Скачать презентацию International Correctional Education Association n Provides professional development Скачать презентацию International Correctional Education Association n Provides professional development


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International Correctional Education Association n Provides professional development opportunities ¨ ¨ The Journal of International Correctional Education Association n Provides professional development opportunities ¨ ¨ The Journal of Correctional Education ¨ CEA News and Notes newsletter ¨ Professional Development videoconferences ¨ Legislative Advocacy ¨ Publication of the Standards for Adult & Juvenile Correctional Education Programs ¨ Site Certification ¨ Evaluation, Consulting, and research services ¨ Alliances with the American Correctional Association ¨ International recognition for the correctional field ¨ n Annual international conference Member Scholarship Program www. ceanational. org

Who We Are CEA - Wisconsin Organization comprised of educational professionals and others who Who We Are CEA - Wisconsin Organization comprised of educational professionals and others who are dedicated to the promotion of quality education and training of the offender population of Wisconsin and the advancement of professionalism among our members.

The Goals of CEA - Wisconsin n To increase the effectiveness, expertise, and skills The Goals of CEA - Wisconsin n To increase the effectiveness, expertise, and skills of its members. n To involve its members in an active and supportive network of professionals who are leaders in the field of correctional education. To help increase the quality of educational programs and service through technical assistance as well as advocacy. To offer timely and practical information to fellow staff members. To represent the collective interest of correctional education before the government, the press, and the public on the national as well as on state, provincial, and local levels. n n n

CEA Membership can help you… n Increase your effectiveness, expertise, and skills n Be CEA Membership can help you… n Increase your effectiveness, expertise, and skills n Be involved in an active support network of professionals n By providing you with technical assistance and advocacy n Represent correctional education before the government, the press, and the public

Our Objectives n n n n Promote the interest of correctional education at the Our Objectives n n n n Promote the interest of correctional education at the state, regional, and national level. Improve the professional status and public image of correctional education. Provide and develop effective leadership within the profession. Promote contacts with other professional educational and correctional organizations at local, state, and national levels. Commit ourself to innovation in education. Assist incarcerated youth and adults to equip themselves for lives as responsible members of society. Report to the membership the activities of conferences, workshops, and pertinent research and literature.

Correctional Education Programs n HSED Preparation & Basic Literacy n Vocational Skills Programs n Correctional Education Programs n HSED Preparation & Basic Literacy n Vocational Skills Programs n Cognitive Interventions n Accredited Juvenile Education n Special Education n Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Education n Pre and Post Release Programs n Life Skills Programs n Victim Impact/Restorative Justice Education

Vocational Programs in Correctional Education n n Auto Repair & Refinishing Auto Detailing Automotive Vocational Programs in Correctional Education n n Auto Repair & Refinishing Auto Detailing Automotive Maintenance Barbering/Cosmetology Braille Transcription Building Maintenance & Care Cabinet-making Computer Assisted Drafting Custodial Services Data Entry Food Service n n n Graphic Arts Horticulture Machine Tool Operations Masonry Microcomputer Specialist Small Engine Repair Program Multi-Occupational Aide Painting & Refinishing Printing Refrigeration Servicing Small Engine Repair Class Welding

State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Maximum Security ¨ Columbia Correctional Institution ¨ Green State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Maximum Security ¨ Columbia Correctional Institution ¨ Green Bay Correctional Institution ¨ Taycheedah Correctional Institution ¨ Waupun Correctional Institution ¨ Wisconsin Secure Program Facility

State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Medium Security ¨ ¨ ¨ Fox Lake Correctional State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Medium Security ¨ ¨ ¨ Fox Lake Correctional Institution Jackson Correctional Institution Kettle Moraine Correctional Institution Milwaukee Secure Detention Facility New Lisbon Correctional Institution Oshkosh Correctional Institution Prairie du Chien Correctional Institution Racine Youthful Offender Correctional Facility Redgranite Correctional Institution Stanley Correctional Institution

State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Minimum Security ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ n State Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n Minimum Security ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ ¨ n Black River Correctional Center Flambeau Correctional Center Gordon Correctional Center John Burke Correctional Center Oakhill Correctional Institution Robert E. Ellsworth Correctional Center St. Croix Correctional Center Thompson Correctional Center Wisconsin Resource Center Federal Facilities ¨ Federal Correctional Institution - Oxford

Local Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n n n County Jails County Juvenile Detention Centers Local Facilities Providing Educational Opportunities n n n County Jails County Juvenile Detention Centers Local School Districts House of Corrections Technical Colleges

Juvenile Institutions Providing Educational Opportunities n Ethan Allen School n Lincoln Hills School n Juvenile Institutions Providing Educational Opportunities n Ethan Allen School n Lincoln Hills School n Southern Oaks Girls School n Mendota Juvenile Treatment Center

CEA – Wisconsin Initiatives & Programs n n n n n CEAW Conference Planning CEA – Wisconsin Initiatives & Programs n n n n n CEAW Conference Planning Correctional Education Website Creativity Contest Publications Innovative Program Award Friends of Correctional Education Award Family Member Scholarship Special Interest Groups State Newsletter Student Writings Anthology Teacher of the Year Award

We Are Those Who ¶ accept the task, fully knowing the obstacles are great We Are Those Who ¶ accept the task, fully knowing the obstacles are great ¶ lead the way ¶ provide the only opportunity for positive change ¶ move a mountain with a shovel

We Are Unique ¶ One good teacher makes the difference between a life of We Are Unique ¶ One good teacher makes the difference between a life of crime and a productive tax-paying member of society. ¶ The difference we make today will affect a thousand tomorrows. ¶ We may be this student’s last and only hope.

For More Information n Internet Site ¨ www. ceawisconsin. org ¨ www. ceanational. org For More Information n Internet Site ¨ www. ceawisconsin. org ¨ www. ceanational. org n Contact Barbara Rasmussen – CEA Secretary Racine Correctional Institution Barbara. Rasmussen@doc. state. wi. us