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International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA - Nuclear Data Section: 2006/07/08 programme A. L. Nichols International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA - Nuclear Data Section: 2006/07/08 programme A. L. Nichols 17 th Meeting of the International Network of Nuclear Structure and Decay Data Evaluators, 11 -15 June 2007

Data services, data networks and user support 1. Collect accurate and up-to-date atomic and Data services, data networks and user support 1. Collect accurate and up-to-date atomic and nuclear data, and disseminate to satisfy the needs of users from Member States 2. Co-ordinate networks of national and regional data centres, and promote the exchange of atomic and nuclear data for various applications 3. Maintain manuals and software for internationally-agreed database formats and exchange procedures 4. Improve the methods of providing information to data users, and provide training in the effective use of atomic and nuclear data through workshops Continuous International Atomic Energy Agency

Data services, data networks and user support • • • maintain services documentation and Data services, data networks and user support • • • maintain services documentation and “publicity” multi-platform activities nuclear data services in developing countries CINDA/EXFOR compilations INDC and A+M Subcommittee reviews NRDC (yearly) and NSDD (biennial) network meetings NEA Data Bank/NDS co-ordination (also ensure no duplication) workshops (ICTP and IAEA) conference support to developing countries International Atomic Energy Agency

Nuclear data standards and evaluation methods Enable users to produce evaluated nuclear data that Nuclear data standards and evaluation methods Enable users to produce evaluated nuclear data that satisfy the high accuracy and consistency demanded by emerging nuclear technologies through the production of clearly defined evaluation methods and procedures - CRP on “Improved Cross-Section Standards” assemble and publish technical report, 2006 -07 - maintain international neutron cross-section standards file and associated evaluation techniques (Special Service Agreement) - continuation of CRP on “RIPL-3”, 2003 -08; final RCM in 2007 International Atomic Energy Agency

Nuclear data for radiotherapy using radioisotopes and external radiation sources Improve data for medical Nuclear data for radiotherapy using radioisotopes and external radiation sources Improve data for medical isotope production, and for patient dose delivery calculations in radiotherapy - completion of CRP on “Nuclear Data for Production of 2006; Therapeutic Radioisotopes”, 2003 -06 – final RCM in assemble and publish technical report, 2006 -07 - initiate CRP on “Heavy Charged-Particle Interaction Data for Radiotherapy”, 2007 -10 – TM in 2006, RCM in 2007 - establish phase-space database for commercial 60 NAHU)) accelerators and Co units used in medical therapy applications (data development project (with IAEA- - Website: “Nuclear data for medical applications” – regular updates based on all of the above International Atomic Energy Agency

Data for Th-U fuel cycle Strengthen energy technologies in Member States through the assessment Data for Th-U fuel cycle Strengthen energy technologies in Member States through the assessment of Th-U nuclear data needs, and develop high-quality data files relevant for Th-U fuel cycle - completion of CRP on “Evaluation of Nuclear Data for Th-U Fuel Cycle” – RCM in 2006; assemble and publish technical report, 2006 -07 - Webpage: nuclear data for safeguards – see IAEA report INDC(NDS)-0502, January 2007 and http: //www-nds. iaea. org/sgnucdat/ International Atomic Energy Agency

Nuclear data for reactor dosimetry and analysis Improve the databases of differential and integral Nuclear data for reactor dosimetry and analysis Improve the databases of differential and integral parameters, and satisfy the current needs of Member States for accurate, high-quality ion beam and neutron activation analysis data - continuation of CRP on “Development of a Reference Database for Neutron Activation Analysis”, 20052009 - RCM in 2007 - continuation of CRP on “Reference Database for Ion Beam Analysis”, 2005 -2009 – RCM in 2007 - maintenance of dosimetry data library (IRDF) – CM held in 2007 to review IRDF-2002 data files and agree further work (see IAEA report INDC(NDS)-0507, January 2007) International Atomic Energy Agency

Nuclear data for advanced nuclear facilities Improve Member States abilities to optimise plant design, Nuclear data for advanced nuclear facilities Improve Member States abilities to optimise plant design, and so reduce engineering margins - data for advanced systems – DDPs - continuation of CRP on “Updated Decay Data Library for Actinides”, 2005 -2009 – RCM in 2007 - initiate CRP on “Minor Actinide Neutron Reaction Data (MANREAD)”, 2007 -11 – TM in 2006, RCM in 2007 - develop and support reference library for neutron transport calculations for advanced systems – database for ADS (IFMIF/FENDL? ) - CM in 2007 International Atomic Energy Agency

Consultants’ Meetings Smaller “one-off” meetings: - Beta-decay and Decay Heat (Dec 2005, May 2006) Consultants’ Meetings Smaller “one-off” meetings: - Beta-decay and Decay Heat (Dec 2005, May 2006) - Charged-particle Interactions for Medical Therapy (Nov 2006) - Minor Actinides Neutron Reaction Data (Nov 2006) - and others… Phase-space database for External Beam Radiotherapy (Dec 2005) Systematics of Fission Parameters for Nuclear Reaction Calculations (Dec 2006) International Atomic Energy Agency

Recently developed libraries (“advanced/improved” systems (DDPs)) Neutron Cross Section Standards - 1 H(n, n), Recently developed libraries (“advanced/improved” systems (DDPs)) Neutron Cross Section Standards - 1 H(n, n), 3 He(n, p), 6 Li(n, t), 10 B(n, α 1γ), C(n, n), Au(n, γ), 235 U(n, f) and 238 U(n, f) Thermal scattering law data - H(H 2 O), D(D 2 O), H(Zr. H), graphite WIMS-D libraries based on JEFF-3. 1 and ENDF/B-VI Accelerator Driven Systems Library for 30 materials - available in ENDF, ACE and MATXS formats FENDL-2. 1 - Fusion Evaluated Nuclear Data Library IRDF-2002 - International Reactor Dosimetry File International Atomic Energy Agency

Recent Publications “Handbook for calculations of nuclear reaction data, RIPL-2 – Reference Input Parameter Recent Publications “Handbook for calculations of nuclear reaction data, RIPL-2 – Reference Input Parameter Library-2” – improved databases for nuclear reaction modelling calculations; report issued in August 2006 (IAEA-TECDOC-1506) ISBN 92 -0 -105206 -5 “International Reactor Dosimetry File-2002 (IRDF-2002)” - recommended cross-section files have been available for some time; report issued in Dec 2006 (Technical Reports Series No. 452, 50 EUR) ISBN 920105106 -9 “Database of prompt gamma rays from slow neutron capture for elemental analysis (IAEA-PGAA)” - recommended data have been available for some time; report issued March 2007 (Special Issue Report, 70 EUR) ISBN 92 -0 -101306 -X “WIMS-D library update” - final report of a series of coordinated research projects to improve data libraries for WIMS calculations (in press) “Update of X-ray and gamma-ray decay data standards” - CRP from which much of LNHB webpage and BIPM-5 have been derived and built upon (Special Issue Report is close to publication) International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy International IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy 17 – 28 November 2003: 24 students 4 – 15 April 2005: 27 students 20 February – 3 March 2006: 23 students International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy Nuclear models; Experimental techniques; Statistical analyses to derive recommended data sets; Evaluation methodologies for nuclear structure and decay data; International efforts to produce ENSDF International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Nuclear IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Nuclear models Piet Van Isacker (GANIL, France), Ashok Jain (IIT, Roorkee, India), Slobodan Brant & Dario Vretenar (University of Zagreb, Croatia), Yogendra Gambhir (IIT, Mumbai, India) Experimental nuclear spectroscopy Peter von Brentano (IKUK, Germany), Filip Kondev (ANL, USA), Tibor Kibédi (ANU, Australia) Statistical analyses Desmond Mac. Mahon (NPL, UK) International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation ENSDF IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation ENSDF & model exercises Tom Burrows & Jag Tuli (NNDC, BNL, USA), Coral Baglin & Edgardo Browne-Moreno (LBNL, USA) Additional material Tom Burrows (NNDC, BNL, USA), Alan Nichols (IAEA, Austria) International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation IAEA Headquarters, Vienna, Austria (2002) + Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics, Trieste, Italy (2003, 2005, 2006) Results: 1. Successfully schooled 82 students from 29 countries 2. 21 students have gone on to be mentored by the NSSD Evaluators’ Network to evaluate mass chains ……………. also a success in finding new blood, albeit sometimes only on a temporary basis 3. Hope to organize more workshops of this type in the foreseeable future International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshop Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshop Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy Application submitted to hold a further two-week NSDD workshop at ICTP in 2008 International Atomic Energy Agency

IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshop Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus IAEA-ICTP NSDD Workshops Two-week workshop Nuclear structure and decay data: theory and evaluation Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy 28 April to 9 May 2008 Workshop Directors: AL Nichols (IAEA), JK Tuli (BNL) and A Ventura (ENEA) International Atomic Energy Agency