- Количество слайдов: 38
International Telecommunication Union Keneya blown : the telemedicine pilot project of Mali Dr Ousmane LY Executive Coordinator Of Keneya Blown Division of Medical Informatics, Geneva University Hospitals, Geneva, Switzerland Workshop on Standardization in E-health Geneva, 23 -25 May 2003 Page -
Plan ITU-T o o o o 23 -25 May 2003 Introduction Presentation of keneya blown Activities of Keneya Aplications implementing Keneya Blown Distance learning platform Presentation of keneya blown home page The FMPOS database Teleconsultation Workshop on Standardization in E-health 2
Introduction ITU-T o Digital divide - a more important issue o UN General Secretary in his allocution during the world telecommunication day in 2001, outlined the following: ü Internet is available all other the world ü Developping world could benefit from internet in many sectors such as health and education 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 3
Introduction(2) ITU-T ü More and more attention is paid to the digital divide ü Inequal access to internet for world citizens ü Internet will make access to knowledge a source of power 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 4
Keneya blown : presentation ITU-T o URL : http: //www. keneya. org. ml o Country : Mali o Initiator : Dr Ousmane LY o Actors : - The keneya blown team Mr Guy Olivier Segond (Switzerland) Pr Antoine Geissbuhler (Switzerlanfd) SOTELMA (Mali) - National Telecommunication compagny IICD (Netherlands) - International Institute for Communication and Development - REIMICOM Association for the development of healths telematics in Mali 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 5
Why this name ? ITU-T o Keneya – health in Bamanan o Blown – hall in Bamanan : - Place where a visitor is met before entering the house - Place of concertation 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 6
Why this name ? ITU-T o Diseases – visitors. - “keneya blown” is the hall where we plan to meet and fight them. Thus we focus attention to the prevention o “Keneya blown” - hall. - It is then the right place where health professionnals can discuss and share their experiences. 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 7
Equipment ITU-T o Implemented in 3 cities : Bamako, Segou and Timbuctu o Hardware : servers and PC and connecting facilities (Wireless IEEE 802. 11 b) o Software : web, mail and database servers, office 2000 o Operating systems : Linux and windows 98 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 8
Geneva ITU-T Keneya Blown Network = International = Actualy = Futur 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 9
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 10
keneya blown activities ITU-T o Internet service provider for health o o o 23 -25 May 2003 services Medical portal Virtual library and access to bibliographic databases E-publishing : e-training, e-journals, continuing education Research : coordination and synthesis of practical research works Email : myname@keneya. org. ml Workshop on Standardization in E-health 11
keneya blown activities ITU-T o Telemedicine applications : - transmission of medical datas and image - Teleconsultaion - tele-expertise o Distance learning o Training to computer and internet use o Visioconferences and online meetings 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 12
International Telecommunication Union Applications Implementing Workshop on Standardization in E-health Geneva, 23 -25 May 2003 Page -
Keneya Blown distance learning platform ITU-T o It is developed by University of Geneva ( NTIC Team) o It is implementing by ( Division d’Informatique Médicale HUGE - DIM and Keneya Technical team) o User’s interfaces is very simple: you use just browser and real player o It is used to do a teleconsultation between Mali and Geneva 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 14
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Keneya Blown Distance learning platform Workshop on Standardization in E-health 15
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 16
Geneva Distance learning platform ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 17
ITU-T MEDICAL DISTANCE LEARNING between Geneva and Bamako Geneva 23 -25 May 2003 Bamako Workshop on Standardization in E-health 18
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 19
Training of health workers ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 20
Keneya blown as a portal ITU-T o For national health workers : - 23 -25 May 2003 Access to medical databases Listservs Discussion groups Distance learning Online publishing Workshop on Standardization in E-health 21
Keneya blown as a portal ITU-T o For general public: - Directory of health centers and pharmacies - Health education - Weekly report on disease control with a specialist - Different information 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 22
Keneya blown first home page ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 23
Keneya blown now home page ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 24
Importance of keneya. org. ml ITU-T o Post doctoral education o Collaboration through health workers and practitioners o Medical news o A communication tool between ministry of health and its departments o A communication tool for health workers associations 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 25
FMPOS database ITU-T o URL : o o o 23 -25 May 2003 http: //www. keneya. org. ml/fmpos/bd/fmpos. htm Number of records : 1494 Type of documents : thesis presented at the Faculty of Medicine of Bamako Database software: CDS/ISIS family Internet software's : web server, a CGI program, html editor Operating system : Linux NB : all used software's are free and available online Workshop on Standardization in E-health 26
FMPOS database ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 27
FMPOS database interface ITU-T o Simple search form o Guided search form o Use of an index o Help o Short display o Long display with abstract 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 28
Simple query 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 29
Short display 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 30
Long display 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 31
ITU-T Teleconsultation 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 32
The First Malian IP ITU-T Teleconsultation: It use Netmeeting Geneva 23 -25 May 2003 Bamako Workshop on Standardization in E-health 33
Cher Confrère, Bonjour Professeur, ITU-T … nous venons de recevoir un cliché de face du thorax d'un enfant de 8 ans environs. Comme renseignement clinique le praticien n'a indiqué qu'une splénomégalie et malheureusement l'enfant n'étant plus à Bamako nous ne pouvons pas l'examiner ou l'interroger. L'interprétation du cliché nous permet de relever un aspect convexe du ventricule gauche sans retentissement vasculaire pulmonaire. Mais la question à laquelle nous n'arrivons pas à répondre est de savoir si cet aspect est dû à une hypertrophie ou une dilatation du ventricule… PS: en pièce jointe un copie du cliché réalisé. … nous avons étudié avec attention la radio que vous nous avez confiée. Elle est d'excellente qualité et permet tout à fait une interprétation radiologique. Concernant le diagnostic, nous sommes arrivés aux mêmes conclusions que vous. . . Une échocardiographie serait l'examen de choix pour poser un tel diagnostic. … TELERADIOLOGY 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 34
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 35
ITU-T 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 36
As a conclusion ITU-T o Differents activities - be a provider, trainer, web hosting service, . . . o Do not reinvent the wheel - use as background the work done by others o Do not work alone - Necessary to cooperate in the national, regional and international scale o Choose of adaptable technology - use of free software and if available open source software 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 37
ITU-T On jaraama Aw ni ce Thanks you Merci 23 -25 May 2003 Workshop on Standardization in E-health 38