Скачать презентацию INTO GLISH EN Zaharov Nikolay R-200402 IVITIES Скачать презентацию INTO GLISH EN Zaharov Nikolay R-200402 IVITIES


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INTO GLISH EN Zaharov Nikolay R-200402 INTO GLISH EN Zaharov Nikolay R-200402

IVITIES ACT Companies h ave different activities and work in d ifferent ways. Some IVITIES ACT Companies h ave different activities and work in d ifferent ways. Some companies m anufacture or produce goods, others provide servi Companies e ces. mploy people to work for them. Each p erson has res ponsibility fo a specific are r a of work and a role within the team or g roup that the y work with.

DATA s of huge amount ore kes easy to st s. IT ma uter DATA s of huge amount ore kes easy to st s. IT ma uter database t data on comp rmation abou info t anies collect Comp anies conduc omp all the time. C its. people ’s buying hab ople earch into pe res for s collect data p Organisation s: to help sto ose ty. veillance purp sur crease securi in al activity and ing crimin here is record ew Someone som o. erything we g nearly ev

UETTE ETIQ Etiquette is the rule s for being polite in a social group. UETTE ETIQ Etiquette is the rule s for being polite in a social group. Busin ess etiquette is imp ortant for people who oft en have to make n ew contact and build r elationships in their work. Some cultures and situations are form al, which means that w e have to follow ru les; other cultures and situations are more informal.

IMAGE le inion most peop al op age in the gener Im rand ny IMAGE le inion most peop al op age in the gener Im rand ny or product. B have of a compa fa n people have o io image is the opin d to xperts work har ge d brand. Marketin romote the bran nd p he create brands a ing campaigns. T ertis age through adv im to appeal to the has age of the brand im target market.

CESS SUC Many people decid e to start up their own business beca use CESS SUC Many people decid e to start up their own business beca use they have wha t they think is a good business idea. But it is important to p repare a good business plan befo re you start. If you can finance the op eration, find customers and bea t the competition, you have a chance of making a profit.

FUTURE g new stantly explorin Man is con ries. ing new discove mak e FUTURE g new stantly explorin Man is con ries. ing new discove mak e possibilities and hnology takes tim tec eveloping a new. D ount of funding e am es and needs a hug nce new ventur fina y ple who want to Peo apital. But it ma of c to borrow a lot need est in de people to inv rsua ave be difficult to pe isky or doesn’t h ery r project that is v a ke much profit. ma the potential to

ATION LOC The location of a b usiness can be an important factor fo ATION LOC The location of a b usiness can be an important factor fo r its growth. Some governments offer low taxes to attrac t companies to set u p in developing regions. After decid ing on the region o r city for the new off ice, the company then has to find a g ood site for a permises.

JOB-SEEKING b for work in the jo Job-seekers look ple offer jobs to peo JOB-SEEKING b for work in the jo Job-seekers look ple offer jobs to peo ers market; employ and ht qualifications with the rig of know what kind who perience. People ex t nt can look at jo job they wa itable position. r a su vertisements fo ad ask reers advisers to o ca ir Others may go t or managing the g for help in startin careers.

ELLING S s s sell product anie A lot of comp ct es B ELLING S s s sell product anie A lot of comp ct es B 2 B. Produ and servic orm leared in the f c information is me logues and so ta of flyers or ca on this informati nd companies se l rs of potentia e to large numb ost. through the p customers r ays looking fo lw arketers are a o M eir products t th ys to promote wa er. inds of custom new k

PRICE ice ies to set the pr pan difficult for com It is rice PRICE ice ies to set the pr pan difficult for com It is rice may help to er p a product. A low of the t it also reduces u increase sales, b s to often use graph e profit margin. W onths or years. ver m rends in prices o s to show t n help companie s ca eir udying the trend St g strategy for th ricin oose the right p ch products.

RANCE INSU Many people and b usiness take out insurance policies t o protect RANCE INSU Many people and b usiness take out insurance policies t o protect against risks such as fire, a ccident and theft. Policyholders pay a yearly premium to the insurance co mpany which then provides cove r against financial loss. If something u nexpected happens, the policy holder cam make a claim and receive compensation for the loss or dam age.

SERVICE Customers sat isfaction is an important part of a company’ s sales strategy, SERVICE Customers sat isfaction is an important part of a company’ s sales strategy, so co mpanies try to provide good c ustomer servic e. Companies als o need to have a system for han ding complain ts, they can deal with t he problem. M ost companies tra in customer se rvice staff to deal po litely with cust omers.