
  • Количество слайдов: 21

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AFRICAN WRITERS In Commemoration of the 50 th Anniversar of the INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AFRICAN WRITERS In Commemoration of the 50 th Anniversar of the Ethiopian Writers Association 2 -4 May 2011, Addis. Ababa ISLAMIZATION & ARABIZATION: THE CHALLENGE OF BORDERLAND COUNTRIES (BELT OF BILAD AL SOUDAN) Dr. M. J. Hashim


Islamization & Arabization Ø neither Islam nor Arabs are meant Ø an ideological awareness Islamization & Arabization Ø neither Islam nor Arabs are meant Ø an ideological awareness if tested by both Islam & Pan Arabism may fail Ø It depicts situations where black Africans kill black African believing they are Arabs (Hashim, Forthcoming)

Pan Africanism (1900): from African Diaspora to Continentalism (1945) Ø African Diaspora and the Pan Africanism (1900): from African Diaspora to Continentalism (1945) Ø African Diaspora and the Motherland Ø The 1 st 1900 London Pan African Congress: the Black Races Ø The 5 th (eroneously) 1945 Manchester Pan African Congress: African Nations ; the Role of Nkruma Ø (Adi & Sherwood, 2003; Alli, 1999; Esedebe, 1994)

Pan Africanism: Back to African Nation & the Emergence of Borderland Belt Ø Sub-Saharan Pan Africanism: Back to African Nation & the Emergence of Borderland Belt Ø Sub-Saharan Pan Africanism + Diaspora Ø The African Nation (Prah, 2006 a)

The Buffer Zone of Identity Arabized Nomads Encroachment in Sudanic Belt (Sudan, Chad, Niger, The Buffer Zone of Identity Arabized Nomads Encroachment in Sudanic Belt (Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali etc) Ø Identification with Arabs & deploring Africans (Prah, 2006 b; 2005) Ø The Sudanic Belt Nomadic Pan Arab nationalism: in the making Ø Darfur Scenario: exterminating Africans (Hashim, 2005) Ø

Pan African Challenge of Borderland Ø The Split of Identity: Africanism vs. Arabism Ø Pan African Challenge of Borderland Ø The Split of Identity: Africanism vs. Arabism Ø Pan Africanism and the Challenge of Nation Building Ø Transforming Mode of Economical Activity: Pastoralist vs. Sedentary

If Mission not accomplished? Ø The Desintegration of the State Ø Totalitarian Democracy Ø If Mission not accomplished? Ø The Desintegration of the State Ø Totalitarian Democracy Ø State Corruption in the Name of Allah Ø Demographic Re-engineering of Marginalized Areas out of Control PROSPECTS OF Full-fledged Civil Wars? Ø Collapse of State? More Guerrella Organizations Ø

The Case of the Sudan The Case of the Sudan

The Geopolitical Significance of the Sudan Ø A Model for the belt of Bilad The Geopolitical Significance of the Sudan Ø A Model for the belt of Bilad al-Sudan, i. e. Countries bordering Arabia from one side and Africa from the other Ø What takes place here is likely to occur elsewhere

Regional. Pan Africanism: Regional drawingstrength from within: Strength from Within: drawing the Case of Regional. Pan Africanism: Regional drawingstrength from within: Strength from Within: drawing the Case of the Horn Africa of Africa the Case of Horn of • Raising Pan African Awareness • Ethnicity Management & Conflicts Ø Raising and enhancing Pan African Resolution Awareness • Integrative Unity of Development Ø Integrative Unity & Education Ø Democratization & Human Rights • Developmental economical Ø Developing economical Interdependencies

Over-bridging Regional disunity Under regional unity: * Ethiopia & Eritrea can reunite * North Over-bridging Regional disunity Under regional unity: * Ethiopia & Eritrea can reunite * North & South Sudan can reunite * Somalia can be reunite

Regional Integration Politically: Nile Basin Initiative • Sudan detaching from Egypt, integrating with Ethiopia Regional Integration Politically: Nile Basin Initiative • Sudan detaching from Egypt, integrating with Ethiopia • Regional Conflict Resolution Mechanism

Labour, Commerce & Environment • Integral Commerce: easy cross border commodities • Environment & Labour, Commerce & Environment • Integral Commerce: easy cross border commodities • Environment & Food Security: Famine, Drought, & integral food production • Free Labour move

Pan African Unity: widening regional unity A step toward Sub-Saharan African Unity Pan African Unity: widening regional unity A step toward Sub-Saharan African Unity

Toward bigger regional Unity Toward bigger regional Unity

Sub-Saharan Pan African Unity Sub-Saharan Pan African Unity

Conclusion Africa is United! But where is the place of African Diaspora? The answer: Conclusion Africa is United! But where is the place of African Diaspora? The answer: Afro-Pacific-Caribbean Integration Institutionalized Come-Back Welcome Multi Pan African Citizenship

BIBLIOGRAPHY Ø Alli, W. O. 1999. Africa & the African Diaspora: Aspects of an BIBLIOGRAPHY Ø Alli, W. O. 1999. Africa & the African Diaspora: Aspects of an Experience. Ø Esedebe, P. Olisanwuche. 1994. Pan-Africanism: the Idea and the Movement: 1976 -1991. Washington: Howard University Press. Ø Hakim Adi, Marika Sherwood. 2003. Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa & the Diaspora since 1787. New York: Routledge.

Ø Hashim, M. J. 2005. Islamization and Arabization of Africans as a Means to Ø Hashim, M. J. 2005. Islamization and Arabization of Africans as a Means to Political Power in the Sudan: Contradictions of Discrimination based on the Blackness of Skin and Stigma of Slavery and their Contribution to the Civil Wars. In: Bankie, F. B. & Mchombu, K. Pan. Africanism: African Nationalism: strengthening the Unity of Africa and its Diaspora. Asmara: the Red Sea Press, Inc. 265 -293. Ø Hashim, M. J. 2010. The dams of Northern Sudan and the policy of demographic engineering. In: International Journal of African Renaissance Studies- Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity, Volume 5 Issue 1, 148 - 160. Online: http: //www. informaworld. com/smpp/content~db=a ll~content=a 927027175~frm=titlelink? words=hashim&ha sh=3060959759

Ø Hashim, M. J. Forthcoming. To be or not to be: Sudan at Crossroads. Ø Hashim, M. J. Forthcoming. To be or not to be: Sudan at Crossroads. Red Sea Publishing House. Ø Prah, Kwesi K. 2006 a. The African Nation: The State of the Nation. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS). Ø Prah, Kwesi K (ed). 2006 b. Racism in the Global African Experience. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS). Ø Prah, Kwesi K (ed). 2006 b. Reflections on the Arab-led Slavery of Africans. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS).