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International Network of Territories of Co. Responsibility Thematic Highlight: Avoiding Food Waste Romania, Bucharest, Caravan of Co-Responsibility May 19 -20, 2014
Avoiding Food Waste Plan 1. FOOD WASTE: some statistics 2. Reasons for food wastes: research VS(? ) case study 3. EU Policy 4. Problem solution: experiences - ZERO WASTE: food recycling - Food sharing in Internet - App on food discounts 5. Anti WASTE education: brain storming
Food Waste: Some statistics
Avoiding Food Waste: Some statistics • According to the Food and Agriculture Organisation of United Nations 1. 3 billion tonnes of food products per year are thrown away
Avoiding Food Waste Reasons for Food Waste Researchers (Fraunhofer Institute): - Expire date - Standards and Consumption Culture VS (? ) Case study and Umweltbudesamt Deutschland (Federal Office for Environment Protection of Germany, case Kaufland Germany): - Marketing Policy, policy of super markets Sources: http: //money. de. msn. com/service/lebensmittelverschw endung-so-viel-essen-landet-im-m%C 3%BCll
Avoiding Food Waste EU Policy • Plan of the EU Commission: to reduce waste till 2020 in a half due to the joint efforts by agriculture, food industry, retailers. (The Roadmap to a Resource Efficient Europe, see: http: //ec. europa. eu/environment/resource_efficiency/about/roadm ap/index_en. htm • European Parliament resolution of 19 January 2012 on how to avoid food wastage: strategies for a more efficient food chain in the EU (2011/2175(INI), see: http: //www. europarl. europa. eu/sides/get. Doc. do? pub. Ref=//EP//TEXT+TA+P 7 -TA-2012 -0014+0+DOC+XML+V 0//EN
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DARIACORDAR (www. dariacordar. org)
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DARIACORDAR Field of work: recovering meals to forward them to the people in need 01. 2008, Antonio Costa Pereira (Portugal) Contacting President, Government, Parliament
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DARIACORDAR CHRONOLOGY - 01. 2008, Antonio Costa Pereira Attemts to attract attention to the problem on institutional level, online petitions asking for legal changes - 11. 2010 ASAE meeting: the law was being misunderstood - 01. 2011 – Dariacordar, association for waste recovery, 9 portuguese as volunteers
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DARIACORDAR What has been done: - The check list of correct procedures to recover meals from different origins; This has legalised the recovery of food - The training for the persons envolved into the process - Protocols with possible donors - Developing the Operating Model - National Movement (movimento zero desperdicio), supported by the A. A. J. Walter Thompson, with own web site and trademark, media support. - The movement was granted the High Patronage of the President of the Republic
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences ZERO WASTE MOVEMENT ASSOCIATION DARIACORDAR Results: Local Level: - till 12. 2012 over 314. 000 have been recovered - The partners of DARIACORDAR include in their caterers contracts the obligation to distribute all daily food surplus to the local institutions International Level: - Resolution by EU Parliament on food waste issues
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences Food sharing in INTERNET Germany: food sharing portal (http: //foodsharing. de/staedte)
Avoiding Food Waste Problem solution: experiences Food sharing in INTERNET Tasks: to distribute surplus of food via Internet Results: operates in 227 towns and cities, over 8. 000 food baskets with total wage over 34. 221. 30 KG have been distributed, over 40. 417 aktive participates
Problem solution: experiences Apps for food discounts • University of Cologne: a group of students has developed the Smartphone-App „Food Loop“. • Enables to get information about all the discounts on food in the surrounding super markets
Anti Waste Education: Brain storming • Proposal 1: to create a WEB Portal for methodic tools for teaching responsible consumption to the kids in primary school. • Task: to enable teachers to include this topic into the educative process without additional efforts
Anti Waste Education: Brain Storming • Proposal 2: Together with senior students (primary education and foreign language teaching to develop these methodological kits
Anti Waste Education: Brain Storming Further proposals, please (pli: : : z……. . . )
THANK YOU FOR ATTENTION For further questions please contact: Yuliya. ZADNIPRYANA@coe. int