. Ground Beef 1 onion, chopped 1 tsp salt Dutch Oven Enchilada Pie 2 lbs. Ground Beef 1 onion, chopped 1 tsp salt 1 can (10 oz. ) condensed tomato soup 2 cans (10 oz. ) mild enchilada sauce 1 cup water 9 flour tortilla (8 in. ) Green onions, chopped 2 cups grated cheddar or mozzarella cheese Sour cream 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Brown ground beef, salt, and onion in Dutch Oven. Drain oil. Add tomato soup, enchilada sauce and water. Simmer for 5 minutes Spoon off into a medium bowl. Layer meat mixture, 3 tortillas, and cheese. Repeat 3 times, ending with cheese. Sprinkle with chopped green onions. Cook until cheese melts and tortillas soften, about 10 minutes on low heat. Serve with sour cream. Dick Hill – http: //members. aol. com/mikehe 224/97 pwrec. html “Recipes from BYU/UVSC Merit Badge Pow Wow Cooking class for Scoutmasters…

Vegetables and Sides Recipes Vegetables and Sides Recipes

Dutch Oven Scratch Baked Beans 1 lb dried beans* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Dutch Oven Scratch Baked Beans 1 lb dried beans* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. ¾ cup of brown sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp mustard ¼ lb bacon 1 med. Onion Put beans in 2 qt pot. Soak beans overnight. Bring water to boil and simmer until beans are soft. Drain water from beans. Place beans in dutch oven. Add ¾ cup of brown sugar and 1 tsp of salt, and 1 tsp mustard and stir thoroughly. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer and slice. Place onion slices on top of beans. Cut bacon slices into 3 or 4 pieces and spread these out over the onion slices. Add just enough water to cover the beans and place dutch oven over some hot coals. No coals on lid. As soon as water starts to simmer, remove some coals from under the dutch oven. Have just enough coals so that it will continue to simmer. Add coals as needed. Add water as needed. During last hour of cooking, you will probably not add any water unless beans are really dry. Add a few coals to the lid to brown the beans slightly. Beans should cook a long time, over low heat. Start beans as early in the morning as possible to be ready for supper. * Various dried beans work. Try navy beans. Time required: 8 -12 hours Serves: 8

Quick Boston Baked Beans 2 1 lb cans of baked beans 1 ¼ cups Quick Boston Baked Beans 2 1 lb cans of baked beans 1 ¼ cups brown sugar ¼ cup ketchup 1 tsp mustard 2 slices bacon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 sm onion Pour beans into pan or dutch oven. Add ¼ cup of brown sugar on beans Add ¼ cup ketchup and 1 tsp mustard to beans Add 1. 2 cup of water and stir gently Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Cut onion in quarters. Add onions. Cut 2 slices of bacon in half and put on top of beans Set pan on rack inside dutch oven, place lid on dutch oven and place dutch oven on coals. Set dutch oven over 9 -12 charcoal briquets, and place equal amount on lid. Bring liquid to a simmer and simmer for one hour. Time required: 1 hour 20 minutes Serves: 8

Carrots 8 medium carrots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 tsp salt Put Carrots 8 medium carrots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 tsp salt Put 2 qt pot with 1 qt water in it over heat and bring to a boil. Scrape skin off carrots with parer and cut off ends. Wash carrots in cold water. Slice carrots into 1/4 “ thick pieces and add to water when it comes to a boil. Add salt. Maintain a slow, gentle boil. Test carrots in 15 minutes. Use fork to check for softness. Drain, keep warm till serving. Time required: 15 -30 minutes Serves: 8

Veggie Stir Fry 1 pkg frozen broccoli 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 med. Veggie Stir Fry 1 pkg frozen broccoli 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 med. Carrots 4 med. Zucchini 1 med. Onion 4 tbs olive oil Pour olive oil into dutch oven or fry pan and preheat over medium heat. Peel carrots and wash zucchini. Slice carrots and zucchini julliene style, about 2” long. Julienne style is cut into long thin strips, for example, 2” long and 1/4” thick x 1/4” thick. Slice off top and bottom of onion. Make two shallow cuts in onion from botom to top, about ¼” apart. Peel off outer layer. Dice onion into small cubes. Pour veggies into dutch oven or fry pan and stir fry until veggies are still slightly crisp. Keep stirring the veggies to get thorough heating and avoid scorching the veggies. Time required: 15 -20 minutes Serves: 8

Glazed Carrots 8 medium carrots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 Glazed Carrots 8 medium carrots 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 tsp salt ¼ ib butter 2 tbs sugar Put 2 qt pot with 1 qt water in it over heat and bring to a boil. Scrape skin off carrots with parer and cut off ends. Wash carrots in cold water. Slice carrots into 1/4 “ thick pieces and add to water when it comes to a boil. Add salt. Maintain a slow, gentle boil. Test carrots in 15 minutes. Use fork to check for softness. Drain water. Add ¼ lb of butter to carrots and return to low heat to melt butter. When butter is melted, sprinkle 2 tbs sugar over carrots. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes, adding a little water if carrots start to dry. Time required: 15 -30 minutes Serves: 8

Baked Potatoes 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preheat dutch oven Wash Baked Potatoes 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Preheat dutch oven Wash potatoes thoroughly, removing any bad parts. Wrap each potato in foil. Place potatoes on rack in dutch oven. Cook for 45 -60 minutes. Check doneness with fork Large potatoes will require more cooking. Sweet potatoes can be substituted. Time required: 60 -75 minutes Serves: 8

Mashed Potatoes 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. salt ½ stick Mashed Potatoes 8 medium potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. salt ½ stick of butter 1 ½ cups milk Put 2 qts water in 4 qt pot, add 1 tsp salt to water, and place over heat and bring to a boil. Peel potatoes and cut into quarters. Add potatoes to boiling water and cover. Keep water boiling. Check doneness with fork in about 20 minutes. When done, drain thoroughly and put over heat for 1 minutes to dry excess moisture. Mash potatoes using masher, fork, or long spoon. Add 1 ½ cups of milk and mix thoroughly. Add ½ stick of butter or margarine, put near heat and serve as soon as possible. Variation: Try substituting Ore-Ida frozen mashed potatoes and follow recipe. Try adding cheese or cheese spreads (garlic and vegetable cheese spread) to mashed potatoes for extra flavor and creaminess. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Dutch Oven Potatoes 1 lb thick slice bacon 2 med yellow onions, sliced 5 Dutch Oven Potatoes 1 lb thick slice bacon 2 med yellow onions, sliced 5 cloves garlic, minced 15 medium potatoes, peeled and sliced 1 can cream of chicken soup, 10. 5 oz. 1 can cheddar cheese soup, 10. 5 oz. 1 cup sour cream 2 Tbs. Worcestshire Sauce 1 Tbs. soy Sauce salt pepper 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Heat dutch oven till hot. Cut bacon into 1” strips and fry until brown. Add onions and garlic, stir, then cover and cook till onions are translucent. Add potatoes. In a large bowl, combine remaining ingredients and mix well. Pour soup mixture over potatoes and stir until all potatoes are coated Cover and cook 60 minutes, stirring pot gently every 15 minutes. Time required: 90 minutes Serves: 10

Baden Baked Potato Slices 8 potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 Tbs Margarine Baden Baked Potato Slices 8 potatoes 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 8 Tbs Margarine salt pepper garlic salt tin foil Scrub and cut potatoes into thick slices and leave skin on. Use one potato person Place each potato on a double thick sheet of foil and add 1 Tbs. of margarine Sprinkle with garlic salt, and pepper. Seal and bake over coals 20 minutes Time required: 40 minutes Serves: 8

Boy Scout Potatoes 1 Potato 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 Tbs Margarine Boy Scout Potatoes 1 Potato 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 1 Tbs Margarine salt pepper 1 carrot 1 small onion tin foil Scrub and cut potatoes into thick slices and leave skin on. Use one potato person Peel and slice carrot and onion Place potato, onion, and carrot on a double thick sheet of foil and add 1 Tbs. of margarine, salt and pepper. Add 1 Tbs water and seal foil pouch Seal and bake over coals 45 minutes Time required: 60 minutes Philmont Trail Recipes Serves: 1

Rice Long grain enriched rice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. salt Put 6 Rice Long grain enriched rice 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. salt Put 6 cups water in pot with 3 cups rice. Bring to a boil. Cover pot and place over low heat. Check in 20 minutes and resume cooking if water remains. Check every 5 minutes by fluffing with fork. Rice should be fluffy and sticky, not wet, or hard. Serve with chili, stew, etc. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Breads & Dessert Recipes Breads & Dessert Recipes

Easy Cakes and Breads From the Box All sorts of cakes and breads can Easy Cakes and Breads From the Box All sorts of cakes and breads can be made by following the instructions on store bought ready to make cake and bread boxes. For example: Jiffy Corn bread, Duncan Hines Cake Mix, Betty crocker Brownies, and Nestle Tollhouse Cookies Just mix and bake in your dutch oven or cardboard oven!

Biscuits 2 cups prepared biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Biscuits 2 cups prepared biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2/3 cup milk Flour Shortening 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Preheat dutch oven thoroughly Grease bread pan for biscuits Put 2 cups biscuit mix and 2/3 cup milk in mixing bowl Stir with fork till mixed, adding mix if too moist or sticky. Lay out 18” x 12” sheet of wax paper on flat surface and sprinkle with flour. Place dough on wax paper and sprinkle flour on dough Roll or press out dough until ½” thick Cut dough into biscuit sized (1 ½” square) pieces with small knife or use end of small can (like OJ concentrate) to press out biscuits. Should yield at least 16 biscuits. Put cut dough in greased pan and place pan into hot dutch oven (450 degrees F) Dutch oven should pbe place over coals w/ 15 on bottom and 9 on the lid. Check in 5 minutes. There should be a slight crust forming. Adjust heat as needed Check in 10 minutes. There should be slight browning. Adjust heat as needed. Test doneness in 15 minutes. Toothpick should insert and remove cleanly. • This recipe can also be cooked in a cardboard oven Time required: 20 minutes Serves: 8

Best Ever Cornbread 1 cup butter, melted 4 eggs, beaten 3 cups milk 2 Best Ever Cornbread 1 cup butter, melted 4 eggs, beaten 3 cups milk 2 cups sugar 2 cups cornmeal 3 cups all-purpose flour 4 tsp baking powder 1 tsp salt 1. 2. 5. In a large bowl, mix together butter, eggs, and milk. In a separate bowl, sift together sugar, cornmeal, flour, baking powder, and salt. Mix dry ingredients into wet ingredients 1 cup at a time until well blended. Spoon cornbread mixture into lightly greased dutch oven and spread evenly. Bake in dutch oven 45 minutes or until top turns golden brown. . • This recipe can also be cooked in a cardboard oven 3. 4. Time required: 60 minutes Serves: 8

Scratch Corn Bread 1 cup cornmeal 2 cups all purpose flour 1 egg ½ Scratch Corn Bread 1 cup cornmeal 2 cups all purpose flour 1 egg ½ cup shortening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. ½ cup sugar milk 3 tsp baking powder Combine dry ingredients. Add eggs and shortening to mixture and mix well. Add just enough milk to make a smooth batter. Pour batter into cake pan or dutch oven. Bake in hot dutch oven or cardboard oven until done (about 15 minutes). Test for doneness by inserting toothpick into bread. If done, it will pull out clean. Time required: 30 minutes Serves: 8

Peach Cobbler 2 29 oz. cans sliced peaches* 3 cups biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1 Peach Cobbler 2 29 oz. cans sliced peaches* 3 cups biscuit mix (Bisquick) 1 ½ tsp cinnamom shortening 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 2 eggs 1 cup milk 1 cup sugar Line dutch oven with foil and preheat dutch oven thoroughly Melt 6 tbs shortening in a small pan. Put peaches in hot dutch oven with no more than ½ the liquid. Sprinkle 1 cup of sugar and 1 ½ tsp of cinnamonon fruit. Put lid on dutch oven with coals on top. Put 3 cups biscuit mix, 2 eggs, 6 tbs melted shortening from step 1, and 1 cup of milk in bowl and mix thoroughly. Drop dough one spoonful at a time onto fruit. Do not spread dough or smooth out. Put lid on oven with 15 coals on bottom and 9 on top. (400 F) Check in 5 minutes. If crust is forming, reduce heat by removing some coals from lid. Check in 10 minutes and there should be a slight crust, but no browning. Check in 30 minutes and test to see if done. Stick toothpick into cobbler. If it pulls out dry and clean, the cobbler is done. * Use any kind of fruit (peaches, blueberry, apple, blackberry, pineapple, chery or a combination) Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Drop Cake 1 or 2 29 oz. cans sliced fruit* 1. 2. 3. 4. Drop Cake 1 or 2 29 oz. cans sliced fruit* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 box white or yellow cake mix 1 stick butter Line dutch oven with foil and preheat dutch oven thoroughly Open can of fruit and drain liquid into cup. Put fruit in dutch oven. Sprinkle cake mix evenly on top of fruit. Do not mix or stir. Cut butter into thin pats and lay on top of cake mix. Place dutch oven on 15 coals and 9 coals on lid. Most of heat should come from bottom. Check in 10 minutes. If crust is forming, reduce heat by removing some coals from lid. Check in 20 minutes and there should be a slight crust, but no browning. Check in 40 minutes and test to see if done. Stick toothpick into brownie mix. If it pulls out dry and clean, they are done. * Use any kind of fruit (peaches, blueberry, apple, blackberry, pineapple, cherry or a combination) Time required: 50 -60 minutes Serves: 12 -15

Black Forest Tart Cobbler 2 -3 16 oz. cans cherries* 1. 2. 3. 4. Black Forest Tart Cobbler 2 -3 16 oz. cans cherries* 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 box chocolate cake mix 1 stick butter Line dutch oven with foil and preheat dutch oven thoroughly Open can of cherries and drain liquid into cup. Put cherries in dutch oven. Sprinkle cake mix evenly on top of cherries. Do not mix or stir. Cut butter into thin pats and lay on top of cake mix. Place dutch oven on 15 coals and 9 coals on lid. Most of heat should come from bottom. Check in 10 minutes. If crust is forming, reduce heat by removing some coals from lid. Check in 20 minutes and there should be a slight crust, but no browning. Check in 40 minutes and test to see if done. Stick toothpick into brownie mix. If it pulls out dry and clean, they are done. If not add more coals. Serve with vanilla ice cream if it is available! Time required: 50 -60 minutes Serves: 12 -15

Brownies Large box of brownie mix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • Brownies Large box of brownie mix 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. • 1 or 2 eggs (see box instructions) Shortening Preheat dutch oven thoroughly Cover inside of cake pan with shortening. Mix brownie mix according to instructions. Spread batter into pan and place on rack in dutch oven. Place oven over coals and place some coals on lid. (15 on bottom, 9 on top) Check in 5 minutes. If crust is forming, reduce heat by removing some coals from lid. Check in 10 minutes and there should be a slight crust, but no browning. Check in 30 minutes and test to see if done. Stick toothpick into brownie mix. If it pulls out dry and clean, they are done. This recipe can also be cooked in a cardboard oven Time required: 40 minutes Serves: 8

Fruit Pie Ingredients: See Fruit Pie Table of Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Fruit Pie Ingredients: See Fruit Pie Table of Ingredients 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Preheat dutch oven. Mix pie crust and prepare fruit. Divide dough in half. Lay wax paper on flat surface and sprinkle with flour. Put ½ the dough on wax paper, sprinkle with flour, and press dough flat, slightly larger than pie pan. Place pie pan upside down under dough. Flip dough and pan over and smooth dough around pan. Trim excess dough hanging over edge of pan. Repeat step 6 for rest of dough. Put fruit on crust in pie pan. Sprinkle sugar, flour and spice on fruit. Add dabs of butter. See table of ingredients for exact recipe. Place rest of flattened dough on top of fruit. Press crusts together forming rim of pie. Cut off excess, and cut some slits in top layer of dough. Put pie pan on rack in dutch oven at 425 F, with most heat from bottom. Check in 10 minutes. There should be little change. Check in 20 minutes, and it should start to brown. Pie should be donein 30 minutes. It will be brown and juices bubbling. Time required: 45 minutes Serves: 8

Fruit Pie (continued) Table of Ingredients for Various Fruit Pies Fruit Quantity Sugar Flour Fruit Pie (continued) Table of Ingredients for Various Fruit Pies Fruit Quantity Sugar Flour Fresh sliced apples 6 -7 cups ¾ cup 1 tbs Blueberries 4 cups 1 cup 5 tbs Blackberries 4 cups 1 cup 5 tbs Canned Fruit w/ juice 4 cups ¾ cup ¼ cup Canned pie filling Follow instructions on label Cinnamon 1 tsp ½ tsp -------½ tsp Butter 1 tbs

Foil Baked Apples 8 med. Apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Foil Baked Apples 8 med. Apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1 cup brown sugar ¼ lb butter 1 cup raisins nutmeg cinnamon Cut 8 pieces of aluminum foil about 12” x 24” and double over into 12” x 12” squares. Wash and core apples. Spread foil on flat surface and place ½ tbs of butter in center. Place apple on butter, and put 1 tbs brown sugar and 1 tbs raisins where core was. Put dab of butter on top of apple and seal apple in aluminum foil. Place on bed of coals for 10 minutes After 15 minutes, check doneness. Apple should feel soft when lightly squeezed through foil. Sprinkle done apple with cinnamon, nutmeg and extra sugar. Time required: 35 minutes Serves: 8

Baked Apples 8 med. Apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Baked Apples 8 med. Apples 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 1 cup brown sugar 1/2 lb butter 1 cup raisins nutmeg cinnamon Preheat dutch oven. Wash and core apples. Take pie pan and melt ½ stick of butter. Place apples on pan in butter, and put 1 tbs brown sugar and 1 tbs raisins where core was. Put dab of butter on top of apples and place pan on rack in dutch oven. Put ½ cup water in dutch oven. Place on bed of coals for 10 minutes After 15 minutes, check doneness. Apple should feel soft when lightly squeezed. Sprinkle done apple with cinnamon, nutmeg and extra sugar. Time required: 35 minutes Serves: 8

Pineapple Upside Down Cake 1 yellow cake mix ¼ cup butter 3 eggs 1/3 Pineapple Upside Down Cake 1 yellow cake mix ¼ cup butter 3 eggs 1/3 cup veg. oil 1. 2 cup brown sugar 1 can slice pineapple rings (10 slices) 10 maraschino cherries 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Preheat dutch oven using 8 coals on bottom and 18 on top Combine cake mix, eggs, oil, and pineapple juice. Stir until lumps are gone. If more liquid is needed, use cherry juice. Melt butter and brown sugar in dutch oven, stirring until sugar dissolves. Place pineapple rings evenly in bottom of oven. Place a cherry inside each ring. Pour cake batter evenly over rings. Bake about 35 minutes or until cake center tests done. To test, dip a toothpick in the cake. If it pulls out cleanly, it is done. Cake will also pull away from sides when done. Remove lid and place foil covered cardboard on top of dutch oven, then quickly invert the oven. Cake should fall out of oven onto foil platter. Time required: 50 minutes Serves: 8 -12

Monkey Bread 3 cans of refrigerated biscuits ½ cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar Monkey Bread 3 cans of refrigerated biscuits ½ cup sugar 1 cup brown sugar ½ cup of chopped pecans or walnuts 1 tbs cinnamon 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2 tbs water Mix white sugar and cinnamon together and roll biscuits in the mixture. Place in foil lined dutch oven. Mix and boil margarine, brown sugar and water in a small pot. Pour brown sugar mixture over biscuits. Bake in dutch oven over medium heat until done in approximately 25 minutes. Time required: 35 minutes Serves: 8 1 stick butter

Mississippi Mud Cake 1 yellow cake mix, prepared as directed Topping 10 oz. bag Mississippi Mud Cake 1 yellow cake mix, prepared as directed Topping 10 oz. bag semi-sweet chocolate chips ¾ cup chopped pecans powdered sugar 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Mud ½ cup cocoa powder 2 cups brown sugar 1 cup hot water 2 tsp vanilla 1 tsp cinnamon Line bottom and sides of dutch oven with heavy duty foil. Add prepared cake mix. In a separate bowl, combine all “Mud”ingredients and stir until well mixed. . Pour “Mud” over cake batter Bake in dutch oven 60 -90 minutes, replenishing coals after 60 minutes. Sprinkle chocolate chips and pecans over top of cake about 5 minutes before cake is done. Dust top of cake with powdered sugar before serving. Serve warm with whipped cream, if available. Time required: 110 minutes Serves: 8 -10

Chocolate Lovers Delight 1 -1/2 cup of water ¼ cup cocoa powder 1 bag, Chocolate Lovers Delight 1 -1/2 cup of water ¼ cup cocoa powder 1 bag, miniature marshmallows, 10 oz. 6 oz. semi-sweet chocolate chips 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 6. 1 cup light brown sugar 1 chocolate cake mix, prepared as directed Line bottom and sides of dutch oven with heavy duty foil. Mix water, cocoa, brown sugar, and pour into Dutch oven. Add marshmallows and spread them out evenly Pour prepared chocolate cake mix over marshmallows Sprinkle chocolate chips over cake batter Cook in oven for 60 minutes. Serve warm with whipped cream, if available. Time required: 80 minutes Serves: 8 -10

Instant Pie 1 box instant pudding mix ¼ cup instant milk OR cold milk Instant Pie 1 box instant pudding mix ¼ cup instant milk OR cold milk per box directions graham crackers 1. 2. 3. 4. Mix pudding and milk ( mix powdered milk w/ cold water if using instant milk) Beat until thick Pour into cups Top with crushed graham crackers * Use crushed Oreos for a chocolate “pie crust” Time required: 10 minutes Dennis A. Schmitt – Philmont trail Recipes Serves: 2 -3