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International Hotel & Restaurant Association 55 Years of Service to the Global Hospitality Industry
3/16/2018 Presentation to UNESCO World Heritage Centre ITB Berlin – Germany 15 March 2004 by Elizabeth Carroll-Simon Director Industry Affairs, IH&RA
3/16/2018 Mission Statement IH&RA is the only international trade association exclusively devoted to promoting and defending the interests of the hotel & restaurant industry worldwide. Officially recognised by the United Nations, IH&RA permanently monitors major issues of concern and advocates industry positions before the international agencies.
Membership l l National Hotel and/or Restaurant Associations in over 100 countries International & National Hotel & Restaurant Chains throughout the world Through this unique network, IH&RA globally represents: l 300 000 hotels l 8 million restaurants
IH&RA’s Role Monitoring Information Dissemination Representation IH&RA Advocacy Networking
Representation IH&RA Objectives l l Monitoring Representation Lobbying l l Information Dissemination IH&RA Networking l To be the voice of the international hotel & restaurant industry To monitor all international organisations involved in tourism To position the hotel & restaurant industry on all major issues To resist potentially damaging or costly attempts to regulate the industry To advocate industry positions before policy-makers and international organisations
Representation At local level l IH&RA’s national hotel & restaurant associations work at local level: è They bring together local and regional hotel & restaurant associations who interact with local authorities and politicians è They identify priority issues and consolidate support for them
Representation At national level l IH&RA’s national hotel & restaurant associations work at national level to: è Defend and represent their industry è Canvass and voice their members views è Interact with government ministries, agencies and national politicians è They are recognised as valid negotiating partners They influence national policies and legislation è
Representation At international level l IH&RA works at international level to: è Defend the specificity of the hospitality industry è Promote its image as a global industry è Communicate its economic importance worldwide è IH&RA is recognised as the only global body representing hospitality worldwide
Representation At international level l IH&RA works at international level to: è Canvass and voice the views of its national hotel & restaurant association members è Provide a two-way communication channel between national members and international bodies è IH&RA identifies priority issues and establishes agreed positions on them IH&RA interacts with inter-governmental organisations, international agencies and officials è
Representation At international level l IH&RA works at international level to: è Defend the interests of the hospitality industry worldwide è Influence international policies and legislation è IH&RA is officially recognised as an International Non. Governmental Organisation (NGO) IH&RA has well-established credibility as a valid international negotiating partner è
Representation At international level l IH&RA’s contribution is regularly sought by all international agencies concerned with tourism & hospitality è Only officially accredited international bodies are authorised to participate in this work
Representation “The UN Family” l l UN - United Nations UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific & Cultural Organisation l UNEP - United Nations Environmental Program l WTO - World Trade Organisation l l WHO - World Health Organisation WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organisation l WTO - World Tourism Organization l ILO - International Labour Organization
Representation Public & Private Sector Organisations l l l IATA - International Air Transport Association ICC - International Chamber of Commerce IFTO - International Federation of Tour Operators IRU - International Road Transport Union ISO – International Organisation for Standardisation OECD – Organisation for Economic Co-operation & Development l PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association l UFTAA - Universal Federation of Travel Agents’ Associations l WTTC - World Travel & Tourism Council
Representation Current IH&RA Industry Issues Monitoring l l l International hotel classification scheme General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) Intellectual property Standards in tourism services Tobacco control Advocacy l l l Taxation Traveller safety & security Human resources Sustainable development of tourism Industry statistics
3/16/2018 Sustainable Development of Tourism IH&RA promotes the 3 dimensions of sustainable development l Environmental è l Social è l By encouraging environmental best practice through its annual environmental Award By combating the commercial sexual exploitation of children in tourism Economic è By advocating that sustainable development makes “good business sense” and contributes significantly to GDP
3/16/2018 Sustainable Development of Tourism / Hospitality l Partnerships: è UNESCO è UNEP è IHEI è Green Globe 21
3/16/2018 IH&RA / UNESCO Partnership “Memories of the Future” A co-operative programme designed to enhance & restore key cultural heritage sites around the world IH&RA encouraged its members to: Make a financial contribution to a site’s preservation è Restore and convert an historic building into a hotel è
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for the World Summit on Sustainable Development l Hospitality - key figures: 300, 000+ hotel properties è 13 M rooms è USD 202 billion revenue generated è 60 M people employed è
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Economic dimension: 80% SMEs / 20% branded è Major contribution to GDP: è n n Profits Taxes Jobs Sales
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Social dimension: Entry to labour market è Possibility of further training è Labour shortages / Worker mobility è HIV/AIDS in the Workplace (UNAIDS) è Youth Career Initiative è
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Environmental dimension: Key resource of travel & tourism è Direct & indirect effect on: n Travel & tourism movements n Employees n Destination è Energy conservation è Waste disposal è Infrastructure è Supply chain / Goods & Services è
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Conclusions: è Business strategy: “Triple bottom line” è Environmental good practice makes sound business sense
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Means of implementation: Environmental policy è Voluntary initiatives è Environmental Management Systems è Education / Training / Information è
3/16/2018 Tourism Industry Report for WSSD (Hospitality Chapter) l Future challenges & goals: Education: customers, staff, suppliers è Consistent application of policies, procedures & audits è Work with all stakeholders at destinations è
3/16/2018 IH&RA Communication Website: l Enhanced Members-only section (forum, newsletters, industry reports…) l Dedicated platforms (educational institutions, consultants) l Coming soon: IH&RA web site in Spanish Expanded Newsroom and more… Connect to www. ih-ra. com
International Hotel & Restaurant Association 55 Years of Service to the Global Hospitality Industry