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INTERNATIONAL DISASTER RESPONSE SYSTEM IN THE CONTEXT OF BIMSTEC DM Ex 2017 Senior Fellow, Delhi Policy Group Arjun Katoch Member, Advisory Committee, NDMA
BIMSTEC COUNTRIES - DISASTER RESPONSE FIELD DEPLOYMENTS Nepal Bhutan India Sri Lanka Representative Myanmar Thailand Other Regional - Member UNDAC team, Nepal Earthquake, April 2015 -Team Leader, UNDAC Disaster Response Preparedness Mission, 2008 - UNDAC team, Bhuj Earthquake, 2001 - Team Leader, UNDAC team, Floods 2003 - Special Assistant to Margareta Wahlstrom, UN SG’s Special for Field Coordination, Indian Ocean tsunami , 2004 - OCHA Team Leader, Cyclone Nargis, 2008 - Special Assistant to Margareta Wahlstrom, UN SG’s Special Representative for Field Coordination, Indian Ocean tsunami, 2004 - UNDAC Deputy Team Leader, Pakistan Earthquake, 2005 -Team Leader, UNDAC team, Earthquake, tsunami and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, Japan 2011
STAKEHOLDERS OF WHO ARE THE RESPONDERS ? q INTERNATIONAL HUMANITARIAN Affected Country RESPONSE § - Government Agencies § - Military § - Civil Society and NGOs q UN Agencies and International Organisations q Red Cross/Red Crescent Movement § - IFRC and National Societies § - ICRC q International NGOs q International Military Forces q Donors, Supportive Governments q Regional Organisations q Private Sector
AFFECTED COUNTRY - THE MILITARY JAPAN EARTHQUAKE, 2011 106, 000 Japanese Self Defense Forces (SFDF) troops deployed. Also 20, 000 US troops including the US Navy 7 th Fleet (Op Todomachi)
INTERNATIONAL -UN AGENCIES LIKELY TO BE PRESENT – WFP, UNICEF, UNHCR, UNDP, OCHA • • The worlds largest international food aid organization / one of the world’s largest logistics organisations. 11, 367 international and national staff in 83 offices worldwide. 2016 budget: USD 5. 93 billon In 2016 WFP delivered 3. 2 million tons of food to over 82. 2 Million people in 82 Countries around the world.
RED CROSS AND RED INTERNATIONAL - RED CROSS AND RED CRESCENT MOVEMENT International Committee RC (ICRC) Based in Geneva, the ICRC provides protection and assistance for victims of war and armed violence. Promotes international Humanitarian Law International Federation RC (IFRC) Includes 186 national Red Cross/Red Crescent societies. Manages or supports programmes in more than 150 countries. These programmes assist millions of the world's most vulnerable people, including victims of natural and other disasters, refugees and displaced people and those affected by socio-economic
INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI, 2004 - US MILITARY DEPLOYMENT Personnel 19, 500 Air Assets 3 C-17 (USTRANSCOM) 2 C-5 (USTRANSCOM) 2 KC-130 2 P-3 4 C-2 13 fixed- wing (+52 TACAIR ALSG) 36 Helos Ships 6 USN 3 MPS 3 USNS Logistics 1 Survey Ship 1 HSV CHINA Logistics Ships SAN JOSE (T-AFS) TIPPECANOE (T-AO) NOTE: USNS RAi. NIER w/ALCSG Kadena 2 KC-135 on alert INDIA Futenma 2 KC-130 2 P-3, 1 C-21 CSF-536 WESTPAC EXPRESS (HSV) THAILAND Utapao 2 HH-60 PLESS (MPS) PHILIPPINES ESSEX (LHD) 4 MH-53, 4 MH-60, 2 LCU 5 CH-46 SRI LANKA Colombo Phuket Langkawi TIPPECANOE (T-AO) MALDIVES A LINCOLN CSG-I Medan CONCORD (T-AFS) 2 MH-60 Singapore SWIFT (HSV) FORT MCHENRY (LSD) 3 CH-46 3 LCAC LUMMUS (MPS) BONNYMAN (MPS) 4 X INDONESIA C-2 Jakarta MCDONNELL (T-AGS) Diego Garcia ON STATION ALCSG LINCOLN (CVN) (10 x SH-60) SHILOH (CG) (2 X SH-60) SHOUP (DDG) (2 X SH-60) BENFOLD (DDG) RAINIER (T-AOE) (2 x MH-60) CSG AIRFIELDS SAN JOSE (T-AFS) 2 MH-60 Maritime Prepo Ships PLESS, LUMMUS, BONNYMAN IN BOUND OUT BOUND MERCY (T-AH)
INDIAN OCEAN TSUNAMI, 2004 - NON-US MILITARY INDIA C-130 x 1 Ships x 7 Helos Wing x 2 Fixed x 3 Ships x 1 Helos x 1 Eng Team Med Team SRI LANKA C-130 x 1 Water System DART Team ROWPU x 4 Med Team Eng Team Ships x 3 LST/AOE/DD CH-47 x 3 UH-60 x 2 SH-60 x 2 Med Team Helos x 1 1 x DVI Team Fixed wing x 1 MP Team Field Hosp Eng Team x 2 ALT x 2 Helos x 4 C-130 x 1 Ships x 2 C-130 x 1 LST to SL ETD: 29 Jan Khao Lak HH-60 x 2 Field Hospital Colombo Ship x 1 Helo x 1 U-tapao Forensic Team C-130 x 2 Ships x 2 Helos x 3 Med Team Eng Team 211 pax Field Hospital Eng Team Aceh Field Hospital C-160 x 5 Helos x 2 Medan Meulaboh Hospital Ship Helos x 2 Ship x 1 C-130 x 2 Helos x 2 Med Team Eng Team LST: RTHP K. L. LPA – CJTF 629 Helos x 2 Helos x 1 Male C-130 x 2 Ships x 2 Eng Team Ships X 2 Med Team Eng Team C-130 x 2 C-130 x 5 CH-47 x 3 Med Team Ships x 1 Helos x 1 LST x 2 AUS BRN DEU IND MYS PAK AUT CAN FRA JPN NOR BGD CHE GBR KOR NZL PRC SGP C-130 x 6 B-707 x 4 1 UH-1 x INDONESIA RNZAF B-757 in region 2 x C-130 Darwin
UN EMERGENCY RELIEF COORDINATOR (ERC) RELIEF EMERGENCY COORDINATOR Stephen O’Brien General Assembly Resolution 46/182, December 1991 • • • United Nations’ USG for Humanitarian Affairs, Head of OCHA Processes requests from Member States for emergency aid Prepares situation reports for the international community Mobilizes international emergency relief Negotiates access to populations in need of assistance Promotes the smooth transition from relief to recovery
COORDINATION OF INTERNATIONAL RESPONSE Disaster affected country International response • National disaster relief coord. • Donor governments/Agencies • Embassies/Donor Reps • UN agencies’ reps. ASSISTANCE • National Red Cross/Crescent • Red Cross/Crescent family. • International NGO’s • National NGO’s • Others (including military) Representatives of OCHA (Res. Reps/UNDAC) Information on Needs & national response What is NOT needed UN OCHA ( ERC) Information on needs/international response
LEVELS OF DISASTER RESPONSE COORDINATION On-Site Need to integrate the On-Site level with the. . National level International level (including Regional)
COORDINATION ON SITE (THE UN OSOCC) Muzaffarabad, Pakistan, 2005 Earthquake Kathmandu , Nepal, 2015 Earthquake
Search and Rescue Phase International USAR Teams in Nepal Earthquake, 2015 72 USAR teams from 31 countries. 2, 142 Responders, 189 Dogs 18
SECTORAL HUMANITARIAN RESPONSE - CLUSTERS The Cluster Approach is designed to provide: Predictability, Accountability and Partnership in all response sectors Better support for national-led response tools Common standards and tools 20
TOURISTS - DISASTER VICTIM IDENTIFICATION Wat Yan Yao temple, Phuket, Thailand, Jan 2005 21
DISASTER RESPONSE – FIELD COORDINATION STRUCTURE International Military Forces National Command Channel Affected Country Local Emergency Management Agency (LEMA) Clusters Assisting International Forces International Responders Civil Military Operations Centre (CMOC) On Site Operations Coordination Centre (OSOCC) UN Agencies, Funds & Programmes Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) Source: Asia Pacific Conference on Use of Military Assets in Disaster Response Operations (APC-MADRO)
IMPLICATIONS FOR BIMSTEC DM Ex 2017 • • • In any major disaster large numbers of international humanitarian organisations, NGOS, USAR teams will deploy to the site with thousands of personnel. No Government is prepared to handle such a massive, sudden influx There is also the likelihood of major deployment of military assets, both national and international BIMSTEC countries straddle ASEAN and SAARC so there are no agreed procedures for disaster response as of now. A vital part of disaster response and recovery is coordinating and organising national and international resources so that they are optimally used. Therefore, establishing structures and procedures for field coordination involving incoming international resources should be practised in BIMSTEC exercises. For BIMSTEC DM Ex 201, the most appropriate opportunity would be during the Table Top part of the exercise. 23
Finally, in international relations, including disaster response, everything is political ! QUESTIONS ? Senior Fellow, Delhi Policy Group Arjun Katoch Member, Advisory Committee, NDMA