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International Cooperation and Mobility www. unal. edu. co/ori
History of the National University of Colombia (Universidad Nacional) • 1830 Colombia is part of the Great Colombia, along with Venezuela, Ecuador and Peru (Bolivia). • General Santander´s administration organized the Republic’s Central University, with campuses at Bogota, Caracas and Quito. • After the independence of these countries, the Central University was closed in 1864. • The Universidad Nacional was established in September 22 nd, 1867. • It started with 6 Faculties: Law, Medicine, Natural Sciences, Arts, Literature and Philosophy. 45 Teachers, and 335 Students. • Between 1903 -1940, the UN created additional faculties: Architecture, Nursery, Chemical Engineering, Veterinary Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmacy. • 1967: The first Masters program is created. • 1986: The first Ph. D programs are created in Math and Physics.
Universidad Nacional nowadays • 7 Campuses all over Colombia: Bogota, Caribbean (San Andres Island), Medellin, Manizales, Palmira, Orinoquia (Arauca), Amazon (Leticia) • 37 Faculties • 71 Academic Departments • 36 Research Institutes • 31 Libraries • 27 Applied Research Centres • A wide variety of area research centres, biological centres, auditoriums, observatories, and museums. • Over 40. 000 students and 3000 professors and teaching staff.
Universidad Nacional de Colombia Today
International Affairs Office ORI To be a helping instance in the process of internationalization of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, managing the international dynamics of the campus with the initiatives of strategic politics proposed by the institution, guided towards the strengthening of its academic quality.
Superior Education in Colombia Academic System Undergraduate Programs - 4 to 5 years - Subjects by Semester Graduate Programs: Specializations, Health Specialties, Masters and Doctorates: -2 to 4 Years Academic Calendar: First Semester: February 1 st to June 15 th. Second Semester: August 1 st to December 15 th.
Superior Education in Colombia Academic System Grading System in Colombia’s Superior Education: 0 to 5 - 4. 60 -5. 00 Extremely High, - 4. 00 -4. 59 Excellent, - 3. 50 -3. 99 Good, - 3. 00 -3. 49 Sufficient, - 0. 00 -2. 99 Failed. Highest Grade: 5. 00 Minimum Passing Grade: 3. 00 Lowest Grade: 0. 00 To see the Academic Programs of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia, please visit: http: //www. unal. edu. co/contenido/programas. htm To search for courses and subjects offered: http: //www. sia. unal. edu. co/academia/
International Student Exchange Foreigner Student Exchange (Bilateral covenants, Redmacro, PIMA, AUIP, CREPUQ-ASCUN) - Exemption from the tuition fees if there is a covenant, as long as there is reciprocity in these conditions from your institution, with members of the community of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia. - Visiting Student Status: From 6 months to 1 year - Economical benefits, according to reciprocity in covenants (specific negotiation) - Well-being Services. (counselling, libraries, integration, basic health attention and sports) Procedures, forms, and counselling: - Visitors Counselling: www. unal. edu. co/ori
International Student Exchange Dates for application: - April 30 th for the second semester - September 30 th for the first semester of the next year. Information: ceninfori@unal. edu. co Required Documents - Filled-in Application Form - Letter of presentation from source institution - Letter of student motivations and reasons. - Curriculum Vitae - Original Certificate of Grades - Copy of Passport - Letter of economical back-up - International Health Insurance Card
Living in Colombia: Prices • Monthly rent: Approximately 300 U. S. dollars, with a high offer for students in the zones nearby universities. • Urban transportation: 1 U$ per bus ticket, and 2 U$ minimum taxi fare. • Lunch-Dinner: 2 to 5 U$ in a restaurant • Cultural Sites: Many of them are for free, others have 2 to 4 U$ entrance fee.
Migrating In case of being accepted: Temporal Student VISA Documents that should be enclosed with the application: 1. Passport in good condition, valid for at least 3 months and a minimum of three (3) blank pages. 2. Copy of the previously used pages of the passport. 3. Three(3) colour, frontal, recent photographs with lightcolour background, and sized 3 cm x 3 cm. 4. If you are already in Colombia, valid VISA, or valid Safe pass certificate, expedited by the Administrative Security Department (DAS) 5. Copy of admission or enrolment certificate, where a weekly hour intensity of more than ten (10) hours per week is indicated. 6. Document that proves the economical ability of parents or legal representative. 7. When having a scholarship, certificate of the International Organization or Institution that granted the scholarship.
Migrating 8. When the foreigner is underage, authorization of the parents for their staying in the country, and designation of a responsible person. 9. Corresponding Certificate if there is a working practice in the academic Program. 10. Deposit Receipt once approved. The approximate price is 50 U. S. dollars. 11. As soon as you have all the documents, take it to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Carrera 13 N° 93 – 68 of 203) to get the VISA from Monday to Friday, 7: 30 am to 12: 00 m 12. Filled-in and signed Application form (this form can be found at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, same place where you request your VISA) For more information, visit: www. minrelext. gov. co
Migrating Cedula de Extranjeria (Foreigner Registration I. D. ) Due to the migration law in Colombia, every foreigner who will stay longer than 90 days in Colombia will have to get their cedula de extranjeria which is the valid identification document while in the national territory. The application in order to be registered as a foreigner and get or renew the cedula de extranjeria must be done during the first two weeks since the VISA is issued, or since landing in Colombia. Valid VISA is necessary.
Migrating The documents required by the DAS (Administrative Department of Security) are: 1. Filled-in application form. (This form can be found in the DAS, at the moment of application) 2. Passport and Student or Courtesy VISA 3. Copy of the passport page where the personal information of the applicant is shown. 4. Certificate of blood type. 5. Two (2) photos for ID. (Sized 3 cm x 4 cm) with light blue background 6. Deposit Receipt for 70 US dollars, approximately. To check the specific details: www. das. gov. co
International Health Insurance The student that has been accepted must have an International Health Insurance service, that has coverage in case of: • General Sickness. • Dental Sickness. • Accident. • Handicap. • Member Loss. • Death. • Repatriation
Contacto National Office Carrera 45 No. 26 - 85 Uriel Gutiérrez Building - Office 514 PBX: 3165000 Ext: 18291 Fax: 3165423 E-mail : dirori_nal@unal. edu. co Ciudad Universitaria - Bogotá D. C. - Colombia Counseling Center Polideportivo, Plaza central, Second Floor E-mail: ceninfori_bog@unal. edu. co Bogotá D. C. - Colombia www. unal. edu. co/ori