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International Hotels & Restaurants Association From Paris to Geneva to the World 160 Years International Hotels & Restaurants Association From Paris to Geneva to the World 160 Years of Service to the Global Hospitality Industry

FEHGRA MAR DEL PLATA December 10, 2009 Sustainable Development & Hospitality By Dr. Ghassan FEHGRA MAR DEL PLATA December 10, 2009 Sustainable Development & Hospitality By Dr. Ghassan AIDI, President

October 2009, several issues are facing us : Tourism, Climate Change, Turbulent finances becoming October 2009, several issues are facing us : Tourism, Climate Change, Turbulent finances becoming turbulent economy, crisis, etc. . Are we going toward a major catastrophe? Maybe Yes or no. Several questions need answers. Why our Economy is Failing down, Is our Banking system going bankruptcy, Why we cannot distinguish anymore the four seasons as it use to be… Everybody is blaming Industry Pollution, Aviation, waste Hospitality Sector. Others are blaming climate change effect but what effect Climate change has on our Industry? Some go further in blaming development of our industry without respecting norms of Sustainable development? ? ?

Are we going to see the end of this turbulent and sad Tunnel ? Are we going to see the end of this turbulent and sad Tunnel ? And how and when?

Hospitality Industry Yes our Hospitality sector is an Industry and an important Industry employing Hospitality Industry Yes our Hospitality sector is an Industry and an important Industry employing more than 60 million and contributing about 1000 billion USD annually to the Global Economy. This Industry will continue its expansion with various degree following the regions in the World

Some facts of our Industry: in 2008, 900 million of tourists l Expenditures was Some facts of our Industry: in 2008, 900 million of tourists l Expenditures was $950 million l Generated more than 5% of PIB l 1998 was the warmest year in the 20 th century superior by 0. 6 degree comparing to 1988. l

Some facts: l 2005 was also the warmest year registered in 21 st century. Some facts: l 2005 was also the warmest year registered in 21 st century. l. Scientits do predict up to 6 degree will raise in 21 st century. l. Sea Level will raise from 9 cm up to 88 cm by this century.

IH&RA do consider it as one of the Natural Disaster Affecting our Industry, Together IH&RA do consider it as one of the Natural Disaster Affecting our Industry, Together with Terrorism Acts, Weather and other disasters like Tsunami and Health crisis and diseases.

Do you remember that not so long ago we were able to breath Fresh Do you remember that not so long ago we were able to breath Fresh Air from the Mountain Listen to the vibrant silence of the summer evenings Smell the salty perfume of the oceans These wonderful things should not DISAPPEAR

How These issues of Climate change will affect us How These issues of Climate change will affect us


The Mediterranean basin countries will suffer from Water problem and from tourism arrivals at The Mediterranean basin countries will suffer from Water problem and from tourism arrivals at the middle of this century. The northern part of Europe will enjoy the climate change with raise of the heat and the North sea costal area will be the “new” Riviera

Greece, Spain, Italy, France will have a very dramatically consequences as more than 200 Greece, Spain, Italy, France will have a very dramatically consequences as more than 200 millions of tourist (20% of the total World tourists) today spend their vacation at these countries.

l We do believe that indirectly several human factors did contribute to this disaster l We do believe that indirectly several human factors did contribute to this disaster of climate change as Gas Emissions, transportation with fuel consumption and high emission of CO 2, deforestation and the destruction of coral in ocean and sea

The World start to move Some dates are important to remember: KYOTO 1997 provides The World start to move Some dates are important to remember: KYOTO 1997 provides for commitments till 2012 where all International community work together toward a global agreement to reach the conference in Bali in December 2007 adopting a set of various decisions that was called Bali Road Map leading to an International conference in Copenhagen held today

KYOTO 1997 BALI 2007 COPENHAGEN 2009 Next (? ). KYOTO 1997 BALI 2007 COPENHAGEN 2009 Next (? ).

WTO took the lead for our Sector the Tourism, Aviation and Hospitality with the WTO took the lead for our Sector the Tourism, Aviation and Hospitality with the declaration of Davos in 2007 and was a success showing the World that the Tourism Sector with its Hospitality & Aviation sector will lead its obligations with the climate change and raise the awareness in our Industry. IH&RA was active at this declaration

The growing International Awareness about the fast change of climate taking place on our The growing International Awareness about the fast change of climate taking place on our planet, together with the impacts that such changes are having on the natural environment, on humans, and their economic activities have become more than evident

Worldwide 120 various criteria has been developed not one from the hospitality Industry. 36 Worldwide 120 various criteria has been developed not one from the hospitality Industry. 36 organizations met together in a steering committee with the UN Foundation and develop during one year the GLOBAL CRITERIA FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT. IHRA was the Only Hospitality Group that was present and did participate actively protecting consumers and the Hotel as well as the developer. These criteria has been presented last year to the United nations in October 2008.

THE FUTUR Understanding the effect of the climate change, did lead us to define THE FUTUR Understanding the effect of the climate change, did lead us to define these criteria. The Consumers today is becoming more and more educate and their demand is growing for Hotels applying sustainable practices to help protect our planet.

WHY USING CRITERIAS It’s a criteria that took into consideration the needs of the WHY USING CRITERIAS It’s a criteria that took into consideration the needs of the consumers and Hoteliers as well as developers. These criteria will serve as a basic guidelines for hotels to become more sustainable. It will be a guide for tour operator to choose their hotels It will certify hotels under IH&RA label EMERAUDE HOTEL. Consumers will identify sustainable program and Hotel. It will be a basic guidelines for Hotels Schools and Universities for education.

l We have to conciliate environment and Tourism with respect to the environment as l We have to conciliate environment and Tourism with respect to the environment as well as associate the Local human factors to projects that will assure them a better life and assure travelers and tourists to think otherwise than their own leisure's

Several recommendations has been associated with these criteria as: 1 - reduce greenhouse gas Several recommendations has been associated with these criteria as: 1 - reduce greenhouse gas emissions 2 - Mitigating the increased costs of Energy by doing a carbon trading 3 - diversifying our sources of Energy ( Solar, etc) 4 - Reinforcing Coastal infrastructure. 5 - Encouraging building Eco-Hotels. 6 - reduce carbon footprint


l. Public AWARNESS 100 X 10 -1000 X 10 l. Join all our efforts l. Public AWARNESS 100 X 10 -1000 X 10 l. Join all our efforts together l. Reduce energy consumptions l. Recycle our waste l. Adopt a new technology in energy. l Incorporate all reducing climate factors in Tourism projects, planning and management policies in the Hospitality Industry

CREATE PROJECTS THAT COULD GENERATE OFFSETS l. Increase and protect Forestry. l. Capture carbon CREATE PROJECTS THAT COULD GENERATE OFFSETS l. Increase and protect Forestry. l. Capture carbon and store it. l. Reduce the emissions in Industry projects. l. Reduce Methane emissions from the waste. l. Encourage renewable new type of Energy

Define structure of 12 Aims of Sustainable Tourism, divided into 4 categories of the Define structure of 12 Aims of Sustainable Tourism, divided into 4 categories of the “triple bottom line” (environmental, sociocultural, and economic): A. Achieve &Implement effective sustainable management. B. Maximize social & economic benefit to the community. C. Minimize harm to cultural heritage and maximize benefit D. Minimize environmental harm.

A- l. Each Achieve & Implement effective sustainable Management Hotel will implement a long A- l. Each Achieve & Implement effective sustainable Management Hotel will implement a long term sustainability management system that is suitable to its reality and scale, and that considers environmental, sociocultural, quality, health, and safety issues. l The Hotel is in compliance with all relevant legislation and regulations (including, among others, health, safety, labor, and environmental aspects). l All personnel receive training in environmental and sociocultural management issues. l Customer satisfaction is measured and corrective action taken where necessary.

l. Promotional materials are accurate and complete and do not promise more than can l. Promotional materials are accurate and complete and do not promise more than can be reasonably expected by customers. l. Design and construction of buildings and infrastructure lcomply with local zoning and protected or heritage area requirements. l. Respect the natural or cultural heritage surroundings in design and impact. lprovide access for Persons with special needs.

B. Maximize social & economic benefit to the community. l. The Hotel actively supports B. Maximize social & economic benefit to the community. l. The Hotel actively supports initiatives for social & infrastructure community development including, among others, education, health, and access to sanitation. l. Local residents are employed. Training is offered. l. A code of conduct for activities in local communities has been developed after consultation with them. l. Policies are implemented against exploitation of Children and minorities. l. Infrastructure: improvement or maintenance of community public institutions and physical plant (roads, aqueducts, sewage treatment, etc. ).

C. Minimize harm to cultural heritage and maximize benefit l. The Hotel follows established C. Minimize harm to cultural heritage and maximize benefit l. The Hotel follows established guidelines and a code of behavior for visits to culturally or historically sensitive sites, in order to minimize visitor impact and maximize enjoyment, and to contribute to protection of local properties. l. Historical and archeological artifacts are not sold, traded, or displayed, except as permitted by law. l. The Hotel uses elements of local art, architecture, or cultural heritage in its operations, design, decoration, food, or shops; while respecting the intellectual property rights of local communities.

l l. Purchasing D. Minimize environmental. policy favors environmentally friendly products, for building materials, l l. Purchasing D. Minimize environmental. policy favors environmentally friendly products, for building materials, capital goods, food, and consumables. l. The purchase of disposable and consumable goods is measured, and the Hotel actively seeks ways to reduce their use and their waste. l. Energy consumption should be measured, sources indicated, and measures to decrease overall consumption should be adopted, while encouraging the use of renewable energy. l. Reducing pollution l. Greenhouse gas emissions from all sources controlled by the Hotel are measured, and procedures are implemented to reduce and offset them, as a way to achieve climate neutrality.

l. Wastewater, including gray water, is treated effectively and Solid Waste management plan is l. Wastewater, including gray water, is treated effectively and Solid Waste management plan is implemented for recycling. l. The use of harmful substances, including pesticides, paints, swimming pool disinfectants, and cleaning materials, is properly managed, minimized, and substituted, when available, by innocuous products. l. The Hotel implements practices to reduce pollution from noise, light, runoff, erosion, ozone-depleting compounds, and air and soil contaminants. l. Protection of rare, or threatened species from consumption, trade, displayed following local laws and no captive wildlife is kept, except for licensed conservation activities. l. All wildlife species are treated in conformity with international and national legislation“.

These Basic guidelines will serve Hotels to become more sustainable and help their certification These Basic guidelines will serve Hotels to become more sustainable and help their certification and accreditation, specially will the help of Government Worldwide as a point of departure for developing sustainable tourism requirements, and will serve as general Guidance to Travel Agencies and Tour Operator in choosing sustainable Hospitality supplier.


EMERAUDE HOTEL We start this year certifying our members to apply these criteria under EMERAUDE HOTEL We start this year certifying our members to apply these criteria under our unique Label EMERAUDE HOTEL. As we are the ONLY hospitality association certifying members Hotels. We did prepare a manual for each hotel to help him respecting these criteria.

EMERAUDE HOTEL All our Ambassadors visiting Hotels are Hoteliers themselves and do understand how EMERAUDE HOTEL All our Ambassadors visiting Hotels are Hoteliers themselves and do understand how to help them to apply the criteria's. Three level has been developed: 1. One Emeraude for Hotels applying between 50 and 70% of criteria. 2. Two Emeraude for hotels applying between 70 and 85%. 3. Three Emeraude for Hotels respecting more than 85% of Criteria.

Conclusion 2010 will be challenging but to our Industry but not impossible to get Conclusion 2010 will be challenging but to our Industry but not impossible to get over with it. The Hospitality Industry as a whole needs to become positive and explore our unlimited opportunities Remember that our Industry is the largest employer in the History and do employ more than 950 million of workers and we are the last barrier and the major fighter against the poverty in the world

Who We Are l The only international trade association exclusively devoted to promoting and Who We Are l The only international trade association exclusively devoted to promoting and defending the interests of the hotel and restaurant industry worldwide (Private Sector) l A non-profit membership organization dedicated to helping members achieve business objectives and prepare for the future

IHRA HISTORY Founded in Koblenz Germany in 1869, as International Hotelmen Alliance (IHA) KOBLENZ IHRA HISTORY Founded in Koblenz Germany in 1869, as International Hotelmen Alliance (IHA) KOBLENZ

IHRA HISTORY Koblenz was in the heart of Europe near Switzerland, France, Holland, Belgium, IHRA HISTORY Koblenz was in the heart of Europe near Switzerland, France, Holland, Belgium, Austria

IHA-International Hotels Associaition l After the second world War, The Association move to Paris IHA-International Hotels Associaition l After the second world War, The Association move to Paris France and Become International Hotels Association in 1946

IHRA-International Hotels & Restaurants Associaition IN January 2008, the Actual president move the head IHRA-International Hotels & Restaurants Associaition IN January 2008, the Actual president move the head office from Paris to Geneva Switzerland

IHRA-International Hotels & Restaurants Association Several Hoteliers leaders already visited IHRA in Geneva, Home IHRA-International Hotels & Restaurants Association Several Hoteliers leaders already visited IHRA in Geneva, Home of the United Nations organizations

Our Vision… We are the voice Of the global hotel and restaurant industry Our Vision… We are the voice Of the global hotel and restaurant industry

Our Mission… Provide a platform for: l l Formation of Industry Positions International Representation Our Mission… Provide a platform for: l l Formation of Industry Positions International Representation Information Dissemination International Connections

Who We Represent l Through its membership network, IH&RA represents an estimated 200, 000 Who We Represent l Through its membership network, IH&RA represents an estimated 200, 000 hotels and 6 million restaurants

Hotels & Restaurants such as… Hotels & Restaurants such as…

Strategic Partnerships l Global Organizations & Associations l Worldwide Partners Strategic Partnerships l Global Organizations & Associations l Worldwide Partners

Our international network “The UN Family” l l UN - United Nations UNESCO - Our international network “The UN Family” l l UN - United Nations UNESCO - UN Educational, l l WHO - World Health Organisation WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organisation Scientific & Cultural Organisation l UNEP - UN Environment Program l WTO - World Trade Organisation l ILO - International Labour l UNWTO - UN World Tourism Organization

Ladies and Gentlemen: Lets work together in 2010 and seal the deal in Sustainability Ladies and Gentlemen: Lets work together in 2010 and seal the deal in Sustainability at our Industry for a better future

International Hotel & Restaurant Association THANK YOU 160 Years of Service to the Global International Hotel & Restaurant Association THANK YOU 160 Years of Service to the Global Hospitality Industry