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International College of Prosthodontists ICP Mission: The International College of Prosthodontists internationally promotes the specialty and discipline of prosthodontics
International College of Prosthodontists Founded in 1984 to meet the global needs for prosthodontists and their patients, the College is an organ for international information transfer through its biennial meetings, journal, and personal communication. Today, the ICP has: 1000+ Members from 70+ Nations ICP Biennial Meetings brings together our international colleagues to outstanding venues around the world.
International College of Prosthodontists Membership Categories: Constituent- Individuals who have completed an accredited formal prosthodontic training program or are licensed as a prosthodontist by their governing body/licensing authority for dentistry. In countries with no specialty course in prosthodontics, full-time senior teachers in prosthetic dentistry may qualify for constituent membership. Documents required to confirm certification as a prosthodontists or teacher. Affiliate- Dentists or scientists* who do not qualify as Constituent members but have demonstrated contributions to prosthodontics. *Scientist is interpreted by the ICP as a clinical or basic scientist with graduate degree qualifications who has demonstrated a contribution to the specialty of prosthodontics. Student Affiliate- Students who are enrolled full time in accredited graduate prosthodontic programs at a College/ University are eligible. A letter from the program director confirming student status must be received by the Chair of the Membership Committee at the time of application. Enrollment and projected graduation dates must be included in the letter. Organizational- Organizations devoted to the specialty of prosthodontics
International College of Prosthodontists Membership Benefits: • Subscription to the International Journal of Prosthodontics (IJP) • Online access and free IJP i. Pad App • Recognition and Listing on the ICP website under “Find an ICP Member” • Access to online ICP Member Discussion Forum… Chat forum with Mentors • Posting of member IJP Journal publications on member page • Posting your books for sale on ICP website • 20% discount on all Quintessence Books • Bi-yearly online Newsletters • Certificate of membership • Discounted ICP meeting registration fees • Members submit abstracts papers • Continuing Education credits • Fellowship on an international level
International College of Prosthodontists Organizational Members: Devoted to the specialty of prosthodontics Current Organizational Members: Academy of Australian and New Zealand Prosthodontists Academy of Prosthodontics of South Africa American Prosthodontic Society American College of Prosthodontists Association of Prosthodontists of Canada Australian Prosthodontic Society Inc. British Society of Prosthodontics Canadian Academy of Restorative Dentistry and Prosthodontics Chinese Prosthodontic Society Chinese Society of Prosthodontics of the Chinese Stomatological Association Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry, Chinese Taipei DGPro Deutsche Gesellschaft für Prothetische Zahnmedizin und Biomaterialien Dutch Society for Prosthetic Dentistry and Orofacial Pain Florida Prosthodontic Association Indian Prosthodontic Society International Society for Maxillofacial Rehabilitation Iranian Association of Prosthodontics Israel Society of Prosthodontics Italian Academy of Prosthetic Dentistry Japan Prosthodontic Society Korean Academy of Prosthodontics Norwegian Association of Oral Prosthodontics Philippine Prosthodontic Society, Inc Prosthodontic Society of Singapore Sociedad Peruana de Protesis Dental y Maxilo Facial Sociedad de Protesis y Rebabilitación Oral de Chile Spanish Society of Prosthodontics and Aesthetics Swedish Society for Prosthodontics Turkish Prosthodontic and Implantology Association
International College of Prosthodontists The International Journal of Prosthodontics is our official publication Count on the IJP for… Accurate information- All manuscripts are subject to extensive peer review Prosthodontic news, not history- Submission to publication averages 9 months Clinically relevant articles- Evidence-based clinical reports and clinically relevant science International research-. Editorial Board reflects international scope High-quality production- Reads easy with excellent layout and illustrations Detailed subject/ author indexes- Indexes are published in the last issue of each volume ICP members receive 20% discount on all Quintessence books Subscription to the IJP included with Constituent and Affiliate memberships
International College of Prosthodontists Past & Future Meetings: 1985 - Seattle, WA USA 2005 - Crete, Greece 1987 - Interlaken, Switzerland 2007 - Fukuoka, Japan 1989 - Toronto, Canada 2009 - Cape Town, South Africa 1991 - Hiroshima, Japan 2011 - Kona, Hawaii USA 1993 - Bürgenstock, Switzerland 2013 - Torino, Italy 1995 - San Diego, CA USA 2015 - Seoul, South Korea 1997 - Sliema, Malta 2017 - Santiago, Chile 1999 - Stockholm, Sweden 2001 - Sydney, Australia Upcoming meetings: 2003 - Halifax, Nova Scotia 2019 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
International College of Prosthodontists Upcoming meeting… 18 th Biennial Meeting Amsterdam, Netherlands September 4 -7, 2019 Meeting Site: Beurs Van Berlage
International College of Prosthodontists Our appreciation and thanks go out to all who attended the previous meeting… 17 th Biennial Meeting: Santiago, Chile September 7 -9, 2017 Centro. Parque site of ICP Social Outing venue
International College of Prosthodontists Come join us in Amsterdam!