International System [IS] IS: Aproach to IR through group’s feature, theoretical aspects, variables, aggregations.
What is the system? It is a certain integrated functional whole, consists of mutually interconnected elements. The structure of interconnections makes that the system can reach a new quality.
Trends of scientist researches 1. Filosofical – metodological, 2. Formal – axiomatic. Ad.1. Examination of laws which rule behaviour of both natural – biological systems [fisical] and social systems. Observations and results are moved from one discipline to other. In such a way a theoretical models are created.
IS Ad.2. On the base of limited number of notions [ basic notions] some derivative affirmations are created. Examples of models: System of balance: balance of power, check and balance. Bipolar system [unfixed and fixed]. Multipolar system.
IS Universal system, Hierarchic system, System of separate veto. Homogenues – heterogenous [R. Aaron], Three types of peace: balance of power, hegemony, empire.
IS Hedley Bull concept: International system, International society. If We are dealing with reciprocal reactions – actions and interactions – than We can talk about system. In the case of society the group of states have to be interconnected by common aggregation of law, they take part of commmon institutions, as IL,UN, international customs, humanitarian law, Maedival „Respublica Christiana”.
IS in the history 1.Stable models, 2. Unstable models. Ad.1. XVIII century, European Concert, Wounded Concert 1822-1848, Bismarck Concert, Post-war system 1945-1960. Ad 2. Revolutionary Empire, Shocked Concert 1848-1871, Imperial nationalism, Totalitarian militarism 1918-1939.
IS According to some scientists [ Bull, Watson] We can talk about IS in the situation when behaviour of each unit of system is essential element in political calculation of the other units. But even in ancient Rome and China, they had to take account uncontrolled action of their neighbours. In such a way empire was limited.
International Power Hans Morgenthau: politics that is the strugle for power. Power is direct goal. International Politics is only a part of activity on international fields. Not all states are engaged in IP. What is international power? The picture is composed of many factors: political, economical and military aspects, capacity to change international order, control under strategic resources and international finances, leadership in IGO, possibility of control of multinationals and many elements
IR and International Security Policy