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International Charter and KARI contribution International Charter Operation Qualification meeting 13 th Dec 2011 Boyeol Yoon Senior Researcher, Satellite Data Application Department Korea Aerospace Research Institute Executive Secretariat of International Charter
Contents I Introduction to the International Charter II Support by the International Charter III KARI Contribution to the IC
International Charter purpose International agreement among Space Agencies to support with space-based data and information relief efforts in major disasters. Disaster response Multi-satellite data acquisition planning • Fast data turn-around – priority acquisition Archive retrievals and spacecraft tasking Data processing at pre-determined level Space Agency contribution in image/data Space Agency initiative for value-added-data fusion
Charter History (1/2) Following the UNISPACE III conference held in Vienna, Austria, ESA and CNES initiated the International Charter in 1999. CSA signed the Charter on October 2000. Charter implementation by identifying and creating a number of functional units and preparing the necessary policy and plan. Charter declared operational as of November 2000 after formal rehearsals and qualification tests. First activation of the Charter: Slovenian landslide November 2000. 322 disasters covered to date in almost 100 countries around the world.
Charter History (2/2) NOAA and ISRO became members in September 2001. In July 2003, the CONAE joined the Charter. In 2005, the JAXA, USGS, DMC joined the Charter. CNSA joined the Charter in May 2007. DLR and KARI joined the Charter in 2011. INPE and ROSCOSMOS are currently in the process of completing the integration.
Activating the Charter The only bodies authorized to request the services of the Charter are the Authorized Users. An AU is a civil protection, rescue, defense or security body from the country of a Charter member. AUs comprise a pre-defined list of 40+ user organisations, corresponding to 39 countries. Countries with Authorized Users No Yes
Mechanisms to Activate the Charter There are several mechanisms for a user organisation to submit a request to activate the Charter: Direct activation: the only bodies authorised to submit requests for a disaster occurring in their country are the AU. Activation via an AU on behalf of a user from a non-member country ('sponsor AU'): an AU may request the Charter to assist a disaster management user from another country in response to a major emergency. Activation via the UN for UN users: UN OOSA and UNITAR/UNOSAT may submit requests on behalf of users from the United Nations. Activation for Asia Pacific users via Sentinel Asia's partner, the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre: SA is a regional initiative to support disaster management by applying WEB-GIS and space based technology in 31 Asia Pacific countries. The Charter granted the Asian Disaster Reduction Centre the right to submit activation requests on behalf of national users of SA in 2009.
Charter Members CSA Canada UKSA/DMC DLR Germany UK ESA CNES Europe France NOAA USGS USA ROSCOSMOS Russia ISRO India INPE Brasil CONAE Argentina CNSA China KARI Korea JAXA Japan
Charter Functional Units Authorized Users (AUs) On-Duty Operator (ODO) Emergency on-Call Officer (ECO) Project Manager (PM) Data processing and distribution facilities Value-Added Providers (VAPs)
Charter Activations
Activation Distribution
Charter Act. For Thailand Flood 19 th Nov. 2011 (IKONOS-2) 22 th Nov. 2011 (Worldview-2)
Charter Geographic Tool by CNES
Supported by charter (1/2) Korean snow hazard (Feb. 2011) Total 18 scenes Image planning
Supported by charter (2/2)
Progress until now of KARI letter of intent for joining the Charter as a party (Feb. 2010) Participating at the board meeting at ESA (June 2010) Introduction to KARI and contribution plan Unanimously agreed by board (Sep. 2010) Nominees for implementing of Charter work (Oct. 2010) The representative at the Board : Hakjung, Kim, Ph. D The technical Point of Contact : Boyeol, Yoon The national authorized user : NDMI (National Disaster Management Institute) Becoming the fully operation member last board meeting (Oct. 2011)
K 2 Charter scenarios Tasking Scenario Priority Earthquake 1 • Program the 1 st possible visibility in Bundle mode (Pan & MS) • Order archive(s) with near season as the new acquisition(s) Wildfire 2 • For Burned Area or Smoke Plumes Flood 2 • Due to relatively small scene footprint size (15 km), include a prioritized list of center points for each target area of interest if needed Landslide 1 • Program the 1 st possible visibility in Bundle mode (Pan & MS) • Order archive(s) with near season as the new acquisition(s) Severe Storm 3 • Program the 1 st possible visibility in Bundle mode (Pan & MS) • Order archive(s) with near season as the new acquisition(s) Volcanic Eruption 3 • For lava flow / lahar (small area) Comments
ECO and PM of KARI ECO of KARI 24 hours a day /7 days a week (Rotation based with PA) Within 3 hours of receiving a call from the ODO • ECO initiates work on the data request • Taking into account the action priority • According to the specific programming member PM of KARI Available during normal working hours Expert of their fields
Data order (NTO and AO) Data Order New tasking order procedure • Demand is treated only during the normal working hours Monday–Friday 0 – 8 am UTC (excluding national holidays). • A request received by 3 am UTC will be considered for a possible acquisition the following day Archive order procedure • Demand is treated only during the normal working hours Monday–Friday 0 – 8 am UTC (excluding national holidays) • ECO connects to the EOLi(http: //earth. esa. int/EOLi. html) • Or Space. Cpature-2 web site(http: //www. spacecapture. kr) • KARI can perform on its own the archive search if ECO requested
Data Request Submission Limitations to ordering data K 2 data coverage size level product… Procedure of NTO or AO NTO (New tasking order) AO (Archive order) Processing Level information 1 R and 1 G
Emergency Request Form Date and time of request Call ID, Time (UTC)… AOI for NTO Location, Circular region Term of validity AO order Scene ID, shift (-5 ~ 5) it can be search SC-2 or EOLI Product type Bundle, B&W, … Processing Level 1 R or 1 G, … File format and Delivery media Additional remarks
Operational Qualification Training at ESA (Nov. 2010)
Singing Ceremony Signing Ceremony at KARI (July 2011)
Qualification exercise results Qualification exercise #1, 2 are all passed (from Aug. to Sep. 2011)
Fully operation member Becoming the fully operation member Canada board meeting (Oct. 2011)
K 2 data for Haiti Earthquake Haiti earthquake damage image (15 th Jan. 2010)
K 2 Activities for the Charter Japan Tsunami Total 5 scenes (17 th June 2008) (2 th Nov. 2010) Before After (14 th Mar. 2011) (19 th Mar. 2011) (14 th Mar. 2011)
K 2 data support for the Charter Nation Disasters Type Date Supporting Data Scene Haiti Earthquake Jan. 12, ’ 01 New tasking 1 Japan Tsunami March. 11, ‘ 11. Archive & New tasking A(2), N(3) USA Hurricane Aug. 27. ‘ 11. New tasking 6 Nigeria Flood Aug. 29. ’ 11 Archive 1 Japan Flood/Landslide Sep. 05. ’ 11 Archive 3 India Earthquake/ Landslide Sep. 18. ’ 11 New tasking 1 Algeria Flood Oct. 05. ’ 11 New tasking 1 New Zealand Oil spill Oct. 12. ’ 11 New tasking 1 Total New tasking 13 scenes and Archive 6 scenes