Скачать презентацию Intranet to Digital Workplace Where are we Скачать презентацию Intranet to Digital Workplace Where are we


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Intranet to Digital Workplace – Where are we? Analysis of 50 Task Identification polls Intranet to Digital Workplace – Where are we? Analysis of 50 Task Identification polls 16 th April 2014 Copyright © Customer Carewords Ltd

Why has the Intranet failed to achieve its full potential? l l It’s a Why has the Intranet failed to achieve its full potential? l l It’s a file server – a place to store stuff, old content never reviewed or removed A propaganda tool – a place where management tell staff how good things are Organisation centric architecture – badly designed navigation, horrible search Lack of resources and very little management

Why do we need a new approach? l l l Increasing recognition from management Why do we need a new approach? l l l Increasing recognition from management that quality, fast information is a competitive advantage Innovation increasingly comes from collaboration across organisation silos and with third parties Web technologies allow for greater integration of systems

Searching takes up to 2 hours per day? Hidden cost $14 k per employee/year? Searching takes up to 2 hours per day? Hidden cost $14 k per employee/year? 1 in 2 lacks crossorganizational information 70% of customer agents lack information? 1 in 2 managers overloaded with information http: //www. flickr. com/photos/simon_aughton/ Source: The Digital Workplace by Infocentric. Research More than half of information needed not searchable 25% time loss due to overload 63% make critical decisions w/o being informed

Innovation Process. Improvement Agility Learning organisation http: //www. flickr. com/photos/simon_aughton/ Source: The Digital Workplace Innovation Process. Improvement Agility Learning organisation http: //www. flickr. com/photos/simon_aughton/ Source: The Digital Workplace by Infocentric. Research Ability to Change

“ 93% of all employees use an intranet at least weekly, however, … mostly “ 93% of all employees use an intranet at least weekly, however, … mostly … for basic functions such as company directory, benefits information, and payroll. ” http: //www. flickr. com/photos/simon_aughton/ What's Holding Back Your Intranet? Forrester's Web Site Review For Intranets Exposes Barriers To Use And Adoption http: //www. forrester. com/Whats+Holding+Back+Your+Intranet/fulltext/-/E-RES 55142? is. Turn. Highlighting=false

The digital workplace is about creating a seamless employee experience that helps people quickly, The digital workplace is about creating a seamless employee experience that helps people quickly, easily and effectively do their jobs. • Disparate systems • Poor management of information - launch and leave culture • Poor usability • Silo culture http: //www. flickr. com/photos/simon_aughton/

Background l l 49, 000 employees voted on their Top Tasks 55 Organisations (UK, Background l l 49, 000 employees voted on their Top Tasks 55 Organisations (UK, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Belgium, Holland, US, Canada) Method l l Take the Top Tasks from each poll (top 75%) Put each task into a class

Top Task Classes 2006 - 2014 Top Task Classes 2006 - 2014

Top Task Classes 2006 - 2010 Top Task Classes 2006 - 2010


Policies and guidelines need to be available at the TASK I need to Book Policies and guidelines need to be available at the TASK I need to Book a Taxi What the procedure for authorising travel by taxis? Oh. . I might need to check how to authorise that

Inconsistent Metadata I need to Book a Taxi Policies & Procedures>Travel>Taxi Authorization Travel>Book a Inconsistent Metadata I need to Book a Taxi Policies & Procedures>Travel>Taxi Authorization Travel>Book a Taxi Policies & Procedures>Travel >Taxi Authorization

Aaron Cole https: //www. flickr. com/photos/awcole 72/ License https: //creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2. 0/ Aaron Cole https: //www. flickr. com/photos/awcole 72/ License https: //creativecommons. org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2. 0/

News New Model Launch Task Product News New Model Launch Task Product

My Work 13% My Work 13%

What does the data tell us about where we are on the journey towards What does the data tell us about where we are on the journey towards the Digital Workplace?

My Work 33% Tools & systems My Work 33% Tools & systems

Intranet Digital workplace Classification by organisation unit, system or tool Classification by task Every Intranet Digital workplace Classification by organisation unit, system or tool Classification by task Every tool / system different design Seamless experience Launch and leave Continuous improvement Collaborate within workgroups Collaborate across silos Buy new systems – ignore usability Usability at the centre Top down communications News you can use Poor metadata Consistent joined up across silos metadata Distributed publishing – lots of people publishing Small professional teams