Скачать презентацию International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences cf Скачать презентацию International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences cf


  • Количество слайдов: 3

International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (cf. www. iamas. org ) president: Guoxiong International Association of Meteorology and Atmospheric Sciences (cf. www. iamas. org ) president: Guoxiong WU, LASG/IAP/CAS, China sec. gen. : Hans VOLKERT, IPA/DLR, Germany dep. sec. gen. : John TURNER, BAS/NERC, Unit. Kingdom founded 1919 as IAM, part of IUGG, part of ICSU no personal membership, but adhering countries/bodies personal, voluntary network of established expert 'daily' work in 10 International Commissions organisor of bi-annual Assemblies and series of specialized conferences (MOCA-09 in Montréal, IUGG-2011 in Melbourne)

IAMAS Comissions: (cf. www. iamas. org/Commissions. html ) ICACGP, ICAE, ICCL, ICCP, ICDM, ICMA, IAMAS Comissions: (cf. www. iamas. org/Commissions. html ) ICACGP, ICAE, ICCL, ICCP, ICDM, ICMA, ICPAE, ICPM, IOC, IRC International Commission for Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution International Commission on Atmospheric Electricity International Commission on Climate International Commission on Clouds and Precipitation International Radiation Commission International Commission on Dynamical Meteorology International Commission on the Middle Atmosphere International Commission on Planetary Atmospheres and the Evolution International Commission on Polar Meteorology

Family-type meeting of IAMAS commissions in Oxford, UK, 17 33 18 02 50 49 Family-type meeting of IAMAS commissions in Oxford, UK, 17 33 18 02 50 49 34 67 51 23 37 06 40 56 69 71 55 42 57 12 28 11 13 88 102 101 103 89 117 104 116 105 106 91 77 62 78 108 120 107 92 109 93 47 14 95 94 31 119 118 122 76 61 46 74 87 90 59 30 86 85 115 75 60 44 45 29 10 43 84 58 07 09 83 70 72 73 41 26 54 53 38 39 25 27 113 100 24 08 114 21 22 05 97 82 99 20 04 68 52 35 19 81 66 98 36 03 65 32 110 111 123 121 124 125 (identified names in 8 vertical columns); photo: B. J. Harris, Oxford (O: Ozone Comm; R: Radiation Comm. ) 01 126 127 81 Herfinn SCHIELDRUP 15 16 48 96 PAULSEN, N; 112 49 J. C. THAMS, CH; R 113 - nyi 97 - nyi - 128 R 17 Ichtiaque RASOOL, F; O 33 Desmond WALSHAW, 50 - nyi 65 Günter KORB, D; R 114 Geoff J. DAY, UK; R 98 Henri MASSON, Senegal; 82 Paul BENER, CH; R 01 Robert DOGNIAUX, B; O/R Rxxxx PASTIELS, B; O 18 UK; O 66 Hugo WIERZEJEWSKI, 51 - nyi 115 V. J. STAKUTIS, USA R (? ) 83 John TYLDESLY, 02 F. R. HARRISON, UK; O 19 Hans-Jürgen BOLLE, D; R 34 Anthony G. HEARN, UK; O - nyi CH; R 52 R 99 - nyi UK; O(? ) 03 Gxxx FEA, I; O 20 Gunnar SPINNAGER, N; R 35 - nyi 53 Rudolf SCHULZE, D; R 67 - nyi 116 Alfred EHMERT, D; O 100 Pxxxx R. GAST, USA; R 84 Kurt GRÄFE, D; R 04 - not yet identified (nyi) - 21 - nyi 36 - nyi 54 David SIMMONS, UK; O 68 Hans HINZPETER, D; O/R 117 - nyi 85 Kurt BULLRICH, D; R 101 - nyi 05 Diran DEIRMENDJIAN, 22 Andrew J. DRUMMOND, 37 - nyi 69 Mikhail BUDYKO, USSR; O/R 55 Peter VALKO, CH; R 118 Peter 102 Hans-Gerhard MÜLLER, 86 - nyi USA; O USA; R 38 - nyi 56 W. E. K. MIDDLETON, 70 Joe C. FARMAN, UK; O SHEPPARD, UK; O/R 87 Ernest VIGROUX, F; D; R 06 Mxxxxx GRIGGS, UK; O 23 - nyi 39 Arthur BELMONT, USA; CAN; R O 71 - nyi 119 Alan W. BREWER, UK O/R 103 Marcel MIGEOTTE, B; O 07 - nyi 24 David G. MURCAY, USA; R 40 - nyi 72 Fxxx A. BROOKS, USA; R O 88 - nyi 104 Kyrill KONDRATIEV, 08 - nyi 120 Giichi YAMAMOTO, 57 George OHRING, USA; O 89 - nyi USSR; O/R Jap; R 25 Joe Mac. DOWALL, UK; O 41 - nyi 58 Mxxxx ALAKA, X (WMO; 73 Rob. MURGATROYD, 90 Hans-Ulrich DÜTSCH, 09 - nyi 26 S. Desmond SMITH, UK; 42 Sigmund FRITZ, USA; O/R) UK; O/R CH; O 105 - nyi 10 - nyi O/R 43 Warren GODSON, 59 Hans-Karl PAETZOLD, D; - nyi 74 121 Arlette VASSY, F; O 91 Julius LONDON, USA; 106 Victor REGENER, USA; O 11 Frau Trude HOINKES 27 Herfried HOINKES, A; R CAN; O/R O 75 - nyi 122 Wouter BLEEKER, NL O 107 Dov ASHBEL, Israel; R 12 - nyi 28 Morris NEIBURGER, USA; O 44 Mr. GODSON junior 60 J. Vern HALES, USA; O/R Fuad SAIEDY, UK; R 76 O 92 George ROBINSON, 108 John T. HOUGHTON, UK; 13 - nyi 29 Reinhold MARCHGRABER, 45 Etienne VASSY, F ; O 61 Reginald SUTCLIFFE, 77 Kaare LANGLO, N (WMO; 123 - nyi UK; R R 14 Mrs. MURCRAY USA; R 46 Kxxx RAMANATHAN, UK; O R) 124 Mme VIGROUX 93 Jacqueline LENOBLE, 109 Zdenek SEKERA, USA; R 15 - nyi 30 David M. GATES, USA; R India; R 62 Sir Charles NORMAND, 78 Anders ÅNGSTRÖM, S; R 125 Frau Ursula DÜTSCH F; R 110 Mrs. ZEKERA 16 - nyi 31 - nyi 47 - nyi UK; O 79 Gordon DOBSON, UK; O 126 - nyi 94 Walter 80 111 - nyi 32 - nyi 48 - nyi 63 Frau Inge MÖLLER 80 Jacq. van MIEGHEM, B; O/R 127 Mme MIGEOTTE 63 64 79 80