Скачать презентацию International Relations Office International Projects Area The Erasmus Скачать презентацию International Relations Office International Projects Area The Erasmus


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International Relations Office International Projects Area The Erasmus Mundus Programme at the UGR 1 International Relations Office International Projects Area The Erasmus Mundus Programme at the UGR 1

International Relations Office Index n The International Projects Area: n Mission and activities n International Relations Office Index n The International Projects Area: n Mission and activities n The Erasmus Mundus Programme at the UGR: n Action 1: Erasmus Mundus Master Courses n Action 2: Partnerships n Action 3: Promotion projects n The EM Action 2 -Partnerships at the UGR: n Overview n Coordination: n Monesia n Ánimo, ¡Chévere! n Al-Idrisi 2

International Relations Office The International Projects Area: Mission (1) General objective: to facilitate and International Relations Office The International Projects Area: Mission (1) General objective: to facilitate and promote the participation of the University of Granada in international projects 3

International Relations Office The International Projects Area: Mission (2) Specific objectives: n to inform International Relations Office The International Projects Area: Mission (2) Specific objectives: n to inform the University of Granada members about upcoming national and international calls; n to provide the University of Granada members with technical advice during the drafting stage of a proposal at an international level; n to offer the University of Granada members technical support during the whole project life cycle; 4

International Relations Office The International Projects Area: main activities n search of national and International Relations Office The International Projects Area: main activities n search of national and international calls for n n n proposals; compilation of documents (call, application form, FAQs, etc…); dissemination of calls for proposals; preparation and submission of administrative documents (letter of intent, project proposal, etc…); inclusion of project proposals in the IRO database; projects follow-up (financial management, reports, etc…); 5

International Relations Office The Erasmus Mundus Programme at the UGR n Active participation from International Relations Office The Erasmus Mundus Programme at the UGR n Active participation from its outset n EM-Action 1 A Master Courses: n Coordinator: n n GEMMA, Mundus. For Partner: n CIMET, Europubhealth n EM-Action 2 (former External Cooperation Window) n EM-Action 3 (former Action 4 - Enhancing attractiveness): n Coordinator: n n CPCNASCE, Movinter Partner: n Wishes, EACOVIROE, TRANS-DOC, REALITY 6

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (1) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (1) n The EM Action 2 Scheme: n co-operation and mobility scheme; n students, researchers and staff mobility; n between Europe and “Third Countries”; n grouped in geographical lots; n organized by partnerships of up to 20 universities; n co-financed by the European Commission; 7

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (2) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (2) n The EM Action 2 Scheme objectives: n Capacity building in Higher Education: n n training of higher education staff; transfer of know-how and good practices; implementation of Common Areas of Higher Education; Cooperation: n n development of a pool of well-qualified, open-minded and internationally experienced young women/men; strengthening of political, cultural, educational and economical links between Europe and Third Countries; 8

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (3) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (3) n The EM Action 2 Scheme objectives: n Social aspects: n training of students and professionals from § vulnerable groups; § socioeconomically disadvantaged strata of the society; n n poverty reduction; Good governance: n n n capacity building in administration and public and private sectors; promotion of common values; respect for human rights, fundamental freedoms, peace, democracy, good governance, gender, equality, the rule of law, solidarity and justice; 9

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (4) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (4) n The EU grant covers the costs for the n organisation of mobility by the partners n n by a flat rate of up to 200. 000 € per partnership implementation of individual mobility flows in terms of unit costs for: n n travel (from 250 € to 2. 500 €, according to the distance) subsistence (from 1. 000 € to 2. 500 € per month) tuition fees if applicable (3, 000 € / acad. year) insurance (75 € / month) 10

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (5) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (5) n n Involvement since 2007 Participation in partnerships (2011 -2012): n Coordinator: n Monesia: Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay – lot 17 n Ánimo, ¡Chévere!: Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela – lot 19 b n Al-Idrisi: Morocco, Argel, Tunisia – lot 1 Partner: Egypt – lot 2 Egypt and Lebanon – lo 2 Jordan, Lebanon, Palestinian Territories – lot 2 Israel and Palestinian Territories – lot 3 b Israel-lot 3 (2 different partnerships EDEN and EMAIL) Russia – lot 4 Jordan, Syria, Lebanon – lot 4 and lot 5 Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine –lot 5 Ukraine, Moldova, Bielorrusia –lot 8 Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kazakhstan - lot 9 and lot 8 n n n n n n Western Balkans – lot 10 and lot 6 Regional Asia – lot 12 and lot 10 Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Chile, Ecuador, Peru, paraguay, Uruguay, Venezuela- lot 12 Argentina – lot 13 a China – lot 14 South Africa – lot 14 b Argentina – lot 16 b Bolivia, Argentina, Peru – lot 18 Colombia, Costa Rica, Panama – lot 21 b 11

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (6) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (6) n Mobility flows: n TOTAL (last 3 academic years): n Incoming: 325 n Outgoing: 80 Projects Area n Management: inter-area coordination Information Area Mobility Area Financial Area 12

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (7) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (7) n Monesia - MObility Network Europe-Southamerica: an Institutional Approach n Lot 17: Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay n Budget: 3. 445. 850 € n Partnership: n Brazil: 6 partners n Paraguay: 2 partners n Uruguay: 2 partners n Europe: 10 partners n Associates: 2 Brazilian, 1 European n Mobility flows: n Total: 155 § LA-EU: 110 (Brazil: 60; Paraguay: 25; Uruguay: 25) § EU-LA: 45 http: //monesia. eu 13

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (8) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (8) n ÁNIMO, ¡CHÉVERE! - Academic Network for International Mobility: Cuba, Chile, Ecuador, Venezuela and Europe Reaching for Excellence n Lot 19 b: Chile, Cuba, Ecuador, Venezuela n Budget: 3. 173. 900 € n Partnership: n Chile: 2 partners n Cuba: 3 partners n Ecuador: 3 partners n Venezuela: 2 partners n Europe: 10 partners n Associates: 1 Chile, 2 Cuba, 1 Europe n Mobility flows: n Total: 168 § LA-EU: 121 (Chile: 28; Cuba: 37; Ecuador: 28; Venezuela: 28) § EU-LA: 47 http: //animo-chevere. eu 14

International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (9) n International Relations Office The EM Action 2 - Partnerships at the UGR (9) n AL-IDRISI – A Scholarship Scheme for Exchange and Cooperation between Europe and the Magreb n Lot 1: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia n Budget: 3. 199. 875. 00 € n Partnership: n Algeria: 3 partners n Morocco: 4 partners n Tunisia: 3 partners n Europe: 10 partners n Associates: 1 Algeria, 1 Morocco, 1 Tunisia, 3 Europe n Mobility flows: n Total: 171 § Magreb-EU: 123 (Algeria: 34; Morocco: 44; Tunisia: 45 ) § EU-Magreb: 48 http: //www. al-idrisi. eu/ 15

International Relations Office Thanks! – Merci! – Danke! – Grazie! http: //www. internacional. ugr. International Relations Office Thanks! – Merci! – Danke! – Grazie! http: //www. internacional. ugr. es 16