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INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IECEx vs. ATEX – a view in the (near) future ATEX INTERNATIONAL ELECTROTECHNICAL COMMISSION IECEx vs. ATEX – a view in the (near) future ATEX Symposium in Ankara, Türkiye 22 – 24 Eylül, 2011 Dr Uwe Klausmeyer IECEx Immediate Past Chairman

Relation of ATEX, CEN/CENELEC, ISO and IEC/IECEx – the EU and UNECE National/ regional Relation of ATEX, CEN/CENELEC, ISO and IEC/IECEx – the EU and UNECE National/ regional TC 31 ATEX Notified Bodies - Nando international New Practice of many ATEX Notified Bodies (which are also IECEx Ex. CB) is to use the elements of IECEx (Ex. TRs, QAR) to issue a EC Type Examination Certificate , the QA Notification and the IECEx Certificate of Conformity

Who is the IEC ? § The International Electrotechnical Commission § Founded in 1906 Who is the IEC ? § The International Electrotechnical Commission § Founded in 1906 to promote international co- operation on all questions of standardization and related matters in the field of electrotechnology, including Conformity Assessment (see ISO/IEC CASCO) § Partner for legislation authorities (UN, WTO) § Turkey: P member in IEC/TC 31 and IECEx

Benefits of Preparing Standards and Conformity Assessment thru IEC § § IEC Brand § Benefits of Preparing Standards and Conformity Assessment thru IEC § § IEC Brand § § § Global recognition WTO + UN recognised + + + More and more IEC Standards adopted Nationally Open and Transparent Process § § § Clearly defined rules (ISO/IEC Directives, IEC Statutes) Transparency in process and results Industry have a say and provide direct input § Direct industry involvement at all levels, eg Management, Committee, MTs and expert WGs

5 IEC Structure IEC COUNCIL National Committees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (IEC Officers) COUNCIL BOARD MARKET 5 IEC Structure IEC COUNCIL National Committees EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (IEC Officers) COUNCIL BOARD MARKET STRATEGY BOARD Central Office (The Executive) Management Advisory Committees STANDARDIZATION MGMT BOARD CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD Management of International Consensus Standards Work Management of CA policy and Systems Current Systems SWG EEE Technical Committees IECEE SWG SLCA Tech. Advisory Cttees IECEx SWG Tech Watch Industry Sector Boards IECQ

IEC/TC 31 and IECEx Management and Governance Structure Standards Work STANDARDS MANAGEMENT BOARD (SMB) IEC/TC 31 and IECEx Management and Governance Structure Standards Work STANDARDS MANAGEMENT BOARD (SMB) IEC TC 31 Conformity Assessment work CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD (CAB) IEC Ex. MC Management Committee Member Countries IEC TC 31 PTs, MTs, SCs Scope of TC 31: Explosive Atmospheres IECEx Ex. TAG all Ex. CBs and Ex. TLs represented IECEx Marks Committee Set Policy and Oversees Systems Coordination Role for day to day Management, finance approves Rules, , CBs, TLs Comprise Industry experts CB Committee - Ensure common approach to Certification, eg Standard Test Report Forms, Ex. TRs, Decision Sheets Oversee operation of Mark License system Comprise industry experts

What is IECEx? The single International IEC System with Schemes covering Certification to Standards What is IECEx? The single International IEC System with Schemes covering Certification to Standards that relate to Equipment and Services in areas relating to Explosive Atmospheres, to provide an Internationally accepted means of demonstrating claimed compliance with International Standards IECEx is a “Conformity Assessment Tool” providing confidence that Products, Services and Personnel covered by an IECEx Certificate meet specified requirements, (International Standards) “IECEx is the International Standard way of doing Ex Certification”

Schemes within the IECEx System www. iecex. com IECEx Bodies Ex. CBs 39 Ex. Schemes within the IECEx System www. iecex. com IECEx Bodies Ex. CBs 39 Ex. TLs 43 IECEx Equipment Scheme Certification of Ex Equipment 3 Types: IECEx “Certificate of Conformity” IECEx “Component Certificate” IECEx “Unit Verification” Cert. Ex. CBs 14 Ex. CBs 11 Ex. CBs 3 IECEx Conformity Mark License Scheme IECEx Services Scheme Certification of Ex Service Providers, eg Repair and overhaul workshops + Install. IECEx Certified Persons Scheme (Co. PC) Competency to work in Ex field (New) 8

Fundamental Disciplines of Ex and the comprehensive tools of IECEx § Area Classification IEC Fundamental Disciplines of Ex and the comprehensive tools of IECEx § Area Classification IEC 60079 -10 -1/-2 (IECEx 03 – competence of engineering companies) § Equipment Conformance IEC 60079 -0 foll. (IECEx 02 and 04 – competence of manufacturers) § Installation Conformance IEC 60079 -14 (IECEx 03 – competence of installation companies) § Maintenance, Repair + Overhaul IEC 60079 -17/-19 (IECEx 03 – competence of service companies) 9

IECEx Structure IEC CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD, CAB Oversees IEC Conformity Assessment policy and Systems, IECEx Structure IEC CONFORMITY ASSESSMENT BOARD, CAB Oversees IEC Conformity Assessment policy and Systems, eg IECEx Management Committee, Ex. MC National Members (Countries) Overall management of the IECEx System IECEx Secretariat Technical Support Administration Officers + Executive, TC 31 Chair, IEC Gen. Sec Ex. MC Expert Working Groups IECEx Expert Assessors IECEx Technical Assessment Group Ex Officio Members IEC General Secretary IEC TC 31 Chairman IECEx Marks Committee Membership: Ex. CBs + Ex. TLs Management of the IECEx Mark Ex. TAG Expert Working Groups Ex. MC Appointed Members TC 31 + SC Liaison IECEx Executive 10

IECEx Foundation § Compliance with IEC Statutes + Rules IECEx DNA § One single IECEx Foundation § Compliance with IEC Statutes + Rules IECEx DNA § One single set of Rules and Operational Procedures for TLs + CBs § ALL TLs and CBs undergo the same qualification process to join IECEx (peer/technical assessment in acc. to ISO/IEC 17025/17024/17065) § Common Test Report and Certificate Format used by ALL TLs and CBs but always maintaining CB Brand § Solely ISO Guide 67 Type 5 certificates (with ongoing surveillance) § Use of Internet “On-Line” Systems for Certificates. Equipment, Services, Personnel § Congruent with ATEX elements 11

IECEx Certificates + Licenses Issued Ex Equipment, Components + Systems Ex Equipment Unit Verification IECEx Certificates + Licenses Issued Ex Equipment, Components + Systems Ex Equipment Unit Verification Ex Equipment Mark License Ex Services, eg Repair to IEC 60079 -19 + Installation coming Ex Competent Person 12

IECEx On-Line Co. C System key Features § § Web site version is the IECEx On-Line Co. C System key Features § § Web site version is the MASTER § Certificate / Report Number automatically generated by system, all Cert. Nos begin with “IECEx…. ” § § § Certificates + reports deleted only by Secretariat Certificates issued by ALL Ex. CBs in the one place – if not on IECEx website – then not issued ! Editing only allowed during first 14 days of Issue Ex. CBs only issue Co. Cs within their scope Ex. CBs retain their OWN BRAND Supported by technical Secretariat. 13

IECEx On-Line Certificate System Select Scheme Cert No. or Key word 14 IECEx On-Line Certificate System Select Scheme Cert No. or Key word 14

IECEx Statistics to end 2010 16000 IECEx Total Co. Cs & Reports 14000 12000 IECEx Statistics to end 2010 16000 IECEx Total Co. Cs & Reports 14000 12000 10000 8000 6000 4000 2000 0 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 15

Outline of IECEx History - Timeline 2011 2010 2009 2007 2003 > 15’ 000 Outline of IECEx History - Timeline 2011 2010 2009 2007 2003 > 15’ 000 Reports and Certificates issued New Ex Certified Persons Scheme Launched UN Formal Endorsement of IECEx, via UNECE New Ex Scheme for Services/Repairs Commenced + IECEx Mark Of Conformity Introduced 1 st IECEx Certificate issued via “On-Line” System 2002 Decision to move to next stage (issue IECEx Certificates) 2000 Exchange of Ex Test Reports Commence (no IEC Certificate) 1999 Commence Initial Phase (Transitional Arrangements) 1997 -99 Develop Initial Structure + CB/Ex. TL qualification requirements 1996 1992 1 st Meeting of the New Management Committee (Comprising TC 31 Experts) Concept of IEC International Scheme for Ex Considered by IEC TC 31 + Agreed

IECEx – Further information § § The IECEx website www. iecex. com § § IECEx – Further information § § The IECEx website www. iecex. com § § The IECEx Officers (Executive) http: //www. iecex. com/officers. htm § Contact any of the listed IECEx Approved Certifiers IECEx Brochure, + Guides http: //www. iecex. com/guides. htm IECEx 2011 Annual Meetings http: //www. iecex. com/split/ § § § Equipment Scheme http: //www. iecex. com/directory/bodies 1. asp? id=5 Services Scheme http: //www. iecex. com/directory/bodies 2. asp? id=5 Personnel Scheme http: //www. iecex. com/directory/bodies 4. asp? id=5 § Presentations from the IECEx 2010 Berlin meetings http: //www. iecex. com/berlin/presentations. html § The IECEx Secretariat (responsible for day to day operational management of the IECEx) E-mail: info@iecex. com 17

Life Cycle approach within UNECE Model Regulation (congruent with the ATEX regime) Maintenance Field. Life Cycle approach within UNECE Model Regulation (congruent with the ATEX regime) Maintenance Field. Repair Inspection Marketsurveillance Operator Risk assessment 1. Definition/Jurisdiction UNECE a) Market Surveillance Regulation b) Certification Bodies ISO, IEC c) Manufacturer d) Operator 2. Interaction a. Cert. B. ↔ Manu. Certification Manufacturer b. Manu. ↔ Oper. Bodies c. MS ↔ Oper. Production ISO/IEC Guide 67 d. MS ↔ Manu. Type 5 e. MS ↔ Insp. B. f. Cert. B. ↔ Insp. B.

Congurence of the ATEX (ESRs) and UNECE regime (CROs – Common regulatory objectives) ATEX Congurence of the ATEX (ESRs) and UNECE regime (CROs – Common regulatory objectives) ATEX Regime § Standardization § Standard assessment CEN/CENELEC via Parallel Voting with IEC: - ESRs of the EU Dir. 94/9/EC - safe use 1999/92/EC ATEX Consultant for the Assessment of Standards regarding compliance with ESRs (EU Directive 94/9/EC), published in the Official Journal of the EU § Conformity Assessment § UNECE Regime § Standardization IEC - CROs part 1 „equipment“ - CROs part 2 „safe use“ § Standard assessment Standard Acceptance Group (UNECE Ex-SAG), published in the Appendix of the CRO list, CROs part 3 § Conformity assessment IECEx, CROs part 4 § Steering of Regulators UNECE Explosion Protection Steering Committee, UNECE Ex. SC, CROs part 5 § Cooperation in Market Surveillance UNECE Ex. MARS group, CROs part 6 Steering of Regulators § ATEX Notified Bodies ATEX Standing Committee Cooperation in Market Surveillance Adco group 19

Comprehensive regulation package for UNECE provided by IEC § IEC/TC 31 – Explosive Atmospheres Comprehensive regulation package for UNECE provided by IEC § IEC/TC 31 – Explosive Atmospheres § IECEx System – Certification - WG 22 General Requirements (part 0) - SC 31 G Intrinsic Safety (part 11, 25, …) - SC 31 J Classification, installation (part 10, 14, …) - SC 31 M Non-electrical equipment (part 34, 36, …) - MTs xy for all standards to be assessed by the Ex. SAG (Standard Assessment Group of UNECE) IECEx 02/04 – equipment and its production IECEx 03 – Competence of Service companies IECEx 05 – Competence of Persons happy to assist the national market surveillance authorities 20

IECEx Key Updates, since Seattle IEC GM United Nations new Publication, March 2011 New IECEx Key Updates, since Seattle IEC GM United Nations new Publication, March 2011 New United Nations Publication via UNECE endorsing IEC TC 31 Standards + IECEx as “world’s best practice” http: //live. unece. org/trade/wp 6/Sectoral. In itiatives/Equipment. For. Explosive. Environ ment/SIEEE. html 21

IECEx general meeting in Berlin 2010 with 120 delegates Meeting 2011 – Split, Croatia, IECEx general meeting in Berlin 2010 with 120 delegates Meeting 2011 – Split, Croatia, 05 th to 09 th of September, 2011 National IECEx Conference UAE - Dubai, 20 th/21 st of March, 2012 Meeting 2012 – Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Meeting 2013 – Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 22