- Количество слайдов: 21
INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF AFRICAN WRITERS In Commemoration of the 50 th Anniversar of the Ethiopian Writers Association 2 -4 May 2011, Addis. Ababa ISLAMIZATION & ARABIZATION: THE CHALLENGE OF BORDERLAND COUNTRIES (BELT OF BILAD AL SOUDAN) Dr. M. J. Hashim
Islamization & Arabization Ø neither Islam nor Arabs are meant Ø an ideological awareness if tested by both Islam & Pan Arabism may fail Ø It depicts situations where black Africans kill black African believing they are Arabs (Hashim, Forthcoming)
Pan Africanism (1900): from African Diaspora to Continentalism (1945) Ø African Diaspora and the Motherland Ø The 1 st 1900 London Pan African Congress: the Black Races Ø The 5 th (eroneously) 1945 Manchester Pan African Congress: African Nations ; the Role of Nkruma Ø (Adi & Sherwood, 2003; Alli, 1999; Esedebe, 1994)
Pan Africanism: Back to African Nation & the Emergence of Borderland Belt Ø Sub-Saharan Pan Africanism + Diaspora Ø The African Nation (Prah, 2006 a)
The Buffer Zone of Identity Arabized Nomads Encroachment in Sudanic Belt (Sudan, Chad, Niger, Mali etc) Ø Identification with Arabs & deploring Africans (Prah, 2006 b; 2005) Ø The Sudanic Belt Nomadic Pan Arab nationalism: in the making Ø Darfur Scenario: exterminating Africans (Hashim, 2005) Ø
Pan African Challenge of Borderland Ø The Split of Identity: Africanism vs. Arabism Ø Pan Africanism and the Challenge of Nation Building Ø Transforming Mode of Economical Activity: Pastoralist vs. Sedentary
If Mission not accomplished? Ø The Desintegration of the State Ø Totalitarian Democracy Ø State Corruption in the Name of Allah Ø Demographic Re-engineering of Marginalized Areas out of Control PROSPECTS OF Full-fledged Civil Wars? Ø Collapse of State? More Guerrella Organizations Ø
The Case of the Sudan
The Geopolitical Significance of the Sudan Ø A Model for the belt of Bilad al-Sudan, i. e. Countries bordering Arabia from one side and Africa from the other Ø What takes place here is likely to occur elsewhere
Regional. Pan Africanism: Regional drawingstrength from within: Strength from Within: drawing the Case of the Horn Africa of Africa the Case of Horn of • Raising Pan African Awareness • Ethnicity Management & Conflicts Ø Raising and enhancing Pan African Resolution Awareness • Integrative Unity of Development Ø Integrative Unity & Education Ø Democratization & Human Rights • Developmental economical Ø Developing economical Interdependencies
Over-bridging Regional disunity Under regional unity: * Ethiopia & Eritrea can reunite * North & South Sudan can reunite * Somalia can be reunite
Regional Integration Politically: Nile Basin Initiative • Sudan detaching from Egypt, integrating with Ethiopia • Regional Conflict Resolution Mechanism
Labour, Commerce & Environment • Integral Commerce: easy cross border commodities • Environment & Food Security: Famine, Drought, & integral food production • Free Labour move
Pan African Unity: widening regional unity A step toward Sub-Saharan African Unity
Toward bigger regional Unity
Sub-Saharan Pan African Unity
Conclusion Africa is United! But where is the place of African Diaspora? The answer: Afro-Pacific-Caribbean Integration Institutionalized Come-Back Welcome Multi Pan African Citizenship
BIBLIOGRAPHY Ø Alli, W. O. 1999. Africa & the African Diaspora: Aspects of an Experience. Ø Esedebe, P. Olisanwuche. 1994. Pan-Africanism: the Idea and the Movement: 1976 -1991. Washington: Howard University Press. Ø Hakim Adi, Marika Sherwood. 2003. Pan-African History: Political Figures from Africa & the Diaspora since 1787. New York: Routledge.
Ø Hashim, M. J. 2005. Islamization and Arabization of Africans as a Means to Political Power in the Sudan: Contradictions of Discrimination based on the Blackness of Skin and Stigma of Slavery and their Contribution to the Civil Wars. In: Bankie, F. B. & Mchombu, K. Pan. Africanism: African Nationalism: strengthening the Unity of Africa and its Diaspora. Asmara: the Red Sea Press, Inc. 265 -293. Ø Hashim, M. J. 2010. The dams of Northern Sudan and the policy of demographic engineering. In: International Journal of African Renaissance Studies- Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinarity, Volume 5 Issue 1, 148 - 160. Online: http: //www. informaworld. com/smpp/content~db=a ll~content=a 927027175~frm=titlelink? words=hashim&ha sh=3060959759
Ø Hashim, M. J. Forthcoming. To be or not to be: Sudan at Crossroads. Red Sea Publishing House. Ø Prah, Kwesi K. 2006 a. The African Nation: The State of the Nation. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS). Ø Prah, Kwesi K (ed). 2006 b. Racism in the Global African Experience. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS). Ø Prah, Kwesi K (ed). 2006 b. Reflections on the Arab-led Slavery of Africans. Cape Town: the Centre for Advanced Studies of African Societies (CASAS).