Скачать презентацию INTERNET USERS IN FRANCE Vytautas Magnus University Скачать презентацию INTERNET USERS IN FRANCE Vytautas Magnus University


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INTERNET USERS IN FRANCE Vytautas Magnus University – 2010/2011 DA SILVA Warren BIHAN Benjamin INTERNET USERS IN FRANCE Vytautas Magnus University – 2010/2011 DA SILVA Warren BIHAN Benjamin

Summary Some global data… To understand web users in France Activities with Internet Data Summary Some global data… To understand web users in France Activities with Internet Data on Smartphone

History In France, Internet is used by the general public since 1994, but really History In France, Internet is used by the general public since 1994, but really knew a development only from the middle of the 2000 s. Since 2010, we count 20 million subscribers to the network, for 65 million inhabitants, among which 288 000 lines in the optical fiber.

Some global data Year Internet Users Population % Population 2000 8, 500, 000 58, Some global data Year Internet Users Population % Population 2000 8, 500, 000 58, 879, 000 14. 4 % 2004 24, 848, 009 60, 293, 927 41. 2 % 2006 30, 837, 595 61, 350, 009 50. 3 % 2007 32, 925, 953 61, 350, 009 53. 7 % 2008 36, 153, 327 62, 177, 676 58. 1 % 2010 44, 625, 300 64, 768, 389 68. 9 % International Internet, 2010

Evolution of users of Internet Evolution of users of Internet

Who is using it? Distribution by age French Internet users (15 years and more): Who is using it? Distribution by age French Internet users (15 years and more): 50 years: 23% 35 -49 years: 29% 25 -34 years: 24% 15 -24 years: 24% In France, 29 % of the Internet users have between 35 and 49 years, the age bracket showing the strongest number of Internet users is 25 -49 years and represents 53 % of the French Internet users. Distribution by category socio profesional (15 years and more): CSP +: 37% CSP - : 29% Studying: 17% Redeemed: 12% Other: 5% The typical profile of the French Internet user of places in the category of the CSP +.

Volume of connections Insee, 2009 Volume of connections Insee, 2009

Where we connect? Where we connect?

What we are doing on the web? What we are doing on the web? " to send or receive emails " (96 %), " to obtain practical information " (93 %) “ to amuse " (88 %). “ the " follow-up of the current events "(80 %), " the purchase of products or services " (76 %), " the use of an immediate messaging system" (72 %) Sofres 2010

Where we go? Rank Name in 2007 Name in 2010 1 Google google. fr Where we go? Rank Name in 2007 Name in 2010 1 Google google. fr 2 MSN/Windows Live facebook. com 3 Orange live. com 4 Free youtube. com 5 Yahoo! google. com 6 Pages. Jaunes msn. com 7 e. Bay skyrock. com

Products or services buy on Internet Source : Fevad, Mediametrie, June 2010 Products or services buy on Internet Source : Fevad, Mediametrie, June 2010

Who is buying on Internet? Source : Fevad, fevrier 2010 Who is buying on Internet? Source : Fevad, fevrier 2010

People with Internet on the Smartphone Source : Ipsos, 2009 People with Internet on the Smartphone Source : Ipsos, 2009

Smartphone and who? Mobile Internet users are always characterized to be male, young and Smartphone and who? Mobile Internet users are always characterized to be male, young and more active profile On Web: - 69 % are men (vs 53 % of the Internet users) - 70 % are less than 35 years old (vs 47 % of the Internet users) - 72 % connect several times a day in Internet (vs 52 % of the Internet users) - 35 % spend more than 60 hours a month to surf on Web (vs 20 % of Internet users) - 58 % created a blog or a personal site (vs 32 % of the Internet users)

Internet on the Smartphone for what? Ipsos Profiling 2009 Internet on the Smartphone for what? Ipsos Profiling 2009

France and Internet MERCI France and Internet MERCI