Скачать презентацию International ICFA Workshop on HEP Networking Grids Digital Скачать презентацию International ICFA Workshop on HEP Networking Grids Digital


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International ICFA Workshop on HEP Networking, Grids, Digital Divide issues for Global e-Science EU International ICFA Workshop on HEP Networking, Grids, Digital Divide issues for Global e-Science EU Policies on e Infrastructures GEANT/Eumedconnect/Alice/Tein 2 Carmen Mena Abela Unit F 3 Research Infrastructure DG INFSO F Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"

Europe and the Research challenge Objective of EU policies on Research for 2007 -2013: Europe and the Research challenge Objective of EU policies on Research for 2007 -2013: § Development of a knowledge-based economy and society through research; § Investment in Research: 3% of EU GDP (two thirds coming from the private investment). National versus EU (always subsidiarity principle) Research Education Research infrastructures innovation

Why Research infrastructures? RI in the EU Framework Programme for Research (PF 7): § Why Research infrastructures? RI in the EU Framework Programme for Research (PF 7): § They support the researchers in disperse locations to collaborate and access remote research infrastructures § They support education § They constitute a field of experimentation for new technologies Research Infrastructure

Vision - creating an e Infrastructure… sc lea he ienc a b en geeronausin Vision - creating an e Infrastructure… sc lea he ienc a b en geeronausin rnin alth e as viron nom utic ess g tro me ic s no nt s my e Infrastructure (Grids empowered) security sema lity c ati t tom en au gem na ma mobi ntic bro web. ad IP ba v 6 nd G rid

global european national National, European and global collaboration Global European Requiring new levels of global european national National, European and global collaboration Global European Requiring new levels of cooperation EUMEDconnect, ALICE, TEIN 2 EU+ NRENs GÉANT National NRENs Campus Universities

European broadband infrastructure - GÉANT* The “super-vehicle” for information transfer § World leading Research European broadband infrastructure - GÉANT* The “super-vehicle” for information transfer § World leading Research Network § Connecting more than 3900 Universities and R&D centers § Over 43 countries across Europe § Connectivity to NA, Japan, … § Speeds of up to 10 Gbps § Exploiting the benefits of dark fiber § IPv 6 enabled, support to Grid § Focusing on mobility and AAA § Smoothing the digital divide § 93 M€ EU funding * GÉANT and the National Research and Education Networks

Eumedconnect – Euromediterranean connectivity • Establish a research network backbone in the Mediterranean and Eumedconnect – Euromediterranean connectivity • Establish a research network backbone in the Mediterranean and its connection to GEANT 12 MED-NRENs from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Syria, Tunisia, Cyprus, Israel, Malta, Turkey, PAL and Lebanon and 4 EUNRENs from Greece, Italy, France & Spain • Feasibility Study (Dec. 2001 - June 2002 ) Implementation (Nov. 2002 June 2006) • Co-operation funds (AIDCO): 12 MEuro (80% funded) • Stimulate cooperation, collaborative work • Establish partnerships between actors • Allows distant education, cultural heritage • Ensure sustainability after project end –…

ALICE – Latin America Interconnected with Europe • Feasibility Study - CAESAR (Oct 2002) ALICE – Latin America Interconnected with Europe • Feasibility Study - CAESAR (Oct 2002) CLARA/Red. CLARA - Latin American cooperation • Implementation ( 22 May 2003 - Dec 2005) • Co-operation funds (AIDCO): 12 MEuro (80% funded) • Establish a research network backbone in the Latin America and its connection to GEANT 18 LA-NRENs and 4 EU-NRENs from Portugal, Italy, France and Spain • Stimulate cooperation, collaborative work • Establish partnerships between actors • Allows distant education, cultural heritage • Ensure sustainability after project end • …

TEIN 2 – Trans-Eurasia Information Network • Feasibility Study - (April 2004) • Implementation TEIN 2 – Trans-Eurasia Information Network • Feasibility Study - (April 2004) • Implementation ( Sept 2004 - Dec 2007) • Co-operation funds (AIDCO): 12 MEuro (80% funded) • Establish a research network backbone in Asia and its connection to GEANT 6 ASEM-NRENs from China, Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, Thailand Vietnam (+ Brunei, Japan, South Korea and Singapore and 4 EU-NRENs from UK, NE and FR • Stimulate cooperation, collaborative work • Establish partnerships between actors • Allows distant education, cultural heritage • Ensure sustainability after project end • …

GÉANT - the global dimension GÉANT and NORDUNET Networks North America/Japan cooperation SPONGE SEEREN GÉANT - the global dimension GÉANT and NORDUNET Networks North America/Japan cooperation SPONGE SEEREN EUMEDCONNECT ALICE TEIN 2

Further info on e Infrastructures Web page www. cordis. lu/ist/rn/ Newsletter Brochures Workshops Further info on e Infrastructures Web page www. cordis. lu/ist/rn/ Newsletter Brochures Workshops