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The subject of my study is intercultural communications The term can be defined in three different ways: 1)the process of verbal and nonverbal communication between individuals or groups coming from different cultural background 2)the scientific theory and research dealing with the real process of the intercultural communication 3)educational and supportive activities focused on practice.
Goals of my study is to determine the role of intercultural communication in modern society and its importance in business. Secrets of Reading Body Language(Hogan K. , 2010); Non-Verbal Communication: Fact and Fiction (Khan A. A. , 2001) Communication for results: a guide for business and the professions (Hamilton C. , 2008)
Contens Chapter 1. Communication: Verbal and Non- verbal Chapter 2. Basics of intercultural business communication Chapter 3. Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication Chapter 4. Tips for communicating with people from other cultures.
Six Barriers to Intercultural Communication Ethnocentricity Jargon and Slang Personal Space Eye Contact Time
Sources Web sites: http: //www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary http: //www. intercultural. org/ http: //www. immi. se/intercultural/ http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Intercultural_communication http: //www. ehow. com/list_6303080_six-barriers-interculturalcommunication. html Books: Hogan K. , 2010 Secrets of Reading Body Language; Khan A. A. , 2001, Non-Verbal Communication: Fact and Fiction; Hamilton C. , 2008, Communication for results: a guide for business and the professions.
Summary In short, take advantage of the other person’s presence to make sure that your message is getting across and that you understand his or her message too. Speeches are both harder and simpler to deal with than personal conversations. On the one hand, speeches don’t provide much of an opportunity for exchanging feedback; on the other, you may either use a translator or prepare your remarks in advance and have someone who is familiar with the culture check them over.
Thank you for attention
Glossary Stem - to occur or develop as a consequence: have or trace an origin. Explicit - very clear and complete: leaving no doubt about the meaning. Longevity - he length of time that something or someone lasts or continues. Abstractions- unrealistic idea; act of removing or separating Mannerism- mode of behavior, particular way of acting Ethnocentricity- is judging another culture solely by the values and standards of one's own culture. Superficial- located on or near the surface Jargon - is "the technical terminology or characteristic idiom of a special activity or group Slang - consists of a lexicon of non-standard words and phrases in a given language.