Скачать презентацию Intro to Animals EUMETAZOA Image from http animaldiversity Скачать презентацию Intro to Animals EUMETAZOA Image from http animaldiversity


  • Количество слайдов: 62

Intro to Animals (EUMETAZOA) Image from: http: //animaldiversity. ummz. umich. edu/index. html Intro to Animals (EUMETAZOA) Image from: http: //animaldiversity. ummz. umich. edu/index. html

Animal Evolution Diagram from slide show by Kim Foglia Cnidaria Porifera sponges jellyfish Nematoda Animal Evolution Diagram from slide show by Kim Foglia Cnidaria Porifera sponges jellyfish Nematoda Platyhelminthes Annelida Mollusca Echinoderm Arthropoda flatworms roundworms mollusks segmented worms insects spiders Chordata starfish vertebrates backbone segmentation endoskeleton eucoelom body cavity bilateral symmetry tissues multicellularity Ancestral Protist

Animals Invertebrates (animals without a backbone) Porifera Cnidaria Worms Mollusks Echinoderms Arthropods Animals Invertebrates (animals without a backbone) Porifera Cnidaria Worms Mollusks Echinoderms Arthropods

Animals Vertebrates. Animals with backbones Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Animals Vertebrates. Animals with backbones Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals

LIFE ON EARTH Image from: http: //ology. amnh. org/biodiversity/treeoflife/pages/graph. html LIFE ON EARTH Image from: http: //ology. amnh. org/biodiversity/treeoflife/pages/graph. html

Characteristics of ALL Animals: 1. Eukaryotic 2. Heterotrophic 3. Multicellular/differentiated cells 4. Cells have Characteristics of ALL Animals: 1. Eukaryotic 2. Heterotrophic 3. Multicellular/differentiated cells 4. Cells have NO cell walls 5. Movement 6. Reproduction (Most sexual)

Body Systems : ___________ INTEGUMENTARY OUTSIDE BODY COVERING (fur, skin, scales, feathers) Covers and Body Systems : ___________ INTEGUMENTARY OUTSIDE BODY COVERING (fur, skin, scales, feathers) Covers and protects, ID, prevents heat & water loss Orangutan image from: http: //www. biologycorner. com/webquests. php Fish image from: http: //www. woodburning. com/fish/ Frog image from: http: //gladstone. uoregon. edu/~mmorley/rainbow/green%20 frog. jpg Cardinal image from: http: //www. nps. gov/fopu/pulaskione/GRAPHIC/IMAGES/birds/Northern%20 Cardinal. jpg

Body Systems : _________ DIGESTIVE Breaks down food to obtain nutrients & gets rid Body Systems : _________ DIGESTIVE Breaks down food to obtain nutrients & gets rid of undigested waste Image from: http: //infozone. imcpl. org/kids_diges. htm

http: //www. tape-worm. info/ EX: tapeworm NO OPENINGS: Food enters through cell surface Image http: //www. tape-worm. info/ EX: tapeworm NO OPENINGS: Food enters through cell surface Image by Riedell EX: sponges Sponge images from Animals slide show by Kim Foglia @ http: //www. explorebiology. com

Images from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif http: //contanatura. weblog. com. pt/arquivo/2005/09/imortalidade_pr. html http: Images from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif http: //contanatura. weblog. com. pt/arquivo/2005/09/imortalidade_pr. html http: //www. explorebiology. com EX: jellyfish, hydra, planaria ONE OPENING combined digestive/circulatory space = GASTROVASCULAR CAVITY FOOD IN and WASTE OUT through same opening

Image from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif TWO OPENINGS: FOOD IN at one end Image from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif TWO OPENINGS: FOOD IN at one end (mouth) WASTE OUT at other end (ANUS)

Image from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif Two openings: Most efficient If food flows Image from: http: //www. geocities. com/animalbio/biology/DIGESTIO. gif Two openings: Most efficient If food flows only one direction it allows for organ specialization (Different parts can start to do different jobs)

Body Systems : _________ CIRCULATORY Transports nutrients/oxygen to body cells Carries carbon dioxide/nitrogen waste Body Systems : _________ CIRCULATORY Transports nutrients/oxygen to body cells Carries carbon dioxide/nitrogen waste away from cells Circulatory fluid can be: CLOSED inside blood vessels = _____ loose inside body spaces = OPEN _______ Image from: http: //www. agen. ufl. edu/~chyn/age 2062/lect_19/147 a. gif

IMMUNE SYSTEM Protection against “foreign invaders” http: //fig. cox. miami. edu/~cmallery/255 ion/fig 14 X IMMUNE SYSTEM Protection against “foreign invaders” http: //fig. cox. miami. edu/~cmallery/255 ion/fig 14 X 28. jpg http: //www. biology. arizona. edu/IMMUNOLOGY/tutorials/antibody/structure. html

Body Systems : __________ RESPIRATORY Exchange gases with the environment • take in oxygen Body Systems : __________ RESPIRATORY Exchange gases with the environment • take in oxygen • remove waste gases (CO 2 &/or ammonia) Image from: http: //www. umm. edu/respiratory/images/respiratory_anatomy. gif

GAS EXCHANGE THROUGH SKIN BOOK LUNGS TRACHEA & SPIRACLES http: //science. kennesaw. edu/~jdirnber/Invert. Zoo/Lec. GAS EXCHANGE THROUGH SKIN BOOK LUNGS TRACHEA & SPIRACLES http: //science. kennesaw. edu/~jdirnber/Invert. Zoo/Lec. Arthropod/Spider. X. jpg

GILLS LUNGS trachea lung anterior air sacs posterior air sacs http: //www. ciggyfree. com/cigblog/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/lungs. GILLS LUNGS trachea lung anterior air sacs posterior air sacs http: //www. ciggyfree. com/cigblog/wp-content/uploads/2007/02/lungs. gif

BREATHING WITH LUNGS • Positive pressure • Air pushed into lungs • Negative pressure BREATHING WITH LUNGS • Positive pressure • Air pushed into lungs • Negative pressure • Air pulled into lungs (diaphragm)


Body Systems : EXCRETORY __________ • • Collect and remove nitrogen waste made by Body Systems : EXCRETORY __________ • • Collect and remove nitrogen waste made by cells Help with HOMEOSTASIS by maintaining water/ion balance OSMOREGULATION (_____________)

NITROGEN WASTE : AMMONIA Most TOXIC _________ Must be removed QUICKLY Needs MOST water NITROGEN WASTE : AMMONIA Most TOXIC _________ Must be removed QUICKLY Needs MOST water to dilute UREA _______ Made from ammonia by liver Less toxic than ammonia Can be stored if diluted with water (Needs less water to dilute than ammonia) URIC ACID _______ LEAST TOXIC Can be stored if diluted with water (Needs LEAST amount of water to dilute)

http: //www. anselm. edu/homepage/jpitocch/genbio/nitrowaste. JPG NITROGEN WASTE http: //www. anselm. edu/homepage/jpitocch/genbio/nitrowaste. JPG NITROGEN WASTE

ALL WASTE is NOT THE SAME! DIGESTIVE WASTE WHERE IT’S MADE? Body system used? ALL WASTE is NOT THE SAME! DIGESTIVE WASTE WHERE IT’S MADE? Body system used? In what form? NITROGEN WASTE made by cells left over from break undigested food down of proteins & nucleic acids Handled by digestive system Feces (poop) Handled by excretory system ammonia, urea, or uric acid (waste + water = urine)

 • • http: //www. emc. maricopa. edu/Faculty/Farabee/BIOBK/insectexcret_1. gif NEPHRIDIA MALPIGHIAN TUBULES FLAME CELLS • • http: //www. emc. maricopa. edu/Faculty/Farabee/BIOBK/insectexcret_1. gif NEPHRIDIA MALPIGHIAN TUBULES FLAME CELLS KIDNEYS http: //science. kennesaw. edu/~jdirnber/Invert. Zoo/Lec. Arthropod/Spider. X. jpg http: //www. pleasanton. k 12. ca. us/avhsweb/thiel/apbio/review/excretory. html

Body Systems : SKELETAL __________ Framework to support body/protection ENDOSKELETON Skeleton on inside = Body Systems : SKELETAL __________ Framework to support body/protection ENDOSKELETON Skeleton on inside = ________ EXOSKELETON Skeleton on outside = ________ Walking skeleton image from: http: //virtualastronaut. jsc. nasa. gov/textonly/act 15/text-skeletonpuz. html Insect lefg image from: http: //www. zoobooks. com/new. Front. Page/animals/virtual. Zoo/animals/i/insects/images/exoskeleton

Image from: http: //kidshealth. org/kid/body/muscles_no. SW. html Body Systems : MUSCULAR ________ Locomotion- move Image from: http: //kidshealth. org/kid/body/muscles_no. SW. html Body Systems : MUSCULAR ________ Locomotion- move body itself OR move substances through body (EX: food through digestive system; blood through vessels) http: //www. angliacampus. com/public/sec/science/nutriton/images/peristal. gif

Body Systems : REPRODUCTIVE ___________ - Produce offspring by combining genetic material from 2 Body Systems : REPRODUCTIVE ___________ - Produce offspring by combining genetic material from 2 parents SEXUAL REPRODUCTION = _____________ Produce offspring using genetic material from only 1 parent ASEXUAL REPRODUCTION =____________ Family image from: http: //babyhearing. org/Parenet 2 Parent/index. asp Planaria animation: http: //www. t 3. rim. or. jp/~hylas/planaria/title. htm

REPRODUCTIVE INDIRECT _______ DEVELOPMENT immature LARVA looks different than adult Metamorphosis image from: http: REPRODUCTIVE INDIRECT _______ DEVELOPMENT immature LARVA looks different than adult Metamorphosis image from: http: //www. lincoln. midcoast. com/~del/butterfly Frog image from: http: //www. animationlibrary. co DIRECT _____ DEVELOPMENT young are smaller versions on adults Image from: http: //www. bcps. org/offices/lis/models/life/images/grow. JPG

Sperm and egg join External fertilization outside female’s body = __________ Sperm and egg Sperm and egg join External fertilization outside female’s body = __________ Sperm and egg join Internal fertilization inside female’s body = __________ Animation from: http: //discover. edventures. com/images/termlib/f/fertilization/support. gif

__________ NERVOUS Receive sensory info about environment & send response signals http: //www. roadhunter. __________ NERVOUS Receive sensory info about environment & send response signals http: //www. roadhunter. com/~ceph/gallery/anatomy 07. jpg

ENDOCRINE _________ Make hormones that regulate other body systems Image from: http: //www. cushings-help. ENDOCRINE _________ Make hormones that regulate other body systems Image from: http: //www. cushings-help. com/images/endocrine. jpg

Kinds of Symmetry Asymmetry Radial Images from: http: //mbgnet. mobot. org/salt/animals/sponges. htm http: //biodidac. Kinds of Symmetry Asymmetry Radial Images from: http: //mbgnet. mobot. org/salt/animals/sponges. htm http: //biodidac. bio. uottawa. ca/ http: //sps. k 12. ar. us/massengale/animal%20 dissections. htm http: //www. okc. cc. ok. us/biologylabs/Documents/Animals/Symmetry. htm Bilateral

DORSAL POSTERIOR ANTERIOR VENTRAL Animation from: http: //bestanimations. com DORSAL POSTERIOR ANTERIOR VENTRAL Animation from: http: //bestanimations. com

CEPHALIZATION ________ Concentration of nervous tissue and sensory organs in anterior end of an CEPHALIZATION ________ Concentration of nervous tissue and sensory organs in anterior end of an organism (head area) • • First seen in Platyhelminthes (flat worms) Associated with bilateral symmetry Efficient response to stimulus Sense organs encounter environment first

EMBRYOLOGY Image from: http: //calspace. ucsd. edu/virtualmuseum/litu/03_3. shtml 1. Where does BLASTOPORE end up? EMBRYOLOGY Image from: http: //calspace. ucsd. edu/virtualmuseum/litu/03_3. shtml 1. Where does BLASTOPORE end up? 2. What do embryos look like as they divide? 3. When do cells decide what they will be?

EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT Becomes digestive system Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 cm 05/1116/16 anim EMBRYONIC DEVELOPMENT Becomes digestive system Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 cm 05/1116/16 anim 3. htm

1. Where does BLASTOPORE end up? Images modified from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 cm 1. Where does BLASTOPORE end up? Images modified from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 cm 05/1116/16 anim 3. htm

What do embryos look like as they divide? SPIRAL RADIAL CLEAVAGE Images from: http: What do embryos look like as they divide? SPIRAL RADIAL CLEAVAGE Images from: http: //www. zo. utexas. edu/faculty/sjasper/images/so 28_04. gif

When do cells decide what they will become? Image from: http: //www. rbej. com/content/figures/1477 When do cells decide what they will become? Image from: http: //www. rbej. com/content/figures/1477 -7827 -1 -100 -1. jpg

Cells decide early Removing cell causes death DETERMINATE Cells decide later Removing cell OK Cells decide early Removing cell causes death DETERMINATE Cells decide later Removing cell OK INDETERMINATE Images modified from: http: //www. rbej. com/content/figures/1477 -7827 -1 -100 -1. jpg

THAT’S WHERE TWINS COME FROM ! ONLY Deuterostomes can have identical twins! MONOZYGOTIC TWINS THAT’S WHERE TWINS COME FROM ! ONLY Deuterostomes can have identical twins! MONOZYGOTIC TWINS (Maternal twins) Identical DNA DIZYGOTIC TWINS (Fraternal twins) DIFFERENT DNA

ANIMALS (Triploblastic) PROTOSTOMES Blastopore becomes MOUTH Decide very early (DETERMINATE) SPIRAL cleavage MOST INVERTEBRATES ANIMALS (Triploblastic) PROTOSTOMES Blastopore becomes MOUTH Decide very early (DETERMINATE) SPIRAL cleavage MOST INVERTEBRATES except ECHINODERMS DEUTEROSTOMES Blastopore becomes ANUS Decide later (INDETERMINATE) RADIAL cleavage ALL VERTEBRATES (Fish, amphibians, birds, reptiles, mammals) plus ECHINODERMS

Image from: http: //www. bsac 21. freeserve. co. uk/images/Critters/Starfish%20 Bloody%20 Henry. JPG “Exception to Image from: http: //www. bsac 21. freeserve. co. uk/images/Critters/Starfish%20 Bloody%20 Henry. JPG “Exception to the rule” ECHINODERMS ARE THE ONLY INVERTEBRATE DEUTEROSTOMES http: //my 3 boysandi. files. wordpress. com/2007/11/spongebob_1. jpg Porifera and Cnidarians have only TWO germ layers Not considered PROTOSTOMES http: //z. about. com/d/healing/1/0/Y/O/gtotem_jellyfish. jpg

BODY PLAN INVERTEBRATES • Dorsal heart • Ventral nerve cord VERTEBRATES • Ventral heart BODY PLAN INVERTEBRATES • Dorsal heart • Ventral nerve cord VERTEBRATES • Ventral heart • Dorsal nerve cord http: //animaldiversity. ummz. umich. edu/site/resources/biodidac/crus 001 and 2 b. gif/small. jpg

GASTRULATIONcells move inward overlip of blastopore THREE germ layers form Becomes digestive system Image GASTRULATIONcells move inward overlip of blastopore THREE germ layers form Becomes digestive system Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 cm 05/1116/16 anim 3. htm

All animals have 3 germ layers = TRIPLOBLASTIC Except: sponges, jellyfish, anemones = DIPLOBLASTIC All animals have 3 germ layers = TRIPLOBLASTIC Except: sponges, jellyfish, anemones = DIPLOBLASTIC Endoderm Digestive system, respiratory Mesoderm Muscle, excretory, bones, circulatory Ectoderm Outer skin, brain, nervous system

Types of Coeloms (See-Lums) No cavity (space) around organs Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. Types of Coeloms (See-Lums) No cavity (space) around organs Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 labman 05/lb 5 pg 10. htm ACOELOM = “without space”


Types of Coeloms (See-Lums) Space around organs but only lined with mesoderm on one Types of Coeloms (See-Lums) Space around organs but only lined with mesoderm on one side (lines body wall BUT NOT around gut) Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 labman 05/lb 5 pg 10. htm PSEUDOCOELOM


Kinds of Coeloms (See-Lums) EUCOELOM: Body cavity (space) lined on BOTH sides by mesoderm Kinds of Coeloms (See-Lums) EUCOELOM: Body cavity (space) lined on BOTH sides by mesoderm Image from: http: //io. uwinnipeg. ca/~simmons/16 labman 05/lb 5 pg 10. htm EUCOELOM = TRUE COELOM = COELOM


3 Types of Coeloms ACOELOM ectoderm mesoderm endoderm EUCOELOM PSEUDOCOELOM Image from: http: //www. 3 Types of Coeloms ACOELOM ectoderm mesoderm endoderm EUCOELOM PSEUDOCOELOM Image from: http: //www. lander. edu/rsfox/310 images/310 bil 5. jpg

FUNCTIONS of having a COELOM (body space): Provides space/cushion internal organs In animals without FUNCTIONS of having a COELOM (body space): Provides space/cushion internal organs In animals without a skeleton. Fluid in coelom space can act as a HYDROSTATIC skeleton In animals without blood vessels. Fluid in coelom space can circulate nutrients and oxygen to cells

ADVANTAGE OF a EUCOELOM? Digestive organ muscles and body wall muscles come from MESODERM ADVANTAGE OF a EUCOELOM? Digestive organ muscles and body wall muscles come from MESODERM in different places so organism can digest food and move at same time. Images from: http: //www. lander. edu/rsfox/310 images/310 bil 5. jpg http: //www. okc. cc. ok. us/biologylabs/Images/Animal_Images/coelomate. gif

ECTOTHERMIC ADVANTAGES: Slow metabolism means you can survive on 1/10 the food as a ECTOTHERMIC ADVANTAGES: Slow metabolism means you can survive on 1/10 the food as a same size endotherm DISADVANTAGES: • Can’t to live in extremely cold places (NO reptiles in Arctic) • Can’t keep up max activity level for long

Endothermic “warm-blooded” • Create own body heat • FAST metabolism allows for: high activity Endothermic “warm-blooded” • Create own body heat • FAST metabolism allows for: high activity for extended time ability to live in variety of environments • EX: Birds, Mammals

SOURCES Anemone from: http: //www. oum. ox. ac. uk/children/animals/cnidaria. gif Snail from: http: //www. SOURCES Anemone from: http: //www. oum. ox. ac. uk/children/animals/cnidaria. gif Snail from: http: //www. lucinda. net/surber/graphics/orlovsky. gif Crab from: http: //www. gifs. net Clam from: http: //sps. k 12. ar. us/massengale/animal%20 dissections. htm Ant from: http: //www. wildaboutbritain. co. uk

Millipede from: http: //atschool. eduweb. co. uk/sirrobhitch. suffolk/key/images/invertebrates/millipede. jpg Starfish from: http: //www. gifs. Millipede from: http: //atschool. eduweb. co. uk/sirrobhitch. suffolk/key/images/invertebrates/millipede. jpg Starfish from: http: //www. gifs. net Jellyfish from: http: //www. aloha. com/~lifeguards/jellie 75. jpg

Tree frog: http: //www. dynamicearth. co. uk/education/images/tree_frog. jpg Turtle: http: //www. 50 birds. com/images/endttboxturtle. Tree frog: http: //www. dynamicearth. co. uk/education/images/tree_frog. jpg Turtle: http: //www. 50 birds. com/images/endttboxturtle. jpg Bird: http: //people. eku. edu/ritchisong/homepage. htm Fish from: http: //www. chm. bris. ac. uk/motm/trimethylamine/fish. gif Orangutan: http: //www. biologycorner. com/webquests. php

Earthworm : http: //www. york. ac. uk/org/ciec/Caringforthe. Environment. 29. 4. 03/Exxon/Food%20 Chain%20 images/Exxon. Pics. Earthworm : http: //www. york. ac. uk/org/ciec/Caringforthe. Environment. 29. 4. 03/Exxon/Food%20 Chain%20 images/Exxon. Pics. Large/Earthworms. jpg Starfish from: http: //www. gifs. net Snail from: http: //www. lucinda. net/surber/graphics/orlovsky. gif Crab from: http: //www. animation-station. com/fish/index. php? page=2

 All images on this page from: http: //www. seaworld. org/Animal. Bytes/animal_bytes. html All images on this page from: http: //www. seaworld. org/Animal. Bytes/animal_bytes. html