- Количество слайдов: 18
Internet Literacy Your Vehicle for Information Evaluation
Why not Google? • Anyone can make a website. • The top sites Google gives you is based on popularity. • Google only shows the surface web, not the deep web.
What is RADCAB? This tool will help you to assess and judge information you find online and to think critically about information
Relevancy Ask yourself: • Is the information relevant (or closely connected) to my question? • Am I on the right track?
Relevancy Keywords Let’s pretend we have a research assignment on recent findings about new planets being discovered outside of our solar system. USE EXAMPLE WHY Nouns and objects planets verbs and adverbs are usually thrown out Using OR planet or planets discovery or find results with either one or both of your terms Use “quotes” “solar system” use quotes to get exact phrase results Using AND “new planet” and “solar system” results will include both of your search words Using NOT (or -) planet not star planet-star results are only the first word and not the second site: planets site: edu planets site: gov Only edu sites Only gov sites
Appropriateness Ask yourself: • Is the information suitable for my age and core values? • Will it help me answer my question?
Appropriateness • Information sources that make you feel confused or uneasy are information sources to be exited ASAP. • You are in charge of “policing” your own research activity. How? By setting your own personal boundaries for what you view, read and listen to that take into account your age and core values.
Detail Ask yourself: • How much information do I need? • Is the depth of coverage adequate?
Detail What are the details? How are they useful? Site map Navigation and scope Page organization: titles, headings, and subtitles Navigation and evidence of quality construction Works cited pages Credit to information sources used External links Additional information sources Internal search engine Quick information retrieval Interactive, graphic elements Visual aids and interface interaction Design appeal Easy and pleasant to use
Which site has enough detail?
Currency Ask yourself: • When was the information published or last update?
Currency • The quality of our research is related to how carefully we analyze the currency of our information sources. • http: //solarsystem. jpl. nasa. gov/planets/i ndex. cfm
Authority Ask yourself: • Who is the author of the information? • What are his or her qualifications?
Authority • Authoritative information sources have everything to do with how accurate and credible the information presented is. • What are the author's qualifications? Is the author associated with a particular school, university, organization, company, or governmental agency? Is his or her email address included on the website?
Bias Ask yourself: • Why was this information written? • Was it written to INFORM me, PERSUADE me or SELL me something?
Bias How do you know if the information you have found has a special agenda behind it? Does the information have a particular angle, slant, or spin to it? • • • Look for clues. Clues like: the domain name the domain suffix (. com, . edu, . gov, etc. ) the advertising the mission statement the authorship or organization behind the information the tone of voice or language used
Best places to start Iowa AEA Online http: //www. iowaaeaonline. org/ EBSCO and World Book Web Sweet Search http: //www. sweetsearch. com/
Adapted with permission from author “RADCAB” ™ A mnemonic acronym for information evaluation Created by Karen M. Christensson, M. S. Library Media Education