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International Social Dialogue on Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) TVET Programmes – Institutional and Workplace Learning By Dan Baffour-Awuah Executive Director-COTVET Programmes (Session Three) 1
COUNCIL FOR TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING (COTVET) The Council ◦ The COTVET ACT (Act 718, 2006) was passed with the object to co-ordinate and oversee all aspects of technical and vocational education and training in the country. TVET Programmes (Session Three) 2
SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS Formulate national policies for skills development across the broad spectrum of pre-tertiary and tertiary education, formal informal and non-formal; Co-ordinate, harmonize and supervise the activities of private and public providers of technical and vocational education and training, including the informal sector TVET Programmes (Session Three) 3
SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS CONTINUED Rationalize the assessment and certification system in technical and vocational education and training Take measures to ensure quality in delivery of and equity in access to technical and vocational education and training Maintain a national database on technical, vocational education and training TVET Programmes (Session Three) 4
SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS CONTINUED ◦ ◦ Facilitate research and development in the technical and vocational education and training system; Source funding to support technical and vocational education and training activities Facilitate collaboration between training providers and industry to promote demand driven curriculum development and placement, and national internship programmes TVET Programmes (Session Three) 5
SPECIFIC FUNCTIONS CONTINUED Promote co-operation with international agencies and development partners; Issue annual reports on the state of skills development in the country; Advise Government on all matters related to the management and improvement of the technical and vocational education and training system TVET Programmes (Session Three) 6
COTVET (Policy Making Body) Formal Public TVET Institutes Nine (9) Ministries Formal Private Not for Profit Formal Private for Profit Informal for Profit Faith Based and NGOs Commercial TVET Trade Associations TVET Programmes (Session Three) Informal Not for Profit Faith Based and NGOs , 7
FORMAL TVET INSTITUTIONS MINSTRY NUMBER/TYPE Ministry of Education 26/Technical Institutes/11 New Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare 38/Vocational Training 3/OICs 9/Leadership Training 9/Social Welfare Centres, Voc 75/ICCES Ministry of Youth and Sports 11 Leadership Training Centres Ministry of Women & Children Affairs 1/Vocational Training Ministry of Agriculture 3/Agricultural Training Ministry of Road and Transport 1/Technical Training Ministry of Local Government 26/Vocational CDC Ministry of Tourism Hospitality Schools Ministry of Communications ICT Schools Ministry of Youth and Sports 11 Youth Leadership Training Centres TVET Programmes (Session Three) 8
INFORMAL APPRENTICE TRAINING (CURRENT SITUATION) Currently, about one of every three youth in the 20 -30 age group has experience as an apprentice, compared to one in four youth fifteen years ago. The percentage of young women doing an apprenticeship has doubled in the last fifteen years (World Bank, 2008 a). TVET Programmes (Session Three) 9
Governing Structure of COTVET is governed by a fifteen (15)member Council appointed by the President in consultation with the Council of State. Through the Board, five (5) Standing Committees and three Sub-Committees have also been established to facilitate the work of the Council. TVET Programmes (Session Three) 10
National Apprenticeship Programme Committee The Committee coordinates the activities of the National Apprenticeship Programme (NAP). This programme has been put together by the Government of Ghana as one of its strategies aimed at reducing youth unemployment in the country and to encourage lifelong learning among the youth. Government pays for the cost of one year training program in specific trade areas in line with the National TVET Qualifications Framework. TVET Programmes (Session Three) 11
The National TVET Qualification Framework Committee The Committee is the main regulatory authority for the National TVET Qualifications Framework and its overall function is to advise the COTVET Board on, and to do all things necessary or expedient, for the maintenance of a credible, rigorous, effective, and efficient qualifications framework for the TVET system. TVET Programmes (Session Three) 12
Training Quality Assurance Committee The overall function of this Committee is to safeguard the interests of learners, parents/guardians, employers, government and the general public by ensuring that training providers and qualification awarding agencies maintain satisfactory standards in the delivery of training and the award of qualifications TVET Programmes (Session Three) 13
Industry Training Advisory Committee The overall function of the Committee and its sub-committees is to develop National Occupational Standards or knowledge, skills, and work performance standards for the definition and issuance of qualifications TVET Programmes (Session Three) 14
Skills Development Fund Committee The Committee has been established under the COTVET Board to oversee all aspects of the implementation of the Skills Development Fund. The Committee is responsible for the evaluation and recommendation of proposals for approval by the COTVET Board TVET Programmes (Session Three) 15
The Industrial Training and Advisory Committee (ITAC) Establish policies, criteria and procedure for the registration of trade, industry and professional groups as ITAC Sub-committees for specific occupations; Recommend trade, industry and professional groups to the COTVET Board for recognition and registration as ITAC Sub-committees; Monitor the labour market and promote the formation of ITAC Subcommittees to cover occupational areas that lack national occupational standards and qualification structures; Determine and recommend strategies for industrial or workplace experience learning for approval by the COTVET Board; Approve occupational standards established by the ITAC Sub-committees; Publish and disseminate information on occupational standards endorsed by the COTVET Board; Assist industrial sectors to establish trade or industry associations; TVET Programmes (Session Three) 16
ITAC SUB- COMMITTEES There are two major sub-committees under the Industrial Training and Advisory Committee. They are ◦ Occupational standards generation sub-committee (SITAC) - five groups. These groups are responsible for generating occupational standards for specific trades for education and training and ◦ Occupational standards validation sub-committee (SITACOS) – five groups. They are responsible for validating occupational standards to ensure that the standards meet the skills needs and demands of relevant industries. In addition, they assess the relevance of the standards in terms of best international practice, opportunities for progression, employment opportunities among other things. TVET Programmes (Session Three) 17
Occupational Standards Generation Electronics ◦ ◦ ◦ Ghana Police Service (Electronics Dept) Institute of Incorporated Engineers Astra Electronics National Vocational Training Institute Ghana Institute of Engineers Welding ◦ ◦ ◦ Nana Danso Metal Fabrication Limited GRATIS Foundation Accra Technical Training Institute Kumasi Technical Training Institute National Vocational Training Centre TVET Programmes (Session Three) 18
Occupational Standards Generation Auto Mechanics ◦ ◦ ◦ White Wave Automotive Eng Services Metro Mass Transit Ltd Government Technical Training Centre Accra Technical Training Centre National Vocational Training Institute Cosmetology ◦ ◦ ◦ Super Plus Beauty Academy De Paragon Beauty Klinik & Institute Abrantie College of Cosmetology Nana Nail Studio 2 nd Image Academy FC Beauty College TVET Programmes (Session Three) 19
Occupational Standards Validation Electronics ◦ Ghana Broadcasting Corporation ◦ Progressive Electronics Technicians Association ◦ Accra Technical Training Centre Welding ◦ Volta River Authority ◦ VAMSET Limited ◦ Accra Technical Training Centre Auto Mechanics ◦ Ghana National Association of Garages ◦ Tema Techanical Institute TVET Programmes (Session Three) 20