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International Tourism Organizations (4) Henryk Handszuh Fmr. Director, Market Department, UNWTO MCDB – DPT International Tourism Organizations (4) Henryk Handszuh Fmr. Director, Market Department, UNWTO MCDB – DPT (IDRC- IHT) – Zabrze - Madrid HHandszuh@gmx. net

The UN system (specialized agencies– end of column 5) World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Organisation The UN system (specialized agencies– end of column 5) World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) Organisation mondiale du tourisme (OMT) Organización Mundial del Turismo (OMT) (the widespread “would-be” name in English derived from the acronym “UNWTO” given as „the United Nations World Tourism Organization” and further abridged as “UN WTO” are incorrect and should not be used)

UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Formal status A long way, from: – The first UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Formal status A long way, from: – The first international coference of national “tourist propaganda organizations” held in Amsterdam (1925) – A proposal to establish IUOTPO at a conference held in Zakopane (Poland) (1929) – Establishing IUOTPO (1934) – The International Union of Official Tourist Publicity Organisations – Reactivation as UIOOT/IUOTO (1946 -1947) – following a conference held in London (Intenational Union of Official Travel Organisations) • Consultative status in the United Nations (1948) – Activities as an non-governmental organization (actualy, quasi – governmental) until the end of 1974

UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Formal status (2) To: – Transformation into an intergovernmental UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Formal status (2) To: – Transformation into an intergovernmental organization as the World Tourism Organization (WTO/OMT), as of 1 January 1975 – Conclusion and entry into force of agreements with the United Nations (through the General Assembly) and UNDP (1976 – 1977) • This made WTO/OMT part of the United Nations system – And obtaining a formal status of a specialized agency of the United Nations in 2003

The fundamental aim of UNWTO (art. 3) as “an international organization of intergovernmental character”(art. The fundamental aim of UNWTO (art. 3) as “an international organization of intergovernmental character”(art. 1) • Promotion and development of tourism with a view to: : – Contributing to economic development – International understanding – Peace – Prosperity – Universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion • Particular attention to the interests of the developing countries in the field of tourism • Establishing and maintaining effective collaboration with the appropriate organs of the United Nations and its specialized agencies

UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Secretariat leadership 5 secretaries – general • • • UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Secretariat leadership 5 secretaries – general • • • Robert Lonati (France): 1975 – 1985 (IUOTO SG since 1957) – 1 deputy (Rajesh Rawat, India) Willibald Pahr (Austria): 1986 – 1989 – 1 deputy (Rajesh Rawat, India) Antonio Enríquez (Mexico): 1990 – 1996 (stepped down during the seceond term of office, 1. 5 year before expiry ) – 1 deputy (France– Francesco Frangialli) Francesco Frangialli (France): 1996 – 2009 – stepped down during last term of occice in March 2009 – 1 deputy (Dawid de Villiers – South Africa, followed by Taleb Rifai Jordan) and 1„assistant” (Geofrey Lipman - Canada) Taleb Rifai (Jordan) – elected for 2010 – 2013; again elected for 2014 -2017 as sole candidate – 3 „deputies” as executive directors (Brazil, France, Hungary) – 3 „deputies” as executive directors (Brazil, China, Hungary)

UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Members • Member States (full members) – 156: – UNWTO – World Tourism Organization Members • Member States (full members) – 156: – (United Nations members: 193) – Since the middle of 90 s, without USA; no Nordic countries as members (except for Norway, currently leaving), the United Kingdom, Ireland New Zealand, important Caribbean countries; recent withdrawals include Estonia and Canada • Associate members – Territories not responsible for their external relations- overseas territories and former colonies (e. g. Aruba, Madeira) • Affiliate members – around 400 – The private sector, non-governmental – Various categories representing the tourism commercial sector, non–governmental international and national organizations, tourism learing institutes (schools, universities), national and regional public organizations engaged in tourism promotion (also called “DMOs”), as well as individual companies related to tourism (e. g. air carriers)

UNWTO – contribution of Poland • After the second World War– since 1956 , UNWTO – contribution of Poland • After the second World War– since 1956 , intense activity in IUOTO – Essentialy due to Prof. Kazimierz Libera form the Warsaw School of Economics (chairman of the Research Committe, founder and director of IUOTO’s international Centre of Advanced Tourism Studies (CIEST) in Turin, in cooperation with the International Labour Office (ILO) – Initiatives 1972 -1974 (meetings of IUOTO Commission for Europe, the Executive Committe, membership Working Group on World Tourism Day) • Member/Chairman of the Executive Council (1978) and member of the Programme and Coordination Committe (1980 – 1983) – Secretariat staff (1977 -1982; 1984 – 2007) • World Tourism Day proclamation on Poland’s motion when chairing the Executive Council (1978) • World Tourism Conference in Manila (1980) – Drafter of resolutions

UNWTO – contribution of Poland (2) • Weakining activity since the middle of the UNWTO – contribution of Poland (2) • Weakining activity since the middle of the eighties • WTO/OMT events in Poland (seminars, conferences ) in the nineties – Safety and security (Warsaw - 1996) – Quality (Cracow - 1998) – Rural tourism (Kielce – 1999, 2011) – European consumer forum (Katowice, GWSH: 2000 - 2007) • Industrial heritage for tourism initiative: since 2004 international conferences under the UNWTO auspices and an offer to host an International Documentation and Research Centre on Industrial Heritage for Tourism in Zabrze (Mo. U signed in September 2008, the Centre establishment in 2009) • 52 meeting of the UNWTO Commission for Europe, preceded by a seminar on industrial heritage in tourism policies for sustainable development (Zabrze – Katowice, 13 – 14 April 2011) • Initiatives of resolutions at the 19 th session of the General Assembly held at Gyeongju (Republic of Korea) in 2011

UNWTO – evolution of acronyms and structures • • • World Tourism Organization– WTO/OMT UNWTO – evolution of acronyms and structures • • • World Tourism Organization– WTO/OMT – UNWTO – Misunderstandings due to the establishment of the World Trade Organization (another WTO), hence the new acronym „UNWTO” (agreed upon with the UN) UNWTO diplomatic status and diplomatic representations to UNWTO of member States (from active to inactive) The establishment and closure of regional secretariats (1976 – 1982) Permanent structures: General Assembly, Executive Council, Regional Commissions, World Committe on Tourism Ethics Changing names and structures: – Programme and Coordination Committee (countries) to Programme Committee (experts) – Budget and Finance Committee • Currently, Budget and Programme Committee – EC subsidiary programme committees (currently inactive) – Strategic Group to assist the Secretary-General (currently closed) – Ad hoc Working Groups (or committees)

UNWTO – human and financial resources • Bi-annual budget : 26, 616 mln euro UNWTO – human and financial resources • Bi-annual budget : 26, 616 mln euro (2014 -2015) – „Zero” budget growth formula (subject to inflation in Spain) – Contributions based on mixed GDP, GDP per capita and international tourism receipts formula – Equal contributions for Affiliate Members – Events external to headquarters at the expense of the host countries • Income from the sale of publications, publications free of charge for members (a few free publications) • Secretariat (headquarters) in Madrid: – Around 95 - 110 staff members – Majority of administrative (common services) staff (exceptional case in the UN system) – Assistance of the Spanish State (building, tax privileges , appointment and remuneration of the Affiliate Members’ Director)

UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems • I stage (until 1985) UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems • I stage (until 1985) – work programme mainly based on house (Secretariat) research – Verification and approval of Secretariat research and its outcomes by the relevant bodies of the Organization, including by the General Assembly (committee „B”) • II stage (since 1986) – gradual elimination and planned outsourcing of Secretariat research – Except for international tourism statistics – Incomplete – formally adjourned work on a legal standard-setting activity in the field of international travel facilitation (1986– 1989) • Reference is made to the so-called Budapest Convention (from the venue of a diplomatic conference expected to adopt the convention)

UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems (2) III stage: recovery of UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems (2) III stage: recovery of incidental research outside the Secretariat on request (outsourcing) – The discussion and verification of research outcomes and ensuing tourism policy issues disappear from the regular agenda – a wide array of themes under discussion at numerous conferences held at headquarters and elsewhere (staff members report hundreds of meetings attended elsewhere): short-lived and „fashionable” themes imposed largely under discussion by no follow-up – Unclear relations between the general programme of work and regional programmes – Disappearance of substantive resolutions (tourism policymaking) IV stage ( since 2012)- continuous „simplification” and new attempts to „put in order” internal structures, recovery of some former concepts and disappearance of specific substantive themes and objectives in the work programme; their replacement by general programme areas to which any subject can be attributed, in particular by means of an international conference

UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems (3) • • Since 1990 UNWTO –programme evolution, quest of identity, and ensuing problems (3) • • Since 1990 – Withdrawal from firm initiatives of legal standards setting – Since 2011 r. , however, a Secretariat initiative to prepare an international convention on the protection of tourists and tourism facilities from the consequences of natural disasters (a theme not provided for in the general programme of work) – Drafting work agreed to continue at the 2013 General Assembly, but currently not reported Decreasing number of UNDP-financed projects • Lack of coordination between the budget and the areas of the work programme (the programme areas not earmarked in the budget) – New Programme and Budget Committee (no emphasis on coordination) • Lacking and poor exchange of information and relationship between the organs – No work programme and reporting form subsidiary organs of the Executive Council (currently inactive)

Participation of Affiliate Members • No specific role assigned to Affiliate Members: confinement to Participation of Affiliate Members • No specific role assigned to Affiliate Members: confinement to their own professional meetings and publications or partners for governments? • Affiliate Members’ bodies and the forms of their cooperation under the scrutiny of the Secretary-General – In virtue of new regulations adopted at the 19 th session of the UNWTO General Assembly held in Gyeongju (Republic of Korea) • Sponsorship of „Global Raports” (air transport, food tourism, urban tourism, youth tourism) • Replacement of „three councils” of Affiliate Members (scientific, enterprises, destinations) by the Knowledge Network oraz announcing other formal networks under administrative tutorship of the Secretariat • Affiliate Members platform (platma. org), currently inactive

Important substantive resolutions indicating tourism policies in a few areas • Narcotics in tourism Important substantive resolutions indicating tourism policies in a few areas • Narcotics in tourism networks (1989) • Safety (1992) • Health (1993) • People with disabilities (1992, 2005, 2011) • Prevention of sexual exploitation of children in sex tourism (1995) • Recommendations on travel warnings („travel advisories”) (2007, 2009) Problem • No follow-up, rewiew or monitoring – Exceptions or going back to the same issues : • Reference to safety with regard to the 2011 initiative on a convention to protect tourists and tourism facilities in natural disasters • Raising the rights of people with disabilities in relation to the UN Convention (to be dealt with by the World Committee on Tourism Ethics) • Activities of a task force (regular, interrupted and again called into action) • Reference in 2011 in a nonbinding document on „Georeferences and events”

UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business • Statistical data (basically UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business • Statistical data (basically international tourism) –barometer and annual data – A promise to cover domestic statistics in the 2012 – 2013 work programme (task not accomplished and not requested by Members) • New statistical definition of tourism and tourist (jointly with the United Nations Statistical Commission – as well as the Tourism Satellite Account: Recommended Methodological Framework. Other partners: OECD, the European Commission - Eurostat) • TSA: RMF 2000 • TSA: RMF 2008 – Actually not used formulating tourism policy measures and review of tourism policies by member states » TSA satisfies curiosity regarding the impact of tourism activities on the connected economy (? ) – UNWTO Secretariat’s participation in OECD and Eurostat consultations on this matter is irregular and does not translate into recommendations to member States on tourism policies

UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (2) • SOS. Travel UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (2) • SOS. Travel service (exchange of information and consultations with 23 nongovernmental organizations) at the Secretariat level – Created on the occasion of the expected H 1 N 1 flu („bird flu”), currently inactive; new formal platform of cooperation with other competent organizations on ebola (also at the Secretariat level) • „Toolkit”: communication in crisis management (17 scenarios) – made available to the interested parties (members) against payment and on signing an agreement with the Secretariat • Forum on tourism investments for Africa (during International Tourism Fair in Madrid) – Initiative well developing • Tourism Ministers Forum (WTM in London) – Participating several tourism ministers from the Caribbean, the Middle East. . .

UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (3) • Techical assistance UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (3) • Techical assistance programme beyond UNDP: ST-EP (funded by nonbudgetary resources) – Funds made available to UNWTO by the Republic of Korea and the Netherlands – Some projects are formally attributed to help implementation of the Millennium Development Goals of the United Nations • Task force against commercial sexual exploitation of children (active since 1996 ), – Activities against organized sex tourism (as an outcome of GA resolution of 1995 and the United Nations conference held in Stockholm in 1996 • Training programmes for officials of National Tourism Administrations (NTAs) – Themis Foundation programme (Andorra) – Themis takes care of the TEDQUAL quality standard used to audit and certify the quality of univerisity curricula on tourism (announced revision and actual paralisis of TEDQUAL certification)

UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (4) • Handbooks and UNWTO – important accomplishments, initiatives and ways of doing business (4) • Handbooks and publications (collection of papers from conferences, moving towards e-books, joint publications with some other specialized agencies of the UN system, work outsourced to external experts and financed from the regular budget – Material available largely against payment • Assistance to member states (ministries of tourism) by means of Secretariat officials’ participation in national events with a view to emphasizing the political, economic and social importance of tourism and its prestige (political lobbying)

„World” initiatives (world & global) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and its monitoring „World” initiatives (world & global) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism and its monitoring body: the World Committe on Tourism Ethics) – Until 2012 the Committee Secretariat in Rome (hosted by the Italian ministry of tourism), currently the Code and its Committee are served by the UNWTO Secretariat in Madrid – Until 2012 no information was made public with respect to the bodies (stakeholders in tourism development) who have committed to respect the Code; currently this information is publicly available (internet - www) – An initiative in 2011 to engage new partners with respect to the Code implementation through the NTAs of member States (results not known) – Lack of a system (indicators, criteria, procedures) to check on implementation – The World Committee on Tourism Ethics (Code art. 10) has not put in place a procedure by which complaints on breaching the Code provisions could be reported , it has neither made public any verdict or resolution on such complaints – The present chaiman of the Committee (since 2013 ) is Pascal Lamy (France), recently retired director general of WTO – the World Trade Organization

„World” initiatives (world & global) • World Tourism Day - WTD – World central „World” initiatives (world & global) • World Tourism Day - WTD – World central celebrations in various countries (rotation): 2011 – Egypt, 2012 – Spain, 2013 – Maldives, 2014 – Guadalajara - Mexico) – 2013 theme. - „Tourism and Water” – refers to the United Nations theme for that year; 2014 theme – „Tourism and the development of local communities” – WTD has not been instrumental so far to produce analytical monographs to be dedicated to each theme; brief Secretary-General’s messages on theme are produced instead • International competitions of essays on theme have been organized for 2013 and 2014, but their mediatic effects have been rather null

UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework • UNWTO as a spcialized UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework • UNWTO as a spcialized agency of the UN (since 2003) – Liaisin office in New York (currenly inactive) – Vacancy in Geneva not announced • UNWTO subject to inspection by the UN Joint Inspection Unit – Over 20 recommendations „to improve and deliver” (not met under the argument of UNWTO’s specificity and limited budgetory resources, said recommendations recalled by the JIU inspector at the UNWTO General Assembly in 2013) • Participation of the Secretary-General in the Chief Executives Board (CEB) • – Two CEB consultations held at UNWTO headquarters in Madrid, last in 2013 Since 2011 – participation in the UN Steering Committe on Tourism for Development (SCTD, actually limited to contacts at secretariats level, UNWTO members are not informed on the consultations substance

UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework (2) • Establishment of UNTEN UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework (2) • Establishment of UNTEN (United Nations Tourism Exchange Network). Problems: – No advance information ( to be transmitted to members) in the UNWTO work programme on the activities on tourism to be undertaken by the organs and other specialized agencies of the United Nations – No dialogue between the Secretariat and NTA delegates to UNWTO meetings on the need of coordination system with respect to activities at the national level. Such coordination should engage central government bodies (other than NTAs) representing their countries in the organs (e. g. UNCTAD, UNEP) and specialized agencies of UN (e. g. ILO, FAO, UNICEF, UNIDO)

UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework (3) • Activities of new UNWTO – cooperation mechanism in the United Nations framework (3) • Activities of new Secretariat leadership, since 2009 – Anti-crisis activities in the tourism sector (briefings, exchange of information) – Joining a new group called „T 20” (at the initiative of South Africa). T-20 is a group of ministers of tourism from the countries and bodies invited to meetings of G 20 – Representation, jointly with the World Travel and Tourism Council (WTTC) before chiefs of state and government requesting „to place tourism high on the agenda of their countries”. So far, presidents and prime ministers of some 50 countries have committed to do so.

T 20 meeting (Ministers of Tourism) Paris - 25. 10. 2011 T 20 meeting (Ministers of Tourism) Paris - 25. 10. 2011

Declaracion from 3 rd 20 meeting and follow-up – „Considering the significant economic and Declaracion from 3 rd 20 meeting and follow-up – „Considering the significant economic and social potential of tourism for the global economy, employment and sustainable development, (encourages) … the G 20 members to register the importance and impact of tourism as a topic of discussion in the coming years summits”.

G 20 Leaders Declaration • …. We, the Leaders of the G 20, convened G 20 Leaders Declaration • …. We, the Leaders of the G 20, convened in Los Cabos on 18 -19 June 2012 Employment and Social Protection • …. • 25. We recognize the role of travel and tourism as a vehicle for job creation, economic growth and development, and, while recognizing the sovereign right of States to control the entry of foreign nationals, we will work towards developing travel facilitation initiatives in support of job creation, quality work, poverty reduction and global growth. – UNWTO interpretation (UNWTO webpage): „G 20 recognizes Travel & Tourism as a driver of economic growth for the first time and commits to work on travel facilitation” • However, this G 20 statement was not translated into recognizing tourism in „The Los Cabos Growth and Jobs Action Plan” - in contrast with other areas of mutual commitments and cooperation.

Substantive issues, initiatives and programme documents submitted to the 19 th session of the Substantive issues, initiatives and programme documents submitted to the 19 th session of the General Assembly in 2011 • New „white paper” adopted by resolution 592(XIX)1) – Guidance document, combining organizational, structural and programme issues, including the workings of the Secretariat • Energy saving hotels - Hotel energy solutions – a technical guide to check and monitor energy efficiency of hotels, financed by the European Commission (basically Europe’s paqrticipation) • Silk Road development programme – on-going consultations, the sixth in October held in China and the seventh at ITB Berlin in March 2014; encourages entry visa facilitation and promotion of characteristic tourism products (e. g. ethnic food) • International legal document on the protection of tourists and tourism facilities from the consequences of natural disasters, referred back to at 20 th session in 2013 and work resolved to continue • „A tourism chapter” in the UNEP report on „Green Economy”, prepared for Rio + 20 conference held in 2012

Substantive issues, initiatives and programme documents submitted to the 19 th and 20 th Substantive issues, initiatives and programme documents submitted to the 19 th and 20 th sessions of the General Assembly in 2011 and 2013 • Affiliate Members platform (platma. org), currently another focus on the knowledge network • Publications, basically from outsourcing • Activities of an UNWTO-associated entity hosted by the German Government in Bonn (Tourism and Biodiversity) • Approval of other bilateral agreements (in corpore) – Cooperation with the European Travel Commission (ETC) at the secretariat level _____________________ • Renewed appeal regarding entry visa facilitatioin– an emphasis on electronic visas

General evaluation • UNWTO is basically a political, mediatic and diplomatic platform used to General evaluation • UNWTO is basically a political, mediatic and diplomatic platform used to promote tourism in general and its development understood as numerical growth of tourist traffic and related economic aggregates • UNWTO, as a rule, confines itself to verbal promotion of tourism (the mission spelled out in the Statutes), that is to say, to promote tourism production and consumption and underscore its value as an autonomous driver of economy or even development • It justifies its raison d’être by the ever increasing mobility of world society attributed to and defined as tourism (according to internationally agreed-to definitions…)

General evaluation (2) • In regulating political and substantive issues which intervene in the General evaluation (2) • In regulating political and substantive issues which intervene in the production, distribution and consumption of tourism, UNWTO is a far cry from meeting the expectations and standards of an intergovernmental organization, called upon to play ”a central and decisive role” – (current perception of its actual role in the UN system is weaker than it was the case of its non-governmental predecessor IUOTOIUIOOT. • Within the scope determining the possibilities, areas and forms of genuine international cooperation UNWTO is a marginal organization, not representative of the true actors of tourism policy and cooperation (absence of major country players as members, lack of effective cooperation within the UN system, little, if any, presence in the on-going debate on contemporary world problems)

Ocena ogólna (3) • Despite several ill-managed attempts UNWTO has not authored so far Ocena ogólna (3) • Despite several ill-managed attempts UNWTO has not authored so far any international legally-binding document (convention). As such, UNWTO is an exception among all the other specialized agencies in the UN system. This underscores its weakness in this system since the UNWTO inception. • Chances for enacting such documents in the future are bleak and doubtful, since this job has already been done and the normative fuction has already been assumed by other specialized agencies and the European Union.

General evaluation (4) • Despite having access to considerable research resources (present, inter alia, General evaluation (4) • Despite having access to considerable research resources (present, inter alia, at academic Affiliate Members) , UNWTO has not developed so far its own research machinery to develop, raise and review issues of tourism policy at various levels and areas in point, as well as qualitative research. • UNWTO addresses the issues of tourism policy in an occasional and sporadic manner, as much as they appear on the agenda of international conferences, however, such issues are not reviewed and monitored in a continuous, systematic or periodic way.

General evaluation (5) • WTO has failed, in particular, to develop consistent tourism policies General evaluation (5) • WTO has failed, in particular, to develop consistent tourism policies and measures for developing countries (an obligation stated in the Statutes) which consitute a majority among its members (e. g. all Africa). • Resolutions adopted by the Organization (substantive resolutions, on decrease) do not give rise to such tourism policies to be recommended and monitored. On the other hand, this work is being done, in parallel to UNWTO, o rather instead of UNWTO, by the Organisation for Economic Development and Co -operation (OECD).

General evaluation (6) • The only UNWTO standards include legally not binding statistical standards General evaluation (6) • The only UNWTO standards include legally not binding statistical standards (shared with UN Statistical Commission and others). They are commonly referred to when providing statistical figures. The second group of standards, neither legally-binding, are ethical principles included in the Global Code of Ethics for Tourism. For both, however, the Organization has not developed systems to allow verification of compliance with said standards. • UNWTO, through its Secretariat, is foremost a convener of and participant in numerous conferences, both international and national, which raise various issues concerning tourism. This notwithstanding, as a convener, UNWTO is not necessarily the most important organizer of such events concerning tourism worldwide. The Secretariat machinery is primarily busy with administrative, logistic and sometimes conceptual properation of such events. This consumes most of the Organization’s resources. • On the other hand, substantive analysis of the output of meetings and conferences attended by the Secretariat is not, as a rulle, carried out, and consequently not made available to Members. It therefore does not contribute to the Organization’s heritage.

General evaluation (7) • Despite numerous references, announcements and verbal postulates, as well as General evaluation (7) • Despite numerous references, announcements and verbal postulates, as well as relevant provision in its agreement with the United Nations, UNWTO has not developed mechanisms and standards of systemic support for poor countries (developing, least developed) while they possess tourist assets fit for leisure tourism and whereas they could (possibly) meet, thanks to these assets, significant social and economic objectives. • Against this background UNWTO appears as a spokesman of big tourism undustry (hence cooperation with WTTC) and neoliberal thinking in the economy. The scope of technical assistance mobilized by UNWTO for the benefit of poor countries is far smaller than the aid mobilized by other specialized agencies of th UN system, many non-governmental organizations (charities) and national aid agencies (including those who are not UNWTO members)

General evaluation (7) • In a situation where the isues concerning tourism, in addition General evaluation (7) • In a situation where the isues concerning tourism, in addition to UNWTO, are dealt with by other international bodies, including within the UN system, as well as regional organizations, the Organization has not developed a coordination system in these matters at national level of member States. • The current state of affairs and the actual political and substantive status of UNWTO is an outcome of a historical process which have placed most of the true actors in the field of tourism outside the Organization. It is also the outcome of systemic and political weakness of government actors representing States (ministries of tourism) in the bodies of the Organization.

General evaluation (8) • The Organization is little known to the international community and General evaluation (8) • The Organization is little known to the international community and the media at large (this situation of perception is shared by numerous specialized agencies of the UN system, whether effective or not) • On the other hand, it is recognized and used as reference and lobbying in the international, also national, milieu: sectorial, social and academic.

Bibliography • Internet: www. unwto. org Bibliography • Internet: www. unwto. org

End of Part IV • To be followed by: – Part V: International organizations End of Part IV • To be followed by: – Part V: International organizations promoting inbound tourism to regions (non-governmental) • ETC, CTO, PATA – Part VI: International organizations representing commercial interests (non-governmental) – Part VII: International organizations representing social and societal interests – Part VIII: International organizations representing academic interests – Part IX: International Organizations setting standards for tourism activities