Скачать презентацию Interpersonal Communication Self-Concept What is Self-Concept Скачать презентацию Interpersonal Communication Self-Concept What is Self-Concept

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Interpersonal Communication Self-Concept Interpersonal Communication Self-Concept

What is Self-Concept? • Self-concept is how we view ourselves, in both descriptive (“I What is Self-Concept? • Self-concept is how we view ourselves, in both descriptive (“I think I am tall”) and evaluative (“I like being tall” or “I don’t like being tall”) terms. • Although cultures vary on when our self-concept begins, most agree that we are not born with selves, rather, we develop our sense of self through interaction. • We are not just one person, but we consist of multiple selves. It doesn’t mean that we are schizophrenic. It means that there are different aspects of our overall self-concept.

William James: Four Elements of Self-Concept • The material self consists of what is William James: Four Elements of Self-Concept • The material self consists of what is observable, like your body and physical possessions. • The social self is a part of us that others in society observe. This is the roles we play. • The psychological self is the opposite side of the social self. This is our private view of who we are that we don’t share with others. • The ideal or spiritual self consists of one’s intellectual and moral aspirations for the future. This is our future perceptions of ourselves that we may share with others.

Descriptive and Evaluative Components of the Self-Concept • The descriptive component of your self-concept Descriptive and Evaluative Components of the Self-Concept • The descriptive component of your self-concept is also called a “selfimage”. Your self-image consists of descriptions you are willing to assign to yourself, usually adjectives for physical or social characteristics (I am tall, I have curly hair, I am friendly). • The evaluative component of your self-concept is called “self-esteem”. It is a mixture of positive and negative evaluations of your self-image.

How Does the Self-Concept Develop? • Comparison or modeling • Reflected appraisals • Altercasting How Does the Self-Concept Develop? • Comparison or modeling • Reflected appraisals • Altercasting • Observations

How Do We Present Self? The Concept of Face • The term face means How Do We Present Self? The Concept of Face • The term face means the self we want to present and maintain in interaction. • Not only we can maintain our own face, we also can maintain the face of others. • When we feel that others are not maintaining our face, this is considered a threat to face. • When we feel this threat, we try to save our face.

If you need help • My e-mail address irinastoehr@gmail. com Thank you! If you need help • My e-mail address irinastoehr@gmail. com Thank you!