Скачать презентацию International Retail VM Communication CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES Скачать презентацию International Retail VM Communication CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES

Classification Guidelines-.pptx

  • Количество слайдов: 15

International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION GUIDELINES

International Retail VM & Communication BG CLASSIFICATION for A-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN International Retail VM & Communication BG CLASSIFICATION for A-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point TOP BOTTOM Top – Bottom Classification Combination A 4 Price Point

International Retail VM & Communication BU CLASSIFICATION for A-B-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN International Retail VM & Communication BU CLASSIFICATION for A-B-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point TOP BOTTOM Top – Bottom Classification Combination

International Retail VM & Communication BU CLASSIFICATION for A-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN International Retail VM & Communication BU CLASSIFICATION for A-B-A WALLS A 3 SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point Single Product Group Classification Combination

International Retail VM & Communication A 3 SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point Single International Retail VM & Communication A 3 SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point Single Product Group Classification Combination

CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands Classification with 2 different prices. Classification From …. € CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands Classification with 2 different prices. Classification From …. €

International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands

International Retail VM & Communication - CLASSIFICATION for Tables Classification with 3 different prices. International Retail VM & Communication - CLASSIFICATION for Tables Classification with 3 different prices. Classification From …. €

International Retail VM & Communication - CK 4 CLASSIFICATION WALL SALE SIGN A 4 International Retail VM & Communication - CK 4 CLASSIFICATION WALL SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point TOP BOTTOM Top – Bottom Classification Combination

International Retail VM & Communication CU 4 CLASSIFICATION WALLS SALE SIGN A 4 Price International Retail VM & Communication CU 4 CLASSIFICATION WALLS SALE SIGN A 4 Price Point TOP BOTTOM Top – Bottom Classification Combination

International Retail VM & Communication CU 6 CLASSIFICATION WALLS Single Product Group Classification Combination International Retail VM & Communication CU 6 CLASSIFICATION WALLS Single Product Group Classification Combination

International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands Classification with 3 different prices. International Retail VM & Communication CLASSIFICATION for Floor Stands Classification with 3 different prices. Classification with 2 different prices. Classification From …. €

International Retail VM & Communication Maximum 20 cm. Instruction should be requiered during the International Retail VM & Communication Maximum 20 cm. Instruction should be requiered during the sale period as well.

International Retail VM & Communication LAYOUT CHANGING for Classification Walls if requested , extra International Retail VM & Communication LAYOUT CHANGING for Classification Walls if requested , extra side bar material can be demanded via SOFT EXPERT If you have extra side bar equipments, you can turn face-outs to side bar in order to have more space and increase capacity. This implementation is not mandatory , but then if implementation is done, it will also not be out as finding by audit department.

International Retail VM & Communication LAYOUT CHANGING for Classification Walls if requested , extra International Retail VM & Communication LAYOUT CHANGING for Classification Walls if requested , extra side bar material can be demanded via SOFT EXPERT If you have extra side bar equipments, you can turn face-outs to side bar in order to have more space and increase capacity. This implementation is not mandatory , but then if implementation is done, it will also not be out as finding by audit department.